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李秀秋 《当代医学》2009,15(34):154-155
近年来,由于烹调不当造成因食用未熟豆角的中毒事件时有发生,豆角中含有毒生物碱-皂甙。未熟的豆角中皂甙的检出率为100%,因此警示广大饮食加工经营者以及各位家庭主妇,豆角在烹调加工中至关重要。  相似文献   
我院是矿山医院,井下遂道放炮是正常作业,有时不小心发生炮烟中毒事件,若未及时发现可能发生死亡,或留下后遗症。现就我矿及周边矿山最近3年来发生的18例急性炮烟中毒患者进行抢救的经过作如下分析。  相似文献   
郝凤桐 《大众健康》2009,(10):30-31
最近.我国多个省市屡屡发生群体儿童铅中毒事件.引起广泛的社会关注。例如陕西凤翔铅中毒.湖南武冈铅中毒事件,受检儿童血铅超标比率达到70%~80%左右,显著超过了儿童血铅超标比率。调查后.一致认为是这两个区域内的东岭冶炼公司、武冈市精炼锰加工厂造成了环境铅污染。然而,有关部门在对工厂进行检查时,他们的污染物排放是符合标准的。究其原因.冶炼厂造成的污染是在环境普遍污染的基础上,造成一定范围内儿童血铅超标高发,也就是累加铅污染。  相似文献   
2009年2月18日。广州市“瘦肉精”中毒事件放倒70人,不少人闻“瘦肉精”色变。然而,全国政协委员、中国肉类食品综合研究中心总工冯平却指出,“注水肉”其实更是盛行已久的潜规则,危害远超“瘦肉精”。在“注水肉”里,可能添加了阿托品、矾水、卤水、工业色素和防腐剂等。注水使肉品易腐败变质,产生细菌毒素使人生病,还可能传播动物疫情。  相似文献   
Most barium poisoning cases were caused by oral intake by mistake. Recent years, barium carbonate poisoning has been rare to be reported. Here we reported a case of acute barium carbonate toxication taken orally on purpose.  相似文献   
2007年7月4日,慈溪市市政公司工人在一窨井内进行管道封堵凿通作业时发生一起极其严重的急性硫化氢中毒事件,致1人轻度中毒、4人死亡,经现场职业卫生学调查确认是急性外源性硫化氢中毒引起。现报道如下:  相似文献   
氟乙酰胺为无味的白色粉剂。无臭、无味,易溶于水的高毒化合物,常有不法商贩用此制作灭鼠药。近年来氟乙酰胺中毒事件时有发生。现将我们收治的24例中毒患者报告如下。  相似文献   
Ohjective To review the clinical features and laboratory investigations of ciguatera patients in Hong Kong between 2004 and 2007 in order to show the timely sampling of implicated fish from ciguatera victims and application of validated mouse bioassay for confirming suspected clinical cases of ciguatera. Methods Diagnosis of the ciguatera victims was based on history of coral fish consumption and clinical presentations stated in official guidelines for clinical diagnosis of ciguatera fish poisoning in Hong Kong. Food remnants of coral fish samples were collected swiftly from ciguatera victims between 2004 and 2007 for ciguatoxins (CTXs) analysis. Results Major clinical symptoms in ciguatera patients included gastrointestinal and neurological effects including limb numbness and diarrhoea, which developed at 0.5 to 15 hours after consumption of fish. In most cases, neurological symptoms were more common than gastrointestinal symptoms. A broad range of attack rate (10%-100%) was observed in each ciguatera outbreak. Validated mouse bioassay on ether extracts of the food remnant samples confirmed that all were CTXs-positive (〈0.5 - 4.3 MU/20 mg ether extract) and directly linked to the corresponding ciguatera cases. Conclusion Consistency between clinical and laboratory analysis for ciguatera poisoning illustrates the application of laboratory mouse bioassay in a timely fashion for confirming ciguatera poisoning cases and implementing effective public health measures. With further improvement in laboratory techniques, features of ciguatera fish poisoning cases can be better defined, Further studies are needed to determine the risk of each class of CTXs (Pacific-, Indian- and Caribbean-CTXs) in Hong Kong.  相似文献   
因误食或投毒等原因而发生的毒鼠强急性中毒事件屡有发生,生产性中毒较为少见.现将我中心诊治的1例生产性毒鼠强中毒报告如下.  相似文献   
2005年1月6日,广西钟山县某金属冶炼厂发生一起吸入性有毒粉尘的中毒事件,3名民工中毒,现将事故调查情况报告如下.  相似文献   
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