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The estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) in the hypothalamus plays important roles in the regulation of reproductive development, physiology, and behavior. However, the expression of the ERalpha may change during aging or in response to varying estrogen levels. The present study measured changes in the numbers of ERalpha-expressing cells in specific hypothalamic and preoptic nuclei of ovariectomized female Sprague-Dawley rats at three ages (young [3-4 months], middle-aged [10-12 months], or old [24-26 months]) and with or without estrogen replacement. Numbers of ERalpha-immunoreactive neurons were quantified in four regions relevant to reproductive function: the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV), medial preoptic nucleus (MPN), arcuate nucleus (ARH), and ventromedial nucleus (VMN), using an unbiased stereologic approach. In the AVPV and VMN, significant age-related increases in the numbers of ERalpha-expressing cells from the middle-aged to the old group were detected, and no differences were observed in the MPN and ARH, indicating that ERalpha neuron number is maintained or even elevated during aging. No significant effects of estrogen on ERalpha cell number were detected in any of the four regions studied. Therefore, ERalpha cell number in the rat hypothalamus and preoptic area changes with aging in a region-specific manner.  相似文献   

The anteroventral periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (AVPV) is a sexually dimorphic nucleus in the preoptic region that appears to be a nodal point in forebrain circuits, mediating hormonal feedback on gonadotropin secretion. The results of anterograde transport experiments indicate that the AVPV sends ascending projections to the ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus, the parastrial nucleus, and the region adjacent to the vascular organ of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) that contains a subpopulation of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)-containing neurons. The majority of projections from the AVPV pass caudally through the periventricular zone of the hypothalamus and form dense terminal fields in the periventricular nuclei, parvicellular parts of the paraventricular nucleus, and in the arcuate nucleus. Inputs to medial zone nuclei are more limited, with substantial projections to only the medial preoptic and dorsomedial nuclei. The AVPV sends few projections to the caudal brainstem, but terminals were observed reliably in the periaqueductal gray and medial part of the nucleus of the solitary tract. Anterograde double-labeling experiments demonstrate terminals derived from neurons in the AVPV in close apposition to GnRH-containing neurons in the preoptic region, and to dopaminergic neurons in the arcuate nucleus. Thus, the organization of projections from the AVPV in female rats suggests that neurons in this nucleus may influence the secretion of luteinizing hormone and prolactin through direct projections to GnRH neurons and tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons. J. Comp. Neurol. 384:142-164, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) is a sexually dimorphic complex composed of 3 distinct cytoarchitectonic subdivisions, and a sexually dimorphic distribution of presumably serotonergic fibers is associated with the lateral part of the nucleus (MPNl). In this study the probable cells of origin for these serotonergic fibers were identified by using a combined fluorescent retrograde tracer and immunofluorescence method. Serotonergic afferents to the MPN appear to arise exclusively from the dorsal raphe nucleus (B7), the median raphe nucleus (B8), and the region adjacent to the medial lemniscus (B9).  相似文献   

The location and number of progesterone receptor-containing neurons in the mediobasal hypothalamus that project to the medial preoptic area were determined by combining retrograde fluorescent tract tracing with progesterone receptor immunocytochemistry. Injections of the retrograde tract tracer Fluoro-gold were made in the preoptic area of female guinea-pigs ovariectomized and primed with estradiol. After 5 days survival to allow for retrograde transport, tissue sections were incubated with monoclonal antibodies to the progesterone receptor to detect the presence of progesterone receptor-immunoreactive neurons. Cell bodies were labelled with Fluoro-gold throughout the arcuate nucleus. These neurons were not concentrated in any particular area of the nucleus but were diffusely distributed bilaterally. Retrogradely-labelled neurons were also observed in the ventrolateral and ventromedial nuclei mainly contralateral to the injection site. Progesterone receptor immunofluorescence labelled a subpopulation (7% to 10%) of these retrogradely-labelled cells particularly in the arcuate nucleus, including the median eminence. The double-labelled cells were more numerous in the anterior two-thirds of the arcuate nucleus. Although our estimates of the proportion of hypothalamic progesterone receptor-immunoreactive neurons that sent axons directly to the medial preoptic area were low, (about 0.35%), these neurons may be part of a neural circuit involved in the regulation of reproductive processes.  相似文献   

