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背景:现时互联网在日常生活中扮演着重要角色,尤其是对青少年,他们更关心自己的脸型和体型。尽管有传统媒体对体象满意度影响的大量研究,但很少关注到新媒体(网络)的影响,而且几乎没有青少年在网上时间和体象满意度之间关系的研究。目标:旨在研究7-12年级泰国学生在网上时间、体象满意度和饮食习惯的关系。方法:对来自泰国曼谷6所中学的620名学生进行随机抽样调查。采用自制的媒体和互联网使用行为问卷,青少年和成人的体像自信量表(BESAA)泰国版,肌肉强壮量表(DMS只用于男性),Rosenberg自尊量表泰国版,26项饮食态度测试泰国版(EAT-26)和饮食习惯带来肥胖风险问卷进行测量。结果:受试平均年龄为15.7(1.9)岁,其中男性246名(39.7%),女性374名(60.3%)。从互联网和社交网络获得体象和饮食行为相关内容的上网时间,与身体意象满意度负相关(r=-0.096,p=0.17r=-0.097,p=0.016),与不恰当的饮食态度/行为、贪食、自我诱导式呕吐、使用泻药/利尿剂,对强壮肌肉获取关注的行为/态度的控制正相关。同时也与饮食习惯带来的肥胖风险相关(r=0.109,p=0.006r=0.102,p=0.011)。结论:上网时间,尤其是花在改善自我形象上的活动、饮食态度及行为,都与体象满意度下降和不良饮食习惯相关。  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市龙华新区青少年的网络成瘾倾向及其影响因素。方法采用分层随机整群抽样的方法抽取深圳市龙华新区6552名中小学生,使用自制调查问卷及青少年病理性互联网使用量表(adolescentpathological internet use scale,APIUS)对其社会人口学资料、上网行为、危险行为情况与网络成瘾倾向等进行调查。结果本次调查中具有网络成瘾倾向者590名,检出率为9.0%。多因素logistic回归分析示,本地区青少年网络成瘾倾向与男性(OR=1.32,P0.05),生活在民治街道(OR=1.66,P0.01),处于初中阶段(OR=1.62,P0.01),来自离异或再婚等特殊家庭类型(OR=1.49,P0.01),经常在网吧上网(OR=2.00,P0.01),平时上网时间为2~4 h/d(OR=1.92,P0.01)、4~5 h/d(OR=2.97,P0.01)、6 h/d以上(OR=4.90,P0.01),上网主要目的为玩游戏(OR=3.27,P0.01)、聊天(OR=2.80,P0.01)和娱乐(OR=1.54,P0.05),以及危险行为(OR=2.39,P0.01)之间具有正关联。结论影响深圳市龙华新区青少年网络成瘾倾向的因素是多方面的,家长、学校及相关部门应该主要针对学生的上网行为及危险行为采取适当干预措施,预防青少年网络成瘾。  相似文献   

目的探讨威廉姆斯生活技能训练(WLST)在伴非自杀性自伤(NSSI)行为青少年抑郁症患者中的应用效果。方法选取2019年1月-6月在苏州市广济医院住院的伴NSSI行为的青少年抑郁症患者88例。按入院顺序编号,偶数者为干预组(n=44),奇数者为对照组(n=44)。两组均接受为期4周的常规抑郁症疾病护理,干预组在此基础上接受WLST。两组患者分别于入院和出院时接受汉密尔顿抑郁量表17项版(HAMD-17)、一般自我效能感量表(GSES)、青少年学生生活满意度量表评定,并比较两组患者住院期间NSSI行为发生率、出院时HAMD-17评分减分率。结果两组患者住院期间NSSI行为发生率差异有统计学意义(χ~2=11.702,P=0.001)。出院时,两组HAMD-17、GSES、青少年学生生活满意度量表评分与入院时比较差异均有统计学意义(t_(对照组)=-5.256、10.690、-21.220,t_(干预组)=-12.540、11.300、-32.840,P0.01),两组组间HAMD-17、GSES、青少年学生生活满意度量表评分及HAMD-17评分减分率比较差异均有统计学意义(t=0.851、-12.809、-4.883,χ~2=75.990,P0.05或0.01)。结论 WLST可能有助于降低伴NSSI行为的青少年抑郁症患者NSSI行为发生率,减轻抑郁程度,增强自我效能感,提高生活满意度。  相似文献   

