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《素问》用“俞”,《灵枢》用“输”与“腧”表示腧穴,三字用法基本相同。“俞”源于用船运送,“输”源于用车运送,均引申为转运气血的穴位。“腧”是“俞”的今字,其字形代表的意义最符合中医学中腧穴的含义。应以“腧”作为规范的词语,表示腧穴的各种意义。  相似文献   
贺娟 《中医教育》2004,23(2):50-51
内经是中医学重要的理论提高课,凸现内经的教学重点与特点,在内经教学中至关重要,作者认为应从以下几方面加以改进:一是注重内经理论的哲学背景与思维方法;二是注重内经理论与中医基础理论的差异;三是注重内经理论与中医学发展的渊源关系;四是注重内经理论对临床应用的指导。  相似文献   
在过去相当长的一段时期内,中医学界仅把大肠视为排泄器官。但大肠与神经传导、神经系统病变之间存在紧密联系,以"大肠主神志传导"补释"大肠者传道之官",而不使用"肠脑相通"新理论主要是因为以下2点:①中医学的发展要以经典为主线,凡是能够在原有理念下依附存在的学说,没有必要也不应该作为新的理论提出。②尚有很多周围神经病变的病位并不在中枢神经系统,无法用"肠脑相通"理论解释。"大肠主神志传导"一说旨在提出"神经系统病变从肠论治",更符合中医学整体、互联、恒动的观念。  相似文献   
张士卿 《中医儿科杂志》2020,(2):7-10,F0002
《内经》五郁之治,是针对五气太过而致五脏气郁所提出的治疗法则,从五郁治法概述以及相应木郁达之、火郁发之、土郁夺之、金郁泄之、水郁折之五法进行了理论阐释和临床运用举例。指出五郁之治不仅适用于内科常见病证的辨治,对于儿科临床常见病证的辨治亦有很好的指导意义。  相似文献   
本文通过《千金要方》宋校本与《新雕孙真人千金方》的对校研究,发现宋人整理《千金要方》时增补了大量新文献,其中有些与宋校《重广补注〈黄帝内经素问〉》、《金匮要略方论》、《脉经》、《针灸甲乙经》等书中的相关内容相合,推断宋人校订这5本医书的时间虽异,但其内容是相互关联的,推测是宋人搜集了大量相关文献资料,用以修订、补充其所校之医书,此为考察宋人整理中医古籍的原则与方法提供一定的参考.  相似文献   
"司揣内外"是《灵枢·外揣》省略(隐含)的关键内容,具有新的内涵,即在认识疾病的过程中,可通过"司外揣内""司内揣外"而"司内外",并在此基础上"司内外揣内外",以全面、准确地把握疾病本质和现象。这是《内经》的科学思想,并与科学原理及中医学的发展事实相符合,能弥补"司外揣内"的不足,因而提出了"司揣内外"是中医诊断学基本原理之一的新观点。  相似文献   
《黄帝内经》中"太阴主内,太阳主外"是对卫气独行理论的概括,也是对人体寐寤节律内在机制的说明。然"太阴主内,太阳主外"的内涵及其内在机理至今阐而未明。针对"太阴"之阴指营气,"太阳"之阳指卫气的观点,笔者认为,《黄帝内经》中言明昼行于阳、夜行于阴各二十五周的是卫气,营气在人体的运行未有明显的昼夜时间节段性。关于太阴、太阳指代为何,笔者经过统计认为,太阴多指代手太阴肺经、足太阴脾经,仅有三处明确肾为"阴中之太阴";太阳指代足太阳膀胱经占半数以上,而肾在《黄帝内经》中的指代呈现多样化,且与少阴对应最多。关于为何太阴主内、太阳主外,笔者认为,太阴主内是由肾主蛰、为封藏之本决定的;太阳主外是由足太阳膀胱经的气化作用决定的。  相似文献   
对<内经>针刺补泻相关内容从文献学角度进行分析和整理.结果表明呼吸补泻、徐疾补泻和开阖补泻法是<内经>中主要的针刺补泻方法,并且这三种补泻方法常结合运用,<内经>中的迎随是所有补泻手法必须遵守的原则.掌握<内经>针刺补泻方法,有助于我们提高针刺疗法的临床疗效.  相似文献   


Clinical trials on acupuncture use a variety of control methods, such as sham acupuncture, minimal acupuncture, and placebo. Frequently, needle insertion on non-classical acupuncture points (“minimal acupuncture”) is employed for this purpose. The aim of such clinical trials is to evaluate specific effects of acupuncture. There is a controversial discussion regarding the appropriateness of comparing “true” acupuncture to “minimal acupuncture”.Minimal and verum acupuncture are distinguished by various criteria, such as “localisation”, “depth of needle insertion”, and “induction of de qi”.


This study is dedicated to the question of what information the Huang Di Neijing, specifically the Lingshu-compilation which extensively focuses on needling techniques, has to offer regarding the above mentioned criteria, and their importance for successful acupuncture. In relation to this, it will be discussed if the definition of “minimal acupuncture” as used in the German Acupuncture Trials, is feasible.


The entire original text of the Huang Di Neijing Lingshu was searched for information regarding “point localisation”, “insertion depth”, and “induction of “de qi”. The paragraphs in question were compiled and probed on statements regarding the efficacy of treatment. These subsequently were compared to the technique of “minimal acupuncture” as in the German Acupuncture Trials (ART, GERAC).


The analysis of the Lingshu shows that neither a specific point localisation, nor a certain insertion depth or the induction of de qi are clearly and in all cases relevant for a successful therapy. Rather, the Lingshu offers specific indications for superficial needling. Sites of acupoint localisation aren't clearly defined and the induction of de qi is not understood as mandatory for a successful therapy.


The criteria distinguishing „verum acupuncture” from „minimal acupuncture” as practiced in many clinical trials don't correspond to the early practice of acupuncture as documented in the Lingshu. This can be a possible explanation for the good clinical results of minimal acupuncture in a number of clinical trials.However, for further discussions of this problem the developments and the clinical evolution present-day acupuncture has undergone since the ancient times have to be held in account.  相似文献   
对《内经》中有关预防情志病证发生和指导情志病证治疗的理论进行总结,认为保持心神宁静、树立正确的人生观有助于预防情志病证的发生;用以情胜情法和转移情志法有助于情志病证的治疗。这些具有中医学特色和优势的理论,对于预防和治疗困扰当今社会的情志病证具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
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