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目的 为了减少额肌损伤 ,保证额肌瓣转移 ,治疗中、重度上睑下垂 ,术后吻合口无张力愈合 ,加快血运建立的效果。方法 用 3 - 0可吸收缝线横向贯穿睑板上缘提上睑肌腱膜组织 2针 ,经额肌瓣隧道缝至眶上缘骨膜上 ,转移不等边额肌瓣使之无张力缝合。结果 减张手术组 2 5例 ,总优良率 92 % ,常规手术组 34例 ,总优良率 61 .1 8%。结论 本手术方法减少了额肌瓣外侧血管神经损伤 ,增强了额肌的收缩力 ,利用缝线悬吊减张辅助吻合口愈合 ,是治疗中、重度上睑下垂的有效辅助方法  相似文献   
Abstract: A patient who represented acute hemolytic crisis was studied. Analysis of the erythrocyte membrane proteins by SDS-PAGE revealed a deficiency of band 4.2. In the family, the sister of the patient who had been clinically normal was also shown to be deficient in band 4.2. Binding studies showed that the propositus' membranes were able to bind normal band 4.2 protein as much as control. It was suggested that the binding sites for the protein were prepared on the membrane. We analyzed the band 4.2 cDNA of the propositus and detected a mutation that changes a codon for alanine to one for threonine at residue 142. Band 4.2 exon III of genomic DNA which included the mutation site was amplified and sequenced directly in the family members, and it was revealed that only the homozygotes of the mutation allele manifested band 4.2 deficiency and the parents, who were heterozygotes, showed normal amounts of band 4.2. Recently, the same mutation was reported as Protein 4.2NIPPON in another 4 cases (Bouhassira et al. Blood 1992: 79: 1846–1854). This study supports the hypothesis that this mutation is the pathogenetic cause of band 4.2 deficiency and not a polymorphism.  相似文献   
The distribution patterns of choline acetyltransferase (CAT), as a marker for cholinergic neurons, and Calbindin-D28k (CaBP) immunoreactivities in the forebrain basal ganglia of the Japanese monkeyMacaca fuscata were compared. Similar distribution patterns of CAT and CaBP immunoreactivities were found in the medial septal nucleus (MS) and the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca (DBB). Double-labeling fluorescence immunocytochemistry revealed that most, but not all, cholinergic neurons were CaBP-immunoreactive in the MS and DBB. The results suggest that CaBP may play a role in the septohippocampal cholinergic neuron system of the monkey.  相似文献   
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA) can be induced in mice by repeated injections with rat red blood cells (RBC). Here we describe the identification of rat and murine RBC antigens recognized by T-cells from mice with this disease. Splenic T-cells from mice with AIHA proliferated in response to multiple murine RBC membrane components, each of which is recognized by rat RBC induced autoantibodies. Thus, there were responses to murine autoantigen fractions that correspond in apparent molecular mass with the anion channel Band 3, with spectrin from the membrane skeleton and with the high and low molecular mass glycophorins, and the equivalent fractions from rat RBC also stimulated proliferation by T-cells. It was confirmed that purified Band 3 from murine and rat RBC also elicited responses. In contrast with the results in AIHA, T-cells from healthy control mice failed to respond to the antigens from either species, with the exception of proliferation induced by murine spectrin in one experiment and weak responses elicited by rat Band 3. It is suggested that T-cells activated by multiple cross-reactions between rat and murine RBC proteins, and by epitope spreading, are necessary to drive autoantibody production in this model of AIHA.  相似文献   
用免疫细胞化学PAP法,对成年大白鼠隔-斜带(S-DB)复合体中,含小白蛋白(PV)神经元的分布和形态学进行了研究,并与含胆碱乙酚化酶(ChAT)神经元的观察进行了比较。含PV神经元主要位于内侧隔核(MS)、斜带垂直支(vDB)和斜带水平支(hDB)。PV免疫反应神经元的形状和大小在S-DB复合体的各个核区或同一核区都不相同,表明这些神经元具有多样的形态学特征。在整个S-DB复合体中,含PV和含ChAT神经元的比例,各占PV和ChAT阳性反应细胞总数的47/和53/,在MS、vDB和hDB中,PV免疫反应神经元的比例分别为38%、54%和59.5%,其余为含ChAT的胆碱能神经元。  相似文献   
成人房室束、假腱索和节制索的亚显微构造   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了两例成人房室束、假腱索和节制索的亚显微构造。结果表明,在成人房室束、假腱索和节制索中均可见浦肯野细胞,细胞宽而短,肌原纤维和组成肌原纤维的肌丝均较少;核多为一个,核周肌浆中有大量线粒体,核附近偶见高尔基复合体;肌浆中亦见肌浆网、糖原颗粒和溶酶体等。另外在房室束中,还可见一般心肌细胞和介于浦肯野细胞与一般心肌细胞之间的过渡细胞(或称移行细胞)。胶原纤维和毛细血管等分布在几种肌细胞之间。房室束浦肯野细胞的端与端之间有不甚典型的闰盘。相邻并列的过渡细胞之间见两种连接形式:一种是一个过渡细胞的分支与另一个过渡细胞的外侧面形成闰盘样连接;另一种是并列相邻的两个过渡细胞,以短的分支几乎呈直角互相连接。  相似文献   
The cells of origin of a neocortical cholinergic afferent projection have been identified by anterograde and retrograde methods in the rat. Horseradish peroxidase injected into neocortex labelled large, acetylcholinesterase-rich neurons in the ventromedial extremity of the globus pallidus. This same group of neurons underwent retrograde degeneration following cortical ablations. The region in which cell depletion occurred also showed significant decreases in the activities of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase. Discrete electrolytic and kainic acid lesions restricted to the medial part of the globus pallidus each resulted in significant depletions of neocortical choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase. Hemitransections caudal to this cell group did not result in such depletions. Taken together these observations suggest that the acetylcholinesterase-rich neurons lying in the ventromedial extremity of the globus pallidus, as mapped in this study, constitute the origin of a major subcortical cholinergic projection to the neocortex. The utility of acetylcholinesterase histochemistry in animals pretreated with di-isopropylphosphorofluoridate in identifying cholinergic neurons is discussed in the light of this example; specifically, it is proposed that high acetylcholinesterase activity 4–8 h after this pretreatment is a necessary, but not sufficient, criterion for the identification of cholinergic perikarya.The neurons in question appear to be homologous to the nucleus basalis of the substantia innominata of primates, and are thus termed ‘nucleus basalis magnocellularis’ in the rat. No