The principal nucleus of the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis (BSTp) is sexually dimorphic and participates in several aspects of reproduction. A detailed analysis of its projections revealed that the BSTp provides major inputs to forebrain regions that are sexually dimorphic and contain high densities of neurons that express receptors for sex steroid hormones in a pattern that is remarkably similar to that of the medial amygdaloid nucleus. The BSTp sends its strongest outputs to the periventricular zone of the hypothalamus and innervates structures thought to play important roles in regulating hormone secretion from the anterior pituitary, but it also provides strong inputs to the medial preoptic and ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus. The BSTp also sends a strong return projection to the medial nucleus of the amygdala. The projections of the BSTp appear to be more robust in males with striking sex differences observed in most, but not all, major terminal fields. Moreover, various terminal fields appeared to differ in their developmental sensitivity to manipulation of circulating levels of sex steroids during the neonatal period. Thus, the organization of projections from the BSTp suggests that it plays a particularly important role in regulating neuroendocrine function and that neurons in this nucleus may relay olfactory information to the hypothalamus differently in male and female rats. Furthermore, the differential action of sex steroids on the density of afferents from the BSTp in various regions indicates that these hormones exert a target-specific influence on the development of BSTp projections.  相似文献   

The rat ovulatory cycle is dependent on the preoptic region encompassing the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) perikarya and the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV). Retrograde tract tracing was used to identify and compare the sources of inputs to these sites in female rats. Within the telencephalon and diencephalon, the incidence of retrograde labelling from both sites was moderate to abundant in the ventral lateral septum, posteromedial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, amygdalohippocampal area and the periventricular, medial preoptic, anterodorsal preoptic, dorsomedial suprachiasmatic, arcuate, and posterior ventrolateral ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei. In these regions, the incidence of retrograde labelling was either greater from the AVPV than from the GnRH perikarya site or similar from both sites. In the medial amygdaloid, parastrial, striohypothalamic, and ventral premammillary nuclei, the retrograde labelling from the AVPV greatly exceeded the sparse incidence from the GnRH perikarya site. In contrast, retrograde labelling from the GnRH perikarya site predominated in the median preoptic, lateroanterior and dorsomedial hypothalamic nuclei, subparaventricular zone, and retrochiasmatic area; it was abundant in the AVPV. Caudal to the diencephalon, retrograde labelling from either site was sparse, except in the lateral parabrachial nucleus, which displayed a particularly high incidence from the GnRH perikarya site. Other mesencephalic regions labelled from either site included the periaqueductal gray and dorsal and median raphe nuclei. The most caudal labelling was found in the ventrolateral medulla and region of the solitary tract nucleus; this was almost exclusively from the GnRH perikarya site. These findings further elucidate the neuroanatomical connections underlying the control of the ovulatory cycle.  相似文献   

