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<正>Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the primary bacteria that leads to human tuberculosis(TB),which usually affects the pulmonary organs. TB is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide;however, China is one of eight countries that together account for two-thirds of the total number of cases globally.  相似文献   
To determine the duration of immunity provided by the Hepatitis A vaccination (HepA), we evaluated a cohort of participants in Alaska 20 years after being immunized as infants. At recruitment, participants received two doses of inactivated HepA vaccine on one of three schedules. We conducted hepatitis A antibody (anti-HAV) testing for participants at the 20-year time-point. Seventy-five of the original 183 participants (41%) were available for follow-up. The overall anti-HAV geometric mean concentration was 29.9 mIU/mL (95% CI 22.4 mIU/mL, 39.7 mIU/mL) and 50 participants (68%) remained seropositive (titer ≥ 20 mIU/mL). Using a fractional polynomial model, the predicted percent seropositive at 25 years was 55.3%, 49.8% at 30 years and 45.7% at 35 years, suggesting that the percent sero-positive could drop below 50% earlier than previously expected. Further research is necessary to understand if protection continues after seropositivity diminishes or if a HepA booster dose may become necessary.  相似文献   
Florida is third in the nation in the cumulative number of AIDS cases. The epidemic in the state has grown steadily since 1981, clustering initially in metropolitan South Florida but dispersing to other urban and nonurban areas. Heterosexually transmitted AIDS is fast increasing and is more than twice as common in Florida than the United States; however, homosexual/bisexual men and intravenous drug-using men and women continue to represent the majority of new cases. Special serologic studies of the prevalence of HIV infection provide a timely view of the dynamics and characteristics of the epidemic in various segments of the state's population. Data from a large, ongoing serosurvey suggest that about one in every 220 childbearing women is HIV-infected, a finding consistent with Florida's rank of second nationally in the number of pediatric AIDS cases.  相似文献   
The chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 are an obvious target for HIV therapies. Two compounds, T-22 and AMD-3100, have been shown to inhibit infection of CXCR4-using HIV-1 isolates. The specificity of T-22 and AMD-3100 was further confirmed by their ability to block entry of HIV-1 in GHOST-CXCR4 transfected cells with no effect on viral entry in the GHOST-CCR5 cells. The ability of T-22 to block replication of diverse HIV-1 isolates (group M, subtypes A, B, D, E, and F as well as group O) and HIV-2 primary isolates with varying coreceptor specificities ranging from exclusive CCR5 usage to multiple coreceptor usage was examined in detail. T-22 was found to be highly effective (>90%) at blocking infection of diverse HIV-1 (subtypes A-F, and group O) and HIV-2 isolates that use multiple coreceptors in human PBMCs homozygous for a 32-bp deletion in CCR5 (CCR5-/-), but less effective in CCR5 +/+ PBMCs. Additionally, sequential primary HIV-1 isolates obtained from a longitudinal cohort who had switched from single coreceptor usage to a broad range of multiple receptors could be blocked effectively by both T-22 and AMD-3100 in CCR5-/- PBMCs. Our data suggest that CXCR4 antagonistic compounds are highly effective in blocking the entry of X4-tropic HIV-1, and that these compounds could be a useful additive to current anti-retroviral therapy for clinical management of HIV disease.  相似文献   
