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目的探讨用文拉法辛并小量舒必利治疗抑郁障碍的疗效与副反应。方法将32例单相抑郁患者和32例双相障碍抑郁患者分别随机分成2组,分别接受文拉法辛合并小剂量舒必利治疗(研究组)及单用文拉法辛治疗(对照组),共治疗6用。用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)及犬体评定量表(CGI—CI)评估疗效,用副反应量表(TESS)评估治疗不良反应。结果在单相抑郁患者中,研究组在第2、4、6周末的HAMD、HAMA和CGI评分均显著少于对照组,且均有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。在双相障碍抑郁患者中,研究组在第2、4、6周末的HAMD、HAMA和CGI评分均显著少于对照组,且均有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。研究组与对照组在不良反应方面比较无显著性差异(P〉O.05)。结论文拉法辛合并小量舒必利治疗单相抑郁或双相障碍抑郁患者具有疗效好,起效快,副反应较少特点。  相似文献   

目的比较单相与双相抑郁障碍患者的临床特征,为单相和双相抑郁障碍的鉴别诊断提供参考。方法连续入组2012年6月-2013年11月在广州医科大学附属脑科医院住院、符合《国际疾病分类(第10版)》(ICD-10)诊断标准的单相抑郁障碍(单相组,n=72)和双相抑郁障碍(双相组,n=64)患者,收集并分析两组一般人口学资料和临床特征,采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表17项版(HAMD-17)评定抑郁症状。结果单相组女性及已婚患者比例均高于双相组(χ2=18.74、4.68,P0.05或0.01);双相组平均起病年龄小于单相组(t=-2.13,P=0.035);双相组性格外向者比例高于单相组(χ2=9.74,P=0.002);单相组有病前诱因者比例高于双相组(χ2=18.96,P0.01);双相组伴不典型抑郁症状者比例高于单相组(χ2=24.60,P0.01);双相组既往抑郁发作次数多于单相组(Z=-5.37,P0.01);单相组HAMD-17总评分及躯体化焦虑和食欲减退因子评分均高于双相组,差异均有统计学意义(t=-2.78~-2.06,P0.05或0.01)。结论单相与双相抑郁障碍患者在性别、婚姻状况、发病年龄、是否有病前诱因、是否伴不典型抑郁症状、既往发作次数及HAMD-17评分方面存在差异。  相似文献   

目的探讨单双相重度抑郁的临床特征及无抽搐电休克治疗(MECT)的临床疗效差异。方法采用回顾性研究的方法,回顾性地抽取2015年6月~2018年6月于徐州医科大学附属东方医院住院治疗患者中单相重度抑郁患者250例(单相组)及双相重度抑郁症患者92例(双相组)的病案资料,对两组一般资料进行对照分析,以汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD-17)总分、5项因子分及减分率来评定MECT前后两组患者临床症状及临床疗效差异。结果双相组治愈率高于单相组,双相组的HAMD-17总分减分率高于单相组,两组差异显著(P0.01)。单相组阻滞因子减分率更高,双相组躯体焦虑化因子及认知障碍因子减分率更高,差异显著(P0.05)。双相组MECT起效次数及治疗总次数均高于单相组,差异显著(P0.01)。结论 (1)与单相重度抑郁相比,双相重度抑郁患者的发病年龄更早,就诊年龄更小,文化程度更高,家族史阳性率更高,病程更长,阻滞症状更重;(2)单双相抑郁的发病机制可能不同,MECT可能更加适用于阻滞症状更加明显的单相重度抑郁患者和躯体焦虑症状及认知障碍更加明显的双相重度抑郁患者;(3)MECT治疗单双相重度抑郁时均有显著疗效;与单相重度抑郁相比,MECT治疗双相重度抑郁起效更慢,治疗疗程更长,治愈率更高。  相似文献   

目的:观察文拉法辛治疗躯体化障碍的疗效及其安全性.方法:将96例躯体化障碍患者随机分为两组,文拉法辛组50例,多塞平组46例,疗程6周.两组分别于治疗前及治疗1、2、4、6周进行修改后的Hamilton焦虑量表(HAMA)、治疗中出现的症状量表(TESS)评定,以HAMA减分率评定临床疗效.结果:治疗结束时,文拉法辛组与多塞平组对躯体化障碍的临床疗效相仿.文拉法辛组见效较快,治疗结束时,文拉法辛组在焦虑心境、紧张、害怕、肌肉系统症状、感觉系统症状、心血管症状及疼痛方面明显优于多塞平组,不良反应显著较少.结论:文拉法辛对躯体化障碍有良好的治疗效果,起效快,不良反应轻微.  相似文献   