A E Herbison 《Brain research》1992,591(2):289-295
The medial preoptic area (MPOA) of the rat exhibits morphological sex differences and is implicated in sex-specific functioning and behaviour. Using immunocytochemistry, the distribution and numbers of cells containing calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) were examined in the MPOA of adult male and female rats. In the intact female rat, CGRP-immunoreactive (-IR) cells were found in a continuum within the MPOA extending from the caudal aspects of the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis through the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPv) to the region of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN). An additional small group of CGRP-IR cells was noted at the level of the caudal MPNin the ventrolateral (VL) region. Compared with males, the AVPv and MPN regions of the female contained over 25-fold more CGRP-IR cells (P < 0.01). The VL region contained similar numbers of CGRP-IR cells in both sexes. Ovariectomy 1 month earlier, with or without subsequent 17-beta estradiol treatment, had no effect on the numbers or distribution of CGRP-IR cells in the MPOA. Gonadectomy of male rats resulted in a significant increase (P < 0.01) in the numbers of CGRP-IR cells in the AVPv and MPN regions. Subsequent administration of testosterone propionate for 1 week reduced (P < 0.05) numbers of CGRP-IR cells to levels observed in the intact male. Neurones containing CGRP in the VL group were not altered by gonadal steroid manipulation. This study shows that CGRP neurones in the AVPv/MPN region are sexually dimorphic.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A high percentage of galanin-immunoreactive (GAL-I) cells within sexually dimorphic components of the medial preoptic area (MPOA) of the rat also concentrate estrogen and GAL microinjected within the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) facilitates masculine sexual behavior after testosterone priming. Thus, we determined the distribution of GAL-I cells within the MPOA and their response to gonadal steroids. We report significantly greater numbers of GAL-I cells within the central division of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPNc) and fewer within the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPv), of the gonadectomized male than the gonadectomized female; that GAL-I cell numbers and densities within the AVPv are increased significantly in the intact, testosterone- or estrogen-treated male compared to the gonadectomized male and that GAL-I cell numbers and densities within the MPNc and GAL-I cell densities within the medial division of the MPN (MPNm), are increased significantly by gonadal steroids in rats of both sexez. The results suggest an involvement of galaninergic cells within the MPOA in the regulation of sexually dimorphic, gonadal steroid-sensitive functions.  相似文献   

Many neurons within the ventrolateral hypothalamus in guinea pigs contain estrogen-induced progestin receptors as well as substance P. Retrograde tracing combined with immunocytochemistry was used to determine the specific projections of this subset of steroid- sensitive cells. Unilateral Fluoro-Gold injections into the dorsal midbrain, including the central gray, labeled a large proportion of the ventrolateral hypothalamic neurons immunoreactive for both progestin receptors and substance P (approximately 30%); substantially fewer of these neurons were labeled by unilateral Fluoro-Gold injections into the preoptic area (approximately 6%), medial amygdala (approximately 10%), or the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (approximately 11 %). The projections of progestin receptor-immunoreactive neurons in the ventrolateral hypothalamus were similar to those of progestin receptor/substance P double-labeled neurons, while a slightly lower percentage of the ventrolateral hypothalamic, substance P-immunoreactive neurons tended to project to each of these areas. These pathways may prove to be components of the neural circuitry underlying a variety of functions influenced by gonadal steroid hormones and substance P, such as female sexual behavior, salt intake, nociception and aggression.  相似文献   

The posterodorsal preoptic nucleus (PdPN) and the lateral part of the posterodorsal medial amygdala (MeApd) express Fos with ejaculation in male gerbils. Ejaculation-activated cells participate in the PdPN and MeApd projections to each other and to the sexually dimorphic preoptic area (SDA), but those projections involve less than 20% of the activated PdPN cells and less than 50% of the activated MeApd cells. To identify other potential targets of ejaculation-activated cells, we traced PdPN and lateral MeApd outputs using biotinylated dextran amine. The principal part of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTpr) and the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPv) were labeled from both sites and were injected with Fluoro-Gold to determine whether PdPN and lateral MeApd cells that express Fos with ejaculation would be retrogradely labeled. Fluoro-Gold was also applied to the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH) and retrorubral field (RRF) because such injections label PdPN cells in rats. The PdPN-DMH projection is minimal in gerbils, involving few, if any, ejaculation-related cells. Ejaculation-activated PdPN cells project to the AVPv (43%), dorsal BSTpr (30%), and RRF (12%). Those in the lateral MeApd project to the dorsal BSTpr (43%) and AVPv (18%). When these percentages are combined with those for ejaculation-activated cells involved in the PdPN and lateral MeApd projections to each other and to the medial SDA, the totals reach 100%. Thus, every PdPN and MeApd cell activated with ejaculation may participate in one of these projections. Similar projections may contribute to the similar behavioral effects of the PdPN and MeApd.  相似文献   

