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目的研究高职贫困生孤独感的特点及其与社会支持的关系。方法采用问卷法和个别访谈法研究调查了江苏省2258名高职学生,其中筛选出高职贫困生361名,研究其孤独感特点及其与社会支持的关系。结果高职贫困生孤独感显著高于高职非贫困生,高职贫困男生的情绪孤立显著高于高职贫困女生,高职贫困生的客观支持显著低于高职非贫困生,高职贫困生孤独感与社会支持呈显著负相关,且主观支持和对支持的利用度对高职贫困生孤独感有显著的预测作用。结论构建良好的社会支持系统有助于提高高职贫困生心理健康水平。  相似文献   

目的研究高职生社会支持与孤独感的关系,进而为高职生心理健康教育提供针对性的教育对策。方法采用社会支持和情绪-社交孤独问卷研究高职生社会支持与孤独感之间的关系。结果①高职男生比女生有相对较高的孤独感,单亲家庭高职生比核心家庭、传统家庭的有相对较高的孤独体验;②高职男生比女生有相对较多的客观支持,而高职女生比男生有相对较好的对支持的利用度。传统家庭高职生体验的主观支持比单亲家庭高职生相对要多;③高职生社会支持状况与孤独感呈显著相关,且社会支持对孤独感有良好的预测作用。结论高职男生、单亲家庭高职生孤独感较高,除了应加强心理健康教育外,还需培育他们良好的社会支持网络。  相似文献   

应激、自我、抑郁与自杀意念形成关系的结构方程模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过构建结构方程模型研究应激、自我、抑郁与自杀意念形成之间的关系。方法应用青少年生活事件量表、自尊量表、一般自我效能感量表、Wallace自我概念量表、Beck抑郁自评量表以及自杀意念条目等分别对732名大学生的应激、自尊、自我效能、自我概念、抑郁以及自杀意念水平进行测评,通过构建结构方程模型来研究变量间的关系。结果应激、自我、抑郁和自杀意念的结构方程模型显示,应激对抑郁的总体效应为0.312(标准系数估计值,下同),其中通过自我的间接效应为0.203;应激对自杀意念的总体效应即通过自我和抑郁的间接效应为0.133;自我对自杀意念的总体效应为-0.279,其中通过抑郁的间接效应-0.155;抑郁对自杀意念的总体效应为0.211,通过自我的间接效应为-0.106。结论应激通过自我和抑郁的中介效应间接导致自杀意念。抑郁和自我可以相互作用,共同对自杀意念产生影响。  相似文献   

