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目的探讨高师贫困生自尊、自我效能感与主观幸福感的关系,为高师院校心理健康教育提供依据。方法采用自尊量表、一般自我效能感量表、生活满意度量表、快乐感量表对218名贫困生和216名非贫困生进行测查。结果(1)高师贫困生的自尊、生活满意度、正性情感显著低于非贫困生,自我效能感、负性情感差异不显著。(2)自尊、自我效能感与主观幸福感显著相关。(3)不同自尊、不同自我效能感的高师贫困生主观幸福感的差异显著。(4)自尊、自我效能感对生活满意度、正性情感具有一定的预测力,自尊对负性情感具有预测作用。结论贫困生自尊、主观幸福感相对较低,自尊、自我效能感能显著预测主观幸福感。  相似文献   

为了揭示高中学生人际关系与主观幸福感的关系,采用量表法,对分层随机抽取的全国1968名高中学生进行测查,结果表明:(1)高中男生的主观幸福感明显高于女生,而且在正性情感、学习满意感和身体满意感上有显著差异;省级达标校的高中学生学习满意感优于市级达标校,市级达标校的高中学生学习满意感优于普通校,省级达标校的高中学生身体满意感优于市级达标校和普通校。(2)高中学生的人际关系是其主观幸福感的有效的预测指标;其中交谈、交友、待人接物等人际交往的因子是正性情感、负性情感和身体满意感的有效的预测变量;交谈、交友、待人接物、异性交往等人际交往的因子是生活满意感的有效预测变量;交谈、异性交往、待人接物等人际交往的因子是学习满意感的有效预测变量。  相似文献   

大学生社会支持与主观幸福感的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨大学生社会支持与主观幸福感的关系。方法采用人格量表、社会支持量表、主观幸福感量表对386名大学生进行问卷调查,对数据进行相关分析和回归分析。结果(1)人格中的积极因素与社会支持、主观幸福感呈显著正相关,人格中的消极因素与社会支持、主观幸福感呈显著负相关,社会支持、主观幸福感呈显著正相关;(2)进行回归分析,多数路径显著,建立了人格、社会支持、主观幸福感的模型。结论社会支持、主观幸福感和人格各因素呈显著正相关,建立人格因素、社会支持、心理弹性的模型。  相似文献   

目的 探讨复元模式对精神分裂症患者精神症状、自尊及总体幸福感的影响。方法 将 符合入组标准的上海市某区社区精神分裂症患者68 例,随机分成干预组及对照组各34 例。对照组采用 社区一般康复,干预组采取以复元理念为指导的综合康复服务模式,采用阳性与阴性症状量表(PANSS) 评定精神症状严重程度,自尊调查表(SEI)评定自尊水平,总体幸福感量表(GWBS)评定总体幸福感。结 果 两组间比较,干预12 个月后,干预组PANSS、SEI 及GWBS 较对照组改善更明显,差异均有统计学 意义(t分别为-11.246、3.194、4.618;P< 0.01)。干预组组内比较,PANSS 和GWBS 得分与干预前比较差 异有统计学意义(F分别为45.011、6.006;P< 0.01),SEI 得分干预前后比较差异无统计学意义(F=1.535, P> 0.05)。结论 对社区精神分裂症患者进行基于复元理念的康复服务有助于减轻精神分裂症患者的 精神症状,改善其低自尊状态,提升总体幸福感。  相似文献   

目的 了解硕士研究生主观幸福感及相关因素.方法 采用campell编制的<幸福感指数量表>、Bradhurn编制的<情感量表>、Diener编制的<生活满意度问卷>及郑日昌编制的<人际关系综合诊断量表>对南京地区226名硕士生进行测查.结果 硕士研究生幸福感指数存在显著的城乡差异(P<0.01),消极情感体验存在显著年级差异(P<0.01),有恋人或配偶者幸福感指数显著高于单身者(P<0.01),人际关系困扰中人际交谈困扰、待人接物困扰两个维度对幸福感指数为负向预测(B=-0.202,B=-0.201),人际交谈困扰、待人接物困扰及异性交往困扰三个维度对消极情感为正向预测(B=0.269,B=0.239,B=0.134).结论 城乡来源、婚恋状况及年级差异对硕士生主观幸福感具有一定的影响,人际关系困扰对主观幸福感具有一定的预测作用.  相似文献   

研究老年人主观幸福感(subjective well—being,SWD)有助于认识和改善老年人的生活质量。针对老年人群体,阐述属于主观范畴的人格因素以及属于客观范畴的生活事件(社会关系、收入、健康状况)对老年人主观幸福感的影响。  相似文献   

