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经方为群方之冠 ,是方剂的鼻祖。临床运用经方要掌握几个关键问题 :1.辨识病机 ,不拘病名 ;2 .突出主症 ,参合佐症 ;3.确定病位 ,落实脏腑 ;4 .伤寒治法 ,有常有变 ;5 .深究方规 ,抓住主方 ;6 .化裁经方 ,扩大运用。要真正探讨经方的奥秘 ,还应当深入读好《伤寒论》,在学中用 ,在用中学。  相似文献   
聂莉芳教授是国家级名老中医、中医肾病专家。聂教授认为慢性肾脏病的病因病机属本虚标实,常挟热、挟湿、挟瘀,故临床遣方用药宜正邪兼顾,临床诊治时常在益气养阴的基础上加用清热利湿化瘀之品。生石膏是聂教授临床上常用的清热药之一。聂教授临床应用生石膏并灵活配伍治疗多种慢性肾脏病,疗效满意,值得后辈继承和发扬。  相似文献   
岳甫嘉诊病重视脉症合参,尤以诊脉见长;处方多用中和之剂,收固真阴,反对过用热药,耗散精血。诊治思维贯穿其著作《妙一斋医学正印种子编》上卷所载验案。此卷专门论述男性不育的诊治,虽仅载验案八则,但八者皆奇,诊治结合,涵盖多法,可归纳为“先清热毒,再施温补”“药用滑涩,当辨标本”“先治脾,后治肾”“脾肾同治”“先祛痰火,再滋肾阴”及“交通心肾”6类,诸法之中的诊治思维,蕴含奥妙,颇具特色,特作探析。  相似文献   
通过查阅历代本草、医籍、方书及近现代文献资料,对经典名方中所用饴糖的名称、品种、原料及制作工艺进行了考证,为含有饴糖的经典名方开发利用提供依据。经考证可知,饴糖之名历代多源于其形态、质地、制法、原料及产地。古代所用饴糖根据质地不同,主要分为软、硬两类,湿软如蜜者称为“饴”或“胶饴”,质硬色白的则称为“饧”“糖”,现代则多称为麦芽糖,入药仅用胶饴,饧则多作食用;历代药用胶饴推崇糯米(来源于Oryza sativa var. glutinosa)为原料,以大麦Hordeum vulgare制蘖,经过发酵、煎煮、浓缩制备而成,而粟米(来源于Setaria italica var. germanicaPanicum miliaceum等其他谷物为原料制成的饴糖品质次之。2020年版《中华人民共和国药典》未收录饴糖,收载了药用辅料麦芽糖,为纯度较高的结晶粉;但国家食品标准与地方炮制规范中收录了饴糖。基于考证结果,建议经典名方开发中所用胶饴可参考GB/T 20883—2017中的麦芽糖浆,并明确以糯米大麦为原料。  相似文献   
目的探究乌梅丸治疗更年期崩漏的临床疗效。方法选择2017年3月—2019年11月收治的52例更年期崩漏患者,以随机数字表法分为治疗组和对照组,每组26例。对照组给予乙烯雌酚2 mg/d和醋酸甲羟孕酮片10 mg/d,治疗组给予乌梅丸治疗。观察2组患者治疗效果及治疗前后汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)及汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)评分变化情况。结果治疗组的治疗总有效率高于对照组(P<0.05),且治疗组治疗后的HAMA、HAMD评分均低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论乌梅丸可有效改善更年期崩漏患者的临床症状,缓解患者负面情绪,临床应用价值较高,值得推广。  相似文献   
侯春光主任中医师善于应用经方治疗小儿情志类疾病,侯老师临证强调审察病机,随证施治,方证对应,附小儿抽动障碍、精神性烦渴症、睡眠障碍、擦腿综合征4则验案,以资验证。  相似文献   
Summary: Neuroleptic medication is the most important part of the treatment regimen for schizophrenic patients. The efficacy of neuroleptics in the acute and long-term treatment of schizophrenia is very well proven and the effect size is comparatively high. After more than 40 years of clinical practice with the classical neuroleptics, several more or less generally accepted rules for the management of drug treatment in schizophrenia have been established. The paper aims to describe these standards, discussing, among other things, developments which have appeared in the last 10 to 20 years, e.g. the tendency to a lower daily dose during acute treatment and the tendency to alternative strategies during long-term treatment. The paper especially also takes into consideration the benefits of the novel/atypical antipsychotics as compared to the classical neuroleptics, which will change the current treatment standards under several aspects — a change which is already ongoing. The novel/atypical antipsychotics will be much better accepted by