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目的:通过检索《针灸大成》中与气海穴治疗作用相关的文献条文,总结气海穴在治疗各系统疾病中运用频次较高的疾病及其配穴规律,为临床针灸对气海穴的使用提供理论支持。方法:以《中华医典》(第五版)中《针灸大成》作为文献检索来源,将气海穴及气海穴的别称“脖胦”“下肓”“丹田”“肓之原”“肓原”“下言”和“气泽”为检索词,用计算机检索工具及人工检索相结合的方法检索符合要求的文献条文,通过建立本研究的数据库,频次分析、条形统计图比较分析等方法,总结出气海穴在治疗各系统疾病中的运用频次及其配穴规律。结果:在《针灸大成》所涉及的条文中,气海穴尤善治疗内科疾病,在治疗内科疾病中排名前3位的是脾胃系病症、气血津液疾病、肾系病症和妇科疾病,气海穴配穴习惯为上下配穴法,同名经配穴法,以及前后配穴法,其中主要为前后配穴法和同名经配穴法。结论:气海穴《针灸大成》中单穴应用占比最高,而在气海穴众多配穴中,运用了本经配穴法、上下配穴法、前后配穴法,配穴归经主要来自任脉和足太阳膀胱经。同名经配穴法,同气相求,可增加疗效;与气海穴配伍较多的足太阳膀胱经以背腧穴为主,此为前后配穴法,亦称腹背阴阳配穴法,腹部为阴,腰背为阳,前后配穴法可起到“从阳引阴”亦可“从阴引阳”的作用,以达到调节阴阳,调和脏法,调畅经络的目的。  相似文献   
[目的] 采用"中医传承辅助平台"软件,探讨年莉教授治疗糖尿病肾病的用药规律。[方法] 将2016年11月-2019年4月年莉教授治疗糖尿病肾病的中药处方信息输入中医传承辅助平台系统,采用频次分析、组方规律分析方法挖掘、探讨年莉教授治疗糖尿病肾病的临床用药特点。[结果] 对年莉教授治疗糖尿病肾病158首处方进行分析,涉及中药207味,使用频次在前10位的药物分别为白芍、川芎、当归、半夏、刺蒺藜、丹参、泽泻、牛膝、厚朴,白术获得9组药对、3组核心药物组合。[结论] 年莉教授治疗糖尿病肾病经验丰富,高频药物的配伍体现了年莉教授多采用平肝疏肝,补血养阴,活血化瘀的治疗原则。期望能为临床治疗和药物研发提供参考,并为糖尿病肾病在泰国的治疗提供新的理念和借鉴。  相似文献   
本文报告不同种的金银花中微量生物元素的分布规律:不同种的金银花中微量生物元素含量的对数与其元素的原子序数成线性关系,并呈现周期性。  相似文献   
The use of medical records in research can yield information that is difficult to obtain by other means. When such records are released to investigators in identifiable form, however, substantial privacy and confidentiality risks may be created. These risks become more common and more serious as medical records move to an electronic format. In 1996, the state of Minnesota enacted legislation with respect to consent requirements for the use of medical records in research. This legislation has been widely criticized because--it is claimed--it creates an unnecessary impediment to research. In this article, we show that these arguments rest upon misinterpretation and/or misrepresentation of the 1996 legislation. A consent requirement had actually been present in Minnesota since 1976 (though codified in a patient rights statute rather than a privacy statute). The 1996 law does not require specific consent, as often claimed, but rather only a general authorization. The campaign against the Minnesota legislation appears to have been motivated by concern with respect to the then impending federal privacy rule. The HIPAA rule, as enacted, is in fact less stringent with respect to consent than the Minnesota consent law. On the other hand, the Minnesota consent law has not been effectively applied or enforced. As we change the way we manage sensitive medical information, new efforts are needed to provide protection against the confidentiality risks in research. Patient consent is an important tool in this regard. New instrumentalities are needed to solicit and document consent.  相似文献   
广东2003年末SARS患者冠状病毒抗原抗体动态特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析SARS-IgG、SARS-IgM、核壳蛋白-IgG抗体和核壳蛋白抗原的变化特点并探讨其意义。方法采用酶联免疫方法对2003年末至2004年初新发4例SARS病人的系列血清进行上述4项的滴度检测。结果在病人较早期的血清中可以检测到核壳蛋白抗原,随着抗体水平的升高,抗原含量迅速下降。抗体E升下降快,在最高水平维持时间短,并且除第1例外,其余3例的抗体滴度均小于1:100,核壳蛋白抗体变化规律与总的IgG抗体一致,但滴度更低。结论抗体变化规律与前次流行不同,抗体水平变化快,应注意及时采集标本。抗原检测可作为一种实验室诊断依据。核壳蛋白抗体可考虑用于早期诊断。  相似文献   
