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BACKGROUND: Glioma is the most common intracranial tumor and has a poor patient prognosis. The presence of brain tumor stem cells was gradually being understood and recognized, which might be beneficial for the treatment of glioma. OBJECTIVE: To use bibliometric indexes to track study focuses on glioma stem cell, and to investigate the relationships among geographic origin, impact factors, and highly cited articles indexed in Web of Science. METHODS: A list of citation classics for glioma stem cells was generated by searching the database of Web of Science-Expanded using the terms "glioma stem cell" or "glioma, stem cell’" or "brain tumor stem cell". The top 63 cited research articles which were cited more than 100 times were retrieved by reading the abstract or full text if needed. Each eligible article was reviewed for basic information on subject categories, country of origin, journals, authors, and source of journals. Inclusive criteria: (1) articles in the field of glioma stem cells which was cited more than 100 times; (2) fundamental research on humans or animals, clinical trials and case reports; (3) research article; (4) year of publication: 1899-2012; and (5) citation database: Science Citation Index-Expanded. Exclusive criteria: (1) articles needing to be manually searched or accessed only by telephone; (2) unpublished articles; and (3) reviews, conference proceedings, as well as corrected papers. RESULTS: Of 2 040 articles published, the 63 top-cited articles were published between 1992 and 2010. The number of citations ranged from 100 to 1 754, with a mean of 280 citations per article. These citation classics came from nineteen countries, of which 46 articles came from the United States. Duke University and University of California, San Francisco led the list of classics with seven papers each. The 63 top-cited articles were published in 28 journals, predominantly Cancer Research and Cancer Cell, followed by Cell Stem Cell and Nature. CONCLUSION: Our bibliometric analysis provides a historical perspective on the progress of glioma stem cell research. Articles originating from outstanding institutions of the United States and published in high-impact journals are most likely to be cited.  相似文献   
目的利用文献计量学方法,科学地识别药学前沿领域。方法在Web of Science数据库中检索药学领域2008年至2012年的研究性论文,对其题录信息及参考文献进行计量分析。采用频次分析法分析题录信息得出该领域的主要研究特点,采用共引分析法对高被引论文进行分析识别出该领域的研究前沿。结果药学领域的研究论文2008年至2012年共135 970篇,2008年发表论文25 707篇,2012年为29 511篇,增长率为14.80%,其中美国占20.73%(28 181篇),中国大陆占11.49%(15 617篇),日本占7.57%(10 297篇)。采用共引分析法分析该文献库中120篇高被引论文,得出14个高被引论文类簇,其平均出版年分别为2 010.0,2 009.5,2 009.5等,被引频次分别为1 627,307,100等。高被引论文的责任作者中尚未有我国学者。对应解读14个类簇的研究主题,分析当前药学研究前沿领域。结论采用文献计量学方法分析、归纳,得到癌症相关的受体和通道研究、IL 28B基因在丙肝治疗中的作用机制研究、蛋白聚集的影响因素分析等14个药学研究前沿领域。  相似文献   
The International Plan of Action on Aging 2002 emphasized the need to promote and develop research on aging, especially in underdeveloped countries. This article aims at describing the current situation with regard to the international scientific production in the field of geriatrics and gerontology. All articles published in journals included in the categories "Geriatrics and Gerontology" of the Science Citation Index or "Gerontology" of the Social Science Citation Index in 2002 were analyzed. There is unquestionable predomination by the United States, which participates in 53.8% of the articles analyzed, followed by the United Kingdom (9.66%) and Canada (6.66%). The production of the 15 European Union countries together is 31.2%. When adjustments are made for economic or population factors, other countries show their importance: Israel and Sweden, for example. Authors from richer countries participate in more than 95% of the articles, whereas those in less-developed countries tend to publish less, and when they do so, it is through collaboration with more-developed countries. In general, only 10.5% of the articles are written in collaboration with institutions from different countries. One of the keys to stimulating research in less wealthy countries would seem to be precisely through collaboration. This would aid the transfer of knowledge and experience, allowing researchers in these countries to obtain autonomy to perform their own studies independently and to provide them with the ability to gain access for their publications at the international level.  相似文献   