目的 探讨人格、社会支持和生活事件在儿童期受虐待与大学生焦虑、抑郁情绪之间的 中介作用。方法 采用整群随机抽样法,以班级为单位选取徐州市 3 所高校的 2 420 名大学生,使用焦 虑自评量表(SAS)、贝克抑郁自评问卷(BDI)、儿童期虐待史自评量表(PRCA)、社会支持评定量表(SSRS)、 青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)、简式大五人格问卷(NEO-FFI-R)进行评估。采用 Pearson 相关和多重线性 回归分析儿童期受虐待大学生的焦虑、抑郁与人格、社会支持、生活事件、虐待之间的关系,并构建儿 童期受虐待大学生焦虑、抑郁形成机制的结构方程模型。共发放问卷 2 420 份,回收有效问卷 2 374 份, 有效回收率为 98.1%。结果 2 374 名大学生中,有 929 名(39.1%)在儿童期遭受过虐待。儿童期受 虐待大学生的 BDI 评分、SAS 评分与 PRCA 总分、ASLEC 评分、神经质评分呈正相关(r=0.366~0.632, P< 0.001),与 SSRS 总分、外向性评分、开放性评分、友善性评分和谨慎性评分呈负相关(r=-0.440~ -0.128,P< 0.001)。NEO-FFI-R 各分量表评分、SSRS 总分、ASLEC 评分、PRCA 总分两两之间存在相关 性(r=-0.515~-0.065、0.220~0.456;P< 0.05)。回归分析结果显示,儿童期受虐待对大学生人格、生活 事件、社会支持、焦虑、抑郁有直接影响(P< 0.05);人格对生活事件、社会支持、焦虑、抑郁有直接影响 (P< 0.01);社会支持对生活事件有直接影响(P< 0.01),对焦虑、抑郁无直接影响;生活事件对焦虑、抑 郁有直接影响(P< 0.05)。模型的拟合指数中,卡方 / 自由度为 3.361,简约调整适配度指数为 0.648、简 约调整比较适配指数为 0.712、简约调整规准适配指数为 0.696;渐进残差均方和平方根为 0.049,适配度 指数为 0.952,调整后适配度指数为 0.930;规准适配指数为 0.925、相对适配指数为 0.900、增量拟合指数 为 0.946、非规准适配指数为 0.928、比较适配指数为 0.946,模型适配度良好。结论 儿童期受虐待大学 生容易出现焦虑、抑郁情绪,人格特质、社会支持和生活事件在儿童期虐待和大学生焦虑、抑郁情绪之 间发挥着中介效应。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生宿舍人际关系、孤独感对自杀风险的预测作用,并分析孤独感在宿舍人际关系和自杀风险之间的中介作用。方法:采用方便抽样方法,通过问卷星平台进行调查,共回收问卷393份。研究工具包括一般情况调查表、修订版自杀行为问卷、宿舍人际关系量表、UCLA孤独量表。采用SPSS 25.0进行描述统计和相关分析,采用Hayes编制的SPSS宏中的简单中介模型进行中介效应检验。结果:宿舍人际关系与孤独感、自杀风险呈正相关(r=0.614,P0.01;r=0.369,P0.01),孤独感与自杀风险呈正相关(r=0.440,P0.01)。大学生宿舍人际关系不仅可以直接预测自杀风险,还可以通过孤独感的中介作用间接预测自杀风险,直接效应(0.165)和间接效应(0.210)分别占总效应(0.375)的44%和56%。结论:大学生宿舍人际关系对自杀风险有预测作用,孤独感在宿舍人际关系与自杀风险之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨恶性血液病患者的生活质量、社会支持、自我效能之间的关系,分析自我效能在生活质量与社会支持的中介效应。方法运用一般自我效能量表(GSES)、社会支持量表(SSRS)、生活质量问卷(QLQ-C30)编成调查问卷对济宁医学院附属医院血液内科284例恶性血液病患者进行问卷调查,运用SPSS17.0中文版进行统计并分析生活质量、社会支持、自我效能三者之间的关系。结果恶性血液病患者生活质量与主观支持(r=0.35,P0.01)和自我效能感(r=0.32,P0.01)呈显著正相关,而与客观支持(r=0.05,P0.05)相关不显著;自我效能感与主观支持(r=0.36,P0.01)呈显著正相关,中介效应估计值为0.26,占总效应之比为0.23。结论恶性血液病患者自我效能感在社会支持和生活质量间起部分中介作用,医务工作者应注重提高患者的自我效能感,以改善其生活质量。  相似文献   

适应障碍与社会支持的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨社会支持系统与适应障碍发病的关系。方法:采用生活事件量表和社会支持评定量表作为评定工具,对30例适应障碍患者及32名同期遭遇相同应激生活事件的正常人进行对照研究。结果:在同期遭遇相同应激生活事件的情况下,适应障碍组患者的社会支持量表分显著低于对照组。结论:社会支持不足与适应障碍的发病密切相关。  相似文献   

目的 探讨中学生认知情绪调节策略在负性生活事件和焦虑间的中介作用.方法 从全国10个城市抽取7 118名中学生,采用青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)、认知情绪调节问卷中文版(CERQ-C)和儿童多维焦虑量表中文版(MASC-C)进行调查,评定中学生的焦虑状态、负性生活事件应激值、认知情绪调节策略的使用,并采用路径分析评估认知情绪调节策略的中介效应.结果 中学男生的焦虑得分低于中学女生,差异具有统计学意义(t=-17.74,P<0.01),男女生在ASLEC得分差异无统计学意义(t=0.09,P>0.05).CERQ-C的适应性策略与ASLEC得分、MASC得分成负相关,非适应策略与ASLEC得分、MASC得分成正相关.认知情绪调节策略在中学生生活事件和焦虑症状之间起着部分中介作用.结论 中学生的焦虑症状可能和其经历的负性生活事件相关,而对负性生活事件的认知情绪调节策略可能有一定的中介作用.  相似文献   

首发青少年抑郁症与应激及应激相关因素的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的了解青少年首次抑郁发作与生活事件、应对方式和社会支持的关系。方法对52例首次抑郁发作的青少年患者和214例正常对照者进行一般社会人口学资料表、青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)、特质应对方式问卷(TCSQ)和领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)的测评。结果与正常对照组相比,抑郁症组在人际关系、学习压力、受惩罚、健康适应、应激总量的得分上均较高,差异非常显著(P<0.01),抑郁症组的患者较多采用消极的应对方式,较少采取积极应对方式,且有较少的社会支持,差异非常显著(P<0.01)。结论青少年首次抑郁发作与负性生活事件、不良应对方式和缺乏社会支持有关。  相似文献   

