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目的 :探讨儿童病毒性脑炎脑电图的波幅与预后的关系。方法 :对 2 8例儿童病毒性脑炎患者的脑电图波幅与预后、后遗症的发生率进行分析。结果 :病毒性脑炎患者的脑电图记录背景活动表现为低波幅慢活动异常者预后差 ,后遗症发生率高。结论 :对脑电图表现为低波幅慢活动异常的病毒性脑炎的患儿应及时积极的抗感染、护脑治疗 ,以减少后遗症的发生  相似文献   

目的:探讨儿童病毒性脑炎脑电图的波幅与预后的关系。方法:对28例儿童病毒性脑炎患者的脑电图波幅与预后、后遗症的发生率进行分析。结果:病毒性脑炎患者的脑电图记录背景活动表现为低波幅慢者预后差,后遗症发生率高。结论:对脑电图表现为低波幅慢活动异常的病毒性脑炎的患儿应及时积极的抗感染、护脑治疗,以减少后遗症的发生。  相似文献   

小儿病毒性脑炎脑电图对预后的判断意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的分析脑电图在小儿病毒性脑炎康复中的监测作用。方法对60例病毒性脑炎患儿中脑电图异常的54例进行跟踪观察并回顾性分析。结果脑电图首次检查正常6例(10.0%),异常54例(90.0%)。病毒性脑炎患儿脑电图多以弥漫性θ、δ波为主,本组弥漫性异常48例,占88.9%。以低波幅δ波为主的重度异常和局限性阵发性异常者多见后遗症和继发性癫。结论脑电图对病毒性脑炎虽无显著特异性,但有较好的敏感性,特别是对病毒性脑炎后的继发性癫在临床发作前可捕捉到癫波。脑电图对病毒性脑炎康复中脑功能恢复的判断、治疗效果、疾病复发、后遗症的产生等监测同样有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨脑电图对手足口病脑炎的诊断及预后评估的价值.方法 对临床确诊的25例手足口病合并脑炎患儿进行脑电图观察.结果 首次脑电图异常率100%.临床症状较重者,脑电图异常程度高,预后差.临床症状较轻者,脑电图异常程度低,预后好.脑电图有阵发性慢活动并有棘、尖波及棘(尖)慢综合波者,癫后遗症的可能性大.结论 脑电图对手足口病脑炎的早期诊断及预后评估有意义.  相似文献   

目的探讨小儿颞叶癫的临床特征及脑电图特点。方法收集16例颞叶癫患儿,对其发作的临床特点及脑电图资料进行分析,对比难治性癫的脑电图变化规律。结果患儿的癫发作形式主要表现为单纯部分性发作、复杂部分性发作、继发全面性发作。单纯部分发作频率高而持续时间短,复杂部分发作持续时间长但发作频率低并常见发作后朦胧状态。颞叶癫的脑电图特点:背景正常者约占62.5%(10/16);背景异常约占37.5%(6/16);异常放电及部位:颞叶棘波或慢波放电,表现为单侧或双侧同步或不同步放电。结论小儿颞叶癫是一组部分性症状性癫综合征,多表现为复杂部分发作,临床发作及同步脑电图特点可为临床诊治提供帮助。  相似文献   

目的探讨病毒性脑炎患者脑电图异常与病情、预后的关系。方法对78例病毒性脑炎患者的病情及脑电图进行回顾性分析。结果在78例病毒性脑炎患者中,68例为脑电图异常,异常率为87%,其中轻度异常脑电图36例(46.1%),中度异常22例(28.2%),重度异常10例(12.8%)。结论脑电图作为临床辅助检查手段,对病毒性脑炎的临床诊断和预后有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

