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目的:痛经的发病率逐年增高,重新分析痛经患者的临床因素,提出新的认识。方法:将1 158例痛经患者的临床资料及超声检查结果进行统计学分析。结果:人工流产史与痛经的发生有密切相关性(P<0.001)。结论:人工流产手术是引起痛经的主要原因。该手术所产生的副作用可对女性生理健康造成严重伤害,必须引起全社会的高度关注。  相似文献   
Central axons of sensory ganglion (SG) neurons of the Xenopus tail enter the spinal cord via the ventral roots and travel dorsally and rostrally following a diagonal course within the lateral marginal zone (LMZ) to reach the dorsolateral fasciculus (DLF) (Nordlander et al.: Brain Res., 440:391-395, 1988). Axons are dispersed as they cross the cord. At the DLF they turn and travel together rostrally, sharing the fascicle with axons of primary sensory neurons (Rohon-Beard cells) already present in the tract. In this paper we analyze the growth patterns of the central projections of SG axons in the tail by using HRP applied to proximal branches of tail spinal nerves. Growth cones of the diagonal route are variable in configuration, often bearing processes that spread within the LMZ. Once the DLF, growth cones change shape, becoming distinctly linear. While growth cones navigating the diagonal part of the route never contact or fasciculate with other diagonal SG axons, SG growth cones and axons of the DLF are more closely associated with their fellows. Measurements of the slopes of SG axons in the diagonal route indicated a limited range with a mean of 23 degrees with respect to the cord axis. On the basis of these observations, we conclude that 1) navigational patterns for growth cones of this pathway differ for the diagonal versus the DLF part of its course, and 2) fasciculation is not a mechanism used by SG axons to reach the DLF, but that instead, each axon is able to find its way independently.  相似文献   
采用手术切除联合术后B超引导肝内门静脉区域化疗(简称PHPC)治疗胃肠道癌异时肝转移24例。随访4~54个月,结果:术后经3个疗程的PHPC,8例已存活肥18~48个月;13例分别经过2~11次的PHPC,已存活5~39p个月;另3例死亡。作者认为,对继发性肝癌采用手术切除配合术后B超引导的PHPC是一种延长患者生存期的有效联合治疗方案。  相似文献   
目的:本文观察前列腺癌部位声像图特点并与病理对照,以便帮助对前列腺癌诊断及穿刺点的正确选择,提高前列腺穿刺活检阳性率。方法:总结64例经病理证实为前列腺癌的112个部位的经直肠超声声像图,观察有无异常回声肿块和异常血流区域。结果:112个前列腺癌部位其经直肠超声(TRUS)检查发现异常的有90个,占80.4%;TRUS检查未发现可疑之处的为22个,占19.6%。结论:TRUS可作为诊断前列腺癌和前列腺穿刺活检穿刺点选择的重要方法。  相似文献   
2种清洗设备洗涤医用器械的质量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的通过观察全自动清洗消毒器与超声波清洗机洗涤不同类医用器械的质量,找出不同器械的最佳洗涤方法,为制订各种器械洗涤流程提供依据。方法将回收器械随机分为A洗涤法和B洗涤法。A洗涤法:将回收器械直接放入全自动清洗消毒器内按程序进行清洗、消毒和干燥。B洗涤法:将器械放入超声波机内按程序加酶浸泡、超声波清洗、冷水热水喷淋清洗消毒、上油烘干。比较2种洗涤方法的洗涤效果。结果A洗涤法洗涤后齿类器械剩余残留物为0.52‰,非齿类器械剩余残留物为0.07‰,2种器械洗涤效果差异有统计学意义(!2=28.189,P=0.000),洗涤齿类器械效果差;B洗涤法洗涤齿类器械剩余残留物为0.04‰,非齿类器械剩余残留物为0.01‰,2种器械洗涤效果差异无统计学意义(!2=1.008,P=0.313)。而2组洗涤法洗涤齿类器械效果有统计学意义(!2=44.097,P=0.000);非齿类器械洗涤后剩余残留物对比不明显,洗涤效果差异无统计学意义(!2=2.667,P=0.102)。结论采用超声波清洗机清洗齿类器械洗涤效果佳;而采用全自动清洗消毒器洗涤齿类器械洗涤效果差,但洗涤非齿类器械洗涤容量大,效果好。  相似文献   
超声抽吸法治疗下肢原发性淋巴水肿   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的观察超声抽吸法治疗下肢原发性淋巴水肿的疗效。方法为12例患者采用内超声脂肪抽吸机吸除淋巴水肿组织以降低患肢淋巴负荷,抽吸后结合持续弹力袜裤压扎。结果术后2周水肿即时消退明显,术后1年随访水肿消退,复发不明显。结论超声抽吸法治疗原发性淋巴水肿安全简便,结合弹性袜裤压扎可望取得较好的远期疗效。  相似文献   