背景:18项成人ADHD自评量表(ASRS-V1.1)是一份针对成人ADHD的筛查量表.目标:旨在测试泰国版18项成人ADHD筛查量表(ASRS-V1.1)的信度和效度.方法:将原版18项成人ADHD筛查量表翻译为泰语.经翻译、回译、对比,并通过国内的文化调适、现场测试和最终确认等一系列步骤完成.对1500名来自曼谷幼儿园、小学的家长采用泰国版18项成人ADHD自评量表进行阳性结果和阴性结果筛查,并从中随机选取各50例进行诊断性访谈.最终由3名精神科医生进行临床访谈,根据DSM-5注意缺陷多动障碍诊断标准明确诊断为成人ADHD患者.结果:泰国版18项成人ADHD筛查量表有较好的内部一致性(Cronbach alpha=0.86:其中注意缺陷型Cronbach alpha=0.78,多动/冲动型Cronbach alpha=0.76).泰国版18项成人ADHD自评量表效度检验显示问卷有较好敏感性(90.9%)和特异性(62.5%).前6项的AUC为0.80 (95% CI:0.68-0.92),18项的AUC为0.71(95% CI:0.55-0.86).结论:18项ASRS-V1.1泰国版对成人ADHD筛查量表具有较好的信度和效度,特别是量表前6项.  相似文献   

背景:儿童孤独症谱系障碍的日益增多和巨大的家庭负担引起了学术界和社会的关注.目的:研究孤独症儿童(ASD)父母的人格特征和神经认知功能,并与正常发育的孩子父母进行比较.方法:根据精神疾病诊断与统计手册第四版(DSM-IV),这项研究招募了41名符合孤独症谱系障碍诊断标准的中国孩子.对于他们79位亲生父母均采用艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)和一套神经心理学测试来进行评估.正常对照组是由80名发育良好的儿童组成,年龄、性别相匹配.结果:留学生较中国学生更经常地使用"积极重新关注"和"我们发现孤独症儿童的父母在P量表中EPQ得分显著高于发育良好的孩子父母(t=1.68,p=0.039),而他们E量表和L量表的评分均显著较低(t=1.84,p=0.035;t=2.07,p=0.023).我们还确认了孤独症儿童的父母比正常对照花更长的时间来完成连线试验(TMT)A部分和B-M部分(t=1.57,p=0.013;t=0.83,p=0.019).结论:相对于发育良好的儿童父母,孤独症儿童的父母更偏向于漠不关心、死板、固执、内向、沉默.他们表现出较少的创新性和寻求刺激的行为,并且社会技能和成熟性有限.虽然孤独症儿童的父母的一般认知功能,包括智商在内,都比较完整,但是他们的计划性、灵活性和视觉处理功能是有损伤的.  相似文献   

背景:18项成人ADHD自评量表(ASRS-V1.1)是一份针对成人ADHD的筛查量表。目标:旨在测试泰国版18项成人ADHD筛查量表(ASRS-V1.1)的信度和效度。方法:将原版18项成人ADHD筛查量表翻译为泰语。经翻译、回译、对比,并通过国内的文化调适、现场测试和最终确认等一系列步骤完成。对1500名来自曼谷幼儿园、小学的家长采用泰国版18项成人ADHD自评量表进行阳性结果和阴性结果筛查,并从中随机选取各50例进行诊断性访谈。最终由3名精神科医生进行临床访谈,根据DSM-5注意缺陷多动障碍诊断标准明确诊断为成人ADHD患者。结果:泰国版18项成人ADHD筛查量表有较好的内部一致性(Cronbach alpha=0.86:其中注意缺陷型Cronbach alpha=0.78,多动/冲动型Cronbach alpha=0.76)。泰国版18项成人ADHD自评量表效度检验显示问卷有较好敏感性(90.9%)和特异性(62.5%)。前6项的AUC为0.80(95%CI:0.68-0.92),18项的AUC为0.71(95%CI:0.55-0.86)。结论:18项ASRS-V1.1泰国版对成人ADHD筛查量表具有较好的信度和效度,特别是量表前6项。  相似文献   

