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The efficacy of betanecholchloride in the postoperative treatment of bladder dysfunction is controversial. We therefore performed a comparative study on the effect of this therapy for the prophylaxis of detrusor hypotonia after Wertheim-Meigs operation. Forty patients with cervical cancer FIGO stage Ib/IIa were divided into two study groups. The control group (24 patients) only received betanecholchloride if the residual urine persisted above 50 ml after the 10th postoperative day. The study group (16 patients) received 50 mg betanecholchloride three times a day from the 3rd postoperative day onward. In this group postoperative catheter treatment, and consequently hospital stay, were significantly shorter (9.6 versus 13.3 days and 15.5 versus 18.6 days). The residual urinary volume normalized faster (8.0 versus 13.0 days) and the rate of cystitis was lower (18.8 versus 25%). According to our study, a prophylactic application of the parasympathomimetic drug betanecholchloride diminishes postoperative complications associated with bladder dysfunction after Wertheim-Meigs operation. EDITORIAL COMMENT: Bladder dysfunction plays an important role after radical hysterectomy. The authors present data indicating improved and quicker resumption of bladder function following radical hysterectomy with early administration of betanecholchloride, versus use of the medication only when indicated by elevated postvoid residual. Although the study is not a double-blinded placebo-controlled trial, the patients who received beta-necholchloride from postoperative day 3 had significantly decreased postoperative catheter treatment, earlier resumption of adequate bladder emptying defined as a postvoid residual of less than 50 ml, decreased incidence of bladder infection and shorter hospital stay. This information is encouraging for this subset of patients, who characteristically are at high risk for long-term bladder dysfunction. Further studies in this area are needed to clarify therapeutic options to improve patients’ quality of life, specifically in regard to bladder function following treatment of their cancer.  相似文献   
CD44 is the principal cell surface receptor for hyaluronate. Variant forms of the receptor, produced by alternative splicing, have been found to be associated with tumor progression in a variety of cancers. Based on investigations at the RNA level, it has recently been proposed that expression of CD44 variant V2 was present in urothelial cancer but not in normal urothelium. Since a distinctive marker for urothelial cancer would be extremely useful, frozen sections of normal urothelium and urothelial cancer were examined for expression of standard CD44 and CD44V2. Frozen sections of specimens of 35 patients with transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, 16 specimens of normal bladder and 5 ureters were examined. Immunohistochemical staining was performed using a polyclonal antibody to CD44V2 (PAB CD44V2), a monoclonal antibody to CD44V2 (MAB CD44V2) and a monoclonal antibody to CD44S (MAB CD44S). CD44V2 