The ventrolateral hypothalamus (VLH) in female guinea pigs includes a subset of neurons which contain estrogen and progestin receptors, and which are implicated in the regulation of female sexual behavior by steroid hormones. However, little is known about where these neurons project, and consequently which other brain areas are involved in sexual behavior in female guinea pigs. The anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris -Leucoagglutinin was used to label efferents from the ovarian steroid receptor-containing part of the VLH. To identify the correct placement of the tracer specifically within the group of neurons containing estrogen receptors, medial hypothalamic sections were also immunostained for estrogen receptors. Forebrain areas receiving dense projections from the ventrolateral hypothalamus included the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial preoptic area, anterior hypothalamic area, anterior ventromedial hypothalamus, and caudal ventrolateral hypothalamus. The midbrain central gray was also heavily labeled. Moderate innervation was observed in the forebrain in the basolateral amygdala, medial preoptic nucleus, lateroanterior hypothalamic nucleus, dorsal hypothalamic areas, posterior hypothalamus, zona incerta, and in the midbrain interspersed among the central and lateral tegmental tracts. The major efferent pathways from the VLH appeared to travel rostrally through the mediobasal hypothalamus and preoptic area, and caudally via the medial thalamic nuclei and periventricular fiber system. These findings are similar to those of previous studies tracing the efferents from the ventromedial nucleus in rats and from the lateral hypothalamus in guinea pigs. Many of these areas that receive input from the steroid receptor rich area within the VLH are likely to be involved in the regulation of female sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Cells of origin of the spinohypothalamic tract in the rat   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We recently demonstrated that large numbers of neurons in the spinal cord of rats project directly to the hypothalamus. In the present study, we used the retrograde tracer Fluoro-Gold (FG) to examine this projection more completely. In the first series of studies, we attempted to label the entire population of spinal cord neurons that project to the hypothalamus. Injections that virtually filled the hypothalamus on one side without spreading into any other diencephalic area labeled a large number of neurons (estimated to be more than 9,000 in the case with the most neurons labeled) bilaterally at all levels of the spinal cord. Approximately 60% of the labeled neurons were contralateral to the injection. The greatest number of labeled neurons was found within the deep dorsal horn. Many were also found within the lateral spinal nucleus, the superficial dorsal horn, and the gray matter surrounding the central canal. A small number of labeled cells was located in the intermediate zone and ventral horn of the spinal gray matter. Labeled neurons were distributed bilaterally within the sacral parasympathetic nucleus and trigeminal nucleus caudalis. Injections of FG restricted to the medial hypothalamus labeled neurons within the spinal cord in a distribution similar to that produced by injections that filled the hypothalamus. However, fewer neurons were labeled in the spinal cord (estimated to be more than 6,200) and trigeminal nucleus caudalis. Injections of FG restricted to the lateral hypothalamus also labeled fewer neurons (approximately 3,300) than did injections that filled the hypothalamus. In these cases, also, the pattern of labeled neurons within the spinal cord was similar to that produced by injections within either medial or both medial and lateral hypothalamus. However, few neurons were labeled in the sacral parasympathetic nucleus following injections into the lateral hypothalamus. These findings show the distribution of a large number of spinal cord neurons that project directly to medial or lateral hypothalamic regions that are involved in autonomic, neuroendocrine, and emotional responses to somatosensory stimulation, including painful stimuli.  相似文献   