超声洁治和局部用甲硝唑治疗轻、中度种植体周围炎   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的:评价用碳纤维工作头的超声洁牙机和25%甲硝唑凝胶治疗种植体周围炎的疗效。方法:将27颗患轻中度种植体周围炎的种植牙随机分为洁牙机治疗组和甲硝唑治疗组,在基线、1、2、6和12周时检查种植体的临床和生物学指标。结果: 两种治疗方法均可使菌斑指数、龈沟出血指数、龋下微生物的酶活性检查等指标改善。治疗期间未发现任何不良反应。结论;碳纤维头超声洁治和局部用25%甲硝唑凝胶是治疗牙种植体周围炎的安全有效的方法。  相似文献   
Astrocytes, with their many functions in producing and controlling the environment in the brain, are of great interest when it comes to studying regeneration after injury and neurodegenerative diseases such as in grafting in Parkinson's disease. This study was performed to investigate astrocytic guidance of growth derived from dopaminergic neurons using organotypic cultures of rat fetal ventral mesencephalon. Primary cultures were studied at different time points starting from 3 days up to 28 days. Cultures were treated with either interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), which has stimulating effects on astrocytic proliferation, or the astrocytic inhibitor cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C). Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunohistochemistry was used to visualize dopaminergic neurons, and antibodies against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and S100 beta were used to label astrocytes. The results revealed that a robust TH-positive nerve fiber production was seen already at 3 days in vitro. These neurites had disappeared by 5 days. This early nerve fiber outgrowth was not guided by direct interactions with glial cells. Later, at 7 days in vitro, a second wave of TH-positive neuritic outgrowth was clearly observed. GFAP-positive astrocytic processes guided these neurites. TH-positive neurites arborized overlying S100 beta-positive astrocytes in an area distal to the GFAP-positive astrocytic processes. Treatment with IL-1 beta resulted in an increased area of TH-positive nerve fiber network. In cultures treated with Ara-C, neither astrocytes nor outgrowth of dopaminergic neurites were observed. In conclusion, this study shows that astrocytes play a major role in long-term dopaminergic outgrowth, both in axonal elongation and branching of neurites. The long-term nerve fiber growth is preceded by an early transient outgrowth of dopamine neurites.  相似文献   
超声引导胶原酶治疗外侧型腰椎间盘突出症   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨超声引导胶原酶治疗外侧型腰椎间盘突出症的疗效及安全性.方法在相应椎间盘突出的棘突间,旁开1.5~2.5cm处经皮穿刺,采用超声引导定位,穿刺成功后,先进行加压试验,再进行麻醉试验,无腰麻征象后,将胶原酶注入到突出的椎间盘内或周围.结果 231例病人出院时的优良率为92.21%,有效率为99.57%;随访1~5年的优良率为92.65%,有效率为99.58%.近期与远期疗效比较无显著性差异(χ2=0.129,P>0.05).结论利用超声引导监测、定位,注射胶原酶治疗外侧型腰椎间盘突出症,安全性强、有效率高.  相似文献   
目的 观察X线电视引导下经皮穿刺腰椎间盘切吸术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的远期疗效。方法 32例经CT扫描证实的腰椎间盘突出症患者,其中,膨出型29例,游离型2例,以及突出型1例,均经X线电视引导下经皮穿刺腰椎间盘切吸术治疗,术后均经随访0.5~11.0a。结果 术后1周~3个月,32例中的24例临床症状与体征得到有效控制或明显减轻,随访5~11a观察表明,症状完全消失和明显减轻者分别见于23例和6例,总有效率90.6%,预后极好和较好者均见于膨出型腰椎间盘突出症患者。结论 游离型和突出型腰椎间盘突出症的疗效均不理想,因此,术前认真选择适应证是获得理想疗效的关键性因素。  相似文献   
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