目的总结抗富亮氨酸胶质瘤失活基因1(LGI1)抗体相关脑炎的癫发作和脑电图特征。方法回顾分析35例经实验室检查明确诊断且随访满2年的抗LGI1抗体相关脑炎患者的临床表现、影像学和脑电图特点、治疗及预后。结果 35例抗LGI1抗体相关脑炎患者中31例(88.57%)表现为癫发作,主要呈现复杂部分性发作;13例(37.14%)表现为面-臂肌张力障碍发作。影像学主要表现为双侧(16例)或单侧(12例)内侧颞叶T2WI和FLAIR成像高信号;18F-脱氧葡萄糖(8F-FDG)PET主要呈现颞叶和(或)基底节区高代谢(22/24例)。31例行视频脑电图监测,23例背景活动异常,呈现弥漫性慢波或以额颞区为主的局灶性慢波;18例表现为以颞前区为主的样放电;22例视频脑电图捕获到发作,其中18例记录到癫发作,13例表现有颞叶起源的复杂部分性发作(10例)或单纯部分性发作(7例),7例单纯部分性发作患者中5例为竖毛发作,4例为肌阵挛发作,1例继发全面性强直-阵挛发作;6例面-臂肌张力障碍发作患者中2例可见继发颞叶起源的样放电。27例患者予抗癫药物治疗,25例癫发作患者中4例发作频率减少≥50%,11例面-臂肌张力障碍发作患者均无效;8例(29.63%)出现过敏反应。35例患者均行免疫调节治疗,33例静脉注射免疫球蛋白、33例予激素、4例予吗替麦考酚酯、2例予硫唑嘌呤,发作频率均减少≥50%。逐渐停用抗癫药物,17例随访1年内停药,26例随访2年时停药。随访2年,29例未再出现癫发作,仅2例进展为慢性癫。结论抗LGI1抗体相关脑炎是具有一定临床特征的自身免疫性边缘性脑炎,典型表现为面-臂肌张力障碍发作和起源于颞叶的癫发作(以竖毛发作为最常见先兆),伴记忆力下降、精神行为异常和低钠血症等。早期诊断、及时予免疫调节治疗,预后良好。  相似文献   

脑电图在小儿病毒性脑炎转归中的监测作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 分析脑电图在小儿病毒性脑炎转归中的监测作用。方法 对234例病毒性脑炎的脑电图进行跟踪观察并予回顾性分析。结果 病毒性脑炎脑电图为高波幅δ波或局限性慢波,其后遗症以继发性癫痫多见,低波幅δ波其后遗症发生率高,以智能、运动障碍多见。结论 脑电图对转归中的脑功能的恢复判断、治疗效果、疾病复发、后遗症产生的监测非常重要。  相似文献   

目的探讨AEEG和CT在癫诊断、鉴别诊断和病因诊断中的作用。方法本文分析2005-01~2006-12,采用GE-1800型CT检查的91例CT异常的癫患者,与SOLARROVER-8型AEEG检查的结果。结果AEEG正常27例(29.7%),异常64例(70.3%)。其中样波32例,占异常的50.0%;非特异性异常32例(50.0%)。临床发作14例占异常的21.9%。结论AEEG的临床应用,大大提高了癫脑电图的阳性率。特别对无明显临床发作表现和先兆指征的可疑性癫患者进行诊断和分类。CT广泛应用使脑部疾病引起的癫阳性率大为提高,降低了原发性癫的诊断率,已成为癫病因研究的重要手段,它能寻找癫最可能和最重要的潜在病因。CT与脑电图二者结合在癫病因诊断及定位诊断中起到相辅相成的作用,对癫的治疗,预后帮助很大。  相似文献   

目的探讨颞叶癫患者发作期临床特征、脑电图特点及其临床意义。方法对14例患者的46次发作的临床特点及脑电图进行分析。结果46次发作中,16次为单纯部分性发作,30次为复杂部分性发作,2次继发全面性发作,单纯部分发作频率高而持续时间短,复杂部分发作持续时间长但发作频率低并常见发作后朦胧状态。发作时脑电图表现以中高波幅慢波起始最多见,10例患者可以得到定侧。4例患者通过分析临床表现及脑电图改变定侧后进行手术,术后癫完全控制。结论颞叶癫是一组部分性症状性癫综合症,多表现为复杂部分发作,临床医生通过监测到临床发作可以更好明确诊断。同时,临床发作及同步脑电图改变可以为术前评估提供很大帮助。  相似文献   

