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Summary Arthroscopic lateral retinacular release can be complicated by hemarthrosis in 10 to 18% of cases. The vascular structures involved are the lateral vascular pedicles of the knee. This study examines the topography of these pedicles. Anatomic and radioanatomic studies carried out in 50 specimens defined the route of the vascular pedicles at the lateral aspect of the knee. From the measurements carried out, we noted the relative homogeneity of the routes taken by the different proximo-lateral vascular pedicles, which are highly vulnerable, and the variability of the disto-lateral arterial routes. A tracing-paper study identified two distinct routes for the disto-lateral vascular pedicle and evaluated the risk of injury to it in surgical approaches to the lateral aspect of the knee. Finally, the topographic data of the study suggest the possibility of preventive hemostasis of the proximo-lateral pedicle via a minimal approach close to the patella. Furthermore, it seems possible to avoid cutting the disto-lateral pedicle if it is localised by cutaneous trans-illumination at the beginning of the operation.
Etude anatomique et radio-anatomique des artères latérales du genou. Application à la prévention de l'hémarthrose post-opératoire après section du rétinaculum patellaire latéral par voie d'abord arthroscopique
Résumé La section du rétinaculum patellaire latéral (aileron rotulien externe) par voie arthroscopique peut dans 10 à 18 % des cas se compliquer d'hémarthrose. Les structures vasculaires impliquées sont les pédicules vasculaires latéraux du genou. Ce travail étudie la topographie de ces pédicules. L'étude anatomique et radio-anatomique portant sur cinquante pièces précise le trajet des pédicules vasculaires de la face latérale du genou. Les mesures réalisées permettent d'affirmer la relative homogénéité des trajets des différents pédicules vasculaires proximo-latéraux, très vulnérables, et une variabilité de trajet des artères disto-latérales. La réalisation de calques permet d'identifier deux types de trajets distincts pour le pédicule vasculaire disto-latéral et d'apprécier le risque de le léser lors d'un abord de la face latérale du genou. Enfin, les données topographiques de l'étude permettent de discuter de l'opportunité d'une hémostase préventive du pédicule proximo-latéral par un abord minime à proximité de la patella. II semble possible, en outre, d'éviter de sectionner le pédicule disto-latéral grâce à sa localisation par trans-illumination cutanée en début d'intenvention.
BackgroundHemophilic arthropathy can result in severe degenerative arthritis and functional limitations in the knees of relatively young patients. Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) provides pain relief and gain of function in advanced-stage hemophilic arthropathy cases. However, little is known about the long-term effects of early major postoperative bleeding (MPOB) in people with hemophilia (PWH). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of early MPOB on the final functional outcome, complications, and implant survival of TKA in a single-center hemophilia cohort.MethodPWH who underwent TKA between 1998 and 2019 in a single center were reviewed. Demographic data, clinical data, and radiographic images were evaluated. Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), Knee Society Score (KSS), and Knee Society Function Score (KSS-F) scores were used to determine function. Patients with early bleeding complications (wound dehiscence, ecchymosis, hemarthrosis, hematoma formation, prolonged or recurrent bleeding attacks) were defined as the bleeding group. Patients who did not experience these complications were assigned to the control group. The bleeding group was compared with controls. Survival of the primary arthroplasty was analyzed by Kaplan–Meier curves.ResultsForty-five TKAs in 29 patients were included in the study. TKA led to an increase in the mean range of motion from 46.08° to 84.59° (P < 0.01). HSS scores increased from 48.33 preoperatively to 82.67 postoperatively (P < 0.01). There were improvements in both KSS and KSS-F scores from 34.22 and 53.3 preoperatively to 82.00 and 84.63 (P < 0.01), respectively. Ten patients (10 TKAs) (34%) experienced major bleeding during the postoperative period. Six of these patients had moderate hemophilia, and four had severe hemophilia. Three of these patients had hemarthroses (10.2%), one patient had a hematoma (3.4%), one patient had hemorrhagic bullae formation (3.4%), and five had excessive/prolonged bleeding from the wound (17%). The bleeding group (34%) had significantly worse HSS (63.78 vs 92.75, P < 0.001), KSS (61.78 vs 93.25, P < 0.001), and KSS-F (60.71 vs 96.25, P = 0.005) scores compared with controls. Preoperative and postoperative flexion contractures were positively correlated (+0.33, P = 0.003). One of the patients with postoperative hemarthrosis also had an accompanying transient common peroneal nerve palsy, and one patient (3.4%) had a periprosthetic fracture. Three knees (6.6%), two of whom were in the bleeding group, developed periprosthetic infections. Four knees (8.8%) in three patients underwent revision surgery, and two knees (4.4%) ended up in arthrodeses. Kaplan–Meier analysis revealed a mean survival duration of 17.04 years for the bleeding group and 22.15 years for the control group (P = 0.83). Survival rates were 80.0% for the bleeding group and 96.4% for the control group (P = 0.83).ConclusionsIn this study, MPOB after TKA in PWH was common and led to significantly worse function. MPOB after TKA in PWH was associated with a higher rate of complications and lower survival rates, although the differences were not statistically significant. Efforts must be made to avoid MPOB after TKA in PWH.  相似文献   