and CD44S were also measured in lysates of urine sediments from 21 patients by enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA). All investigated transitional cell carcinomas expressed CD44V2. There was no differentiation between invasive and noninvasive carcinoma. CD44V2 was also expressed in normal urothelium. Standard CD44 was expressed by the transitional cell carcinoma, normal urothelium, musculature and interstitial tissue. The amount of CD44V2 and CD44S in lysates of urine sediments is not correlated to diagnosis. In contrast to investigations at the RNA level, CD44V2 on the protein level seems not to be a distinctive marker for urothelial cancer. Therefore, CD44V2 will not be a useful diagnostic marker for detection of transitional cell carcinoma.  相似文献   
AIMS: The rate of autologous urine production should not have a major disturbing influence on cystometric urodynamic parameters such as first filling sensation, normal desire to void, strong desire to void, and cystometric bladder capacity. Instructions to patients and drinking behavior can have considerable impact, especially if filling cystometry is preceded by free uroflowmetry. We studied the influence of autologous urine production during filling cystometry on total bladder volume. METHODS: Urodynamic investigations performed between September of 2000 and February of 2001 were analyzed. Only those urodynamic investigations for which total bladder capacity could be calculated were taken into account (i.e., catheterization before and after cystometry and no urine loss during the investigations). RESULTS: After screening, 186 investigations were used for further analysis. Mean filled volume (external infusion plus autologous urine production) was 346 +/- 152 mL, but mean real bladder capacity (i.e., voided volume + residual urine) was 391 +/- 170 mL. In all patients, 14% extra urine was produced due to autologous urine production (mean filling rate, 6.1 mL/min). In 42% of the investigations, the real bladder capacity was more than 110% of the infused volume. In 18% of the patients, the contribution of natural bladder filling was more than 25% of the infused volume. CONCLUSIONS: Natural bladder filling plays a substantial role during filling cystometry and has a disturbing influence on calculated urodynamic parameters. Attention should be paid to patient instructions before the urodynamic investigation. The combination of free uroflowmetry followed by filling cystometry should be avoided. This avoidance is especially important if interventional studies are performed. Careful interpretation of studies depending on bladder capacity parameters is mandatory, and such parameters should be corrected for autologous bladder filling.  相似文献   
原位M形回肠代膀胱术42例报告   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
目的 评价原位M形回肠代膀胱的疗效。 方法 男性膀胱恶性肿瘤患者 4 2例 ,腹膜外切除膀胱前列腺 ,截取 4 5~ 5 0cm回肠纵行剖开后M形折叠形成贮尿囊 ,输尿管插入贮尿囊内 1cm作吻合 ,贮尿囊底部与尿道 6针吻合 ,将贮尿囊完全置于腹膜外。 结果 本组 4 2例 ,术后随访12~ 96个月 ,平均 4 4个月。白天控尿良好者 38例 (90 .5 % ) ,夜间控尿良好者 36例 (85 .7% )。术后 12个月代膀胱容量 (36 1± 4 8)ml,最大排尿压 (86 .8± 2 1.4 )cmH2 O(1cmH2 O =0 .0 98kPa) ,最大尿流率(18.4± 6 .1)ml/s,无明显输尿管梗阻及返流。未发现尿道残端复发肿瘤。 结论 腹膜外切除膀胱可减少腹腔被肿瘤污染 ,避免肠管进入盆腔而影响手术操作。插入式输尿管吻合法 ,操作简单 ,术后形成小乳头有良好的抗返流作用 ,输尿管狭窄发生率低。代膀胱置于腹膜外 ,可减少肠粘连、肠梗阻、输尿管梗阻、腹腔内感染等并发症。改良后的原位回肠代膀胱术式 ,具有手术操作简单、术后并发症少、功能良好的特点 ,代膀胱在位置、形态、容量及输尿管抗返流等方面均接近正常膀胱。  相似文献   