Glutamate transmission is critical for controlling cortical activity, but the specific contribution of the different isoforms of vesicular glutamate transporters in subcortical pathways to the neocortex is largely unknown. To determine the distribution and neocortical projections of vesicular glutamate transporter2 (Vglut2)-containing neurons, we used in situ hybridization and injections of the retrograde tracer Fluoro-Gold into the medial prefrontal and primary somatosensory cortices. The thalamus contains the majority of Vglut2 cells projecting to the neocortex (approximately 90% for the medial prefrontal cortex and 96% for the primary somatosensory cortex) followed by the hypothalamus and basal forebrain, the claustrum, and the brainstem. There are significantly more Vglut2 neurons projecting to the medial prefrontal cortex than to the primary somatosensory cortex. The medial prefrontal cortex also receives a higher percentage of Vglut2 projection from the hypothalamus than the primary somatosensory cortex. About 50% of thalamic Vglut2 projection to the medial prefrontal cortex and as much as 80% of the thalamic projection to primary somatosensory cortex originate in various relay thalamic nuclei. The remainder arise from different midline and intralaminar nuclei traditionally thought to provide nonspecific or diffuse projection to the cortex. The extrathalamic Vglut2 corticopetal projections, together with the thalamic intralaminar-midline Vglut2 corticopetal projections, may participate in diffuse activation of the neocortex.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of aromatase in the brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An immunocytochemical peroxidase-antiperoxidase procedure using a purified polyclonal antibody raised against human placental aromatase was used to localize aromatase-containing cells in the Japanese quail brain. Immunoreactive cells were found only in the preoptic area and hypothalamus, with a high density of positive cells being present in the sexually dimorphic medial preoptic nucleus, in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus and in the infundibulum. The positive material was localized in the perikarya and in adjacent cytoplasmic processes. Aromatase-containing cells were a specific marker for the sexually dimorphic preoptic nucleus. Treatment with testosterone produced a 6-fold increase in the aromatase activity of the preoptic area and a 4-fold increase in the number of immunoreactive cells in the medial preoptic nucleus. Thus, the increase in aromatase activity observed after testosterone administration is caused by a change in enzyme concentration.  相似文献   

Changes in the volumes of sexually dimorphic brain nuclei are often used as a biomarker for developmental disruption by endocrine-active compounds (EACs). However, these gross, morphological analyses do not reliably predict disruption of cell phenotype or neuronal function. In the present experiments, we used a more comprehensive approach to assess whether postnatal exposure to the EACs genistein (GEN) or bisphenol-A (BIS) affected the development of two sexually dimorphic brain regions in male rats: the anteroventral periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (AVPV) and the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN). In addition to nuclear volumes, we also measured the number of immunopositive calbindin neurons in the SDN and the activational patterns of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons, a neuronal population that is functionally linked to the AVPV. In rats, exposure of the neonatal male brain to endogenous estrogen, aromatized from testicular testosterone, is essential for the proper sexual differentiation of these endpoints. Thus, we hypothesized that exposure to BIS and GEN during this critical period could disrupt brain sexual differentiation. Animals were given four subcutaneous injections of sesame oil (control), 250 microg GEN, or 250 microg BIS at 12 h intervals over postnatal days (PND) 1 and 2, gonadectomized on PND 85, and treated sequentially with estrogen and progesterone to stimulate Fos expression in GnRH neurons, a marker for their activation. A cohort of age-matched ovariectomized (OVX) females that were given the same hormone treatment in adulthood served as a positive control group. SDN volume was unchanged by treatment, but the number of calbindin neurons in the SDN was significantly increased by both BIS and GEN. GEN, but not BIS, demasculinized male AVPV volume, but patterns of GnRH neuronal activation were not affected by either compound. These results suggest that acute exposure to EACs during a critical developmental period can independently alter nuclear volumes of sexually dimorphic nuclei and their phenotypic profiles in a region specific manner.  相似文献   