目的:探讨儿童长处和困难问卷(SDQ)与儿童行为量表(CBCL)的相关性.方法:对上海市的幼儿园和中小学12所1902名学生进行SDQ和CBCL的评定.结果:SDQ与CBCL仅个别项目无显著相关性,大部分项目均具有相关性(P<0.01或P<0.05).结论:长处和困难问卷(父母版)(SDQ)与儿童行为量表(CBCL)呈高度相关,适合于上海地区儿童青少年的评估.  相似文献   

目的:探讨儿童青少年抑郁障碍患者的肥胖率及相关影响因素。方法:选取抑郁障碍儿童青少年患者757例,收集一般人口学资料及临床数据;评估非自杀性自伤(NSSI)行为;测量体质量及生化指标。结果:儿童青少年抑郁障碍患者的肥胖率为10.4%。肥胖组与非肥胖组比较,发病年龄、首次住院年龄、总病程、住院次数及体质量指数(BMI)、空腹血糖、三酰甘油(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)及低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)、NSSI行为、使用抗抑郁药物种类差异存在统计学意义(P<0.05)。肥胖与总病程、住院次数、空腹血糖、TG、TC、LDL-C及NSSI呈正相关;与年龄、首次住院年龄、HDL-C、使用几种抗抑郁药物及抗抑郁药物剂量呈负相关(P<0.05)。回归分析显示空腹血糖(OR=2.114,P=0.007)、TG (OR=2.086,P=0.001)及NSSI行为(OR=2.103,P=0.010)是抑郁障碍患儿伴肥胖的危险因素,而较高剂量的抗抑郁药(OR=0.970,P=0.015)是肥胖发生的保护性因素。结论:儿童青少年抑郁障碍患者肥胖率较高,且与空腹血糖、TG、NSS...  相似文献   

背景:儿童孤独症谱系障碍的日益增多和巨大的家庭负担引起了学术界和社会的关注。目的:研究孤独症儿童(ASD)父母的人格特征和神经认知功能,并与正常发育的孩子父母进行比较。方法:根据精神疾病诊断与统计手册第四版(DSM-IV),这项研究招募了41名符合孤独症谱系障碍诊断标准的中国孩子。对于他们79位亲生父母均采用艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)和一套神经心理学测试来进行评估。正常对照组是由80名发育良好的儿童组成,年龄、性别相匹配。结果:留学生较中国学生更经常地使用"积极重新关注"和"我们发现孤独症儿童的父母在P量表中EPQ得分显著高于发育良好的孩子父母(t=1.68,p=0.039),而他们E量表和L量表的评分均显著较低(t=1.84,p=0.035;t=2.07,p=0.023)。我们还确认了孤独症儿童的父母比正常对照花更长的时间来完成连线试验(TMT)A部分和B-M部分(t=1.57,p=0.013;t=0.83,p=0.019)。结论:相对于发育良好的儿童父母,孤独症儿童的父母更偏向于漠不关心、死板、固执、内向、沉默。他们表现出较少的创新性和寻求刺激的行为,并且社会技能和成熟性有限。虽然孤独症儿童的父母的一般认知功能,包括智商在内,都比较完整,但是他们的计划性、灵活性和视觉处理功能是有损伤的。  相似文献   