Hemophilic arthropathy. A scoring system for magnetic resonance imaging   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The aim of this study was to define a system for scoring hemophilic arthropathy (HA) based on MR findings, providing for objective evaluation of the degree of joint involvement and evolution after on-demand administration of FVIII substitutional therapy or prophylactic treatment. A total of 133 MR examinations (89 basal and 44 during follow-up) were performed in 25 patients. Patients were divided in two groups depending on the therapy received and the length of time that the disease had been evolving at the start of the study. Group I was composed of 10 patients with secondary prophylaxis and group II was composed by 15 treated on demand. T1-weighted and T2*-weighted images performed on a 0.5-T unit were prospectively evaluated. The joint involvement was established on a scale of 0 (no abnormalities), I (minimal amount of hemosiderin), II (large amount of hemosiderin and isolated cartilaginous erosion), III (cartilage destruction, bone erosions, and subchondral cysts) to IV (large internal joint derangement, secondary osteoarthritis and/or ankylosis). At basal MR examination, patients of group I showed no abnormalities ( n=28, 75.6%), grade I ( n=3), and grade II ( n=6) of HA. Patients of group II corresponded to MR grades III ( n=21) and IV ( n=11) of HA. The MR follow-up showed improvement in three joints of group I and worsening in 5 joints in group I and 2 joints in group II. Early signs of HA were detected in 10 joints with MR imaging but were underestimated on plain radiographs. Advanced degrees of HA were classified as severe under both imaging techniques. Magnetic resonance is the preferred imaging technique to assess HA. The earliest signs of joint damage, detected by MR, are overlooked by plain radiography. The MR scoring system can be used for evaluating HA. Follow-up MR should be performed to evaluate regression or worsening of the abnormalities, primarily in the case of patients with prophylaxis who usually suffer normal or early joint involvement not detected by other means.  相似文献   
Recurrent hemarthrosis of the knee in hemophiliac patients leads to chronic synovitis, predisposing the joint to further hemarthroses and degeneration. Open synovectomy controls bleeding, however, significant loss of motion frequently results. We are reporting on seven patients who underwent arthroscopic synovectomy and had decreased bleeding episodes while maintaining range of motion. The seven patients had frequent recurrent hemarthroses despite medical management. All had had signs of degenerative arthritis preoperatively. Five of the seven had loss of motion. Length of follow-up averaged 4 years. Six of the seven had reduced bleeding episodes with an average of 0.22 hemarthroses per week. The seventh patient required significantly less Factor to control bleeding. No patient lost more than 10 degrees of motion. Three patients had increases in motion; two were unchanged. Radiographic progression of degenerative changes was noted in five patients, the other two were unchanged. We recommend early arthroscopic synovectomy in the treatment of recurrent hemarthrosis in hemophiliac patients.  相似文献   
A 10-month-old female child presented with intermittent high grade fever, pain and diffuse swelling in the left knee joint with history of ecchymosis in different areas of the body. There was radiological features of acute osteomyelitis, low fibrinogen level and bacteremia due to the presence of coagulase positive staphylococcus aureus. The child responded nicely to the treatment for acute osteomyelitis and congenital hypofibrinogenemia. So, in congenital hypofibrinogenemia, a joint swelling might be a resultant of an acute osteomyelitis, not mere hemarthrosis.  相似文献   
报道北京大学人民医院风湿免疫科诊治的1例类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis, RA)合并色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎(pigmented villonodular synovitis, PVNS)的临床诊疗过程,并回顾国内外相关文献报道,对该病的诊断、治疗及预后进行综合分析,总结疾病特点,提高对该病的认识,减少漏诊并促进及早诊断。本例患者为45岁女性,RA病史15年,未进行规律治疗,近3个月右膝关节肿痛加重,关节腔穿刺发现大量RA病情难以解释的血性关节液。膝关节磁共振 (magnetic resonance imaging, MRI)提示T1及T2加权像均为低信号的含铁血黄素沉着。患者行膝关节镜检查,镜下表现及组织病理检查符合PVNS的诊断,给予患者切除增生滑膜。术后给予患者积极的功能锻炼及慢作用抗风湿药物规范治疗,随访半年恢复良好,右膝关节未再出现肿胀。RA是以慢性滑膜炎和关节破坏为特征的自身免疫疾病,PVNS是一种以滑膜增殖为特征的侵蚀性关节疾病,二者均为滑膜受累,且临床表现相似,RA合并PVNS的病例罕见,明确诊断具有难度。本研究分别在万方数据知识服务平台和中国知网以“类风湿关节炎”和“色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎”为检索词检索相关文献,未检索到中文文献。在PubMed中以“rheumatoid arthritis”与“pigmented villonodular synovitis”为检索词检索,共检索到2篇英文文献。对于该病,临床医生需充分了解患者的病程发展,通过MRI及组织病理检查做出正确诊断,并进行有针对性地治疗。  相似文献   