The densely staining group of cells referred to as the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN-POA) is greater in volume in the male than in the female rat. Because we and others have reported absolute volumes that have been consistent within individual studies but that vary considerably, we characterized the SDN-POA by describing its morphology with respect to the cytoarchitectonic divisions of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) in intact and gonadectomized rats. We report three major findings: the SDN-POA is heterogeneous and is composed of cells belonging to three distinct cytoarchitectonic divisions; the cytoarchitecture of the MPN and its medial and lateral divisions (MPNm and MPNl, respectively) in male rats appear to be influenced by the hormonal status in adulthood; and a small anteroventral division of the MPN (MPNav) is present in males but virtually absent in females. Specifically, the SDN-POA is located within the MPNm, but consists of subcomponents located within the central division of the MPN (MPNc), the MPNav, and part of the MPNm-exclusive of the MPNc and MPNav. The percentage of the total SDN-POA located within the MPNc and MPNav. The percentage of the total SDN-POA located within the MPNc and MPNav was greater in males, and that in the MPNm-exclusive of the MPNc and MPNav was greater in females, indicating that the SDN-POA has a different cytoarchitectonic composition in the two sexes. Gonadectomy produced no significant differences in SDN-POA volume, but the MPN, MPNl, and MPNm were significantly reduced in gonadectomized versus intact males, suggesting an activational effect of testicular hormones on these structures.  相似文献   

Social behaviors, including reproductive behaviors, often display sexual dimorphism. Lordosis, the measure of female sexual receptivity, is one of the most apparent sexually dimorphic reproductive behaviors. Lordosis is regulated by estrogen and progesterone (P4) acting within a hypothalamic-limbic circuit, consisting of the arcuate, medial preoptic, and ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus. Social cues are integrated into the circuit through the amygdala. The posterodorsal part of the medial amygdala (MeApd) is involved in sexually dimorphic social and reproductive behaviors, and sends projections to hypothalamic neuroendocrine regions. GABA from the MeApd appears to facilitate social behaviors, while glutamate may play the opposite role. To test these hypotheses, adult female vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT)-Cre and vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGluT2)-Cre mice were transfected with halorhodopsin (eNpHR)-expressing or channelrhodopsin-expressing adeno-associated viruses (AAVs), respectively, in the MeApd. The lordosis quotient (LQ) was measured following either photoinhibition of VGAT or photoexcitation of VGluT2 neurons, and brains were assessed for c-Fos immunohistochemistry (IHC). Photoinhibition of VGAT neurons in the MeApd decreased LQ, and decreased c-Fos expression within VGAT neurons, within the MeApd as a whole, and within the ventrolateral part of the ventromedial nucleus (VMHvl). Photoexcitation of VGluT2 neurons did not affect LQ, but did increase time spent self-grooming, and increased c-Fos expression within VGluT2 neurons in the MeApd. Neither condition altered c-Fos expression in the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) or the arcuate nucleus (ARH). These data support a role for MeApd GABA in the facilitation of lordosis. Glutamate from the MeApd does not appear to be directly involved in the lordosis circuit, but appears to direct behavior away from social interactions.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Lordosis, the measure of female sexual receptivity, is a sexually dimorphic behavior regulated within a hypothalamic-limbic circuit. Social cues are integrated through the amygdala, and the posterodorsal part of the medial amygdala (MeApd) is involved in sexually dimorphic social and reproductive behaviors. Photoinhibition of GABAergic neurons in the MeApd inhibited lordosis, while photoactivation of glutamate neurons had no effect on lordosis, but increased self-grooming. These data support a role for MeApd GABA in the facilitation of social behaviors and MeApd glutamate projections in anti-social interactions.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the effects of prenatal stress on the morphological development of sexually dimorphic structures in the anterior hypothalamus in male rats and to determine if there is a relationship between morphologic development of the brain and copulatory behavior in individual animals. Dams in the stress group were subjected to treatments of heat-light restraint during the third trimester of gestation (day 14 to parturition) three times daily for 45-min periods. At 90 days of age, prenatally stressed and control male offspring were tested during the dark cycle for spontaneous male sexual behavior. Volumes of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN-POA) and the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) were measured. Comparisons were made between copulatory behavior and hypothalamic nuclear volumes. SDN-POA volumes were significantly reduced (feminized; males have a larger SDN-POA than females) in prenatally stressed males that did not copulate, whereas, SDN-POA volumes in prenatally stressed males that copulated were not altered. The few control males that did not copulate (sexually non-active) also had significantly reduced SDN-POA volumes compared to the control males that did copulate (sexually active). The volume of the AVPV was significantly increased (feminized; males have a smaller AVPV than females) in prenatally stressed males that were sexually non-active compared to AVPV volumes in sexually active males. The results obtained in this study provide a strong positive relationship between sexual behavior and the morphology of the two sexually dimorphic structures measured.  相似文献   