目的探讨人际关系在青少年互联网使用与身心健康关系之间的作用。方法对深圳市11所学校的2360名中学生进行问卷调查,使用问卷了解在校生的每天互联网使用时间、人际关系,利用世界卫生组织生活质量量表(WHOOL-BREF)量表了解深圳市中学生生理及心理领域的健康程度。结果采用单因素回归分析结果显示年龄(β=-0.111,P0.05)、学业压力(β=-0.252,P0.05)对青少年身心健康的影响强度有统计学意义;在多因素回归分析中,纳入年龄、性别、是否独生子女、父母婚姻状况及学业压力等一般资料,结果发现:每天使用互联网时间(β=-0.126,P0.05);人际关系(β=-0.552,P0.05)仍然对青少年的身心健康的影响强度有统计学意义;在中介分析发现,发现人际关系在青少年网络使用时间与身心健康的关系中起着部分中介效应,Bootstrap检验法检验95%CI [-0.083,-0.141]不包含0,即人际关系在青少年使用互联网与身心健康关系之间存在中介关系。结论青少年使用互联网的时间严重影响其身心健康,其中人际关系对青少年身心健康起着部分中介作用。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We explored the extent to which changes in emotional states following exposure to images of idealized bodies predict unhealthy body change attitudes and behaviors in women and men, and whether particular psychological traits mediate these effects. METHOD: One hundred thirty-three women and 93 men were assessed for unhealthy attitudes and behaviors related to body weight and muscles using the Eating Disorder Inventory-2 (EDI-2), the Obligatory Exercise Questionnaire, and the strategies to increase muscles subscale of the Body Change Inventory. Psychological traits assessed included body dissatisfaction (EDI-2), internalization of the thin/athletic ideal (Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-3), body comparison (Body Comparison Scale), self-esteem (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Inventory), depression (Beck Depression Inventory-II), and identity confusion (Self-Concept Clarity Scale). Participants were then exposed to photographs of thin female models and muscular male models, and visual analogue scales were used to measure changes in postexposure state body dissatisfaction, anger, anxiety, and depression. RESULTS: Postexposure increases in state anger, anxiety, depression, and body dissatisfaction correlated with drive for thinness and disordered eating symptomatology in women, while postexposure increases in state body dissatisfaction correlated with muscle development in men. Analyses revealed that internalization and body comparison mediated these relationships, with trait body dissatisfaction, trait depression, self-esteem, and self-concept/identity confusion serving as mediators for women only. CONCLUSION: These results are indicative of gender differences in: (a) reactions to idealized bodies; (b) psychological traits that predispose individuals to experience these reactions; and (c) types of body change behavior that are associated with these reactions.  相似文献   

《Sleep medicine》2014,15(1):71-75
ObjectiveThe goal of our study was to examine the associations between sleep and eating behaviors. Specifically, we examined associations between sleep duration and continuity with behaviors that promote eating regardless of true physiologic hunger state including emotional (food intake in response to emotional distress) external (eating in response to the sight or smell of food), and restrained eating (a paradoxical behavior; food intake is initially reduced to lose or maintain body weight, but followed by increased consumption and binge eating).ParticipantsFifty-six children (29 boys; 27 girls) ages 5 to 12 years participated in the study. Mean age was 7.7 ± 1.9 years, and average body mass index (BMI) was within the healthy range (17.8 ± 4.3 kg/m2).MethodsSleep duration, continuity and schedule were assessed using actigraphy and self-reports. The Child Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire-modified version (DEBQ-M) was used to examine levels of emotional, external and restrained eating in the children.ResultsAssociations between the sleep and eating behaviors were examined using partial correlations and multiple regression analyses. External eating score was negatively associated with sleep duration; emotional eating score was associated with lower levels of sleep continuity; and restrained eating score were associated with a later sleep start and later bedtime.ConclusionsShort sleep duration and poor sleep continuity were associated with higher levels of eating behaviors shown to be associated with increased food intake. Therefore, sleep loss may be associated with diminished self-regulation of appetite in children, increasing the risk for overeating and obesity.  相似文献   