主观幸福感的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
主观幸福感(SWB)是反映某一社会中个体生活质量的重要心理学参数,是反映心理健康水平的重要指标之一,包括了生活满意感、正性情感和负性情感三个维度的主观体验。它的研究涉及了众多的学科范畴,形成了各种流派的观点。本文综述了SWB的最近研究进展情况。  相似文献   

目的探讨抑郁症患者与正常人在主观幸福感上的差异,以及不同性别的抑郁症患者在主观幸福感上的差异。方法应用总体幸福感量表(GWB)对60名抑郁症患者和60名正常人进行主观幸福感的测定。结果正常被试与抑郁症被试在总体幸福感及各分量表分数上均存在显著的差别(P<0.05)。不同性别的抑郁症患者在正性情绪、负性情绪、总体幸福感的差别具有显著性(P<0.05),女性在幸福感体验和情感体验上都比男性高。结论抑郁症患者的主观幸福感相对正常人较低,女性抑郁症患者在幸福感体验和情感体验上都比男性高。  相似文献   

主观幸福感是反映生活质量的一个重要指标,是指人们对自身生活满意程度的认知评价,国内外学者对其影响因素的研究一般涉及个体的主、客观因素,其中客观因素主要包括人口统计学变量、经济状况、文化、健康、生活事件、社会支持,主观因素包括人格、应对方式、自尊。对主观幸福感的主要研究方法是自陈报告法。今后将更加注重主观幸福感的心理机制和干预的研究,而且研究方法将更加多样化。  相似文献   

目的:观察自我管理综合技能训练对精神分裂症患者康复疗效及幸福感与自尊的影响。方法选取2012‐02—2013‐04我科治疗的精神分裂症患者112例为研究对象,采用随机数表法分成观察组、对照组。对照组行精神科常规护理,观察组在对照组基础上行自我管理综合技能训练。采用住院患者观察量表(NOSIE)、简明精神病评定量表(BPRS)、总体幸福感量表(GWB)及自尊量表(SES)于治疗前与治疗3个月后对患者进行评价。结果观察组治疗后社会能力、个人卫生、社会兴趣等积极方面评分明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组治疗后抑郁、退缩、激惹等消极方面评分明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组治疗后精神症状评分低于对照组,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。观察组BPRS干预后评分明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组GWB、SES干预后评分明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论自我管理综合技能训练可明显提高精神分裂症患者的幸福感和自尊,是一种有效的治疗方式。  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-nine university students completed measures of schizotypy and subjective well-being (SWB). Inverse associations were found between schizotypy and SWB scores. These results provide evidence that diminished SWB is characteristic along the schizophrenia continuum. Further research is required to determine the mechanisms by which schizotypal individuals experience reduced life satisfaction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between cognitive deficits and self-reported subjective well-being (depression, life satisfaction, and perceived social support). Sixty-three participants who suffered from mild to moderate dementia were interviewed with standardized measurements of subjective well-being. Reliability and validity of the instruments were satisfactory. Zero-order correlations showed significant correlations between depression, life satisfaction, and perceived social support. Cognitive functioning correlated negatively with perceived social support. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that the interaction of physical diseases and cognitive functioning produced a significant change in depressive symptoms and life satisfaction. Participants with mild dementia reported more depressive symptoms and less life satisfaction than persons with more severe dementia, if there were few constraints on physical health.  相似文献   

师范大学生主观幸福感与学业满意度的相关研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨师范大学生主观幸福感与学业满意度之间的相关程度。方法采用"总体幸福感量表"和自编"大学生学业满意度量表"评定319名师范大学生的幸福感与学业满意度,主要运用相关分析和多元逐步回归分析。结果总体幸福感与总体学业满意度、专业学习满意度、职业技能发展满意度、兴趣特长发展满意度均存在显著的正相关;专业学习满意度、职业技能(英语、计算机等)发展满意度对总体幸福感有显著的直接预测效应;"精力"和"对生活的满足和兴趣"对总体学业满意度具有显著的直接预测作用。结论师范大学生主观幸福感与学业满意度之间具有显著的相互预测作用。  相似文献   

