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在主动健康中,生物力学发挥着不可替代的作用。运动通过肌肉和关节活动对人体组织和器官形成力学刺激,促进健康,也可能导致损伤或病变。另外,在辅具设计与评价、康复临床诊疗中都涉及生物力学。主动健康生物力学的发展需要体育和医学的融合,考虑更多动力学、疲劳和力学耦合问题。在将来的研究中,一方面需要借鉴其他生物力学方向的经验,另一方面结合科技发展前沿开拓生物力学新方向。  相似文献   
结合我国健康老年化的需求和社区护理课程自身特点,从智能医疗在社区护理学课程教育中的发展现状及学习意义等方面进行论述,探讨教师与学生们掌握智能医疗相关知识与技术的可行性、必要性及有效方法,从而促进社区护理智能医疗领域的发展。  相似文献   
目的构建以自动化智能药柜为基础的分散调剂闭环管理。方法利用信息化手段对智能药柜的调剂、补货、数据维护及其特殊药品调剂实现全程闭环管理。智能药柜管理系统可发挥提示、警告、控制等作用,有效控制药品调剂、药品管理。结果与结论通过建立自动化智能药柜分散调剂模式的闭环管理,中心药房可有效管控护士使用智能药柜、药师管理智能药柜药品等环节,对所有环节可查询、可追溯,从而有效避免调剂和补货环节错误的发生,保障住院患者及时、安全用药。  相似文献   
老龄化社会到来,护理资源严重短缺,造成老人生活质量下降,以科技创新助力智慧养老,是解决老人护理难题的关键。针对半失能老年人渴望有一定的独立自主参与日常活动的诉求,设计了一款床椅一体化多功能移动智能护理床,除了使其具备日常起坐、翻身、如厕等日常需求之外,注重对半失能老人能力的辅助。该智能护理床通过移动机器人辅助自主移动能力,通过语音、动作的识别辅助交互能力,通过全方位智能检测与控制以辅助老人健康管理。在结构设计的基础上,对护理床进行了人因功效仿真,分析结果表明,该护理床对老人的安全性及舒适度符合标准要求。  相似文献   
研究适应医疗救援及体检的新型智能拓展医疗方舱,建立快速高效新型检查检验移动平台。该医疗方舱采用商用车二类底盘,合理布局大扩展方舱,满足X线、超声、心电、生化及体液检查,可满足各类检查检验的要求。新型移动智能拓展检查检验方舱具有功能齐全、布局合理、适应能力强、机动性能强的特点,可以满足医疗体检及救援需要,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
目的 探索智能云平台的居家培训方式在新型冠状病毒肺炎储备护士培训中的应用效果。方法 将我院应对新型冠状病毒肺炎的80名储备护士,前3批援助武汉的40名储备护士设为对照组,后面培训的40名储备护士设为干预组,对照组采用传统理论操作授课培训,干预组采用智能云平台的居家培训方式培训相关内容,比较2组理论、操作成绩、培训疲劳程度、培训满意度的差异。结果 对照组与干预组在理论和操作成绩上差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);干预组培训疲劳程度低于对照组(P<0.001);干预组培训满意度高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 利用智能云平台的居家培训方式在新型冠状病毒肺炎储备护士培训中,能有效保证培训的质量,并且降低培训的疲劳感,减少群体培训交叉感染病毒的风险。  相似文献   
目的 提高病区低值耗材管理效率。方法 医院联合第三方共同研发病区智能柜系统,与医院物流管理系统、医院信息系统连接,第三方配送、以单体称重和定数包扫码方式完成低值耗材的取用。实施6个月后评价效果。结果 采用智能柜系统管理后,病区低值耗材管理时间、耗材管理满意度显著高于智能柜系统管理前(均P<0.01),病区耗材零库存。结论 基于病区智能柜系统的低值耗材管理模式,有效提高了管理效率,提高了耗材管理满意度。  相似文献   
The use of contactless support technology for the impeller has led to an increase in the durability of ventricular assist devices (VADs), and these have been in clinical use worldwide. However, pump thrombosis and stroke are still issues to be solved. We have developed a method for detecting the thrombosis in a magnetically levitated blood pump without the need for additional sensors or other equipment. In the proposed method, a sinusoidal current is applied to the electromagnets used for the magnetic bearing, resulting in vibration of the impeller. The phase difference between the current and displacement of the impeller increases with pump thrombosis. First, we describe the principle by which the pump thrombosis is detected. Pump thrombosis reduces the narrowest fluid gap in the pump and this gives rise to a change in the phase difference. Second, we report on experiments in which we changed the narrowest fluid gap using oriented polypropylene tape and showed that decreasing the narrowest fluid gap resulted in an increase in phase difference. For these experiments, the measurements were repeated three times for each condition. Third, we examine the relationship between the pump thrombosis and the phase difference evaluated by observations of the underside of the impeller when operating the pump with porcine blood. Since light was unable to penetrate the blood layer, the erythrocytes were removed for this observation. Only one observation was made. The results showed the phase difference rapidly increased at the same moment when the pump thrombosis was observed. This implies the proposed method has the potential to detect the early stages of pump thrombosis. Finally, in vitro experiments to detect thrombosis when using whole porcine blood in the pump were conducted. The experiment was carried out five times. To intentionally form a thrombus inside the pump, the activated clotting time was controlled to be less than 200 s. In every case, the phase difference increased by more than one degree after tens of minutes. Then, the pump was disassembled and a small amount of pump thrombosis was observed. We conclude that real-time diagnosis of pump thrombosis may be realized by measuring the phase difference without the need for additional sensors.  相似文献   
目的 探讨智能垂直仓储管理系统应用于无菌包从消毒供应中心转运至手术中心的效果。方法 将2018年10月152例首台手术用无菌包作为对照组,由工勤人员采用传统密闭车转运无菌包至手术中心;2018年11月174例首台手术无菌包作为观察组,通过智能垂直仓储管理系统转运无菌包。比较两组无菌包转运和取用时间和无菌包不良事件发生率。结果 观察组无菌包转运和取用时间显著短于对照组,无菌包在转运和取用过程中漏取包发生率显著低于对照组(均P<0.01)。结论 智能垂直仓储管理系统在无菌包的效期管理、定位查找以及出入库把控方面有着明显优势,可提升手术无菌包的质量管理,优化工作流程,满足手术需求。  相似文献   
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