evidence was obtained to support the hypothesis that nucleus of the diagonal band projects to neocortex. However, striking similarities in size and acetylcholinesterase activity were observed among the putative cholinergic perikarya of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis, the nucleus of the diagonal band, and the medial septal nucleus.Kainic acid lesions of the neocortex produced uniform and complete destruction of neuronal perikarya. These lesions decreased neocortical glutamic acid decar?ylase activity, suggesting that there are GABAergic perikarya in the neocortex. However, the same lesions did not affect neocortical choline acetyltransferase. This observation suggests that there are no cholinergic perikarya in the neocortex, a conclusion that is consistent with the absence of intensely acetylcholinesterase-reactive neurons in the neocortex.  相似文献   
The neurochemical identity of ascending putative cholinergic pathways from the rat basal forebrain was investigated employing a method for simultaneously visualizing choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity and retrogradely transported horseradish peroxidase-conjugated wheatgerm agglutinin. This histochemical procedure revealed three distinct populations of neurons: (1) cells which stained only for choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity; (2) cells which stained only for retrograde tracer and (3) cells which stained simultaneously for choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity and retrograde tracer. The results demonstrated that this projection is topographically organized and consists of both cholinergic and noncholinergic components. The relative contribution of each component varied with the telencephalic target area as follows: the olfactory bulb receives a projection from cells of the horizontal limb nucleus, 10-20% of which are cholinergic (Ch3); the hippocampal formation receives afferents from cells of the medial septal and vertical limb nuclei, 35-45% of which are cholinergic (Ch1 and Ch2); and the cortical mantle receives afferents primarily from cells within the substantia innominata-nucleus basalis complex, 80-90% of which are cholinergic (Ch4). The topographical organization of Ch4 projections is not as completely differentiated as we have previously observed in the primate.  相似文献   
R.P. Vertes 《Neuroscience》1984,11(3):651-668
The origins of projections within the medial forebrain bundle from the lower brainstem were examined with the horseradish peroxidase technique. Labeled cells were found in at least 15 lower brainstem nuclei following injections of a conjugate or horseradish peroxidase and wheat germ agglutinin at various levels of the medial forebrain bundle. Dense labeling was observed in the following cell groups (from caudal to rostral): A1 (above the lateral reticular nucleus); A2 (mainly within the nucleus of the solitary tract); a distinct group of cell trailing ventrolaterally from the medial longitudinal fasciculus at the level of the rostral pole of the inferior olive; raphe magnus; nucleus incertus; dorsolateral tegmental nucleus (of Castaldi); locus coeruleus; nucleus subcoeruleus; caudal part of the dorsal (lateral) parabrachial nucleus; and raphe pontis. Distinct but light labeling was seen in raphe pallidus and obscurus, nucleus prepositus hypoglossi, nucleus gigantocellularis pars ventralis, and the ventral (medial) parabrachial nucleus. Sparse labeling was observed throughout the medullary and caudal pontine reticular formation. Several lower brainstem nuclei were found to send strong projections along the medial forebrain bundle to very anterior levels of the forebrain. They were: A1, A2, raphe magnus (rostral part), nucleus incertus, dorsolateral tegmental nucleus, raphe pontis and locus coeruleus. With the exception of the locus coeruleus, attention has only recently been directed to the ascending projections of most of the nuclei mentioned above. Evidence was reviewed indicating that fibers from lower brainstem nuclei with ascending medial forebrain bundle projections distribute to widespread regions of the forebrain.It is concluded from the present findings that several medullary cell groups are capable of exerting a direct effect on the forebrain and that the medial forebrain bundle is the major ascending link between the lower brainstem and the forebrain.  相似文献   
Bariatric surgery is an effective intervention for management of obesity through treating dysregulated appetite and achieving long-term weight loss maintenance. Moreover, significant changes in glucose homeostasis are observed after bariatric surgery including, in some cases, type 2 diabetes remission from the early postoperative period and postprandial hypoglycaemia. Levels of a number of gut hormones are dramatically increased from the early period after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy—the two most commonly performed bariatric procedures—and they have been suggested as important mediators of the observed changes in eating behaviour and glucose homeostasis postoperatively. In this review, we summarise the current evidence from human studies on the alterations of gut hormones after bariatric surgery and their impact on clinical outcomes postoperatively. Studies which assess the role of gut hormones after bariatric surgery on food intake, hunger, satiety and glucose homeostasis through octreotide use (a non-specific inhibitor of gut hormone secretion) as well as with exendin 9–39 (a specific glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor antagonist) are reviewed. The potential use of gut hormones as biomarkers of successful outcomes of bariatric surgery is also evaluated.  相似文献   
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