1) Background: The common factors which potentially contribute to the development of eating disorders and exercise dependence during early adulthood are still relatively unclear. The present study aimed to examine the role of BMI, body image inflexibility, and generalized anxiety in these two behavioral problems in a sample of college students. 2) Methods: In total, 878 habitual exercisers (58.1% male with BMI = 22.12 ± 2.39; 41.9% female with BMI = 20.55 ± 2.21) with age of 20.09 ± 1.76 years participated in this study. The main outcomes of interest are exercise dependence symptoms, eating disorders symptoms, body image inflexibility, and symptoms of generalized anxiety (as measured by Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised, Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire-Short Form, Body Image Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7, respectively). Pearson correlation, path analysis, and model fit information were tested. 3) Results: After controlling for age, gender, and field of study, lower BMI was linked to more exercise dependence symptoms but this association was not statistically significant, while a greater BMI was significantly associated with a higher risk of developing eating disorders (β = −0.08, p < 0.001). Moreover, higher body image inflexibility significantly and positively contributed to severe exercise dependence (β = 0.26, p < 0.001) as well as abnormal eating attitudes and behaviors (β = 0.74, p < 0.001). Furthermore, generalized anxiety is a significant contributor to exercise dependence symptoms (β = 0.14, p < 0.001) but not eating disorders symptoms. 4) Conclusion: Based on our finding that body image inflexibility is a common risk factor for the development of exercise dependence and eating disorders, the prevention and treatment of these two disorders should involve the improvement of psychological flexibility. In addition, the individual with a higher BMI is more vulnerable to developing eating disorders, while those who have severer generalized anxiety symptoms should be given more attention when screening for exercise dependence.  相似文献   

Although eating disturbances in Hispanic populations have been reported in the literature, body image attitudes have not yet been examined in this minority group. Utilizing several self-report measures, this study assessed differences in body image among 57 Guatemalan-American and white female college students. As predicted, Guatemalan women reported greater body satisfaction, were less driven toward thinness, and revealed more positive attitudes toward obesity. Body image disparagement in Guatemalan women was related to the degree of acculturation to the mainstream culture. Results are discussed in the context of cultural influences on attitudes toward body shape and size in minority groups.  相似文献   

The Body Attitude Test (BAT) was developed by Probst et al. (1995) for female patients with eating disorders (ED). This test measures the subjective body experience and attitudes toward one's body. The present authors have developed the Japanese version of the BAT and the purpose of the present paper was to investigate its reliability and validity in control (CON, n = 599) and ED patients (n = 46). The ED patients consisted of 21 anorexia nervosa, restricting type (AN-R) patients and 25 bulimia nervosa (BN) patients. Internal consistency was determined with Cronbach's alpha coefficient in CON. Factor analysis was conducted on BAT ratings given by CON. Factor analysis indicated that BAT was composed of two factors. These were body dissatisfaction (factor 1) and lack of familiarity with one's body (factor 2). A comparison was made among AN-R, BN, and CON. Bulimia nervosa had a significantly higher score than the other two groups. The BAT scores of ED patients correlated significantly with the Self -rating Depression Scale, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. These results show that ED patients have negative feelings toward their own body, similar to the findings in the original report. On factor analysis, however, it was not possible to distinguish between negative appreciation of body size and general body dissatisfaction as described in the original report. The authors also examine influences on this difference from a cross-cultural view point.  相似文献   

