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兹对59例地方性氟骨症患者作骨氟含量分析如下。对象及方法出生并长期生活在四川彭水县地氟病区,经骨X线照片确诊为Ⅰ期氟骨症的23例,Ⅱ期26例,Ⅲ期10例,共59例(男37、女22)年龄18—45岁,平均  相似文献   
一、概况 1977~84年底,我院共收治氢氟酸烧伤病员50人。其中男性33人,女性17人。烧伤部位最常见的是手部,共27例,占54%,其次是眼睛,共10例,占20%;足及下肢共6例,占12%,手臂5例,占10%;面部及躯干各1例,各占2%。  相似文献   
用汉密顿抑郁量表评判噪声对人体的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
噪声可引起一系列的神经哀弱症状,但神经衰弱症状缺乏特异性,很多国家已有废弃这一诊断的倾向,本文探讨了用汉密顿抑郁最表(HAMD)评分作为噪声对人体影响指标的可行性。对象和方法对象:观察组选择某钢管厂冷轧车间接触生产性噪声的工人70(男60、女10)人,平均年龄37.4(17~51)岁,平均工龄13.5(1~32)年。  相似文献   
在工农业生产中,一些化学物质可引起操作人员的皮肤色素改变,屡见报道,而丙烯酸甲脂引起的皮肤白变病却少见。现将我院收治的一例介绍如下。患者叶××,男,46岁。某化工研究所技术员。入院前二年在工作中徒手接触丙烯酸甲脂、醋酸乙烯和催化剂过氧化甲酰。半月后双手出现丘疹、发痒。以后皮肤开始发白,逐渐发展到右手变白,至腕部,  相似文献   
慢性放射病Ⅱ度一例报道柴主保,安珍1临床资料患者左某,男,59岁,放射科医师。从1959年1月至1971年5月,从事X射线诊断工作,左某曾使用过4台X射线诊断机,均属小于30mA的机器,其中一台防护最差,机壳仅为0.5mm白铁皮。这段时间共透视约47...  相似文献   
进入机体的氟除影响骨骼系统外,还影响钙、磷代谢。为探讨其规律,本文对地方性氟骨症患者的尿氟、尿钙、尿磷进行了测定,现报告如下:对象及方法一、对象:经 X 线确诊为Ⅰ期氟骨症42例,Ⅱ期38例,Ⅲ期17例,共97例。对他们在前后不同时间食用高氟粮(玉米含氟54.60mg/kg)和低氟粮(玉米含氟0.35mg/  相似文献   
An examination of medical and physiological changes before and after tennis competition was performed on 71 middle-aged persons and old people in order to know whether they were adapted to this intense match or not. The result was that in the male group 1 (50-59 yrs), the heart rate, respiration rate and blood pressure before and after the tennis game had no significant differences (P > 0.05), indicating that this group was fit for the tennis competition, in the male group 2 (60-69 yrs) and male group 3 (70-79 yrs), as age advances, the number of unfitness to this game was increased gradually; in the female group (50-59 yrs), 28.5% of them showed a marked increase in the heart rate after the competition. We think that when persons have an electrocardiogram showing a significant undue changes of the ST segment and T wave after the contest, they are not suitable to this violent competition. So the medical surveillance is very important for the old people to play violent games such as tennis. The periodical health examination should be done before any exercise event with emphasis on the cardiovascular system so that the old sportsman can choose the proper exercise item and take self-control during the exercise.  相似文献   
症状评定量表在精神病学的科研和观察病情变化及治疗效果等方面应用已十分广泛。在职业医学方面的应用尚未见报道。本文探讨了汉密顿焦虑量表(HAMA)作为高温作业工人监护和诊断指标的可行性。  相似文献   
硫化氢急性中毒已为人们所知,而长期接触低浓度的硫化氢对人的健康影响国内尚未见到报道。为此,对四川某天然气脱硫厂接触硫化氢的工人进行了健康调查。  相似文献   
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