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目的探索颞叶癫痫放电在颅内外的传播方式。方法对无法通过无创手段定侧、定位而高度怀疑为难治性颞叶癫痫的病人行双颞钻孔颅内电极植入术,同步记录10-20头皮脑电和双侧蝶骨电极。对最终确诊的颞叶癫痫病人,分析其同步记录脑电图,测量颅内癫痫起源传播到颅内外各个电极点的时间间隔。研究发作期放电的颅内外传播方式。结果颞下、海马、颞极和颞叶外侧各部位起源的癫痫在颅内外传播有各自的方式:①颞下→对侧海马或颞下→同侧蝶骨→对侧蝶骨→同侧前或中颞头皮→对侧前或中颞头皮;②海马→同侧蝶骨→对侧海马或颞下→对侧蝶骨→同侧前或中颞头皮→对侧前或中颞头皮;③颞极→对侧海马或颞下→同侧蝶骨→同侧前或中颞头皮→对侧蝶骨→对侧前或中颞头皮;④颞叶外侧→同侧中颞头皮→同侧蝶骨→对侧前颞或颞下→对侧蝶骨→对侧前或中颞头皮。结论了解各部位颞叶癫痫放电的颅内外传播顺序有助于癫痫灶的定侧、定位。  相似文献   

颅内电极监测对顽固性颞叶癫痫致痫灶的定位价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨发作期及发作间期颅内电极监测对癫痫灶的定位作用。方法:20例难治性颞叶癫痫,经临床、影像学及头皮脑电图不能确定致痫灶部位,应用立体定向技术,在患者双侧颞叶植入硬膜下条状电极,进行长时间视频脑电图监测,记录发作期和发作间期的脑电图变化,并与头皮脑电图、MRI进行比较,分析癫痫灶部位,进行手术治疗,术后跟踪随访,评估致痫灶定位的准确性。结果:20例癫痫病人颅内电极埋藏时间1~5天,每个患者至少监测到2次临床发作,每一病例均记录发作间期和发作期的异常放电活动。15例发作间期与发作期定侧一致,2例发作间期为双侧棘波病灶,3例发作间期定位与发作期不一致。按Engel术后效果分级:手术效果满意(癫痫发作消失)13例(65%),显著改善3例(15%),良好3例(15%),无效1例(5%)。所有病例均未出现因颅内电极埋藏而致的并发症。结论:对于致痫灶不能定位的难治性癫痫,应用颅内电极记录方法,尤其是发作期起始时脑电图变化,可以确定致痫灶位置,为癫痫手术治疗提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

目的对比分析颧弓电极与蝶骨电极脑电图在颞叶癫痫的价值。方法对来院做术前评估65例难治性颞叶癫痫患者,术前定位行视频脑电图(VEEG)时加做蝶骨电极及颧弓电极,长程同步记录,将头皮颞区、蝶骨及颧弓所记录到的痫样放电及发作期起始早晚进行对比。结果颧弓电极与蝶骨电极对痫波的敏感性相同,发作期同步起始,位相无差别。其检测到的痫波波形相似,波幅颧弓电极略低,下降幅度小于10%。结论颧弓电极与蝶骨电极对颞叶癫痫的定位价值完全相同,因其无创,方便灵活,临床值得推广。  相似文献   

目的比较表面蝶骨电极、前颞电极对癫痫患者发作间期颞区异常放电的检出率以及对不同电极记录放电波幅的比较, 探讨表面蝶骨电极对于颞区异常放电的检测价值。方法连续筛选2021年10—12月在首都医科大学宣武医院门诊接受2 h视频脑电图监测的癫痫患者1 356例。对全部患者安装常规头皮电极、表面蝶骨电极和前颞电极。选取表面蝶骨电极和(或)前颞电极记录到异常放电的脑电图进行分析。计算表面蝶骨电极和前颞电极对发作间期颞区放电的检出率, 测量表面蝶骨电极和前颞电极记录到的放电波幅。结果最终共记录到有颞区放电的脑电图73份, 共计数250个放电。其中前颞电极检出率为88.0%(220/250), 表面蝶骨电极的检出率为98.4%(246/250), 二者检出率差异有统计学意义(χ2=18.38, P<0.001)。对于前颞区的放电(以前颞电极检出放电为"金标准"), 表面蝶骨电极的检出率为98.2%(216/220), 与前颞电极的检出率比较, 二者之间差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.27, P=0.132)。表面蝶骨电极和前颞电极同时记录到了216个放电, 表面蝶骨电极记录放电的波幅为(77.1±...  相似文献   