Fuzzy rules to predict degree of malignancy in brain glioma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The current pre-operative assessment of the degree of malignancy in brain glioma is based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and clinical data. 280 cases were studied, of which 111 were high-grade malignancies and 169 were low-grade, so that regular and interpretable patterns of the relationships between glioma MRI features and the degree of malignancy could be acquired. However, as uncertainties in the data and missing values existed, a fuzzy rule extraction algorithm based on a fuzzy min-max neural network (FMMNN) was used. The performance of a multi-layer perceptron network (MLP) trained with the error back-propagation algorithm (BP), the decision tree algorithm ID3, nearest neighbour and the original fuzzy min-max neural network were also evaluated. The results showed that two fuzzy decision rules on only six features achieved an accuracy of 84.6% (89.9% for low-grade and 76.6% for high-grade cases). Investigations with the proposed algorithm revealed that age, mass effect, oedema, post-contrast enhancement, blood supply, calcification, haemorrhage and the signal intensity of the T1-weighted image were important diagnostic factors.  相似文献   
提出了将“前-后实验”和“连续实验”两种催速失活的实验方法结合起来的一种新的催化剂活性评价方法,可以较短的实验时间内,获得该催化剂比较全面、完整的活性衰退的信息。使用该评价方法,对ZSM-5分子筛催化剂AB-97催化苯与乙烯的烷基化反应的失活规律进行了实验研究,结果表明:在缓和条件与苛刻条件下,催化剂的失活规律有所不同。在实验基础上,结合Monte-Carlo模拟的方法,对此进行了机理分析,发现在不同的反应条件下,反应物在催化剂晶粒表面上吸附位置以及反应机理均不相同,同时证实了实验结果。  相似文献   
The incidence of cervical spine injury in patients with polytrauma is 3.7%. Early identification and management of cervical spine injuries in these patients play a crucial role in preventing secondary cervical spine and cord injuries. C-spine clearance assumes a pivotal role in reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with cervical spine injury. Despite the availability of various validated management algorithms and protocols for C-spine clearance, there are several controversies regarding C-spine clearance, such as the ideal protocol and imaging modality, clearance of obtunded patients and management of patients that lie out of the described protocols and rules. The current article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the relevant literature and address the prevalent controversies.  相似文献   
目的:通过应用中医传承辅助平台(V 2.5)挖掘中医药治疗小儿湿疹的组方用药规律,并对高频药物、用药模式及治疗思路进行探讨。方法:搜集国家知识基础设施数据库(CNKI)、中国学术期刊数据库(CSPD)及中文科技期刊数据库(CCD)中2000—2021年应用中医药治疗小儿湿疹的相关文献,经过筛选后建立方药数据库,运用中医传承辅助平台(V 2.5)集成的改进互信息法、关联规则Apriori算法、复杂系统熵聚类与无监督熵聚类等算法对药物频次、性味归经、用药模式、规则分析及新处方等结果进行输出,并进行网络可视化展示。结果:纳入处方200首,共涉及206味中药,高频药物包括甘草、白鲜皮、薏苡仁、茯苓、生地黄、金银花、蝉蜕、地肤子、防风、牡丹皮等,药性以寒性(52.76%)居多,药味以甘(38.89%)、苦(33.37%)、辛(21.96%)味为主,归经以胃经(1 138次)、脾经(1 088次)、肝经(1 061次)居多,并且得到药物之间的关联规则,以及新处方6个。结论:小儿湿疹用药以补虚药、利水渗湿药、清热药、清热解毒药、解表药为主,治疗以疏风清热,燥湿健脾,养血活血为主要大法,分析结果与本病诊疗指南较为吻合,可为小儿湿疹的临床治疗及新药开发提供参考。  相似文献   
目的 介绍一种简单实用的磁共振颅脑图像分割算法K 最近邻 (简称K NN)规则 ,并利用该算法对磁共振颅脑图像进行分割研究。方法 该方法是一个多步处理过程。首先利用边界跟踪法对磁共振颅脑图像进行预处理 ,剔除颅骨和肌肉等非脑组织 ,只保留大脑结构 ;然后利用K NN规则对大脑结构进行分割 ,从大脑结构中分别提取出白质 (WM)、灰质 (GM)和脑脊液 (CSF)。结果 分割算法在预处理步中能精确地分割出大脑结构 ,在K NN分割步中能很好地从大脑结构中分割出WM、GM和CSF。结论 该算法在磁共振颅脑图像的分割中简单实用 ,具有很强的鲁棒性和稳定性。  相似文献   
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