O'Dea JA 《Eating disorders》2004,12(3):225-239
Early suggestions from the 1980s for a self-esteem approach in the prevention of eating problems have been adopted by researchers, and the results of several interventions show support for the efficacy, safety, and suitability of a predominantly self-esteem and self-acceptance approach. Several recent studies utilizing strong self-esteem components as part of their controlled prevention interventions have produced improvements in body dissatisfaction, dietary restraint, internalization of the thin ideal, and attitudes associated with the eating disorders. This article discusses self-esteem as one of the important risk and protective factors in the development of body image concerns and eating disorders and describes the subsequent use of a self-esteem approach for prevention of eating disorders. Interventions containing strong self-esteem components from around the world are discussed in relation to their impact on the body image and eating behaviors of adolescents. Applications of the self-esteem approach for the prevention of child obesity also are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare weight-related concerns and behaviors across ethnicity/race among a population-based sample of adolescent boys and girls. METHODS: The study population included 4746 adolescents from urban public schools in the state of Minnesota who completed surveys and anthropometric measurements as part of Project EAT (Eating Among Teens), a population-based study focusing on eating patterns and weight concerns among teenagers. Main outcome measures included measured body mass index (BMI), weight-related concerns (perceived weight status, weight disparity, body satisfaction and attitudes about weight control) and weight-related behaviors (general/specific weight control behaviors and binge eating). RESULTS: In comparison to White girls, African American girls tended to report fewer weight-related concerns/behaviors, while Hispanic, Asian American and Native American girls tended to report similar or more concerns/behaviors. Among boys, weight-related concerns/behaviors were equally or more prevalent among all non-Whites than among Whites. In particular, African American and Asian American boys were at greater risk for potentially harmful weight-related concerns/behaviors than White boys. CONCLUSIONS: Weight-related concerns and behaviors are prevalent among adolescents, regardless of their ethnic/racial background, indicating a need for prevention and treatment efforts that reach adolescents of different ethnic backgrounds. However, ethnic differences demonstrate a need for ensuring that the specific needs of different groups are addressed in the development of such interventions.  相似文献   

Various components of body image were measured to assess body image disturbances in patients with obesity. To overcome limitations of previous studies, a photo distortion technique and a biological motion distortion device were included to assess static and dynamic aspects of body image. Questionnaires assessed cognitive-affective aspects, bodily attitudes, and eating behavior. Patients with obesity and a binge eating disorder (OBE, n = 15) were compared with patients with obesity only (ONB; n = 15), to determine the nature of any differences in body image disturbances. Both groups had high levels of body image disturbances with cognitive-affective deficits. Binge eating disorder (BED) participants also had perceptual difficulties (static only). Both groups reported high importance of weight and shape for self-esteem. There were some significant differences between the groups suggesting that a comorbid BED causes further aggravation. Body image interventions in obesity treatment may be warranted.  相似文献   

The concept of body image is thought to consist of two components: body size perception and attitudes towards the body. Correspondingly, two distinct modalities of body image dysfunction seem to be relevant for anorexia nervosa: perceptual body size distortion and cognitive-evaluative dissatisfaction. Consequently, various techniques to assess body image have been developed to assess body image disturbance in eating disorders, particularly anorexia nervosa. This review article compares the numerous methods of assessing body image used in recent studies on anorexia nervosa and discusses the various findings. The findings suggest that body image disturbance is not due to any perceptual deficit, but is based on cognitive-evaluative dissatisfaction. Although overestimation of body size is not a universal symptom in eating disorders, this issue is interesting in terms of prognostic and therapeutic implications. Thus, body size estimation remains a worthwhile approach to assessing body image disturbance in eating disorders. The identification of sensory and non-sensory factors in body image is considered a promising issue for further research. Accepted: 3 April 2001  相似文献   


Although eating disturbances in Hispanic populations have been reported in the literature, body image attitudes have not yet been examined in this minority group. Utilizing several self-report measures, this study assessed differences in body image among 57 Guatemalan-American and white female college students. As predicted, Guatemalan women reported greater body satisfaction, were less driven toward thinness, and revealed more positive attitudes toward obesity. Body image disparagement in Guatemalan women was related to the degree of acculturation to the mainstream culture. Results are discussed in the context of cultural influences on attitudes toward body shape and size in minority groups.  相似文献   

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