Background: Patients with spinal cord injury are at risk for knee effusion, most likely as a result of repetitive microtrauma. Patients with paralysis are susceptible to effusions of the hip similar to those seen in documented cases regarding the knee. The etiology is likely similar and is related to repetitive microtrauma, such as that experienced when aggressive range of motion exercises are applied.

Design: Case report.

Setting: Acute rehabilitation department of a spinal cord injury center.

Findings: A 19-year-old man with a complete cervical spinal cord injury presented to acute rehabilitation on postinjury day 25 with a C6 American Spinal Injury Association classification A injury, complete. He was found to have bilateral hip effusions. Joint aspiration yielded a right sterile hydroarthrosis and a left sterile hemarthrosis. During his rehabilitation stay, the patient developed one mildly elevated alkaline phosphatase level, but he showed no radiographic evidence of heterotopic ossification and maintained full passive ranqe of motion of the hips.

Conclusion. This case indicates that hip effusion may be a similar, less-common occurrence than knee effusion in patients with spinal cord injury. In this case, bilateral aseptic hip effusion was not associated with heterotopic ossification. More research is needed to determine the etiology and sequelae of this condition.  相似文献   
Hemorrhagic events due to production of antibodies directed against coagulation factors are rarely observed in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We report the case of a patient with clinically quiescent SLE who developed factor VIII inhibitor in acquired hemophilia presenting as hemarthrosis. Initial treatment with FVII, FVIII and FIX plasma concentrate, metilprednisolone and immunoglobulins i.v. were started but new hemorrhagic manifestation occurred. Plasma exchange was also administered, but it was discontinued early due to partial efficacy. In addition, pulse cyclophosphamide 0.5 g/m2 was started. Eight weeks later, FVIII and FIX activity returned within normal ranges, FVIII and FIX inhibitors decreased significantly and hemorrhagic manifestations disappeared. The rare occurrence of acquired hemophilia due to the presence of anti-factor VIII antibodies associated to SLE, which was reviewed, might explain the lack of therapeutic guide-lines; indeed therapeutic options are available but the outcome in each single patient is not predictable.  相似文献   
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