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为进一步鉴别儿童孤独症与精神发育迟滞 (MR) ,我们对孤独症及MR的临床资料进行对比分析。对象和方法 对象为 1996年 1月至 2 0 0 0年 10月在本所住院的患儿。孤独症组 :2 2例 ,其中男 17例 ,女 5例 ;年龄4~ 10岁 ,平均 (6 14± 0 87)岁 ;病程 1 2~ 7 5年 ,平均(3 70± 0 86 )年。MR组 :4 8例 ,其中男 34例 ,女 14例 ;年龄2~ 10岁 ,平均 (7 2 9± 0 98)岁 ;病程 2 3~ 10年 ,平均(5 98± 0 77)年。两组的性别差异无显著性 (P >0 0 5 )。经主任医师确诊后 ,对两组的临床表现、出生及既往情况、生长发育情况、父母情况、辅…  相似文献   

儿童孤独症血浆5-羟色胺水平的对照研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:通过检测血浆5—羟色胺(5—HT)水平,初步探讨儿童孤独症的生化病理机制。方法:采用放射免疫方法定量检测54例儿童孤独症患儿(病例组)及26名健康儿童(对照组)的血浆5—HT水平,并作比较。结果:病例组的血浆5—HT水平显著高于对照组,但与疾病的严重程度无明显相关。结论:提示高5—HT可能是儿童孤独症生物学标志。  相似文献   

本文对50例儿童孤独症,50例精神发育迟滞(mR)临床资料进行对照研究,发现在性别、孕产期情况、胎次、起病年龄、临床表现、家庭和睦状况、会说话走路的时间、抚养人、智商、父母学历等方面存在差异。  相似文献   

孤独症儿童心理发育特征初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探索孤独症儿童心理发育特点及病理行为学规律 ,为临床干预提供科学依据。方法 采用儿童孤独症及相关发育障碍心理教育评定量表 (C PEP)操作手册 ,测评 98例孤独症儿童。结果 孤独症儿童的心理发育进展和次序异常 ,其中 90 %发育商小于 70 ,随年龄的增长 ,发育商有下降的趋势 ;语言质的障碍最突出 ,其次是人际关系和游戏、物品喜好的异常。结论 早期干预于 2~ 3岁为最佳期 ,于 4~ 6岁为希望期 ;孤独症儿童心理理论的损害与有关的社会和交流问题相互关联 ,其中心理理论的损害起主导作用 ,心理理论的损害在先 ,异常社会关系的形成在后 ;感觉模式异常、感知觉能力落后应作为儿童孤独症早期筛查的重要指标。  相似文献   

儿童孤独症3例临床报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童孤独症又称“自闭症”。患病率为4~6.7/1万儿童。国内临床报告不多。现就我们遇到的3例报导如下: 例一 男,8岁,杭州籍,住院号398,第一胎,足月,因产程延长而剖腹产,无明显的窒息史,母乳喂养。父母皆系大学生,十分重视胎教和育婴卫生。母孕早期因尿路感染有服用磺胺药史。其父为中型企业的厂长,母在特区经商,事业颇有成就。  相似文献   

儿童孤独症一例的随访报告汕头大学精神卫生中心(515063)张庆豪1病例简介患儿,男,就诊时为5岁2个月。母孕期其母身体健康,患儿足月第一胎顺产,出生时无窒息史,母奶喂养至8个月,以后人工喂养。周岁开始学走路,说话迟缓,叫爸爸、妈妈发音尚清晰,以后在...  相似文献   

本文对30例儿童孤独症进行临床分析,表明此症男孩患者明显多于女孩,男:女为2.75:1,病因学资料分析显示,多为遗传因素,围产期并发症及神经生物学因素,其临床症状主要表现为孤独、言语发育障碍、兴趣活动异常及智力障碍。  相似文献   

30例儿童孤独症临床分析山东省精神卫生中心(250014)翟静,郭传琴儿童孤独症首先由Kanner在1941年报告11例,我国1982年首次报告4例,近年来此症引起国内同道普遍关注,现将我院1984~1995年儿童门诊诊治的30例报告如下。1临床资料...  相似文献   