目的:了解青少年强迫症发病与生活事件、应对方式和社会支持的关系.方法:对44例青少年强迫症患者和214名正常对照者进行一般社会人口学资料表、青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)、特质应对方式问卷(TCSQ)和领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)的测评.结果:与对照组相比,强迫症组在人际关系、学习压力、受惩罚、健康适应、应激总量的得分上均显著较高(P<0.05);强迫症组患者较多采用消极应对方式,较少采取积极应对方式,获得较少社会支持,与正常对照者比较差异非常显著(P<0.01).结论:青少年强迫症的发病与负性生活事件、不良应对方式和缺乏社会支持有关.  相似文献   

This study compared levels of loneliness, quality of life (QOL) and social support among people with serious mental illness (SMI) living in two different types of housing: group homes and supportive community housing. Forty persons with SMI living in supportive community housing and 57 living in a group home completed measures of QOL, symptoms, perceived social support and loneliness. Analysis of variance tests were conducted to examine whether there were differences in degree of loneliness, QOL and social support between the groups living in the two residential types. No significant differences between the two housing models were found. Correlational analysis, however, indicated a strong relationship between loneliness and QOL. Subsequent regression analysis revealed that residence in group homes moderates the relationship between social loneliness and QOL, such that social loneliness impacted QOL only among group home residence. Implications of the findings for understanding the impact of housing on QOL are discussed.  相似文献   

Loneliness and paranoia are related, but the mechanisms that link them to each other remain unclear. Systematic reviews on loneliness propose a social–cognitive model in which loneliness leads to negative evaluations of other persons and a lack of interpersonal trust. However, the data discussed in these reviews are based on healthy individuals. Building on this model, the present study investigated 1) whether negative interpersonal schemata mediate the association between loneliness and paranoia and 2) whether a low level of perceived social support and less frequent social contact are related to loneliness.Using a cross-sectional design, sixty-five participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia were recruited online and completed questionnaire-based measures of loneliness, paranoia, negative interpersonal schemata, perceived social support and frequency of social contact. Data were analyzed taking a path-analytic approach.The association between loneliness and paranoia was significantly and fully mediated by negative schemata of others. Moreover, a low level of perceived social support was significantly associated with loneliness, whereas self-reported frequency of social contact was not. The present results highlight the potential role of interpersonal negative schemata in the formation and maintenance of paranoia and elucidate the crucial role of loneliness in the way individuals construe themselves within a social environment.  相似文献   

Objectives: To develop biopsychosocial models of loneliness and social support thereby identifying their key risk factors in an Irish sample of community-dwelling older adults. Additionally, to investigate indirect effects of social support on loneliness through mediating risk factors.

Methods: A total of 579 participants (400 females; 179 males) were given a battery of biopsychosocial assessments with the primary measures being the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale and the Lubben Social Network Scale along with a broad range of secondary measures.

Analysis: Bivariate correlation analyses identified items to be included in separate psychosocial, cognitive, biological and demographic multiple regression analyses. The resulting model items were then entered into further multiple regression analyses to obtain overall models. Following this, bootstrapping mediation analyses was conducted to examine indirect effects of social support on the subtypes (emotional and social) of loneliness.

Results: The overall model for (1) emotional loneliness included depression, neuroticism, perceived stress, living alone and accommodation type, (2) social loneliness included neuroticism, perceived stress, animal naming and number of grandchildren and (3) social support included extraversion, executive functioning (Trail Making Test B-time), history of falls, age and whether the participant drives or not. Social support influenced emotional loneliness predominantly through indirect means, while its effect on social loneliness was more direct.

Conclusions: These results characterise the biopsychosocial risk factors of emotional loneliness, social loneliness and social support and identify key pathways by which social support influences emotional and social loneliness. These findings highlight issues with the potential for consideration in the development of targeted interventions.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to unlock how and when leaders’ loneliness influences their voice-taking behavior in the workplace by integrating the regulatory loop model of loneliness and the affect theory of social exchange. Through collecting a daily diary study of 87 paired leader-follower samples from two electronics industry companies based in Guangzhou, China, this study finds that (1) leaders’ loneliness has a significant negative impact on social self-efficacy and voice-taking behavior; (2) leaders’ social self-efficacy mediates the relationship between their loneliness and voice-taking behavior; (3) performance pressure moderates the relationship between leaders’ loneliness and voice-taking behavior; and, (4) the indirect effect between leaders’ loneliness and voice-taking behavior (through social self-efficacy) becomes stronger when performance pressure is higher. Therefore, this study provides some practical implications on: (1) how to provide a series of loneliness interventions to address loneliness in all areas of life; and, (2) how to establish an internal culture or atmosphere within the organization to encourage leaders to adopt followers’ suggestions for improvement.  相似文献   