为探讨病毒性脑炎(病脑)患者脑电图(EEG)与临床及CT之间的关系,将临床确诊的62例病脑患者进行EEG与CT检查,对其EEG异常的阳性率、异常程度与病程、临床表现、CT之间的关系进行比较分析,并作统计学处理。结果发现,发病10天以内EEG中、重度异常39倒(78%),与10天以后比较有显著性差异(P<0.001)。EET可表现为三种形式:以弥漫性异常为主(51.5%);弥漫性异常伴局灶慢波(32.3%);局灶性异常(16.2%)。EEG与CT之间无明显相关性(P>0.05)。提示:EEG检查对病脑的诊断、鉴别诊断,以及动态观察病情、判断预后有重大意义。CT不能取代EEG。  相似文献   

目的 探讨病毒性脑炎患儿恢复期SEP危险因素,并评估预后.方法 对133例病毒性脑炎出院患儿进行随访,恢复期SEP患儿21例作为试验组,比较2组患儿的临床表现、脑脊液、头颅影像学及脑电图特点,分析恢复期SEP高危因素.结果 试验组癫痫发作次数、惊厥持续时间、癫痫持续状态、脑脊液HSV-1 IgG检出率、EEG中重度异常及恢复时间均高于对照组,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01).Logistic回归分析显示,癫痫发作次数、惊厥持续时间和EEG中重度异常及恢复时间为病毒性脑炎恢复期SEP的危险因素(P<0.05).结论 病毒性脑炎恢复期SEP的高危因素为急性期癫痫发作次数、惊厥持续时间和EEG中重度异常及恢复时间.  相似文献   

Summary Since effective antiviral treatment is available for herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE), early diagnosis or exclusion of herpes simplex etiology is essential for prognosis. In a retrospective study of 25 cases of acute viral encephalitis not caused by herpes simplex virus (non-HSE), we investigated whether HSE can be excluded in the early phase before serological evidence is present. Using clinical means, history, investigations of CSF (protein, cells), EEG, and CCT, HSE could not be excluded with reliability. This is because clinical signs and laboratory results are not pathognomonic for any form of viral encephalitis, even if periodic activity in EEG and temporal attenuation in CCT are more frequent in HSE than in other forms of encephalitis. Therefore, in all cases of severe encephalitis, acyclovir therapy should be initiated early.  相似文献   

EEG findings of epidemiologically and serologically confirmed tick-borne encephalitis patients were compared with findings of patients having acute encephalitis of viral or undetermined origins. Tick-borne encephalitis patients had more bilaterally synchronous bursts of slow waves and more focal abnormalities than did controls. Moreover, their EEGs remained mildly pathological, with increased slow and beta activity and intermittent focal abnormalities in some patients, whereas, EEGs in the controls became normal or borderline, usually within two months. EEG can thus reveal differences between individuals' responses to encephalitis and between different types of encephalitis, even though the clinical pictures are rather similar. Finally, the study shows that tick-borne encephalitis causes changes in the EEG that persist long after the clinical disease appears to have resolved.  相似文献   

The presence of periodic EEG complexes in patients with an acute viral encephalitis is generally held to suggest that infection is due to herpes simplex. We now report a patient with clinical and laboratory findings of infectious mononucleosis, and neurologic involvement manifested by lymphocyte meningitis, coma, seizures, aphasia, hemiparesis and hemianopsia. Serial EEGs showed periodic, predominantly left-sided slow wave complexes occurring every 4 to 5 seconds, which disappeared with clinical resolution of the illness. In view of our findings and the similar findings reported previously by others in another case of infectious mononucleosis encephalitis, an EEG showing periodic complexes in the clinical setting of acute viral encephalitis should not be considered pathognomonic of herpes encephalitis, and infectious mononucleosis should be included in the differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

Epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) is a rare type of localization-related motor epilepsy. Clinical spectrum, electroencephalography (EEG) characteristics and various prognostic factors in EPC were studied in 20 patients. Patients who fulfilled the criteria for EPC between the years 1985 and 1999 were included in this retrospective and prospective study. The mean age was 18 years (range 5 months-70 years). Eleven patients (55%) had Type 1 EPC and in the remaining nine (45%) patients there were features of Type 2 EPC. Among children Rasmussen's encephalitis and viral encephalitis were the commonest cause for EPC. Encephalitis and vascular aetiology were frequently observed in adults. Tuberculous meningitis and tuberculomas occurred evenly in both the groups. The cause was unknown in two cases. Focal EEG abnormalities commonly consisted of discrete spikes, sharp waves (or) slow wave activity and periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges. The mean duration of follow up was 9.6 months with a range between 1 month and 4 years. Cognitive decline, motor deficits and pharmacoresistance to drugs were significantly seen among children with Type 2 EPC. Patients with Type 1 EPC had mild impairment of functional status with good response to treatment. The long-term prognosis depends upon the underlying cause.  相似文献   

The syndrome of progressive aphasia and epilepsy in childhood is delineated. Four cases are presented, three of which show the typical gradual onset, fluctuating course and EEG changes with bilateral foci of spike and spike-wave activity, and, finally, normalization after some years of the EEG. Also the aphasia tends to subside, but often with considerable delay in relation to the other features. Neuropsychological assessment showed varying residual defects mainly of language functions. The actiology is unknown. No pathoanatomical data on this disorder has hitherto been published. In one of the present cases a cortical biopsy was performed on suspicion of a left temporal tumour. The biopsy showed changes indicative of a slow virus infection. It is therefore suggested that the newly established language function in children particularly is vulnerable to a subchronic viral encephalitis affecting both hemispheres.  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童病毒性脑炎继发癫痫(PEE)的脑电图(EEG)及影像学特点,进一步探讨其临床高危因素。方法以明确诊断的34例PEE患儿为观察组,选取同时期就诊的同年龄段病毒性脑炎未继发癫痫(no-PEE)患儿102例为对照组。收集患儿病毒性脑炎(VE)急性期临床资料,并进行随访。结果单因素分析得出2组病脑急性期痫性发作≥2次、癫痫持续状态(SE)、昏迷,EEG癫痫样放电、广泛或弥漫性慢波,影像学单纯皮层受损、皮层及皮层下受损、丘脑基底节受损差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,病毒性脑炎急性期痫性发作≥2次、SE、昏迷、EEG癫痫样放电、影像学皮层及皮层下同时受损差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),为PEE危险因素。2组患儿随访期间智力发育落后差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论病毒性脑炎急性期EEG癫痫样放电、影像学皮层及皮层下同时受损、痫性发作≥2次、SE、昏迷为PEE危险因素。PEE患儿远期多有智力发育落后,应密切随访,及时干预治疗。  相似文献   

The EEGs of 21 newborns with herpes simplex encephalitis were analysed. The diagnosis was based on the demonstration of herpes simplex infection in association with neurological symptoms, other etiological factors being excluded. Sixteen of 21 babies (76%) showed in their EEGs electrical seizures, either focal or unilateral. These paroxysms consisted of sharp waves or slow waves repeating at pseudo-periodic intervals, usually of 0.5-2 sec. Individual paroxysms had a duration of 10-20 sec in 6 babies and 1-2 min in 10 patients. During the same period, 20 other babies displayed the same EEG finding. Of these, 11 had encephalitis of unknown etiology. In our series there appeared to exist a correlation between both the duration of the electrical seizures and the degree of EEG background abnormality and the clinical outcome. Babies with markedly abnormal background and long-lasting paroxysms tended to have a poor prognosis. It is concluded that in newborns with clinical signs of encephalitis who show in their EEGs paroxysms of the type described, the possibility of herpes simplex encephalitis should be considered.  相似文献   

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