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经颧弓翼点入路选择性海马杏仁核切除治疗颞叶癫痫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨经颧弓翼点入路行选择性海马杏仁核切除治疗颞叶癫痫的手术方法、术后疗效及并发症。方法 本组26例,其中男12例,女14例,年龄4~48岁(平均21.3岁)。病程1—20年(平均8.4年)。临床表现强直一阵挛性发作20例,失神发作4例,复杂部分性发作2例。所有患者术前均行CT及MRI检查和EEG检查,还有4例患者行了脑磁图检查。手术采用改良翼点入路切口,下端达颧弓下,游离出颧弓2cm后用线锯锯下,将前海马和杏仁核基底外侧分块取出,并将海马旁回及钩回逐步吸除,术毕颧弓复位生物胶固定。结果 26例患者中,除3例术后出现颧弓处皮肤肿胀、疼痛外,其余23例患者恢复良好。经过1年以上的随访,发现20例癫痫发作完全消失,4例术后较术前显著改善,1例术后效果良好,手术效果较差1例。手术总有效率96.1%(25/26),优良率92.2%(24/26)。结论 经颧弓翼点入路行选择性海马杏仁核切除术治疗颞叶癫痫是一种安全、有效的手术方式,术后并发症少,疗效满意。  相似文献   

经皮层选择性海马杏仁核切除术治疗颞叶癫痫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察经皮层入路选择件海马含仁核切除术对颞叶癫痫的治疗效果及风险。方法 20例单侧海马硬化性顽崮性颞叶内侧癫痫患者,采用颢部开颅经颞中同侧脑室入路选择性海马杏仁核切除术治疗,随访至少1年以卜,采用Engel分级量表进行针对癫痫发作控制效果的评价。结果 Ⅰ级结果15例,Ⅱ级结果3例,Ⅲ级结果2例,无明显持久性并发症,无手术死亡。结论 在严格筛选的颞叶内侧癫痫,颞部开颅经颞中回皮层入路选择性切除海马含仁核术对治疗颞叶癫痫,安全有效。  相似文献   

研究发现,颞叶内侧结构(杏仁核海马等)与颞叶癫痫的发生和传播密切相关。Wieser甚至认为该区域为癫痫的起搏器结构,他与Yasargil合作提出了经外侧裂选择性杏仁核海马切除术代替传统的颞叶切除方法。Hori则提倡用经颞下入路选择性杏仁核海马切除术,治疗内侧颞叶癫痫,在控制癫痫基础上保留颞叶新皮质。作者采用Hori法选择性杏仁核海马切除术治疗非肿瘤性顽固性内侧颞叶癫痫60例,临床疗效满意。现总结如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料本组60例,男33例,女27例;年龄4~54岁,平均约23岁。病程0.5~31年,平均约12年。主要表现为单纯部分性发作3例,复杂…  相似文献   

目的 探讨经颞下回-侧脑室入路选择性海马杏仁核切除术治疗内侧颞叶癫痫的手术方法 、疗效及并发症. 方法 对确诊为药物难治性内侧颞叶癫痫的62例患者,经颞部锁孔开颅,切除中前段颞下回,进入颞角前外侧区,选择性切除海马杏仁核及海马旁回等内侧颞叶结构.结果 62例患者术后随访至少24~80个月,无严重手术并发症;Engel癫痫疗效分级;Ⅰ级45例(72.6%),Ⅱ级12例(19.4%),Ⅲ级5例(8.0%). 结论 经颢下回-侧脑室入路选择性海马杏仁核切除术是治疗内侧颞叶癫痫的有效方法 ,其手术创伤小,可妥善保护语言区和视放射,安全性高.  相似文献   

经侧裂选择性杏仁核海马切除术治疗颞叶内侧癫痫   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 探讨经侧裂选择性杏仁核海马切除术(TSSAH)治疗颞叶内侧癫痫(MTLE)的效果和手术并发症.方法 对2005年至2008年采用TSSAH治疗的18例MTLE患者进行回顾性分析及随访.结果 海马海绵状血管瘤4例(其中2例合并海马硬化),胶质瘤2例,海马硬化12例.术后随访6-37个月,Engel分级Ⅰ级(无发作)12例,Ⅱ级(仅先兆或偶发作)2例,Ⅲ级(发作显著减少)2例,Ⅳ级(发作无变化)2例.术后视野缺损9例,术区血肿1例,颅内感染1例,动眼神经损伤1例,无死亡、偏瘫及语言障碍.结论 TSSAH治疗MTLE临床疗效满意.  相似文献   