patients, thus leading to increased compliance, will be associated with a better quality of life and will possibly change the long-term outcome of schizophrenic patients in a very important manner. It should be considered that the so-called novel/atypical neuroleptics do not constitute a homogeneous group but are a group of individual drugs, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. As was the situation with the classical neuroleptics, the physician also has to choose the most adequate drug under consideration of the risk/benefit profile of each drug in relation to the disposition of the individual patient.  相似文献   
目的 构建个性化知识图谱技术和定性访谈法结合,进一步挖掘张忠德教授辨治间质性肺疾病临证特征与用药规律。方法 采用回顾性分析,系统收集张忠德教授广东省中医院门诊2010年8月至2020年8月治疗间质性肺疾病病历,按照诊断标准、纳入标准、排除标准,严格筛选后,通过广东省中医院大数据挖掘团队中医药大数据智能处理与知识服务系统进行数据挖掘分析,并通过多元化视觉定性访谈法,将定量与定性分析有效结合。结果 共筛选出347首方,共141味药物,常用药物频次 ≥ 84次的药物有10味,其中党参、麦芽、黄芪、紫菀、白术等为核心用药,通过症状与药物推理知识地图显示,党参、炒麦芽、黄芪、大枣、太子参、山萸肉、巴戟天等为主要治疗用药;临证遣方用药知识关联分析,得知咳嗽、耳鸣、心悸、水肿、头痛、胸闷、恶寒等为多见,针对咳嗽,首选紫苏子、橘红、桂枝等温肺降气通阳之品等;频繁聚集显示,常用药对炒麦芽-炒白术、黄芪-党参、黄精-菟丝子、前胡-紫菀、炙枇杷叶-浙贝母等;聚类分析结果得到4组关系密切的聚类新药物组合;以脾为中轴,肺肾共扶为主的“平调五脏论”,分期阶梯辨治间质性肺疾病。结论 张忠德教授认为间质性肺疾病,虚实夹杂为多见,应从肺、脾、肾着手,采用平调五脏论分期阶梯辨治,用药配伍精简,以和为贵,以平为期。  相似文献   
The tumour microenvironment in classical Hodgkin's lymphoma (cHL) is characterised by a minor population of neoplastic Hodgkin and Reed–Sternberg cells within a heterogeneous background of non‐neoplastic bystanders cells, including mast cells. The number of infiltrating mast cells in cHL has been reported to correlate with poor prognosis. We used immunohistochemistry to assess the degree of tumour‐infiltrating mast cells in cHL tissue microarrays and correlated this with clinico‐pathological features and prognosis in a cohort of homogeneously treated patients with Hodgkin's disease. A high degree of tumour mast cells was associated with nodular sclerosis (NS) subtype histology (P = 0.0002). Moreover, the number of mast cells was inversely correlated with the numbers of CD68+ and CD163+ macrophages (P = 0.0001 and P = 0.003, respectively) and with the number of granzyme+ cytotoxic cells (P = 0.004). The degree of mast cell infiltration was not a prognostic factor in cHL of nodular sclerosis subtype. In contrast, in mixed cellularity cHL a high number of intratumoral mast cells correlated with significantly poorer outcome both in terms of overall (P = 0.03) and event‐free survival (P = 0.01). Further studies are warranted into the biological mechanisms underlying this adverse outcome and their possible therapeutic implications.  相似文献   
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