This study explores the associations of loneliness with depressive symptoms in a five-year follow-up and describes how the six dimensions of perceived togetherness explain loneliness and depressive symptoms at baseline. The data were collected on 207 residents of Jyväskylä, central Finland, who at baseline in 1990 were aged 80; and 133 residents who at follow-up in 1995 were aged 85. Loneliness was assessed using a questionnaire item with four preset response options, perceived togetherness using the Social Provisions Scale, and depressive symptoms using the CES-D scale. A recursive structural equation model showed that in women but not in men, depressive symptoms predicted more experiences of loneliness. Those who were lonely were more depressed (CES-D score 16 or over) and experienced less togetherness than those who were not. Loneliness was explained by reliable alliance, social integration and attachment; and depressive symptoms were explained by guidance, reassurance of worth, reliable alliance and attachment. A common feature in both loneliness and depressive symptoms was a lower level of perceived emotional togetherness in social interaction.  相似文献   

Research suggests that negative life events and social support are associated with the course of major depressive episodes. However, the manner in which these variables may be specifically interrelated remains unclear. The present study compared two models of the relation among life events, number of social relationships, and the naturalistic course of major depression in a community sample of women. The life event profiles of 32 women were assessed during their index episode of major depression (T1) and again 1 year later (T2). Measures included the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory, and the Life Events and Difficulties Schedule. Data analysis focused on whether life events and social relationships were independent predictors of depressive symptomatology (i.e., "main effects" model) or whether social relationships moderated the influence of life events on the naturalistic course of participants' major depressive episodes (i.e., "stress buffering" model). The results only partially supported the main effects model and failed to support the buffering model of the relation among life events, social relationships, and naturalistic depression course. In particular, the present findings indicated that number of social relationships was a significantly stronger predictor of naturalistic depression course than were life events. These findings suggest that insufficient social support is a particularly strong prospective predictor of elevated depressive symptomatology. Determining the quality of patients' social support networks should be a regular part of clinical assessment, and efforts should be made to help depressed patients establish supportive relationships both in the therapeutic environment and in their personal lives.  相似文献   

Aims.This study examined the associations of social support, loneliness and locus of control with depression and help-seeking in persons with major depression.Methods.Twelve-month help-seeking for emotional problems was assessed in a cross-sectional 2006 Estonian Health Survey. Non-institutionalized individuals aged 18–84 years (n = 6105) were interviewed. A major depressive episode was assessed using the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Factors describing social support, social and emotional loneliness and locus of control were assessed, and their associations with depression were analysed. The associations with reported help-seeking behaviour among people identified as having a major depressive episode (n = 343) were explored.Results.Low frequency of contacts with one''s friends and parents, emotional loneliness, external locus of control and emotional dissatisfaction with couple relations were significant factors predicting depression in the multivariate model. External locus of control was associated with help-seeking in the depressed sample. Interactions of emotional loneliness, locus of control and frequency of contacts with parents significantly predicted help-seeking in the depressed sample.Conclusions.Depression is associated with structural and functional factors of social support and locus of control. Help-seeking of depressed persons depends on locus of control, interactions of emotional loneliness, locus of control and contacts with the parental family.Key words: Emotional loneliness, help-seeking, major depression, social support  相似文献   

ObjectivePeople with psychotic disorders frequently become targets of discrimination, which may have devastating effects on their social relations and lead to the feelings of loneliness. This study has explored whether self-esteem and support seeking serve as mediators in the relationship between experiences of discrimination and loneliness.MethodsA total of 110 persons with psychotic disorders (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10): F20–F29) were evaluated with self-report measures of discrimination experiences, self-esteem, support seeking and loneliness. The relationships between variables were examined with path modeling. Bootstrap mediation analyses were used for testing the statistical significance of indirect effects.ResultsExperiences of discrimination have been demonstrated to increase the level of loneliness both directly and indirectly. The indirect effect of discrimination on loneliness via self-esteem decrement has been proven to be significant. Support has been also found for a mediation model in which discrimination experiences negatively affect self-esteem, an undermined self-esteem diminishes the tendency to seek social support, and reduced support seeking worsens the sense of loneliness. However, discrimination experiences and support seeking have turned out to be unrelated and thus the hypothesized indirect effect of discrimination on loneliness through the weakening of the willingness to seek social support has not been confirmed by the data.ConclusionsThe findings contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms through which experiences of discrimination aggravate perceived social isolation. Self-esteem and the tendency to seek social support have emerged as possible targets for interventions aiming to counteract the negative influence of rejection experiences on social relationships of people with psychotic disorders.  相似文献   

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