目的探讨文拉法辛在慢性阻塞性肺疾病伴焦虑抑郁治疗中的临床应用前景。方法将我院于2012年1月~2013年12月收住的86例慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)合并焦虑抑郁患者随机分为对照组和试验组,每组各43例。对照组采取常规治疗,试验组在对照组常规基础上加用文拉法辛治疗。治疗4周后,对比两组患者的肺功能、生活质量、负性情绪及不良反应。结果通过4周治疗,试验组患者FEV1占预计值和FEV1/FVC显著高于对照组(P0.01),SGRQ、HAMA、HAMD评分明显低于对照组(P0.01),两组之间的不良反应发生率无统计学差异(P0.05)。结论文拉法辛能明显改善COPD患者的焦虑及抑郁症状,提高患者生活质量,可在临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:比较首发单相和双相抑郁障碍患者静息态下局部一致性(ReHo)特征,并探讨与认知功能损害的关系。方法:32例单相抑郁障碍患者、26例双相抑郁障碍患者及年龄、性别、受教育程度相匹配的30例健康对照组进行静息态功能磁共振(fMRI)扫描获取脑局部一致性进行分析,并进行成套认知测验(MCCB)。比较3组之间局部一致性的变化,并探讨与认知功能损害的关系。结果:与对照组相比,单相抑郁组在左侧顶上小叶及顶下小叶ReHo值增加,而双相抑郁组保持相对稳定;单相与双相抑郁组比较,双相抑郁组左侧中央前回脑区ReHo值明显增高。MCCB与ReHo的改变无明显相关。结论:首发单相和双相抑郁障碍患者局部功能活动差异可能是二者鉴别的生物学标记;单相及双相抑郁障碍患者ReHo差异与临床症状无相关性。  相似文献   

目的:比较文拉法辛与碳酸锂强化治疗对选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRI)治疗无效的抑郁症患者的疗效和安全性. 方法:将SSRI治疗无效的抑郁症患者随机分为两组,分别予文拉法辛替换SSRI治疗和加用碳酸锂强化治疗.在治疗前及治疗1、2、4、8周采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)评分评定临床疗效.采用治疗中出现的症状量表(TESS)评定药物安全性. 结果:文拉法辛组治疗痊愈率为51.1%,锂强化组治疗痊愈率为28.9%,两组痊愈率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:SSRI治疗无效的抑郁症患者换用文拉法辛的疗效优于碳酸锂强化治疗.  相似文献   

目的观察单相抑郁患者白介素10(IL-10)、白介素4(IL-4)水平及文拉法辛对单相抑郁患者IL-10和IL-4水平的影响,探讨IL-10、IL-4水平与单相抑郁的关系及文拉法辛的抗抑郁机制。方法选取2016年6月-2017年12月于天津市安定医院就诊的符合《国际疾病分类(第10版)》(ICD-10)诊断标准的单相抑郁住院患者80例为病例组,给予文拉法辛治疗8周。同期选取天津市安定医院的健康体检者82例为对照组。于治疗前和治疗8周后采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测病例组IL-10、IL-4水平并用汉密尔顿抑郁量表24项版(HAMD-24)评定疗效,于入组时用ELISA检测对照组IL-10、IL-4水平。结果治疗前,病例组IL-10、IL-4水平均低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P均0. 05)。治疗8周后,病例组IL-10、IL-4水平均高于治疗前,差异均有统计学意义(P均0. 05);病例组与对照组IL-10、IL-4水平差异无统计学意义(P均 0. 05)。治疗8周后,病例组HAMD-24总评分及焦虑/躯体化、迟缓、绝望感因子评分均低于治疗前,差异均有统计学意义(P均0. 05)。病例组治疗前的IL-10、IL-4水平与HAMD-24评分呈负相关(r=-0. 772、-0. 654,P均0. 05)。结论单相抑郁的发生可能与IL-10、IL-4水平降低相关,文拉法辛可改善单相抑郁患者的症状,其可能是通过调节IL-10、IL-4水平发挥抗抑郁作用。  相似文献   