BackgroundCompulsive buying has become a severe problem among young people. The prominent role that psychological variables play in this phenomenon support their consideration in establishing a risk profile for compulsive buying that serves as a guide for the development of prevention and treatment programs with guarantees of effectiveness. However, there are only a small number of studies in existence which have explored the compulsive buying prevalence among students, and none of them have been conducted in a Mediterranean country.ObjectivesThis study aims to estimate the compulsive buying prevalence in a sample of university students from the region of Galicia (Spain). We also intend to determine if statistically significant differences exist between compulsive buyers and non-compulsive buyers in relation with gender, materialistic values, psychological distress symptoms and subjective well-being. Lastly, the clarification of which of the determinants examined represent risk or protection factors for compulsive buying constitutes another important objective of this paper.MethodsA total sample of 1448 university students participated in this study. They answered a battery of self-reports assessing gender, compulsive buying propensity, materialism, distress symptomatology, and well-being. Participants were initially classified as either compulsive buyers or non-compulsive buyers. Both groups were compared for the aforementioned variables through chi-square testing or variance analyses. Then, a multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine which of these determinants make up a risk profile for compulsive buying.ResultsThe estimated prevalence of compulsive buying in the sample of university students considered was 7.4%. Statistically significant differences between compulsive buyers and non-compulsive buyers were detected for gender, and each and every one of the psychological variables explored. Specifically, it was confirmed that compulsive buyers obtained significantly higher scores in materialism's dimensions of importance, success, and happiness, and in the psychological distress symptoms of anxiety, depression, obsession-compulsion, hostility, and somatization. On the contrary, they presented significantly lower levels in self-esteem, life satisfaction, and optimism. Results of the logistic regression analysis confirmed that high scores in the importance dimension of materialism, in combination with the experiencing of symptoms of anxiety, depression, obsession–compulsion, hostility, and somatization, would constitute risk factors in relation with this phenomenon, and high levels of life satisfaction would act as a protection factor as for compulsive buying in the sample of students considered.ConclusionsCurrent findings revealed that 7.4% of the large sample of Spanish university students considered were classified as compulsive buyers. Additionally, it was confirmed that while materialism and psychological distress symptoms would represent vulnerability determinants increasing the propensity for compulsive buying, the high scores in life satisfaction would act to decrease the likelihood of becoming a compulsive buyer. Accordingly, our results suggested that prevention and intervention efforts in relation with compulsive buying among young people should include specific components aimed at the reduction of the importance assigned to money and possessions, and also at the relief of psychological distress symptoms.  相似文献   

More than 200 studies showed correlations between religiosity and mental health, which are predominantly positive, but also negative and neutral. A model is proposed, which refers not only to clinical perspectives, but also to the sociological research concerning the relationships between religiosity and subjective well-being (life satisfaction, happiness etc.). This model conceptualizes subjective well-being as a protective counterpart to mental health deficits. More specifically, this model describes important processes of religiously motivated social interaction and intrapsychic regulation of emotions, and interprets them as interactions between religiosity and subjective well-being.  相似文献   



Depressive symptoms are common in schizophrenia and are considered core features of the disorder. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between depressive symptoms and subjective well-being in newly admitted patients with schizophrenia.


Eighty newly admitted patients were comprehensively evaluated for subjective well-being, schizophrenic symptoms, and depressive symptoms using the Subjective Well-Being Under Neuroleptics Scale (SWN), the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), and the Beck Depression Inventory. Correlation coefficients were obtained between depressive symptoms and subjective well-being while controlling for the influence of the severity of psychotic symptoms, extrapyramidal side effect, and subjective attitude toward antipsychotics, as assessed by the PANSS, the Drug-Induced Extrapyramidal Symptoms Scale, and the Drug Attitude Inventory, respectively.


The SWN score had a significant negative correlation with the PANSS depression factor score (P < .001). Correlation analysis also revealed a significant negative correlation between the SWN score and the Beck Depression Inventory score (P < .001).


The results of our study suggest that depressive symptoms are significantly associated with a low subjective well-being in newly admitted patients with schizophrenia and that the relationship is significant even after controlling for the influence of potential confounding variables. Detection and appropriate management of depressive symptoms in schizophrenic patients may affect their perceptions of their own well-being.  相似文献   

The effects of social roles on women's well-being are explored in an analysis which incorporates social support and self-esteem as intervening variables. The impact of roles on well-being is expected to occur primarily through these intervening variables. An analysis of a national sample of adult women reveals that the only social roles to impact well-being through effects on social support or self-esteem are employment and parenthood. Results indicate that parenthood has a weak positive effect on support and marriage reduces levels of distress. Employment does not enhance well-being via social support but does have a positive effect on self-esteem. Community programs which encourage social participation and which involve esteem enhancing activities are recommended.  相似文献   

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