伴有语言发育倒退儿童孤独症的临床分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为探讨伴有语言发育倒退孤独症 (发病前语言发育基本正常 ,病后才出现语言发育倒退 )的临床特征 ,我们于 1999年 10月至 2 0 0 0年 6月对伴有和不伴有语言发育倒退孤独症患儿的临床资料进行了对照研究。对象 为因语言发育问题、智力低下或行为问题到本科就诊者 ,共 32例。均符合中国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准第 2版修订本孤独症的诊断标准 ,排除其他广泛性发育障碍。其中伴有语言发育倒退 (2 4个月以前已经会讲有意义的完整句子 ,病后这些语言消失 )者 ,共 7例 (以下简称倒退组 ) ,余为非倒退组 ,共 2 5例。方法 本研究为横断面研究。评…  相似文献   



Oxytocin (OT) has been implicated to play an important role in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) etiology. We aimed to find out the differences in plasma OT levels between children with autism and healthy children, the associations of OT levels with particular autism symptoms and the associations of particular parental autistic traits with their ASD children OT levels.


We included 19 boys with autism and 44 healthy age-matched boys. OT levels were analyzed by ELISA method. Children with autism were scored by Childhood Autism Rating Scale and Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI), adjusted research version. Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ), Systemizing Quotient (SQ) and Empathizing Quotient were completed by parents of children with autism.


Children with autism had significantly lower plasma OT levels than controls. OT levels positively correlated with ADI Reciprocal Interaction and Communication scores. AQ and SQ of fathers positively correlated with children plasma OT level.


Our results support the hypothesis of OT deficiency in autism. The "paradoxical" associations of OT levels and social skills in children with autism indicate disturbances at various levels of OT system. We first reported associations of OT levels in children with autism and behavioral measures in fathers indicating that OT abnormalities stay between parental autistic traits and autism symptoms in their children.  相似文献   

Impairments in executive abilities such as cognitive flexibility have been identified in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It remains unclear, however, whether such individuals also experience impairments in another executive ability: inhibitory control. In the present study, we administered three inhibitory tasks to 18 children with ASD, 23 siblings of children with ASD, and 25 typically developing children. After controlling for individual differences in age, overall IQ, and processing speed, children with ASD demonstrated impaired performance on two of the three inhibitory tasks. Results suggest that children with ASD experience circumscribed deficits in some but not all aspects of inhibitory control. More generally, the findings underscore the importance of using multiple measures to assess a putative single cognitive ability.  相似文献   

Mothers of children aged 2–12 years completed an exhaustive questionnaire assessing feeding and eating behaviors for both themselves and their children with autism, and typically developing siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (where available), or typically developing children with no sibling with a disability. Results indicate that children with autism were only marginally more likely to exhibit picky eating behavior (overall style) than their siblings or matched typically developing children. Rates of ritualistic feeding behaviors were equivalent in all groups of children although children with autism were more likely to be currently exhibiting problematic eating and feeding behaviors. The implications of these results for the treatment of feeding difficulties exhibited by children with autism will be discussed.
Yolanda MartinsEmail: Email:

BackgroundIt is unclear whether increased head circumference (HC) is actually an artifact of an overall overgrowth phenomenon or specific to the brain at all in autism spectrum disorders. This study compared the head circumferences, body weight and height of ASD children with a control group. We also discuss whether HC, body weight and height are correlated with development quotients in ASD children.MethodWe recruited 83 children with ASD (aged 2–5 years); they were gender and age matched to typically developing children in Chongqing (China) from 2013 to 2015. Their head circumference, body weight and height were collected. The ASD group was tested for the developmental quotient (DQ), which includes gross motor, fine motor, linguistic, personal-social and adaptive functioning.ResultsOur results showed that head circumference in the ASD group is significantly different from HC in the control group. The rate of macrocephaly was higher in the children with ASD compared with the control group. Some domains of DQ have statistically significant negative correlation with head circumference, weight and height. After adjusting for confounding factors, the fine motor was associated negatively with HC. Personal-social ability was associated negatively with weight. Gross motor was correlated negatively with the height.ConclusionsBased on our results, we found significant HC differences in ASD group while lack of effect of either height or weight at the age of 2–5. HC, weight and height were separately negative correlated with some domains of development quotients. Further research is needed to understand the relationship between physical indicators and development level in autism.  相似文献   

