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Background: The mental problems of the patients with malignant tumor are complex, and it is very important for rehabilitation of the patients to find the most common and prominent mental problems and perform effective mental care. Objective: To discuss the mental problems of the patients with malignant tumor in the recovery stage. Unit: the tumor department of Hospital of Heze City in Shandong Province. Subject: All cases in the research came from the patients with malignant tumor in our hospital durng the period of 1998~ 2000. We selected 100 cases who have reached fully clinical recovery or turned better and could take care of oneself by systemic therapy. In the group, there were 61 males and 39 females; 30 patients in 40~ 55 years old, 70 in 56~ 65; 39 cases who were illiterate, 36 who only accepted primary school education, 21 who accepted middle school education, 4 who reached the degree of university education; 63 farmers, 28 workers, 4 cadres, and 5 individual businessman. Intervention: During the days before leaving hospital, record the mental problems worried most of the patients by responsibility nurse' survey. In the course, only record whether there were the problems or not and the content of the problems, but never determine the degree of the problems. Result:(1) The problems most worried by 27 patients were there were no effective therapeutic methods (27% ); (2) The problems most worried by 21 patients were the life would be terminal (21% ); (3) The problems most worried by 12 patients were short of family income, decrease of labor ability and arrangement of the children (12% ); (4) The problems most worried by 6 patients were unhappy relationship between man and wife (6% ); (5) The problems most worried by 15 patients were parents or children would be encumbered (15% ); (6) The problems most worried by 9 patients were radiological or chemical therapy would not be performed regularly (9% ); (7) There were 10 patients who had no the special problems most worried (10% ). By statistical analysis, there was obvious difference in sex between (2) and (3) (P< 0.01). The female worried (2) problems were more than the male, while the male worried (3) problems were more than the female. In addition by statistical disposal, we found the problems most worried were relative with sex,age,educational degree,job of the patients (P >0.05); and obviously relative with the progressive degree of tumor (P< 0.01), because the mental problems of the patients with early stage tumor were less than the patients with late stage tumor obviously. Conclusion: The mental problems of the patients with malignant tumor in the recovery stage should be paid attention to, and it's significant for rehabilitation of the patients to apply effective mental care.  相似文献   
目的了解护士对住院老年人跌倒认识现状,正确评价护士认识上存在的问题,以便采取有效的对策,预防老年人住院期间发生跌倒。方法自行设计问卷,采用随机抽样的方法,对2010年5月我院临床一线的护理工作人员150名,发放问卷150份,回收有效问卷150份,回收率为100%。以SPSS15.0统计软件对资料进行录入、分析,使用百分率、构成比等对资料进行描述,用t和χ2检验对资料进行统计分析。结果认同住院老年人跌倒是护士工作职责占46.0%,认同预防住院老年跌倒需要护理专业知识和技能的占44.0%,认同预防住院老年人跌倒是提高患者满意占41.7%。工作年限越高对预防住院老年人跌倒意识越强,反之越低。结论掌握相关专业知识和接受过相关老年人跌倒知识培训的护理人员,对住院老年人跌倒的认知方面的知识和预防意识提高,可有效的减少住院老年人跌倒事件发生。  相似文献   
目的探讨妇产科患者在围手术期的心理状况与合适的心理护理方法。方法对250例急症剖宫产产妇的不良心理状态采用术前问卷调查,术中观察、询问,术后随访;同时把250例产妇分成两组,每组125例,观察组在分娩中全程给予心理支持护理,而对照组只实行常规护理。结果通过手术室围手术期心理护理,患者消除了恐惧、焦虑、怀疑等不良心理问题,施行心理护后自然分娩率有新提高,阿氏评分≥8分率亦提高。结论护士应掌握好妇产科患者的心理特点,采取相应措施,能使产妇达到最佳心理状态,确保手术顺利进行,为术后恢复打下良好基础。  相似文献   
从乙肝患者的病耻感与受歧视现状、影响因素以及干预措施3个方面进行综述,旨在为开展针对乙肝患者病耻感的干预提供理论依据  相似文献   
广州市钢铁从业人员代谢综合征危险因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:目的 分析广州市钢铁从业人群代谢综合征(MS)相关危险因素。方法 采用病例对照研究方法,共收集病例413份,对研究对象进行单因素和多因素logistic回归模型分析。结果 经单因素筛选有9个暴露因素与MS有关;多因素条件logistic回归结果表明,年龄(OR=1.717)、高尿酸血症(OR=1.746)、缺乏运动(OR=4.085)、高血压家族史(OR=1.333)、BMI(OR=3.376)、饮酒(OR=1.361)、高腰臀比(OR=1.802)、吸烟(OR=4.454)是MS独立的危险因素。结论 MS是一种与环境和生活方式相关的疾病,应尽早针对相关危险因素采取预防控制措施。  相似文献   
急诊室是综合性医院必不可少的科室.它不但承担各科的抢救任务,也是临床教学、实习的重要基地.护理工作是否能跟上医学科学的发展,培养出更多合格的各科护理人员,在临床教学方面如何做好带教工作浅谈一些体会.巩固专业思想,热爱护理工作实习生踏进急诊室后的第一课,先了解科室的性质和任务,再结合急诊室的特点,进一步巩固专业思想教育是极其重要的.应使学生在实际工作中加强基本功训练,护理  相似文献   
单侧完全性唇腭裂伴发鼻畸形的外科修复   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 利用外科方法有效地修复单侧完全性唇腭裂继发的鼻畸形。方法 在矫正颌骨不对称畸形的基础上,矫正鼻软骨异常,并利用部分鼻唇肌束重建患侧鼻底区的口轮匝肌连续性,恢复表情肌动力平衡,从而修复鼻畸形。结果 78例患者经此法治疗后,鼻畸形得到明显改善。结论 矫正颌骨、鼻软骨及表情肌异常,可有效地修复鼻畸形,其中可利用部分鼻唇肌束恢复表情肌动力平衡,实现功能性修复。  相似文献   
急性心肌梗死患者应用临床护理路径效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨临床护理路径在急性心肌梗死临床护理过程中应用的可行性效果。方法采用临床对照选取我科80例急性心机梗死患者作为研究对象,随机分为临床路径组(实验组)和对照组各40例,用临床路径的标准方案与传统临床护理方案作比较。结果实验组在住院日、住院费用、健康教育内容掌握及对护理工作的满意度均好于对照组。结论临床护理路径在急性心机梗死患者的治疗护理过程中是一种有效的可行性方法。  相似文献   
目的探讨预见性护理干预在预防维持性血液透析患者心衰发生措施,提高生活质量,减少住院次数,减少病死率。方法对住院的120例维持性血液透析的门诊患者建立护理档案,评估患者的各项指标,根据具体情况实施预见性护理:包括心理护理、合理膳食、纠正贫血、防止感染、控制高血压、充分透析、控制体重增长等。结果本组患者有8例在透析间期突发心衰,经住院治疗治愈出院,死亡3例。结论对维持血液透析患者实施预见性护理干预,能有效减少患者心衰发生,减轻患者精神压力和经济负但。  相似文献   
Background:Thementalproblemsofthepatientswithma-lignanttumorarecomplex,anditisveryimportantforrehabilitationofthepatientstofindthemostcommonandprominentmentalproblemsandperformeffectivementalcare.Objective:Todiscussthementalproblemsofthepatientswithmalignanttumorintherecoverystage.Unit:thetumordepartmentofHospitalofHezeCityinShan-dongProvince.Subject:Allcasesintheresearchcamefromthepatientswithmalignanttumorinourhospitaldurngtheperiodof1998~2000.Weselected100caseswho…  相似文献   
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