文拉法辛治疗抑郁与焦虑性障碍的临床观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 验证文拉法辛治疗抑郁及焦虑障碍的疗效和不良反应.方法 对36例抑郁性障碍、43例焦虑性障碍病人予文拉法辛治疗6周.治疗前、治疗后第4周及第6周用HAMD、HAMA和TESS量表评定,用t检验(治疗前后自身对照)进行统计分析.结果 治疗6周后,总有效率为88%,副作用少且轻微.结论 文拉法辛治疗抑郁及焦虑性障碍有较好的疗效,且有良好的安全性.  相似文献   

目的:探讨软双相障碍和单相抑郁患者认知功能的特点。方法:共纳入同时符合《美国精神障碍诊断统计手册》第4版(DSM-IV)抑郁障碍、Ghaemi软双相障碍诊断标准的患者56例(软双相障碍组),与其性别、年龄相匹配单纯符合DSM-IV抑郁障碍诊断标准的患者56例(单相抑郁组)。收集一般资料,使用可反复测查的成套神经心理状态评估工具(RBANS)进行认知功能评估,采用t检验及χ~2检验对其进行分析比较。结果:软双相障碍组首发年龄、发作频率及阳性家族史与单相抑郁组相比差异有统计学显著意义(P0.05或P0.01);软双相障碍组患者RBANS总评分、注意力得分、视空间结构及延迟记忆得分明显低于单相抑郁组(P0.05或P0.01)。结论:软双相障碍患者不仅在临床表现上有别于单相抑郁障碍患者,而且认知功能也较单相抑郁障碍患者差。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Failure to recognize bipolar disorder in patients who experience a major depressive episode may lead to inappropriate treatment and poorer outcomes. Clinical features that could distinguish bipolar from unipolar depression would facilitate more appropriate treatment selection. METHOD: The authors used data from nonpsychotic outpatients participating in three large multicenter clinical trials conducted in the United States for the treatment of major depressive episodes to compare 477 subjects with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and 1,074 with major depressive disorder. RESULTS: Bipolar depression was associated with family history of bipolar disorder, an earlier age at onset, a greater previous number of depressive episodes, and eight individual symptom items on the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. Fears were more common in patients with bipolar disorder, whereas sadness; insomnia; intellectual (cognitive), somatic (muscular), respiratory, genitourinary complaints; and depressed behavior were more common in patients with unipolar depression. A logistic regression model correctly classified 86.9% of the subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Bipolar depression and major depressive disorder exhibit subtle differences in presentation, which may help guide the initial diagnosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to assess the relative frequency of various kinds of depression in patients with bipolar and unipolar affective illness. The study was performed in the framework of the DEP-BI project aimed at assessing the prevalence of bipolar disorders among depressive outpatients treated by psychiatrists in Poland. METHODS: Eight-hundred and eighty patients (237 male, 643 female) participated in the study. The patients were classified into the following diagnostic categories: bipolar affective illness type I, type II, bipolar spectrum disorder and unipolar affective illness. The various kinds of depression in each group were assessed by means of a semistructured questionnaire added to the diagnostic interview. RESULTS: In the group of bipolar patients, a significantly higher frequency of psychotic depression in male compared to female patients was observed. Male bipolar patients compared with unipolar depressed ones had significantly more episodes of psychotic depression (odds ratio, OR, 4.29) and atypical depression (hypersomnia and hyperphagia; OR 2.82), and those with bipolar spectrum had more episodes of treatment-resistant depression (OR 2.56). Female bipolar patients compared with unipolar depressed ones had significantly more frequently an early onset of depression (before 25 years; OR 2.95) and postpartum depression (OR 2.48). On the other hand, the percentage of agitation, irritability, distractibility, thought racing and panic attacks during depression was not different in patients with bipolar and unipolar affective illness either in males or females. CONCLUSIONS: Some kinds of depression occur with a higher frequency in patients with bipolar compared to unipolar affective illness. The occurrence of a given type of depression may constitute an aid for the diagnosis of bipolar illness. The results of this study did not confirm the concept of bipolar mixed depression based on the presence of anxiety symptoms occurring during the depressive episode. The limitation of our study may be the lack of formal criteria or a structured interview to assess the symptoms occurring during depressive episodes.  相似文献   