The present study examines urbanicity-related differences in help-seeking process among preschool children with autism and investigates the factors associated with utilization of autism-related services within the year of diagnosis. Using the 1997–2004 National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) in Taiwan, we identified a total of 3495 autistic children born in 1997–1999 and 13964 matched controls. Results indicate that suburban and rural autism tended to receive the diagnosis at an older age and to have a longer diagnosis process as compared with urban counterparts. Male gender, a younger age of diagnosis, and being diagnosed by psychiatric specialty strongly predict subsequent greater utilization of autism-specific services (all p < 0.05). Health policy makers and other service providers should address the needs of children with early-onset neurodevelopmental disorders in rural areas, particularly those from disadvantaged families.  相似文献   

Autism involves a basic impairment in social cognition. This study investigated early stage face processing in young children with autism by examining the face-sensitive early negative event-related brain potential component in 3-4 year old children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), typical development, and developmental delay. Results indicated that children with ASD showed a slower electrical brain response to faces and a larger amplitude response to objects compared to children with typical development and developmental delay. These findings indicate that children with ASD have a disordered pattern of brain responses to faces and objects at an early age.  相似文献   

The utility of Developmental Quotients (DQ) from the Psychoeducational Profile—Revised (PEP-R) to estimate cognitive ability in young children with autism was assessed. DQ scores were compared to scores from the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales—Fourth Edition (SB-FE) for 27 preschool students with autism. Overall and domain DQ’s on the PEP-R were significantly correlated with SB-FE composite IQ and Verbal Reasoning scores. Additional analyses with rank scores from each instrument confirmed these results. Results indicate that DQ scores obtained by the PEP-R are reasonable estimates of cognitive ability in this sample as measured by the SB-FE. Some administration advantages suggest that the PEP-R may be a viable alternative to the SB-FE (for estimating cognitive skills) under some conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated whether children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) have a deficit in recognising familiar faces. Children with ASD were given a forced choice familiar face recognition task with three conditions: full faces, inner face parts and outer face parts. Control groups were children with developmental delay (DD) and typically developing (TD) children. Children with ASD and children with DD recognised slightly fewer faces than did TD children, but there was no ASD-specific deficit. All groups displayed the same pattern of face part superiority: full-face superiority over inner face, and inner face superiority over outer face. Therefore, the pattern of familiar face recognition by children with ASD was similar to the pattern found in other children.  相似文献   

There is now considerable evidence that white matter abnormalities play a role in the neurobiology of autism. Little research has been directed, however, at understanding (a) typical white matter development in autism and how this relates to neurocognitive impairments observed in the disorder. In this study we used probabilistic tractography to identify the cingulum bundle in 21 adolescents and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and 21 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers. We investigated group differences in the relationships between age and fractional anisotropy, a putative measure of white matter integrity, within the cingulum bundle. Moreover, in a preliminary investigation, we examined the relationship between cingulum fractional anisotropy and executive functioning using the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF). The ASD participants demonstrated significantly lower fractional anisotropy within the cingulum bundle compared to the typically developing volunteers. There was a significant group-by-age interaction such that the ASD group did not show the typical age-associated increases in fractional anisotropy observed among healthy individuals. Moreover, lower fractional anisotropy within the cingulum bundle was associated with worse BRIEF behavioral regulation index scores in the ASD group. The current findings implicate a dysregulation in cingulum bundle white matter development occurring in late adolescence and early adulthood in ASD, and suggest that greater disturbances in this trajectory are associated with executive dysfunction in ASD.  相似文献   

孤独症和Asperger综合征儿童的心灵理论对照研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
目的探讨孤独症和Asperger综合征(AS)儿童的心理推测能力。方法应用表情识别和虚假信念课题分别对21例高功能孤独症(HFA)儿童、54例AS儿童和70名正常健康儿童进行测试。结果表情识别题中, HFA组通过率明显低于正常组(P<0.01),AS组与正常组无显著差异;虚假信念题通过率为正常儿童组>AS组> HFA组(P<0.01)。结论 HFA和AS儿童基本能识别简单表情,但存在理解虚假信念的缺陷,说明他们的心理推测能力低下。  相似文献   

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