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教师教学团队建设直接关系到教育教学发展质量,人口老龄化使健康养老成为国家战略,作者阐述了首批国家级教师教学创新团队建设现状和存在的问题,以长春医学高等专科学校为例,提出团队建设目标和以中外融通、产教融合模式打造养老服务专业教师团队的策略,为全国首批教师教学创新团队和其他教学团队建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
对中国城市养老护理模式,即居家养老、医养融合养老、中西医结合养老和机构养老护理模式的发展现状进行了综述,总结了各自的优势与不足,突出了养老护理模式发展的重要性,旨在为中国的养老事业发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   
BackgroundThe Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, N.J., the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Mich., and The California Endowment, Los Angeles, collaborated in funding a five-year (2002–2007) national demonstration program (Pipeline, Profession & Practice: Community-Based Dental Education [Dental Pipeline]) to reduce dental care access disparities. Fifteen dental schools were selected to participate in the Dental Pipeline program. The goals were to have senior students spend more time in community sites providing care to underserved patients; to prepare students to treat diverse, low-income patients; and to increase enrollment of underrepresented minority (URM) students.MethodsA national program office at Columbia University in New York City administered the Dental Pipeline program. The participating dental schools developed networks of community clinics and practices for student rotations, established courses in cultural competency and public health and implemented new programs to recruit URM students.ResultsThe average time senior students spent in community clinics and practices increased from 10 to 50 days; all schools developed courses in cultural competency and public health; and enrollment of UMR students increased 54.4 percent (excluding two of the schools) versus 16 percent in non–Dental Pipeline schools.ConclusionsOn average, the participating dental schools were successful in meeting program goals.  相似文献   
把临终关怀事业纳入社会保障制度安排进行讨论,是基于人类生命终结的普适与不可回避性考虑,基于湖北省人口老龄化发展规模与速度所带来的赡养压力和临终老人对于社会医疗、养老保障需求的变化.加入政府的制度安排与政策导引、完善临终关怀服务体系、构建临终关怀服务供给模式和发展临终关怀专业化教育等,是发展临终关怀事业的基本策略.  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to discuss the conditions under which functional neuroimaging can contribute to the study of higher cognition. We begin by presenting two case studies—on moral and economic decision making—which will help us identify and examine one of the main ways in which neuroimaging can help advance the study of higher cognition. We agree with critics that functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies seldom “refine” or “confirm” particular psychological hypotheses, or even provide details of the neural implementation of cognitive functions. However, we suggest that neuroimaging can support psychology in a different way—namely, by selecting among competing hypotheses of the cognitive mechanisms underlying some mental function. One of the main ways in which neuroimaging can be used for hypothesis selection is via reverse inferences, which we here examine in detail. Despite frequent claims to the contrary, we argue that successful reverse inferences do not assume any strong or objectionable form of reductionism or functional locationism. Moreover, our discussion illustrates that reverse inferences can be successful at early stages of psychological theorizing, when models of the cognitive mechanisms are only partially developed.  相似文献   
Genetic limit of functional adaptability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A pair of monozygous twins, a trained athlete and his identical untrained counterpart, were tested over a period of 1 1/2 years. Monozygosity was established on the basis of morphological traits and serological criteria. Repeated measurements obtained during basal conditions, submaximal and maximal exercise on a cycle ergometer disclosed that: a) the basal heart rate, respiratory rate, minute ventilation, vital capacity and forced expiratory volume were insensitive to training; b) cardiorespiratory displacement during submaximal work was smaller in the trained than in the untrained twin; and c) the maximum muscular force, mechanical power output, aerobic power and anaerobic capacity were about 10, 60, 37 and 60%, respectively, higher in the trained than in the untrained twin. The increase of the maximal aerobic power was attributed equally to an enhancement of the O2 transport and O2 utilization systems. It was concluded that although exogenous factors are important, a strong hereditary component sets a limit to functional adaptability.  相似文献   
目的 调查我国民众对关于机构养老的知晓度及其相关互联网资源状况,思考其改进策略.方法 设计调查表,随机抽取成都医学院在校大学生106例,请学生以家乡熟人为对象作电话调查,了解其对机构养老的了解程度和看法,再以该106例学生为研究对象,行模拟求助机构养老服务时的问询行为调查.结果 电话调查的541例对象均接触过机构养老类信息,渠道主要为新闻报道(35.86%)和道听途说(27.17%),大多(73.01%)认为养老问题是当前社会大事,对养老机构的服务态度关注最多(40.11%),对当前养老机构公益善举的的认同度(15.16%)偏低.106例学生模拟求助机构养老服务时,84.91%的学生采用了电脑或手机查询方式,所用检索词多为“地名+养老类名词”,关注信息含价格、服务态度等十余个内容,其中,104例在目标区域查询到养老机构信息,但仅有18例(16.98%)确定了意向人住机构,98.11%的学生认为养老服务网络资源不足.结论 我国机构养老的社会知晓度和关注度较高,认可度较低;求助者对养老机构信息的需求多而细,而相关网络资源匮乏.  相似文献   
本文通过对《灵枢·通天》中的禀赋理论进行分析、研究,进而论述这些理论与身心疾病的发生、发展的关系及其临床意义,对于今后预防和治疗身心疾病具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
汤少梁  曹力  李原 《广西医学》2016,(9):1267-1271
目的 探讨南京市乡村医生养老保险状况的影响因素,提出相应对策.方法 对南京市高淳县和溧水县212名乡村医生的养老保险现状进行问卷调查,具体内容包括乡村医生的基本情况、参保现状、参保意愿和期待值,采用多元线性回归分析影响乡村医生养老保险状况的相关因素.结果 南京市乡村医生对养老保险的满意度为41.0%.乡村医生养老保险的缴费标准期望值与家庭规模呈负相关,与文化程度、人均年纯收入和人均年支出呈正相关(P<0.01);发放标准满意度与缴费负担(保险费用)呈负相关,与养老待遇评价和月发放标准呈正相关(P<0.05);个人缴纳费用参保意愿与婚姻状况呈负相关,与年龄、从医年限和养老保险的熟悉程度呈正相关(P<0.01).结论 南京市乡村医生对养老保险的满意度偏低,应增强乡村医生的参保意愿,提高乡村医生的养老待遇,健全乡村医生养老保障机制,充分发挥乡镇卫生院的作用,促进卫生服务一体化,以期为解决乡村医生养老问题提供借鉴.  相似文献   
目的 探讨上海市养老机构护理人员职业发展的建议与对策。方法 选取静安、闵行、黄浦、长宁、徐汇、普陀区等主要中心城区中的养老机构护理人员作为调查对象,采取随机整群抽样方式,发放自编问卷进行调查,调查时间为2018年12月,观察指标包括调查对象基本构成、工作情况、薪酬权益、持有证书情况、参加培训情况。结果 上海养老机构护理人员年龄结构偏大,多为中年妇女,教育程度偏低,外省人员占主体,工作强度较大,从业时间较短,收入层级偏低,资格证书持证率不高,在上岗前大多参加过政府组织的培训。结论 提出护理人员职业发展困境的建议与对策:完善工资薪酬福利体系,建立健全人才培养机制,营造良好的社会环境,扩大长期护理保险覆盖面。  相似文献   
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