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《Toxin reviews》2013,32(4):691-700
Despite the vast amount of literature on studies about the use of reproductive toxicants in laboratory rats as models, there are no reports documenting the detection of direct sperm DNA damage in rats as a result of exposure to a reproductive toxicant. These studies were initiated to develop methodology for detecting and scoring oxidative sperm DNA damage in Wistar rats. The first of four experiments used the basic Comet Assay to compare sperm collected from xanthotoxin‐treated rats with sperm collected from untreated rats to determine if oxidative sperm DNA damage was detectable. No differences were found between images of sperm from treated and non‐treated samples. During Experiment 2, fresh sperm samples from untreated rats were stored in PBS and then reacted with a 100mg/ml solution of xanthotoxin/acetone. Post‐reaction cells were subjected to mechanical sample grinding or incubation with trypsin in an attempt to disrupt the cell capsule. Again, no differences were recorded. Experiment 3 exposed treated and untreated sperm samples to proteinase K for varying time intervals (30 min – 3 hr) in another effort to disrupt the cell capsule. These proved to be promising, although at the time intervals used in Experiment 3, the entire cell was dissolved. A series of tests were then initiated during Experiment 4 to determine the best buffer and reaction time combination. All things were kept identical to Experiment 3 with the exception that samples were taken at more frequent intervals and a different buffer was used with each sample. The buffers used were PBS, TES, and PBS containing Chelex. The best results were obtained with TES at a 55‐minute time interval. The capsule surrounding the spermatatids proved to be very resilient to most digestive and mechanical agents. The enzyme proteinase K proved to be the best means for disrupting the cell capsule. Proteinase K in a TES buffer worked most effectively for detecting and scoring oxidative sperm DNA damage in Wistar rats.  相似文献   
目的分析嘉兴市育龄夫妇不孕不育症的流行病学特点及相关影响因素,为临床防治提供指导。方法抽取嘉兴市10个社区及10个村落的结婚1年以上未避孕的育龄夫妇进行问卷调查,分析不孕症的发病情况及影响因素。结果不同年龄段女性不孕不育的发病率均显著高于男性,城市继发性不孕不育构成比高于农村.差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05或P〈0.01)。不孕不育的影响因素主要有生殖系统疾病、不洁性生活史、内分泌疾病、不良生活习惯等。结论对本地区育龄夫妇不孕不育症的流行病学进行调查。可以了解发病特征及影响因素,从而为临床上的预防和治疗提供思路。  相似文献   
顾彦洁  黄贺  王丽 《中国性科学》2017,(10):134-137
目的:探讨上海市长宁区25~35岁未育女性的生殖健康知晓现况及保健措施。方法:选取上海市长宁区2014年5月至2016年5月居住的未育女性4089例,采用问卷形式对所有女性的一般情况、避孕、性观念等内容进行调查,将女性卫生保健、性观念/行为等数据详细记录下来,然后对其进行统计分析。结果:受调查的未育女性对女性生殖道生理特点非常了解、一般了解、一知半解、完全不了解的分别有614例(15.3%)、2089例(52.2%)、1113例(27.8%)、187例(4.7%);对常见阴道炎的预防与保健知识非常了解、一般了解、一知半解、完全不了解的分别有318例(7.9%)、1885例(47.1%)、1212例(30.3%)、588例(14.7%);生殖感染发生次数≤1次、2~3次、≥4次的分别有2115例(52.8%)、1478例(36.9%)、410例(10.3%),当生殖道部位出现不适时选择立即就医、自行购药处理和不处理的分别有1201例(30.0%)、2111例(52.7%)、691例(17.3%);每天和性生活前后清洗外阴的分别有3008例(75.1%)、1785例(44.6%),清洗外阴时会用专用清洗液的有2010例(50.3%);有2412例(60.2%)在月经期间有性生活;2706例(32.4%)了解人工流产后1个月内应避免性生活。对于避孕方式的选择,分别有2625例(65.6%)、112例(2.8%)、112例(2.8%)、204例(5.1%)、308例(7.7%)、201例(5.0%)、199例(5.0%)、105例(2.6%)、101例(2.5%)表示会选择男用避孕套、女用避孕套、女性外用避孕药、安全期避孕、短效口服避孕药、长效口服避孕药、宫内节育环、手术结扎、皮下埋植的方法。结论:上海市长宁区25~35岁未育女性的生殖健康知晓现况不容乐观,需要临床积极采取有效的保健措施。  相似文献   
目的:了解银川市流动育龄女性的避孕方法使用情况、生殖道感染患病情况以及避孕方法的使用对生殖道感染患病率的影响。方法:在银川市采用多阶段整群随机抽样,对符合条件的育龄女性流动人口开展问卷和实验室检测相结合的方式调查,χ~2检验和Logistic回归相结合分析数据。结果:本次共调查752名育龄女性流动人口,RTIs患病率为36.97%,以细菌性阴道病(16.36%)居多。有82.31%的调查对象在近3个月采用避孕节育方法,其中选择避孕套(50.4%)的对象,其RTIs患病率为29.81%,低于没有避孕和选择其他避孕方法者。多因素逐步Logistic回归分析发现,未使用避孕套者患RTIs的可能性大于使用者(OR=1.62,95%CI 1.10~2.37)。结论:性生活时未使用避孕套是女性RTIs患病的危险因素。应增加避孕套发放渠道,并采取一定的宣教措施提高育龄妇女对避孕套预防RTIs的知晓率和正确使用率。  相似文献   
本文介绍了生殖中心全流程管理的概念及生殖中心护士角色功能,提出全流程管理中的辅助生殖护理必须基于患者需求及生殖临床需求。具体实施步骤:分析全流程管理各环节患者需求及临床需求,明确护理任务;根据护理任务确定全流程管理各环节所应具备的护理核心能力;系统培训与考核后,确保全流程管理各环节护理"人岗匹配";落实基于生殖中心患者需求及临床需求的护理;实施与绩效考核挂钩的护理质量评价与反馈。解读生殖中心全流程管理中"知其然知其所以然"护理思维、"防患于未然"的护理意识、"细致入微、润物无声"的护理艺术、"勤于思考、勇于创新"的护理文化。  相似文献   
The Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) is a high value market flatfish, which aquaculture is compromised by severe reproductive problems; these are mostly found in soles hatched and raised in captivity (F1 generation). To gain knowledge on the reproductive dysfunctions observed in cultured (F1) Senegalese sole, this work aimed at developing a specific vitellogenin (VTG) ELISA, for the measurement of plasma VTG levels in this species. Profiles of VTG were correlated with those of sexual steroids and spawning performance of an F1 broodstock, during three consecutive years. The Senegalese sole VTG (ssVTG) was purified by precipitation with MgCl(2)-EDTA and anion-exchange chromatography and showed a molecular mass of 172 kDa, by SDS-PAGE. Specific antibodies were obtained and used to develop a competitive ELISA, which had a sensitivity of 3.6 ng ml(-1), and inter- and intra-assay coefficients of variation of 9.5% (n=29) and 6.7% (n=12), respectively. Annual profiles of plasma VTG showed a major peak at pre-spawning, and a second minor rise around autumn, which mirrored plasma profiles of both estradiol (E(2)) and testosterone (T) levels. Spontaneous spawning occurred every year in the spring season, but no fertilized eggs were obtained. In conclusion, this study described, for the first time, the purification and development of a sensitive and specific ELISA for Senegalese sole VTG. The endocrine and spawning data suggested that F1 female broodstock showed normal VTG and steroid releasing profiles in captivity with occurrence of spontaneous spawning, but no fertilization of the eggs was recorded.  相似文献   
目的:了解育龄妇女生殖道感染现状及影响因素。方法随机选择2014年1月-2014年12月在该院进行生殖健康检查的400例育龄妇女,对其进行问卷调查、常规妇科检查和实验室检查。结果育龄妇女生殖道感染患病率为46.0%。发病率居前五位的疾病依次为:慢性宫颈炎,发病率67.75%;念珠菌性阴道炎,发病率5.25%;滴虫性阴道炎,发病率13.75%;细菌性阴道病,发病率8.25%;念珠菌性阴道炎,发病率5.25%;慢性盆腔炎和附件炎,发病率4.25%。年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、流产史、避孕方式五个因素是生殖道感染的独立影响因素。结论育龄女性生殖道感染存在多种危险因素,应针对这些因素大力开展健康教育和健康干预。  相似文献   
与辅助生殖技术(ART)相关的单卵双胎(MZT)的发生率不断升高。双胎妊娠绒毛膜性的判定可对其风险进行分层。单绒毛膜双羊膜囊(MCDA)双胎围生期具有高发病率和死亡率,其各种减胎方法各有利弊。传统的阴道超声引导下的胚胎组织穿刺抽吸术具有局限性,现主要采用血管闭塞技术用于对MCDA双胎进行选择性减胎,比如脐带双极电凝术和射频消融术等。减胎术的并发症主要有未足月胎膜早破(PPROM)和早产,但有关MCDA的各种减胎方法的时机、适应证及预后等尚未形成统一的标准,故对于减胎术后的新生儿必须进行长期的随访。  相似文献   
武汉市农村留守妇女生殖道感染状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析农村留守妇女的性传播感染与生殖道感染状况及其影响因素,为改善其生活质量提供参考依据。方法采用整群抽样的方法,随机抽取武汉市某远城区2个村的留守妇女117人为研究对象,先在流动诊所内和村医务室内开展体检和采样,随后对其进行问卷调查。问卷内容主要包括一般状况、艾滋病知识知晓情况、与配偶和非固定性伴安全套使用情况、既往性病感染及就医情况等。结果农村留守妇女采取的避孕措施以结扎为主,而使用安全套的人很少,47.44%的妇女有过流产史,其艾滋病知识知晓率较低,共检测出2例梅毒螺旋体感染病例、9例沙眼衣原体感染病例、4例滴虫感染病例、14例霉菌感染病例,配偶外出打工组的生殖道感染风险均要高于配偶未外出打工组。结论加强对农村留守妇女的艾滋病防治及安全套使用知识的宣传教育,同时在城市加强对农民工的行为干预,有助于降低农村留守妇女生殖道感染的风险。  相似文献   
Nitrotriazolone (3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one; NTO) is an insensitive munition that has demonstrated effects on reproductive organs in adult male rats. NTO was administered to male (0, 250, and 500 milligrams per kilogram per day (mg/kg-day)) and female (0, 500, and 1000 mg/kg-day) Sprague-Dawley rats (15/sex/group) via oral gavage from weaning through post-natal day 53/54 and 42/43, respectively. Age and body mass at vaginal opening (VO) and preputial separation (PPS), as well as all measures of estrous cyclicity were not affected by treatment with NTO. Males treated with NTO exhibited reductions in testis mass associated with tubular degeneration/atrophy. Less pronounced reductions in accessory sex organ masses were also observed in the 500 mg/kg-day group. Treatment with NTO did not affect thyroid hormone or testosterone levels. These findings suggest that NTO is not acting as an estrogen or thyroid active compound, but may indicate effects on steroidogenesis and/or direct testicular toxicity.  相似文献   
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