目的 比较常用的四种手术方式在治疗海马硬化性颞叶内侧癫痫(MTLE/HS)中的优缺点.方法 106例顽固性MTLE/HS患者中23例行经皮层脑室入路选择性海马杏仁核切除术;23例行经侧裂选择性海马杏仁核切除术;30例行前内侧颞叶切除术;30例行经颞下选择性海马杏仁核切除术.随访6个月-9年.采用Engel分级量表评价癫痫治疗效果,并比较并发症发生率.结果 四种术式在对癫痫发作的治疗效果比较上差异无统计学意义,无手术死亡,在并发症发生率方面差异无统计学意义.结论 对于经严格筛选的MTLE/HS,四种手术方式在疗效和安全性方面相当,可根据个人手术经验加以选择.  相似文献   

选择性海马-杏仁核切除术治疗内侧颞叶癫痫85例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 采用选择性海马-杏仁核切除术治疗内侧颞叶癫痫85例,探讨手术入路的选择及治疗效果。方法 总结2000年~2004年85例选择性海马-杏仁核切除手术病例的术前临床表现、影像检查、视频脑电图和脑磁图所见以及外科手术方法,观察随访结果。结果 术后74.2%癫痫发作停止。Engel癫痫疗效分级:1级74.2%,2级16.5%,3级5.1%,4级4.2%。总有效率为95.8%。结论 选择性海马-杏仁核切除术对80%以上的内侧颞叶癫痫有效。颧弓翼点经颞下沟入路安全有效。颞底海马旁回入路可避免损伤颞叶新皮质。  相似文献   

经颞下沟选择性杏仁核海马切除术治疗内侧颞叶癫痫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨经颞下沟侧脑室入路选择性杏仁核海马切除术治疗内侧颞叶癫痫的手术方法、效果及并发症。方法确诊为药物难治性内侧颞叶癫痫的30例患者,在无框架神经导航指引下,经颞部锁孔开颅,显微镜下分开一小段颞下沟,切开侧脑室壁,进入颞角前外侧区,选择性切除杏仁核海马。结果30例患者术后随访至少2年时间(24—59个月),神经功能改善,无严重手术并发症,23例(76.7%)癫痫发作完全消失(EngelⅠ级)。结论经颞下沟侧脑室入路选择性杏仁核海马切除术是治疗内侧颞叶癫痫的有效方法,在神经导航辅助下手术创伤小,可妥善保护语言区和视放射,安全性高。  相似文献   

选择性海马杏仁核切除术是治疗顽固性颞叶癫痫引人注目的手术方法之一 ,由于海马杏仁核位于颞叶深部 ,在手术暴露时往往会损伤颞叶皮层某些功能。作者从 1 996年 9月至 1 997年 7月采用经颧弓颞底入路 ,选择性海马杏仁切除治疗 6例颞叶癫痫 ,取得了比较满意的结果 ,现报告如下。临床资料男性 2例 ,女性 4例。年龄 1 8~ 45岁 ,平均34.4岁。病程 4~ 8年 ,平均 5.4年。所有病人均为神经内科医师确诊 ,并经过 2年以上正规药物治疗 ,癫痫控制效果不佳 ,每月癫痫发作在 4次以上 ,并已影响生活和工作者。其中癫痫灶位于左侧颞叶者 4例 ,癫痫灶位…  相似文献   

目的 探讨选择性杏仁核-海马切除术(SAH)对内侧颞叶癫痫病人认知功能的影响。方法 回顾性分析2009年1月~2017年5月接受SAH治疗的67例内侧颞叶癫痫的临床资料,术前、术后3个月和术后1年均行详细的神经心理学评估,包括智商、记忆商和语言功能。结果 36例行左侧SAH,31例行右侧SAH。术后1年,癫痫控制效果达到Engel分级Ⅰ级50例,Ⅱ级7例,Ⅲ级8例,Ⅳ级2例。术后3个月,左侧手术病人言语功能、记忆商较术前明显降低(P<0.05),右侧手术病人言语理解指数、语义流畅性测验明显改善(P<0.05);术后1年,无论是左侧手术病人,还是右侧手术病人,智商、记忆商、言语功能较术后3个月略改善(P>0.05);手术前后视觉记忆均无明显变化(P>0.05)。结论 海马硬化性内侧颞叶癫痫行SAH后,左侧手术病人会出现比较明显的言语和记忆功能减低。  相似文献   