ΔNp63蛋白在膀胱移行上皮癌中的表达及其临床意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 :探讨 p5 3基因家族新成员截短型p6 3(△Np6 3)在膀胱癌组织中的表达及其意义。 方法 :采用免疫组织化学SP法检测 4 0例膀胱移行上皮癌 (TCC)、6例膀胱内翻性乳头状瘤和 8例正常膀胱移行上皮中△Np6 3的表达 ,并分析△Np6 3表达与膀胱癌病理类型、临床分期的关系。 结果 :正常膀胱移行上皮、膀胱内翻性乳头状瘤、TCC中△Np6 3的阳性表达率分别为 37.5 % (3/ 8)、6 6 .7% (4/ 6 )、10 0 % (40 / 4 0 ) ,组间差异有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 1)。TCCG3 级与G2 级△Np6 3的强阳性、中度阳性表达率显著高于G1级 (P <0 .0 1)。Ta~T1期以△Np6 3弱阳性为主 (6 6 .7% ) ,随TCC浸润程度的增加 ,△Np6 3染色强度逐渐增强。T2 期△Np6 3强阳性表达率为 35 .3% ,T3 ~T4期增至 6 3.6 %。结论 :△Np6 3在TCC中高表达 ,与TCC病理分级、临床分期密切相关 ;△Np6 3可能参与TCC的发生、发展 ,是评估TCC预后的潜在因素之一。  相似文献   
输尿管回肠吻合术在可控性尿流改道中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 评价输尿管回肠吻合术在可控性尿流改道术后抗返流及防止上尿路感染中的效果。方法 根治性膀胱切除术后行去带盲升结肠可控膀胱术和新膀胱术的患者10例,采用带回盲瓣的回肠段作为可控性膀胱的输入襻,双侧输尿管黏膜下隧道法与回肠吻合,随访观察患者术后输尿管返流及上尿路感染情况等。结果 10例手术顺利,术后随访6~36个月,均未发生输尿管返流或上尿路感染,1例发生单侧肾积水,为吻合口狭窄所致。结论 黏膜下隧道法输尿管回肠吻合术预防去带盲升结肠可控性尿流改道术后输尿管返流及上尿路感染效果良好。  相似文献   
经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除专用手术刀具的临床应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的对经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除专用手术刀具治疗浅表性膀胱肿瘤进行临床应用评价。方法在传统电切刀的远端添加保护襻组成膀胱肿瘤切除专用手术刀具。使用该种手术刀具治疗浅表性膀胱肿瘤48例,使用方法与普通电切刀近似。男26例,女22例。年龄23~76岁,平均43岁。肿瘤分期Tis者1例,T0~T1者47例。肿瘤分级G1~G2者36例,G3~G4者12例。瘤体直径0.5~8.0 cm。肿瘤位于膀胱顶部4例,左侧壁11例,右侧壁9例,前壁4例,后壁13例,颈部7例。肿瘤单发31例,多发17例。术后常规卡介苗膀胱灌注1年,每3个月行膀胱镜检查1次。结果48例平均手术时间(23±10)m in。术中18例(37.5%)发生闭孔神经反射,未出现膀胱穿孔病例;无瘤体后部的正常膀胱黏膜误切。46例术后随访1年,14例复发,均为远位新生膀胱肿瘤,术后3个月时发现1例,4~6个月时3例,7~9个月时6例,10~12个月时4例。结论使用该专用手术刀具治疗浅表性膀胱肿瘤容易控制切除深度,可最大限度地避免膀胱穿孔,并可保护大体积肿瘤后部盲区的正常黏膜以免误切。  相似文献   
Summary This study determined the energy charge, adenosine and inosine content of human bladder smooth muscle in comparison with striated muscle of the same individual. Biopsies were obtained from 21 women who were subjected to urethrocystopexy because of urinary stress incontinence. We found that the ATP content of bladder smooth muscle was only about one-eighth of that of striated muscle. The energy charge of bladder smooth muscle was 0.78±0.13, which is low compared with striated muscle (0.92±0.02). The adenosine content of bladder smooth muscle was 6.7 times higher than striated muscle and the adenosine/ATP ratio was 1∶9 compared with 1∶450 for striated muscle. These findings were in accordance with our previous studies on uterine smooth muscle.  相似文献   
目的 探讨膀胱移行细胞癌 (TCC)患者检测血、尿细胞粘附因子L selectin的临床意义。 方法 采用ELISA法测定 46例膀胱癌患者 (浸润性 2 0例 ,浅表性 2 6例 )及 14例良性前列腺增生患者血清及尿L selectin浓度。 结果  3组患者术前L selectin血清浓度分别为 :浸润性癌患者 ( 76 6 .3± 135 .1)ng ml,浅表性癌患者 ( 5 6 3.8± 118.2 )ng ml,良性前列腺增生患者 ( 5 44 .1± 12 1.2 )ng ml。浸润性癌组与浅表性癌组及良性增生组分别比较 ,差异有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1)。浸润性癌患者术后血清L selectin浓度显著低于术前 (P <0 .0 5 )。浸润性癌组术前尿L selectin水平显著高于浅表癌组及良性前列腺增生组 (P <0 .0 1)。 结论 血、尿L selectin浓度水平与TCC浸润程度有关 ,对TCC患者治疗前临床分期及选择手术方案有参考价值。  相似文献   
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