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随着医院信息化不断发展,类似预约挂号、银行自助服务、先诊疗后结算等项目涉及多个异构环境的变化,数据在不同的应用环境中需合并、转换、同步或异步传输,而医院内部数据流、数据结构并没有根本性的改变。医院迫切需要一套中间转换平台来保障医院内部信息系统的稳定,数据及网络安全,同时又可以规避项目的差异,满足类似项目中的各种业务需求。  相似文献   
门急诊流程的改造,是医院服务模式的一项变革,也是各家医院重点关注的内容之一.近年来,随着医院信息系统的发展,对医院的数字化建设有了更高的要求.为进一步方便医生诊疗及患者就医,医疗行业各类自助式服务应运而生.就上海市浦东新区公利医院一站式付费服务模式系统特点、上线的整个经过、难点及其开展后对医院门急诊流程改造的效果进行探讨和研究.以期进一步优化医院门急诊服务流程,改善患者对医疗服务的评价,实现以病人为中心的管理模式.  相似文献   
建设自助健康服务,鼓励居民主动接受自助健康管理服务。市民可以享受血压、血糖、体重指数(BMI)、人体成份、心血管功能、骨密度、肺功能、心电图等多项自助健康体检和自助开OTC药和申请检查检验。根据自助健康体检的健康指标,系统自动生成健康评估报告和保健建议,同时各项体检结果自动存储在居民的健康档案。居民的签约医生通过网络了解居民健康情况的变化,对指标异常的居民及时进行健康干预和实时追踪,实现健康档案动态更新管理;居民本人也可通过网络查阅自己的体检结果。基于电子健康档案的实现与区域卫生信息平台的无缝衔接,实现医护人员对居民健康的动态管理。  相似文献   
本文通过介绍门诊现场预约、自助服务预约、网站预约、短信预约、人工电话预约以及全数字智能语音预约6种预约挂号方式的实现方法和应用优缺点,分析了门诊预约挂号信息系统的应用效果,并讨论了系统需要改进的地方。  相似文献   
[目的]了解莱州市食品超市内快餐店卫生状况,为制定管理对策提供依据。[方法]对莱州7个超市内的32家快餐店进行食品卫生学调查,并对各快餐店的食(饮)具进行大肠菌群抽样检测。[结果]32家快餐店324名从业人员持有效健康培训证上岗率91.0%。基本设施中,厨房面积合格率为92.8%,厨房建筑材料合格率为85.7%,食品贮藏室与凉菜间合格率为10.7%。排烟设施合格率为53.5%,加工场所与销售场所隔离合格率为21.4%,餐具洗消间合格率为25.0%.专用洗涮池合格率为16.0%,餐具消毒设施合格率为24.0%,餐具保沽柜合格率为16.0%,抽检餐具合格率为58.5%。[结论]莱州市食品超市内快餐店的卫生状况不容乐观,要加强对超市内快餐店的监督管理,确保消费者饮食安伞.  相似文献   
检验报告自助打印系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过检验报告单自助打印系统使用,病人能够快速、自主地取得检验报告单,在较短的时间内获得医生的诊治,提高了医疗活动效率,方便了病人。另外,通过该系统,患者能够主动获悉等候检验报告单所需时间,进而合理安排和调整就医时间。检验报告自助打印系统操作界面简洁、亲和,使用便捷,通过该系统的应用,提升了医院形象,提高了病人就医满意度。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess conditions for the adoption and continued implementation of different healthy nutrition programmes in worksite cafeterias and supermarkets, i.e. an educational programme and two environmental programmes (a food labelling programme and a food supply programme). Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives of worksite cafeterias and supermarkets. Concepts of theories of diffusion were used as a framework for the study. Questions were formulated about the attributes of the innovation, and organizational and personal characteristics that might influence programme adoption and implementation. Results indicated that educational and environmental programmes in both worksite cafeterias and supermarkets should meet specific requirements regarding programme design, methods and materials in order to be adopted and implemented. Besides, some important implementation strategies of the educational and environmental programmes were identified. It is concluded that it seems feasible to conduct educational and environmental intervention programmes in worksite cafeterias and supermarkets, but that certain conditions for adoption and continued implementation have to be met. Based on the implications of this study, the development of an educational programme, a labelling programme and a food supply programme was completed.  相似文献   
目的对沈阳市大型超市经销的散装食品采样进行卫生学检测分析,防止经营过程中存在的二次污染,为卫生行政部门监督检查提供技术依据。方法依据散装食品采样原则,针对大型超市中出售品种较多的三种散装食品现场采集,以国家食品标准为依据进行检测。结果三类散装食品为熟肉制品类、糕点类、非发酵豆制品类,合格率分别为51.21%、83.33%、72.73%,熟肉制品有近一半产品不合格,合格率较低,检测结果均存在大肠菌群超标的问题。结论大型超市经营散装食品卫生设施和布局基本合理,但仍存在卫生问题,要进一步完善。  相似文献   
Background: Prediabetes or diabetes (characterized by hemoglobin A1c [HbA1c] levels ≥ 5.7 gm%) has been associated with numerous long-term complications. Family consumer behaviors are important risk factors that lead to impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes. However, few studies have studied the association between the family consumer environment and prediabetes and diabetes in adolescents.

Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the association between family consumer behaviors (healthy food availability and supermarket spending) and adolescent prediabetes and diabetes (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier #NCT03136289.)

Methods: Data from a nationwide survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey [NHANES] 2007–2010 data) were used for these analyses. Adolescents aged 12–19 years were selected for this study. Bivariate analyses and logistic regression models assessed the relationship between family consumer behaviors and the prevalence of adolescent prediabetes and diabetes. Multivariable models adjusted for age, gender, ethnicity, physical activity, education, income, and household size.

Results: A total of 2520 adolescents were eligible for this study. Adolescents with healthier household food availability had negative odds (odds ratio [OR] = 0.74, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.55–1.00), as did higher log supermarket spending (OR = 0.69; 95% CI, 0.57–0.85). Interaction models demonstrated that adolescent females had more negative odds of prediabetes/diabetes for both healthier food availability (OR = 0.79, 95% CI, 0.39–1.29) and for greater log supermarket spending (OR = 0.69, 95% CI, 0.57–0.85).

Conclusion: This study shows that both healthy food availability and an increase in supermarket spending were associated with a decreased adjusted prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes in adolescents, with a greater effect in females. These results suggest the need for policy and dietary interventions targeting the consumer environment.  相似文献   

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