Peripheral sudomotor dysfunction is present in many peripheral neuropathies, but structural assessments of sudomotor fibers rarely occur. We evaluated 36 diabetic and 72 healthy control subjects who underwent detailed neurologic examinations and punch skin biopsies. Physical exam findings were quantified by neuropathy impairment score in the lower limb. Skin biopsies quantified intraepidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) and sweat gland nerve fiber density (SGNFD) by a manual, automated, and semiquantitative method. The automated and manual SGNFD correlated with the IENFD at the same site (r = 0.62, P < 0.05 automated method, r = 0.67, P < 0.05 manual method). As neuropathy worsened, the SGNFD at the distal leg declined (automated counting r = ?0.81, P < 0.001; manual counting r = ?0.88, P < 0.001). The semiquantitative method displayed poor inter‐ and intrareviewer reliability and correlated poorly with standard neuropathy evaluation scores. Our results suggest that sudomotor fibers can be rapidly and reproducibly quantified, and results correlate well with physical exam findings. Muscle Nerve, 2010  相似文献   

In patients after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) failure of cerebral autoregulation is associated with delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI). Various methods of assessing autoregulation are available, but their predictive values remain unknown. We characterize the relationship between different indices of autoregulation. Patients with SAH within 5 days were included in a prospective study. The relationship between three indices of autoregulation was analyzed: two indices calculated using spontaneous blood pressure fluctuations, Sxa (based on transcranial Doppler) and TOxa (based on near-infrared spectroscopy); and transient hyperemic response test (THRT) where a brief compression of the common carotid artery is used. The predictive value of indices was assessed using data from the first 5 days. Overall there was only moderate correlation between indices. However, both Sxa and TOxa showed good accuracy in predicting impaired autoregulation evidenced by a negative THRT (area under the curve (AUC): 0.788, 95% CI: 0.723 to 0.854 and AUC: 0.827, 95% CI: 0.769 to 0.885, respectively). All indices proved accurate in predicting DCI when 0- to 5-day data were used (AUC: 0.801, 95% CI: 0.660 to 0.942; AUC: 0.857, 95% CI: 0.731 to 0.984, AUC: 0.796, 95% CI: 0.658 to 0.934 for THRT, Sxa, and TOxa, respectively). Combining all three indices had 100% specificity for predicting DCI. While multiple colinearities exist between the assessed methods, multimodal monitoring of cerebral autoregulation can aid in predicting DCI.  相似文献   

The authors present a method for modeling cost data on three selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)-fluoxetine, paroxetine, and sertraline-from a large clinical outcomes study in a university-affiliated mental health center. Using data from 2,779 patients, average drug cost per day was calculated based on the percentage of patients on each daily dose of each medication. Given no overall significant difference between the SSRIs in effectiveness, the actual average cost per day determined by dose distribution was $1.79 for fluoxetine, $1.41 for paroxetine, and $1.21 for sertraline (using halved 100 mg tablets). The results suggest that cost can serve as one measure to help guide choice of medications.  相似文献   

目的对二氧化碳吸入、屏气及过度换气等3种不同的脑血管反应性检测方法进行比较,拟为临床应用探索一种有效且简便的方法。方法70例健康体格检查者通过经颅多普勒(TCD)超声技术常规检测颅底及颈部各动脉,然后分别进行二氧化碳吸入试验、过度换气试验和屏气试验,记录试验前后双侧大脑中动脉血流速度变化数据和趋势,检测脑血管反应性。结果吸入二氧化碳后,大脑中动脉平均血流速度明显加快,增加率为(44.86±10.18)%;过度换气时,平均血流速度明显减慢,于过度换气20~30s后降至平台期,平均下降率为(33.63±8.62)%,直至过度通气结束血流速度无明显变化。70例受试者平均屏气时间为(41.66±9.51)s,其中男性屏气时间(42.05±9.23)s,女性(40.63±10.47)s,男女之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);屏气后大脑中动脉平均血流速度明显加快,增加率为(46.53±11.83)%;平均屏气指数为1.16±0.37;屏气后血流速度增加率和屏气指数之间呈高度正相关(r=0.865,P<0.01);当屏气时间>30s时,无论采用屏气后血流速度增加率或屏气指数作为分析指标,均可准确地反映脑血管反应性变化。对二氧化碳吸入试验、过度换气试验及屏气试验3种不同方法进行比较显示,过度换气试验与二氧化碳吸入试验、屏气试验间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);而二氧化碳吸入试验与屏气试验之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论二氧化碳吸入试验、屏气试验和过度换气试验均可有效地评价脑血管反应性,其中以屏气试验评价脑血管反应性更为简便。  相似文献   