本文基于本校开展公派研究生项目的工作实践,将公派研究生和同级同导师未留学研究生进行对照,采用文献计量学方法,对研究生论文产出、分布特点和影响力进行统计,对比分析论文发表数量、被引频次、影响因子、合作状况、高水平期刊论文比例等客观数据,以期从一个侧面反映国家公派研究生项目对提高研究生培养质量所发挥的作用,为开展公派研究生项目的其他院校提供参考。  相似文献   
Background: Biomedical research has grown considerably in the last few decades, and the authorship characteristics of the dental literature as a whole and of its specialty fields has changed significantly. Unfortunately, the bibliometrics of the periodontal literature have not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this study is to investigate the bibliometrics of periodontal literature, assessing the geographic origin, study design, and topics investigated in periodontal research published from 1995 to 2010. Methods: Articles published in periodontal journals during 1995 to 2010 were retrieved through hand search. Inclusion/exclusion criteria were applied. The following variables were extrapolated from each article: number of authors, study design, topic investigated, financial support, and geographic origin. The general linear model assessed the influence of independent variables on number of authors per article, and χ2 test assessed the statistical difference of the variables over years 1995 to 2010. Results: A total of 2,260 articles were reviewed; 2,076 met the inclusion criteria. The number of authors per article increased (P <0.001) from 4.0 (1995) to 5.1 (2010). The proportion of articles published from North America and Europe decreased (P <0.001) from 84.3% (1995) to 58.6% (2010), whereas for Asia and South America the article proportion increased (P <0.001) from 13.8% (1995) to 40% (2010). Research targeting prevention and treatment of periodontal disease is decreasing (P <0.001) in favor of implant‐related research. Governmental research funding is increasing (P <0.001). Conclusion: Periodontal research significantly changed during the last 15 years.  相似文献   
目的 从文献引证角度透视《中国妇幼健康研究》的论文学术水平、期刊质量和影响力.方法 依据《中国生物医学期刊引文数据库》,利用科学文献计量学方法对《中国妇幼健康研究》载文被《中国生物医学期刊引文数据库》来源期刊引用情况进行统计分析及评价.结果 2001~2005年平均发文被引比例为34.43%,单篇论文平均被引2.11次,单篇论文最高被引为18次.单篇被引4次以上论文42篇,共被引266次,占总被引篇数的14.89%,占被引总频次的41.24%.645篇被引论文中,共有作者274人,作者最高被引篇数为5篇.被引1篇的作者238人,占作者总数的86.86%.有278种期刊引用《中国妇幼健康研究》,自引率为0.028.结论 《中国妇幼健康研究》所载文献质量较高,形成具有独立风格和特色且相对稳定的研究体系.该刊不仅是我国妇幼卫生健康研究领域重要的信息源之一,受到同行较高程度的关注,也是我国医学领域的主要核心期刊.  相似文献   
目的:调查《药物不良反应杂志》载文的引文频率和类型,揭示引文的特点。方法:收集2003~2007《药物不良反应杂志》载文的引文,用文献计量学方法统计分析引文频率、引文类型、普赖斯指数及主要被引期刊。结果:2003~2007年《药物不良反应杂志》共有论文385篇,其中354篇有引文,共4849条,平均每篇12.6条。引文率为91.9%。在4849条引文中,89.3%引自期刊,7.5%引自图书,普赖斯指数为62.9%,引文频次在居前20位的被引期刊中的引文占引文总量的22.8%。结论:《药物不良反应杂志》载文的引文数量多、范围广,是我国药物安全信息的重要来源之一。  相似文献   
以《中国生物医学光盘文献数据库(CBMdisc)》为数据源,对国内各医药卫生类期刊1996-2006年发表的军事训练医学类文献进行统计。1996-2006年中国军事训练医学文献分布呈缓慢增长趋势,2000年开始增长速度加快,著者分布相对分散,期刊分布相对集中,医学院校和研究所文献发表量相对较多,所涉研究获得国家或军队方面的资助比重不高。文献研究的主题多与军事训练伤的防治、病因学及流行病学调查、心理学研究密切相关,与军事训练伤的实验室技术和方法、诊断学、生物力学、环境医学等方面的相关性较低。  相似文献   
[目的]了解2002~2004年《环境与职业医学》杂志的论著作者群分布及引文情况,为杂志的进一步发展提供较为客观的依据。[方法]运用文献计量学方法,对2002~2004年间《环境与职业医学》杂志所刊出的全部论著进行统计分析,了解其论著数量和质量的变化,论著作者群分布、核心作者情况,以及引文数、引文类型、语种、时间等方面的分布情况。[结果]2002~2004年间的18期杂志中,共刊出论著229篇,论著数逐年增长,篇均作者数为4.8人;有国家级基金项目的论著占全部论著的比例从2002年的14.3%上升到2004年的40.5%;论著第一作者是20世纪70、60年代出生者占39.7%和36.2%,博士、硕士分别占33.6%和39.3%;69.0%来自高等院校。核心作者共有26人,占全部第一作者的13.27%;发表论著59篇,占全部论著的25.76%。229篇论著共引文2420篇,篇均引文数(中位数M)为9篇,离散程度(四分位数间距伽)为6篇;英文期刊的平均引用数(M=5)明显高于中文期刊(M=2)。3年的普赖斯指数分别为48.91%、46.50%和44.28%,逐年略有下降,平均为46.28%。[结论]《环境与职业医学》杂志拥有年轻、高素质的作者群;论著引文较新颖,能反映当今学术动向;3年来,杂志所刊登的论著无论数量还是质量均有不同程度提高,是环境与职业医学领域高质量的学术期刊之一。  相似文献   
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