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Emotional eating is associated with an increased risk of binge eating, eating in the absence of hunger and obesity risk. While previous studies with children and adolescents suggest that emotion regulation may be a key predictor of this dysregulated eating behavior, little is known about what other factors may be influencing the link between emotional regulation and emotional eating in adolescence. This multi-method longitudinal study (n = 138) utilized linear regression models to examine associations between childhood emotion regulation, adolescent weight status and negative body image, and emotional eating at age 17. Emotion regulation predicted adolescent emotional eating and this link was moderated by weight status (β = 1.19, p < 0.01) and negative body image (β = −0.34, p < 0.01). Higher engagement in emotional eating was predicted by lower emotional regulation scores among normal-weight teens (β = −0.46, p < 0.001) but not among overweight/obese teens (β = 0.32, p > 0.10). Higher scores on emotion regulation were significantly associated with lower emotional eating at high (β = −1.59, p < 0.001) and low (β = −1.00, p < 0.01) levels of negative body image. Engagement in emotional eating was predicted by higher negative body image among overweight/obese teens only (β = 0.70, p < 0.001). Our findings show that while better childhood emotion regulation skills are associated with lower emotional eating, weight status and negative body image influence this link and should be considered as important foci in future interventions that aim to reduce emotional eating in adolescence.  相似文献   
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) causes not only severe illness but also detrimental effects associated with the lockdown measures. The present study aimed to evaluate reported lifestyle changes in a cohort of adults in Italy, including physical exercise, food choices, and psychological wellbeing, after two months of lockdown. Methods: A web survey on social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) of 32 multiple-choice questions aiming to evaluate the impact of the national COVID-19 lockdown in a sample of Italian adults. Results: We received 1378 complete responses (women 68.3%, mean age 39.5 ± 12.5 years). The percentage of participants reporting regular exercise decreased during lockdown (52 vs. 56.5%). The vast majority of people continued to consume the three traditional meals per day, but the consumption of meat, fish, and eggs significantly decreased. Women reported more frequent anxiety, sadness, fear, and feelings of insecurity than men. The factors predicting the worst outcome during the lockdown were being a woman, low education and income, gastrointestinal diseases. Conclusion: The lockdown has had a limited impact on food choices and physical exercise in Italian adults of our series, since most of them made an effort to improve their lifestyle. However, women with gastrointestinal diseases reported more frequent negative feelings and poor adaptation to the lockdown.  相似文献   
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on populations at an economic, health, and on an interpersonal level, it is still unclear how it has affected health-risk behaviors, such as comfort food consumption over time. This study longitudinally examines the effect of the perceived impact of COVID-19 on comfort food consumption and whether this effect is mediated by emotional distress. A convenience sample of 1048 students and university staff (academic and non-academic) from two universities completed monthly online surveys during the COVID-19 pandemic across six waves (W; W1 to W6). Participants reported their perceived impact of COVID-19 (economic, interpersonal, and health), comfort