The distribution of serotonergic fibers in the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) and adjacent areas was evaluated with an indirect immunohistochemical method in the normal adult male and female albino rat. Sections through the MPN were processed for immunofluorescence with an anti-serum directed toward serotonin and were counterstained with the fluorescent Nissl stain ethidium bromide. The distribution of serotonin-immunoreactive fibers in the MPN was correlated with cytoarchitectonic features of the nucleus. On the basis of the results, we have subdivided the MPN into three parts: a medial cell-dense part ( MPNm ), a lateral cell-sparse part ( MPNl ), and a central very cell-dense part ( MPNc ) that is embedded in the medial part. The MPNc corresponds to the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area identified by Gorski et al. ('80). A marked sexual dimorphism was found in the relative size of each part of the MPN. In the male, the volumes of the cell-dense MPNm and MPNc appear to be notably larger, while in the female more than half of the nucleus is occupied by the cell-sparse lateral part. The MPN as a whole appears to be slightly larger in the male. Each subdivision contains a characteristic pattern of serotonin-immunoreactive fibers. In each sex, the MPN is surrounded by a low to medium density of serotonin-stained fibers, while the MPNl is filled with a dense plexus of varicose immunoreactive fibers. In contrast, the MPNm contains a low density of stained fibers, and the MPNc is virtually devoid of serotonin-stained fibers. Since both the MPNm and the MPNc are larger in the male, a correspondingly larger region of very low serotonin-stained fiber density is found in the male. It appears then that the MPN is a sexually dimorphic complex composed of at least three cytoarchitectonically distinct subdivisions, each of which contains a characteristic density of serotonin-immunoreactive fibers.  相似文献   

The afferent and efferent connections of the nucleus submedius in the rat.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The afferent and efferent connections of the nucleus submedius (Sm) in the medial thalamus of the rat were examined. Injections of wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) into the Sm resulted in dense terminal labeling in the middle layers of the ipsilateral ventrolateral orbital cortex (VLO). Less dense labeling was also observed in the superficial and deep layers of VLO and in the medial part of the lateral orbital cortex (LO) and in the contralateral VLO. Retrogradely labeled neurons were observed primarily in the deep layers of VLO and the dorsal peduncular cortex (DP). Labeled neurons were also observed bilaterally, in the nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band, the lateral hypothalamus, the thalamic reticular nucleus (Rt), medial parabrachial nucleus (MPB), and the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT). Many labeled neurons were also observed in the trigeminal brain-stem complex. Injections of Fluoro-Gold (FG) into Sm resulted in a very similar distribution of retrogradely labeled neurons. Injections of WGA-HRP and FG in the orbital cortex confirmed the ipsilateral Sm projection to VLO and suggested that the middle and deep layers of VLO receive a specific ipsilateral projection from the dorsal Sm and that the superficial layers receive a projection primarily from the ventral Sm. Injections of WGA-HRP into the lateral hypothalamus, LDT, and MPB confirmed the retrograde labeling findings; the lateral hypothalamus was found to send a projection to the medial Sm, the LDT region to the ventromedial Sm and the MPB to the medial and dorsal Sm. These findings confirm and extend the results of previous studies in cat and rat indicating that Sm has a major and specific reciprocal connection with VLO. This finding, in conjunction with previous studies showing direct spinal and trigeminal inputs and the existence of nociceptive neurons in Sm and VLO, provides further support for a role of Sm in nociception.  相似文献   

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