目的了解大众艾滋病相关认知水平对于自愿咨询检测(VCT)的影响,为VCT的社区倡导提供依据。方法限定时段内对于自愿咨询检测门诊的求询者和整群抽取的社区居民进行包括人口学特征、艾滋病相关认知、VCT需求和行为的调查。采用描述性统计和Logistic回归对资料进行分析。结果VCT对传播途径的认知水平(Z=3.24314,P=0.0012)和公共卫生焦虑程度(Z=1.92708,P=0.0540)明显高于社区居民。对于存在感染风险者,主要影响其自愿咨询检测行为的是性别(OR=0.051,P=0.0001)、传播途径认知水平(OR=12.161,P=0.0264)、应对病毒的自我效能感(OR=3,252,P=0.0343)和流行现状焦虑(OR=1.576,P=0.0305)等。结论人口学特征对于合理检测行为的影响并非关键,在VCT社区倡导中要加强流行状况的介绍提高防治紧迫感,详细解释传播风险以提高风险自觉性,同时通过介绍HIV的防治方法以提高应对病毒的自我效能感也有助于促进自愿咨询检测。  相似文献   


CD4+ T lymphocyte (CD4) cell count testing is the standard method for determining eligibility for antiretroviral therapy (ART), but is not widely available in sub-Saharan Africa. Total lymphocyte counts (TLCs) have not proven sufficiently accurate in identifying subjects with low CD4 counts. We developed clinical algorithms using TLCs, hemoglobin (Hb), and body mass index (BMI) to identify patients who require ART.  相似文献   
目的 分析2005—2020年盐城市丙肝病例报告资料,总结丙肝流行特征,为盐城市丙肝防制工作提供参考依据。方法 收集各年度丙肝报告病例和人口学资料,采用Excel 2016软件汇总并作描述性统计分析。采用Joinpoint regression program(JRP)软件对丙肝年发病率进行趋势检验,采用SPSS 25.0软件和ArcGIS 10.6软件对病例数据进行统计分析。结果 2005—2020年盐城市累计报告丙肝病例2 555例,年报告发病率整体呈平缓增长趋势,最低为2005年的0.42/10万,最高为2019年的5.84/10万。年度变化百分比(annual percent change,APC)为14.5% (95% CI: 11.5%~17.6%),P<0.01。除2019年外,其余各年丙肝疫情呈散发状态,无明显季节特征。报告病例数位居前三位的地区是亭湖区、滨海县以及东台市,分别占比19.77% (505/2 555)、14.01%(358/2 555)以及12.92%(330/2 555)。男女报告病例数比为1.33[DK]∶1,发病率最高的年龄组为70~79岁年龄组(56.94/10万)。农民为报告病例数最多的人群,占比59.33%(1 516/2 555)。确诊病例2 204例,临床诊断病例332例。结论 盐城市丙肝疫情呈上升趋势。全市应进一步扩大丙型肝炎病毒检测,加强丙肝防治宣传教育和完善社会医疗保障政策来提高丙肝治疗的可及性和可负担性,同时应进一步加强对于丙肝疫情的监测以及规范丙肝的诊疗,并对重点地区、重点人群开展精准的综合干预工作。  相似文献   
  目的  了解福州市2016-2020年MSM人群HIV感染状况及其相关因素,为制定艾滋病干预策略提供依据。  方法  2016-2020年通过网络招募方式在福州市开展MSM调查,调查内容参照《全国艾滋病哨点监测实施方案操作手册》,包括人口学、行为学和抗体筛查情况等,采用趋势χ2检验和多因素Logistic回归分析模型进行影响因素分析。  结果  2016-2020年共计调查11 864人,MSM人群HIV感染率为3.82%(453/11 864),各年份分别为4.48%、4.24%、3.27%、5.01%和2.36%,历年监测MSM人群HIV感染率呈现下降趋势(χ2=9.802, P < 0.001)。最近6个月最近1次肛交性行为使用安全套比例由89.45%下降到79.21%,与同性发生商业性行为比例由0.38%上升到2.05%,艾滋病知识知晓率由97.51%下降到94.53%,趋势χ2检验均有统计学意义(均有P < 0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析模型分析显示,高中及以上学历、在本地居住时间≥1年、最近6个月未发生肛交性行为或最近1次肛交性行为使用安全套、最近6个月肛交性行为每次都用安全套、最近1年接受艾滋病干预服务、知晓艾滋病知识均为MSM人群HIV感染的保护因素; 吸毒和最近1年患过性病则会增加MSM人群HIV感染的风险。  结论  福州市MSM人群的HIV感染状况呈现下降态势,但艾滋病知识知晓率和同性肛交使用安全套比例均呈现下降态势,应重点针对低文化程度和流动性大的MSM人群,加强以安全套推广使用和HIV检测的综合干预措施,有效控制MSM人群HIV疫情。  相似文献   
目的 分析浙江省MSM网络临时性伴的HIV感染状况知情交友(知情交友)状况及相关因素,为干预措施制定提供参考依据。方法 2018年6-12月在杭州市、宁波市、温州市、台州市和绍兴市,由社会组织和自愿咨询与检测门诊招募符合研究对象标准的MSM,招募样本量为793人。采用自行设计问卷,采用面对面方式问卷调查,收集社会人口学特征、艾滋病知识、性行为、知情交友行为等信息。采用SPSS 20.0软件进行统计学分析。结果 在MSM 767人中,最近6个月发生网络临时性行为302人,发生网络型临时性行为、网络/场所混合型临时性行为者分别占62.6%(189/302)和37.4%(113/302)。在网络临时性伴的知情交友中,已告知、已询问和已知晓者分别占54.6%(165/302)、49.2%(146/297)和42.9%(82/191),知晓网络临时性伴HIV阴性状况后坚持使用安全套者占75.8%(113/149)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,最近6个月网络临时性伴的知情交友中未询问的相关因素包括年龄25~34岁(aOR=2.17,95%CI:1.20~3.91)、最近6个月网络临时性伴数>2个(aOR=2.13,95%CI:1.27~3.57)、不认为网络临时性伴HIV感染风险较高(aOR=1.96,95%CI:1.14~3.35)、既往HIV检测数>1次(aOR=0.38,95%CI:0.22~0.66)。结论 浙江省MSM网络临时性伴的知情交友的意愿较高,但知情交友行为及知晓对方HIV检测结果的比例较低,针对MSM的网络临时性伴较多、认为网络临时性伴感染风险低和HIV检测次数较少者,需加强健康教育和促进知情交友的行为干预。  相似文献   
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