food consumption, and emotional distress (DASS-21). Using structural equation models, we found an indirect longitudinal effect of the perceived impact of COVID-19 (W1) on comfort food consumption (W3 to W6) through increased emotional distress (W2). The perceived negative impact of COVID-19 on comfort food consumption was fully mediated by the emotional distress during the first waves (W3 and W4), ending in a partial mediation in the last waves (W5 and W6). These findings contribute to disentangling the mechanisms by which the perceived impact of COVID-19 affects comfort food consumption over time, and highlight the role of emotional distress. Future interventions should address comfort food consumption by focusing on handling emotional distress during a crisis.  相似文献   
目的 分析学龄前儿童居家隔离期间的睡眠问题及影响因素,为降低因突发性公共卫生事件而居家隔离和限制活动对儿童健康的影响提供科学依据。方法 2020年3月15-28日对16 094名3~6岁儿童进行在线调查。由家长填写一般资料、标准中文版儿童睡眠习惯问卷(CSHQ)以及长处和困难问卷(SDQ),收集儿童睡眠及情绪/行为相关数据。结果 学龄前儿童睡眠问题的发生率为76.8%(CSHQ总分>41),与年龄、家长受教育程度及家庭类型等人口社会学因素显著相关(χ2=66.98、36.51、11.01, P<0.05)。控制人口社会学因素后,情绪/行为问题越严重的儿童,睡眠问题的发生风险越高。结论 疫情期间学龄前儿童睡眠问题普遍存在,与儿童情绪/行为问题相关,应当进行综合干预,从而将因疫情而居家隔离和限制活动对儿童健康的影响降至最低。  相似文献   
孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)、注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)和语言障碍(LD)等神经发育障碍性疾病是儿童常见的发育异常性疾病,常伴心理行为与社交功能问题,早期识别、诊断和早期针对性的干预措施,对改善其预后具有重要意义。本文就儿童常见发育异常性疾病的心理行为与社交功能进行介绍,供相关专业人员参考。  相似文献   
通过对《内经》“神”原分析,可见顺应自然,保持乐观舒达的情志,建立平衡的心理状态,建立健康的行为习惯是摄生长寿的要素。从中显示了中医顺应自然,天人合一观;七情、内因发病观;注重机体反应性的整体观;调神扶正的治疗观等优势理论,及其对临床、心理、行为医学的杰出贡献。  相似文献   
目的 研究腹腔注射攻毒在蜱媒脑炎病毒(TBEV)感染BALB/c小鼠中的应用。方法 TBEV以103、104空斑形成单位(PFU)的攻毒剂量经腹腔注射感染BALB/c小鼠,观察小鼠的感染症状、体重变化与生存率。通过H-E染色显示小鼠脑、脾的病理改变,采用免疫组织化学检测小鼠脑、脾中TBEV蛋白的表达,空斑实验检测小鼠脑、脾中病毒滴度的动态变化。结果 TBEV感染第3天小鼠体重开始下降,第6天104 PFU组小鼠出现弓背、后肢瘫痪症状,第7天104 PFU组小鼠开始死亡,第9天103 PFU组小鼠全部死亡。与对照组小鼠相比,感染组小鼠的体重在第5~8天降低具有显著性差异(P<0.05或P<0.001);小鼠生存率降低差异显著(P<0.01)。TBEV蛋白动态表达于感染组小鼠的脑与脾。103 PFU TBEV感染第7天,小鼠脑内TBEV滴度高达(1.3?0.6)×105 PFU/mL,而脾中滴度为(1.3?0.6)×103 PFU/mL。结论 经腹腔注射攻毒,TBEV在BALB/c小鼠体内建立感染,可增殖并具致病性。  相似文献   
In August 1988 a Swedish schoolbus with 23 children and 11 adult passengers crashed into a tunnel wall in Norway. Twelve children and four parents died, 18 of the passengers survived. The victims' relatives (parents, spouses, siblings, and others) were transported to Norway and given a confronting support program at the University hospital in Bergen. The crisis intervention program is described: how the relatives were helped to confront and actively cope with some of the stressful situations from which traumatized families very often are protected. One year later 42 of the relatives answered a questionnaire evaluating the confronting support program that was offered during their stay in Norway. A majority of the respondents did not regret their participation in the program. The answers indicate that passivity and helplessness can be counteracted through a combination of confrontation with reality and emotional support.The study has received financial support from Skandia Insurance Co. (Sweden), Haukeland University Hospital and Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (377.92/021).  相似文献   
为研究刺蛾幼虫致病性物质成分, 以探讨刺蛾幼虫皮炎的致病机理及其治疗。采用 “ O”号毛笔刺激刺蛾幼虫释放毒素, 再用0℃蒸馏水制备毒素洗脱液,并用考马氏亮蓝 G—250 染色法检测该毒素洗脱液成分;然后用该洗脱液接种人体皮肤进行致病性研究。结果, 测得毒素洗脱液中有蛋白质存在; 该毒素洗脱液直接接种人体皮肤可致皮炎,若将其加热后再接种人体无致病作用,从而进一步证实该毒素洗脱液的致病物质为蛋白质类毒素。  相似文献   
为探讨庚型肝炎病毒(HGV)感染的致病性及临床意义,本文从5927例各型肝病人中筛选出抗—HGV阳性的173例病人与抗—HGV阴性的肝炎患者30例(对照组)进行观察比较。结果显示,抗—HGV阳性组与对照组部分血清ALT、BIL水平有显著性差异。173例抗—HGV阳性病人中,单独感染者31例,有70.79%(23/31)的病人迁延不愈,其中死亡2例,而30例对照组中,56.67%(17/30)迁延不愈,无1例死亡,重叠感染组142例有81.69%(116/142)迁延不愈,与对照组相比P<0.01有高度显著性差异,其中死亡3例。提示HGV的感染是病毒性肝炎的病原之一,它能造成各种不同程度的肝损害,在临床上可引起各型肝炎,病情趋于迁延,病死率较高,重叠感染可加重病情。由此可见,HGV具有致病性。HGV的感染在病毒性肝炎中具有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   
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