Sleep disturbances predominantly take the form of insomnia in patients with unipolar disorder, while patients with bipolar disorder show a decreased need for sleep. Sleep impairment in these patients is a risk factor for the development of a major depressive episode and suicidal behavior. Administration of second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) olanzapine, quetiapine, and ziprasidone as augmentation therapy or monotherapy to unipolar and bipolar disorder patients, respectively, has been shown to improve sleep continuity and sleep architecture. Thus, their use by these patients could ameliorate their sleep disorder.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether there is a link between "unipolar" depression with atypical features and early onset, and bipolar II disorder, using atypical features and early onset as markers of bipolarity. A total of 158 consecutive unipolar and 234 bipolar II major depressive episode (MDE) outpatients were interviewed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID). Patients were divided into those with and without atypical features, and into those with and without early onset. Comparisons were made on variables reported to distinguish bipolar from unipolar: age of onset, recurrences, atypical features, depressive mixed state (MDE plus three or more concurrent hypomanic symptoms [DMX3]), and bipolar II family history. Compared to bipolar II patients, patients with atypical unipolar were not significantly different regarding age of onset, DMX3, recurrences, and bipolar II family history. Compared to non-atypical unipolar patients, atypical unipolar patients had a significantly different age of onset. Nonatypical unipolar patients, versus bipolar II patients, were significantly different regarding age of onset, recurrences, DMX3, and bipolar II family history. Early onset unipolar, versus bipolar II, were not significantly different regarding atypical features, recurrences, DMX3, and bipolar II family history. Later onset unipolar patients, versus bipolar II patients, were significantly different regarding atypical features, recurrences, DMX3, and bipolar II family history. These results support a link of atypical and early-onset "unipolar" depression with bipolar II disorder, and support Pages and Dunner's suggestion to combine bipolar II and recurrent unipolar into a single group.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study estimated the proportion of patients attending an urban general medical practice with current major depression and a history of bipolar disorder and compared the history, presentation, and treatment of patients with unipolar and bipolar depression. METHOD: A group of 1,143 patients was assessed with measures of past and current mental health and treatment. Patients were partitioned into bipolar and unipolar groups based on a predefined cutoff on the Mood Disorder Questionnaire. The groups were compared on sociodemographic characteristics, depressive symptoms, comorbid mental disorders, and mental health treatment. RESULTS: Approximately one-quarter of the patients with major depression had lifetime bipolar depression. Patients with unipolar and bipolar depression did not significantly differ on background or health characteristics. Patients with bipolar depression were significantly more likely to report hallucinations, current suicidal ideation, and low self-esteem than patients with unipolar depression but less likely to report disturbed appetite. Patients with bipolar depression were significantly more likely to have an alcohol use disorder and to report inpatient psychiatric care and antipsychotic treatment during the past month than patients with unipolar depression. Nearly one-half of the patients with bipolar depression had taken an antidepressant in the last month, but most were not also being treated with an antipsychotic or mood stabilizer. CONCLUSIONS: Bipolar depression is common in urban general medicine practice. When patients took antidepressants, they seldom received concurrent antimanic medications. Because of the risks of treating bipolar disorder with antidepressant monotherapy, physicians should assess their depressed patients for mania before prescribing antidepressants.  相似文献   

