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The Experience Corps® program was designed to harness the social capital of an aging society to improve outcomes for public elementary schools. The objectives of this article are (1) to model the cost-effectiveness of the Experience Corps Baltimore using data from a pilot randomized trial, including costs, older adults’ health status, and quality of life and cost data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, and (2) to describe the relationship between children experiencing increased expected lifetime earnings through improved educational attainment resulting from exposure to the Experience Corps Baltimore volunteers and the program’s costs and cost-effectiveness. On average, each quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained by older adults in Experience Corps Baltimore costs $205,000. The lower bound of the 95% confidence interval for the cost-effectiveness is $65,000/QALY. The upper bound is undefined as 15% of the simulations indicated no QALY improvements, If 0,3% of students exposed to the Experience Corps Baltimore changed from not graduating to graduating, the increased lifetime earnings would make the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio $49,000/QALY. If an additional 0,1% changed to graduating from high school, the program would be cost-saving. Using conservative modeling assumptions and excluding benefits to teachers, principals, and the surrounding community, the Experience Corps Baltimore appears expensive for the older adults’ health improvements, but requires only small long-term benefits to the target children to make the program cost-effective or cost-saving.  相似文献   
魏海  袁建英 《中国针灸》2003,23(2):99-101
魏稼教授师承徐少廷的飞针法,并融入古代“凤凰展翅”与“饿马摇铃”补泻法的临床经验。根据明代杨继洲《针灸大成》载,前者属于捻转泻法,而后者则属于捻转加提插补法。“凤凰展翅”泻法操作重点是:二指夹持针柄,朝一个方向一捻一放4-8次,如瑞鸟展翅状;“饿马摇铃”补法的操作要点是:二指持针柄缓慢轻微摇摆50次,如饿马无力之状。文中附有治验病例。论证了以此法治疗三叉神经痛,胆石症合并胆囊炎,支气管哮喘等均有满意疗效。  相似文献   
罗诗荣老中医学术特长与临证经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱月伟 《中国针灸》2003,23(3):162-164
该文全面总结了全国名老中医,国务院特殊津贴者。罗诗荣主任医师从事针灸临床五十余年的学术特长与临证经验。罗老临床诊疗重视督肾证治。善用“铺灸”疗法;针灸取穴,善用“五输”“原”穴;针灸治病,辨病辨经相得益彰;针刺施治。重视治神,得气,守气,临证治疗妙用温灸。  相似文献   
借鉴新加坡经验办好惠民医院   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
惠民医院在全国各地的兴办已有1年,在取得明显效果的同时,也出现了一些问题和难点。通过借鉴新加坡的经验,针对存在的问题提出解决建议,以推进惠民医院建设,缓解因“看病难、看病贵”问题引起的负面影响。  相似文献   
白志红 《实用医技杂志》2007,14(35):4864-4865
<正>阜蒙县地处辽宁省西部,总面积6246平方公里,十年九旱,5山1水4分田,是我省的贫困县之一。全县有36个乡镇,382个村,总人口73万人,其中少数民族占20%。县妇幼保健院拥有职工72人,其中专业技术人员59人,担负着全县  相似文献   
陈贵珍  许云祥 《中国针灸》2007,27(6):447-449
介绍张家维教授治疗女性更年期综合征的独到经验。根据女性更年期患者的生理病理特点,张老提出中医治疗更年期综合征应以补脾益肾、调和阴阳为总的治疗原则;在针灸治疗中,首先应讲究针法应用。张老根据多年的临床经验,总结了一套以“稳、准、轻、快”为特点的张氏飞针手法,同时,重视五脏背俞穴埋线治疗;此外,还提倡在治疗中应因时、因地、因人制宜,主张先针后灸,针药并用。  相似文献   
艾红梅 《实用医技》2007,14(36):4995-4996
CELL-DYN3700血细胞分析仪是美国Abbott公司1999年推出的全自动多参数血细胞分析仪。该仪器采用电阻法与激光技术相结合的原理,进行全血细胞计数(Complete Blood Cell Count,CBC)的同时,还可进行网织红细胞分析,为临床及科研提供白细胞系统15项,红细胞系统7项,血小板系统4项。网织红细胞系统3项等多项参数。  相似文献   
The present study was conducted to determine whether older adults can learn and retain information on asthma and play a role as community health workers to teach children about asthma. A total of 36 older adults and 28 students in grades K-6 participated. Pre-tests and post-tests were administered to participants. Improvement in older adult scores after training was significant (p =. 001), and improvement persisted through the conclusion of teaching sessions (p = 0.001). The increase in lower student scores was significant (p = 0.050). Results suggest that older adults can learn and retain asthma information and schoolchildren can learn asthma-related information taught by older adults.  相似文献   
法国血液工作经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了法国血液工作中的一些成功经验,提出借鉴其经验,探索建立集中化管理新模式,固定无偿献血队伍,建立血液预警系统,树立”医、教、研”三位一体的现代血液中心新形象。  相似文献   
Four-year-old children were interviewed to assess their concepts and attitudes regarding computers. Even without firsthand experience, most children in a sample of 37 recognized a computer and had a basic idea of its functions. Children showed no fear or awe of computers and tended to view people as superior to computers. A subsample of 15 children was reinterviewed several months after direct involvement with computers in a developmentally-oriented classroom. These children's responses showed a more diversified concept of computer uses, and an increased sense of personal control over the computer. The findings are discussed in terms of appropriate goals and activities for early computer experiences.  相似文献   
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