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郝建军认为天地人和、和而不同,整体观、系统论、辨证论证应以人为本,贯穿对生命、健康、疾病的认知及防病治病,养生康复等。指出临床辨证没有统一标准,症状和病名可互用,伤寒和温病辨证也可互用;疾病症候群、疾病症候分型、各种教材分型、不同历史时期的辨证施治也有所不同,要了解病情、病人、疾病,把握合理用药、治疗所带有的危险不应大于疾病本身的危险、充分考虑疾病自愈性,明确治疗目标、适应症和禁忌症、治疗时机、组方和配伍原则及治疗剂量;证中有证,掌握不同证型之间的联系,抓好主治、兼治、合治、先治、后治之机,辨方证贵在抓住疾病初露端倪的细微症状,“但见一症便是,不必悉具”;“单方者,药不过一二味,治不过一二症,而其效则甚捷”,活用专方验方、经方。  相似文献   
中医药是中国贡献给全世界的伟大医疗体系,几千年来的实践证明了它存在的必要性。在国家政策引导及医学各界共同努力下,近年来中西医结合医学发展迅速,并取得了辉煌的成就。郝希山院士表示,中医与西医的结合应现代疾病复杂多样、难以治愈的背景潮流而生,是大势所趋。但是,中西医结合是一个漫长的过程,不可急于求成,要稳扎稳打,稳步前进。  相似文献   
郝氏中医眼科为河北省特色中医专科。郝德新为河北省中医研究院中医眼科名医,祖传眼科,郝氏中医眼科代表人物,对于暴盲证、近视、眼底病等疾病具有丰富诊治经验,疗效显著。郝德新擅长中药方剂与针刺结合治疗眼病,对于中药方剂运用、经穴手法均有独到体会,多从心、肝、肾三经入手诊治眼科疾病。  相似文献   
郝学君教授根据"脑为元神之府"之说,以"脑神"立论,认为抑郁症的病机是脑之元神失调,进而脏腑损伤,气血郁滞而发病;同时,根据现代生理学理论脑具有主精神思维、感觉、运动、记忆和情志的生理功能,认为本病与脑关系最为密切。临床善用针灸治疗本病,以调神解郁为治疗大法,以"三神穴"(神庭、本神、神门)为主穴,随症加减取穴,临床疗效确切,手法简单、易于操作。  相似文献   
The present study developed physiologically-based kinetic (PBK) models for the alkenylbenzene apiol in order to facilitate risk assessment based on read-across from the related alkenylbenzene safrole. Model predictions indicate that in rat liver the formation of the 1′-sulfoxy metabolite is about 3 times lower for apiol than for safrole. These data support that the lower confidence limit of the benchmark dose resulting in a 10% extra cancer incidence (BMDL10) that would be obtained in a rodent carcinogenicity study with apiol may be 3-fold higher for apiol than for safrole. These results enable a preliminary risk assessment for apiol, for which tumor data are not available, using a BMDL10 value of 3 times the BMDL10 for safrole. Based on an estimated BMDL10 for apiol of 5.7–15.3 mg/kg body wt per day and an estimated daily intake of 4 × 10−5 mg/kg body wt per day, the margin of exposure (MOE) would amount to 140,000–385,000. This indicates a low priority for risk management. The present study shows how PBK modelling can contribute to the development of alternatives for animal testing, facilitating read-across from compounds for which in vivo toxicity studies on tumor formation are available to compounds for which these data are unavailable.  相似文献   
目的 运用数据挖掘技术探析郝万山教授治疗主证失眠处方用药规律.方法 收集郝万山教授2015年5月—2020年1月期间在北京中医药大学国医堂中医门诊部的门诊病历资料,采用中医传承辅助平台(V3.0)软件分别进行频次统计分析及关联分析,剖析郝万山教授主治失眠的处方配伍规律.结果 共纳入病例697例、纳入处方696首,合计纳...  相似文献   
系统回顾总结天津中医药大学第一附属医院儿科主任郝瑞芳治疗儿科呼吸道疾病常用的中药对药的经验。探讨了紫菀与百部;金银花与连翘;杏仁与前胡、枳壳、桔梗;辛夷与苍耳子、白鲜皮;款冬花与白果;芥穗与薄荷;柴胡与淡豆豉;炙麻黄与生石膏;僵蚕与玄参;清半夏与黄芩10组中药对药的儿科临床应用。  相似文献   
郝学君教授认为,湿疹以脾胃虚弱为本,风、湿、热、瘀为标。由于素体脾胃虚弱,或饮食失节,伤及脾胃,脾失健运,致湿热内蕴,浸淫肌肤;或兼外受风邪,风湿相搏,发为本病。治疗时标本兼治,以调理脾胃、扶正固本为主,辅以散风、祛湿、清热、化瘀等,采用火针点刺与体针治疗相结合,对于一般湿疹及顽固性湿疹均有显著疗效,使机体归于阴阳平衡,增强机体调节能力,恢复正常生理功能。  相似文献   
正Exposure to free silica induces silicosis and myofibroblasts are regarded as primary effector cells.Fibrocytes can differentiate into myofibroblast.Therefore,the present study was designed to investigate whether fibrocytes  相似文献   
The cellular localizations of the synthetic [3-hydroxyanthranilic acid oxygenase (3HAO)] and degradative [quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase (QPRT)] enzymes of the endogenous excitotoxin quinolinic acid were studied in the adult rat main olfactory bulb by immunohistochemical techniques. 3HAO and QPRT were expressed only in astrocytes. The two enzymes were differentially expressed by astrocytes in a complementary pattern: 3HAO staining was strongest at the glomerular-external plexiform layer junction; QPRT staining was strongest at the glomerular-olfactory nerve layer junction. The complementary distributions of these metabolic enzymes suggests that there could be a gradient of quinolinic acid across the glomerular layer of the main olfactory bulb. Such a gradient could function to restrict the ingrowth of new olfactory axons to the glomeruli and/or to stabilize the formation of new synapses.  相似文献   
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