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OBJECTIVES: To present a series of women with recurrent molar pregnancies, including rare familial cases, and discuss etiology and treatment options. METHODS: We performed a detailed clinical evaluation and pedigree analysis of five Egyptian women with recurrent pregnancy loss due to molar pregnancy. RESULTS: The women had a history of four to nine consecutive hydatidiform moles but of no viable pregnancies. Two of the women had molar pregnancies with different husbands who themselves had viable offspring from previous wives; and three of them, who belonged to a family with extensive intermarriage, had a pedigree consistent with an autosomal recessive maternal-effect mutation. CONCLUSIONS: Recurrent pregnancy loss due to habitual molar pregnancy is uncommon and familial cases are extremely rare. The etiology of this disorder is not well understood but likely results from a maternal-effect mutation. Management options are limited, especially for couples who desire to have their own genetic offspring.  相似文献   
阿尔及利亚地震灾后中国危重伤员远程空中转运   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的 总结紧急远程航空医疗运送的经验,分析影响空运的多种因素。方法 通过2003年5月阿尔及利亚地震灾后,中方5名危重伤员的航空转运的实践,就转运计划、医务人员和医疗设备的配置、空中监护、心理干预等对远程航空医疗运送的作用和影响进行分析和总结。结果 5名危重伤员均安全转运至目的地。结论 制订周密的转运计划和进行细致的安排是成功转运的重要条件;灾害伤员的心理干预对安全转运有着特殊意义。  相似文献   
在辅助生殖助孕中通常采用控制性卵巢刺激(controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, COS),以获得适当数量的卵子用于体外受精,既希望获得理想的辅助生殖助孕成功率,又能降低卵巢过度刺激并发症.COS中约有9%~24%[1,2]的卵巢低反应发生率.卵巢低反应者获得有效卵子数少、可移植胚胎数少或无胚胎移植、取消治疗周期率高,累计成功率更低等,导致较差的治疗结局,是辅助生殖助孕中面临的棘手问题.针对卵巢低反应者,大多数辅助生殖中心仍会采用增加促性腺激素(Gn)的起始和(或)总用量以期获得提高助孕结局的目的.而大剂量Gn是否为改善低反应患者助孕结局的有效策略却仍存在争议.  相似文献   
Infertile women without any inherent female infertility factorsand able to secrete normal cervical mucus were studied prospectivelyin relation to post-coital sperm—mucus penetration (PCT)and their partner's seminal analysis, excluding men with azoospermia.Time-specific cumulative conception rates calculated as forlife-table analysis were related to each measured seminal variableon routine analysis of 2–3 samples (volume, density, proportionwith progressive motility, and proportion with normal morphology);to various derivatives from combinations of these variables;to seminal findings after vital staining; and to the PCT results.The best seminal predictor of fertility was the motile normalsperm density (MNSD), the 18 month conception rates being 57.4%+ 4.6 (SE) and 30.2% + 5.9 (ratio 1.9, P < 0.001) above andbelow a derived threshold value of 4 x 106/ml. The PCT led torates of 55.6% ± 4.3 and 14.9% ± 5.1 (ratio 3.73,P < 0.001) for positive and negative results, respectively.The PCT also gave rise to a significantly distinct intermediatepoor-psitive sub-group (conception rate 30.6% ± 9.0).Seminal analysis (the MNSD) did not affect the conception rateassociated with a positive PCT but helped to discriminate furtherwith a negative PCT (conception rates 22.5% ± 8.7 withan MNSD above 4 x 106/ml versus 5.6% ± 4.8 below, P <0.05). The PCT was the single best predictor of fertility butseminal analysis (the MNSD) was of additional value after anegative PCT.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Concerns about possible adverse outcomes for children conceived using ICSI were highlighted in 1998 when 1-year-old ICSI children were found to be at increased risk (relative risk = 9.2) of delayed mental development compared with children conceived naturally or using IVF. As the findings were biologically plausible, it was considered important to reassess child development when a more accurate measure of long-term cognitive ability could be obtained. METHODS: The mental development of 97 ICSI, 80 IVF and 110 naturally conceived (NC) children at 5 years of age was assessed using intelligence quotients (IQ) obtained from the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence. RESULTS: The mean full-scale IQ was 110 +/- 18 for ICSI, 111 +/- 13 for IVF and 114 +/- 13 for NC children (P = 0.21, non-significant). ICSI children were not at increased risk for delayed (full-scale IQ <85) cognitive development (ICSI 5.2%, IVF 2.5%, NC 0.9%; P = 0.18, non-significant). The only significant independent predictor of below-average full-scale IQ on multivariate analysis was lower maternal education level. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the genetic influence of parental cognitive ability is more important than the mode of conception in determining the long-term intellectual ability of children conceived using ICSI.  相似文献   
Park use is associated with health, yet our understanding of park features related to their use is limited. Singapore's parks were audited for 30 micro-features, then geospatial analysis characterized micro-features scores for parks nearest to participants' homes. Adults (3,435) reported their park use and park-based physical activity. Using linear regression models, we found living near a park with higher micro-features scores was associated with more time in parks and park-based physical activity. Specific micro-features were associated with more park time (wildlife areas, water features, forested areas, unpaved trails (2–2.6 h/month, p < 0.05)) and with physical activity in parks (water features, forested areas, large playground, open green spaces (1.8–2.2 h/month, p < 0.05)). These findings could inform parks planning to support population-health.  相似文献   
【目的】 在全球视野下,从宏观、中观、微观层面分析中国顶刊论文研究主题的特征及趋势。【方法】 基于1980—2020年NatureScience期刊上的研究型论文,利用对比分析法,从时间维度对我国顶刊论文不同层级的研究主题展开国际比较研究。【结果】 中国顶刊论文学科结构沿着与全球趋同的方向演进;中国顶刊论文覆盖的研究领域较少,一些增长型和衰减型研究领域呈现追随全球的显著趋势;中国顶刊论文研究主题多为追随型,起步晚、时滞长。【结论】 高水平研究的发展,不仅需要科研人员更加注重论文的内在质量,科技期刊也应充分发挥“把关人”作用,机构与国家应健全科研评价体系,为推动我国高水平研究提供良好的发展氛围与制度保障。  相似文献   
师资是一所高校最重要的资源 ,是高校实现人才培养、科学研究和社会服务三大功能的主体力量 ,也是一所高校在人才培养、科学创造与学术成就以及社会影响力等方面获得竞争优势的决定性因素。在新的历史时期 ,高等院校师资队伍建设的总体目标 ,是建设一支素质良好、结构优化、富有活力、具有创新能力的师资队伍。其具体措施是完善选人机制 ,优化教师资源配置 ;采取得力措施 ,优化教师队伍成才环境 ;建立激励机制 ,加强学科带头人和骨干教师队伍建设 ;强化竞争机制 ,实施和完善教师聘任制 ;强化教师培训 ,全面提高教师素质 ;加大投入 ,确保教师队伍建设落到实处  相似文献   
Fertility awareness apps, which help to identify the ‘fertile window’ when conception is most likely, have been hailed as ‘revolutionising’ women’s reproductive health. Despite rapidly growing popularity, little research has explored how people use these apps when trying to conceive and what these apps mean to them. We draw on in‐depth, qualitative interviews, adopting a critical digital health studies lens (a sub‐field of science and technology studies), to explore the experiences of cisgender women and partners with one such app, Natural Cycles, in the context of their daily lives. We found that many women valued the technology as a ‘natural’, inobtrusive alternative to biomedical intervention, and a means of controlling and knowing their bodies, amid a dearth of fertility‐related education and care. Yet this technology also intervened materially and affectively into the spaces of their lives and relationships and privileged disembodied metrics (temperature) over embodied knowledge. Meanwhile, app language, advertising and cost have contributed to characterising ‘typical’ users as white, heterosexual, affluent, cisgender women without disabilities. In the context of neoliberal shifts towards bodily self‐tracking, technologies appealing as novel, liberating and ‘natural’ to individuals who can access them may nevertheless reproduce highly gendered reproductive responsibilities, anxieties and broader health and social inequalities.  相似文献   
凤阳山-百山祖保护区药用蕨类植物资源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
朱圣潮 《中药材》2003,26(4):246-249
凤阳山-百山祖自然保护区自然环境优越,植被保存良好,植物资源丰富,其中具有药用价值的蕨类植物共有79种,按其药效可分为解表类药、清热类药、祛风湿药、利尿类药、驱虫药、止血类药、活血祛疯药、补虚类药、平肝息风药等16类。  相似文献   
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