Patients with bipolar disorder are at very high risk for suicidal ideation, non-fatal suicidal behaviors and suicide and are frequently treated with antidepressants. However, no prospective, randomized, controlled study specifically evaluating an antidepressant on suicidality in bipolar disorder has yet been completed. Indeed, antidepressants have not yet been shown to reduce suicide attempts or suicide in depressive disorders and may increase suicidal behavior in pediatric, and possibly adult, major depressive disorder. Available data on the effects of antidepressants on suicidality in bipolar disorder are mixed. Considerable research indicates that mixed states are associated with suicidality and that antidepressants, especially when administered as monotherapy, are associated with both suicidality and manic conversion. In contrast, growing research suggests that antidepressants administered in combination with mood stabilizers may reduce depressive symptoms in patients with bipolar depression. Further, the only prospective, long-term study evaluating antidepressant treatment and mortality in bipolar disorder, although open-label, found antidepressants and/or antipsychotics in combination with lithium, but not lithium alone, reduced suicide in bipolar and unipolar patients (Angst F, et al. J Affect Disord 2002: 68: 167–181). We conclude that antidepressants may induce suicidality in a subset of persons with depressive (and probably anxious) presentations; that this induction may represent a form of manic conversion, and hence a bipolar phenotype, and that lithium's therapeutic properties may include the ability to prevent antidepressant-induced suicidality.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the extent to which individuals with a lifetime diagnosis of recurrent unipolar disorder endorse experiencing manic/hypomanic symptoms over their lifetimes and compared their reports with those of patients with bipolar I disorder. METHOD: The study group included 117 patients with remitted recurrent unipolar depression and 106 with bipolar I. Subjects had their clinical diagnosis confirmed by the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview and were administered the Structured Clinical Interview for the Mood Spectrum, which assesses lifetime symptoms, traits, and lifestyles that characterize threshold and subthreshold mood episodes as well as "temperamental" features related to mood dysregulation. RESULTS: The patients with recurrent unipolar depression endorsed experiencing a substantial number of manic/hypomanic symptoms over their lifetimes. In both patients with recurrent unipolar depression and patients with bipolar I disorder, the number of manic/hypomanic items endorsed was related to the number of depressive items endorsed. In the group with recurrent unipolar depression, the number of manic/hypomanic items was related to an increased likelihood of endorsing paranoid and delusional thoughts and suicidal ideation. In the bipolar I group, the number of lifetime manic/hypomanic items was related to suicidal ideation and just one indicator of psychosis. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of a significant number of manic/hypomanic items in patients with recurrent unipolar depression seems to challenge the traditional unipolar-bipolar dichotomy and bridge the gap between these two categories of mood disorders. The authors argue that their mood spectrum approach is useful in making a more accurate diagnostic evaluation in patients with mood disorders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report the frequency of intra-episode manic symptoms in depressive episodes, and to evaluate unipolar depressive mixed state (DMS) as bipolar spectrum. METHOD: A total of 958 (863 unipolar, 25 bipolar II, and 70 bipolar I) depressive in-patients were assessed in terms of manic symptoms at admission, and several clinical variables using standardized methods. RESULTS: The frequency of manic symptoms (flight of idea, logorrhea, aggression, excessive social contact, increased drive, irritability, racing thoughts, and distractibility) was significantly higher in bipolar depressives than in unipolar depressives. Unipolar depressives with DMS - defined as having two or more manic symptoms - had more similarities to bipolar depressives than to other unipolar depressives in clinical variables such as onset age, family history of bipolar disorder, and possibly suicidality. CONCLUSION: Depressive mixed state is frequent, particular in bipolar depressives. Unipolar depressives with DMS may be better classified into bipolar spectrum.  相似文献   

The incidence and severity of somatic symptoms were determined in 132 patients with major depressive disorder and 80 normal controls. The role of somatic symptoms was analyzed in relation to the unipolar-bipolar division, Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) subtypes, hypersomnia, and appetite increase. The data suggest that the rate and level of somatic symptoms increased with the severity of depression and age, only appetite loss differentiated unipolar from bipolar patients, and the classic somatic symptoms of depression were present in most RDC subtypes and not exclusively associated with the "endogenous" subtype. Hypersomnia or increased appetite identified two overlapping depressive subgroups; patients in both groups were young and characterized by high interpersonal sensitivity. Hypersomniac depressed patients were less anxious and agitated; patients with increased appetite were more hostile and showed a greater decrease in libido than age-matched and sex-matched patients with neither symptom.  相似文献   

Objective: We examine the depressive symptom profile of bipolar II disorder patients compared with a comparator (composite) group of those with unipolar depression, with stratification by melancholic and non‐melancholic subtypes. Method: Out‐patients (n = 394) attending a specialist depression clinic comprised the sample. Data on severity and prototypic status of depressive symptoms were analysed. Results: Age‐matched analyses revealed minimal differentiation between bipolar II and composite unipolar groups. Stratified analyses suggested that ‘bipolar II depression’ more closely approximated melancholic depression in terms of psychomotor and cognitive slowing. Severity‐based analyses and prototypic symptom patterns yielded differing results, suggesting that definition of bipolar II depression is influenced by rating strategies, and age. Conclusion: We found limited differentiation of bipolar II depression from unipolar, melancholic and non‐melancholic depression. Differences suggested previously may reflect age, gender and severity differences, highlighting the need for appropriately matched groups in defining bipolar II depression.  相似文献   

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