背景:目前常用分离气管上皮细胞的方法有蛋白酶法和胰酶法,但各有不足,控制不好会影响细胞的增殖和活力。 目的: 改进气管上皮细胞培养技术,比较链酶蛋白酶、胰酶和联合消化3种不同酶消化法在培养气管上皮细胞中的区别。 设计、时间及地点:对比观察,实验于2007-09/2008-07在同济大学分子生物开放实验室和解放军第二军医大学动物实验室完成。 材料: SD雄性大鼠12只,体质量200~250 g。链酶蛋白酶、胰酶为Gibco公司产品。 方法:将SD大鼠分3组,每组4只。链酶蛋白酶组使用1 g/L链酶蛋白酶在4 ℃消化18 h;胰酶冷消化组使用2.5 g/L胰酶4 ℃消化18 h;联合消化组使用链酶蛋白酶4 ℃消化18 h后用2.5 g/L胰酶37 ℃消化5 min,用以上3种方法分离、培养SD大鼠气管上皮细胞。 主要观察指标:用细胞计数板,激光共聚焦显微镜测定细胞分离的数量以及纯度、成活率。 结果:链酶蛋白酶、胰酶冷消化和联合消化法所得细胞数量分别为(1.21±0.17)×106;(1.35±0.13)×106和(1.36±0.16)×106。联合消化法所得细胞状态最好,贴壁能力和增殖能力最好,其次为链酶蛋白酶法,胰酶冷消化法较差。 结论:链酶蛋白酶与胰酶的联合法是一种有效的培养气管上皮细胞的方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨神经外科择期手术病人的心理需求。方法采用调查问卷的方法,用自制需求量表对我院神经外科109例开颅手术病人在入院24h内进行调查,采用SSPS11.0.统计软件包进行分析处理。结果神经外科择期手术病人对疾病知识、手术知识和社会支持方面需求较高。结论护理人员应根据病人的心理需求实施相应的护理干预,满足病人的心理需要,解除术前焦虑及抑郁。  相似文献   

脑电图三种诱发试验在癫痫诊断中的价值   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 研究脑电图(EEG)3种诱发试验在癫痫诊断中的价值,为探讨癫痫的治疗方案提供可靠的依据。方法 对我院1997年3月以来收治的156例拟诊为癫痫的患者行EEG常规及3种诱发试验检查。结果 清醒状态下,33%的患者常规EEG出现癫痫样放电,过度换气(HV)时43%的患者出现癫放电,闪光刺激时36%出现癫痫样放电,自然睡眠时89%出现癫痫样放电。结论3种诱发试验,特别是睡眠中的EEG〉对提高癫痫样  相似文献   

To evaluate the efficacy of an operant approach that includes the bell and pad for the treatment of enuresis (Tangible Rewards with Fading), it was compared with an established operant method that includes the bell and pad (the Dry Bed method) and to a conventional Bell and Pad method. Although there were no overall statistically significant differences among the three methods, individual pairwise comparisons were of interest; the Dry Bed method had no advantage, but the Tangible Rewards with Fading method tended to have more patients reach a 14-day dryness criterion (p less than 0.10) and tended to have fewer patients relapse after treatment (p less than 0.08) than the Bell and Pad method.  相似文献   

Introduction Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is an effective treatment for lower extremity spasticity in cerebral palsy. Cortical organization in sensory cortex may be abnormal in cerebral palsy, and deafferentation is known to lead to cortical reorganization in many situations.Methods We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of hand sensory stimulation to determine if the partial deafferentation of the lower extremity sensory system, associated with SDR, led to any alterations in the cortical somatosensory representation for the upper limbs. Three patients with spastic diplegia were studied with blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD)-fMRI before and after SDR. fMRI during tactile stimulation of the digits of the right hand was used to map hand somatosensory cortex. Comparison of the cortical maps devoted to the hand before and after SDR assessed for cortical reorganization following partial deafferentation of the lower extremity.Results In the one patient with upper extremity involvement, the hand sensory representation was markedly enhanced following SDR. In the other two patients, a normal pattern, but with diminished activity, was seen compared with preoperative findings. SDR for lower limb spastic diplegia does not lead to extensive reorganization of cortex dedicated to the representation of the upper limb. An essentially normal pattern of activation was seen both before and after SDR.Conclusion The relief of attention demands associated with spasticity may explain the modulation in intensity seen after SDR in the patients who exhibited no upper extremity involvement despite lower limb spasticity.  相似文献   

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