目的 观察耐药性颞叶内侧癫痫患者发作前期海马电极脑电活动特点,为判断和切除癫痫病灶提供神经电生理学依据.方法 对16例非侵入性手段难以明确病灶的耐药性颞叶内侧癫痫患者进行双侧海马电极监测,患者停用抗癫痫药在非麻醉状态下监测48~72 h,分析癫痫发作前期海马电极脑电图资料,探讨耐药性颞叶内侧癫痫发作前期海马电极脑电活动特点.结果 16例发作间期记录到背景活动基础上出现局限于某几个电极点的阵发性高幅慢波1例、发作性快波节律1例、棘波或棘尖慢复合波14例,视为异常脑电活动;经过48~ 72 h监测,10例监测到33次临床癫痫发作,发作起始期海马电极均可记录到清晰可辨的癫痫样脑电波形.结论 颞叶内侧癫痫临床发作起始期海马电极癫痫样放电清晰可辨,部位局限,易于确定癫痫性活动起源部位.对于非侵入性手段难以判断癫痫样放电起源的颞叶内侧癫痫可采用脑立体定向技术植入海马深部电极进行脑电监测.  相似文献   

目的 探讨颞叶癫痫患者痫性放电的传导部位、时间和相应的临床症状变化.方法 对2003年6月至2007年5月确诊为颞叶癫痫并行颅内电极埋置检查的48例患者的颅内电极脑电图和发作期症状进行回顾性分析,通过在双侧海马放置的针状电极和颢叶、额叶等放置的条状皮层电极,找出发作起源部位、早期传导部位、传导时间及发作起始症状和传导后症状.结果 共记录126次临床癫痫发作,105次记录到传导部位,其中同侧颢叶内传导22次,额叶39次,顶枕叶18次,对侧海马10次,16次全脑放电.44.8%传导时间小于2.5 s,55.2%传导时间超过2.5 s,且有17.1%超过5 s.101次发作中出现初始症状,其中82.2%为意识水平下降、自动症、恐惧等;99次记录到传导后新症状,其中出现颞叶外传导者82.2%出现抽动或强直表现.结论 颞叶癫痫放电传导部位主要是同侧的额叶与颞叶内部,但也可直接到对侧海马结构,临床症状与传导位置有关,传导速度多较慢.  相似文献   

目的探讨毫针蝶骨电极在癫痫诊断中的应用价值及常规脑电图加用蝶骨电极的指征。方法102例临床诊断为癫痫的患者于发作间期行常规脑电图及毫针蝶骨电极脑电图描记,分别对其癫痫波的检出率进行分析。结果经χ2检验分析,蝶骨电极脑电图可提高全身强直-阵挛发作、单纯部分性发作、复杂部分性发作3种发作类型癫痫的痫样放电检出率,其中以复杂部分性癫痫尤为显著;此外发现43例常规脑电图描记时耳垂单极导联可见单侧或双侧正相尖(棘)波或正相尖(棘)慢波,而在蝶骨电极描记时均记录到明显的癫痫波。结论蝶骨电极可提高癫痫患者的痫样放电检出率,常规脑电图描记发现耳垂单极导联出现正相尖(棘)波或正相棘(尖)慢波,加用蝶骨电极多可记录到典型的癫痫波,具有临床确诊价值,应列为临床脑电图的常规描记方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨颅内电极脑电图(EEG)监测对癫痫致痫灶的定位作用。方法对经临床、影像学和常规EEG检查不能确定致痫灶部位的20例难治性颞叶癫痫患者,应用立体定向技术,经双侧颞叶植入硬膜下条状电极进行长时间EEG监测,观察发作期及发作间期EEG变化,结合常规EEG、MRI检查结果对癫痫灶进行综合定位;术后随访,评估致痫灶定位的准确性。结果20例患者颅内电极埋藏时间为1—5d,每例监测到/〉2次临床发作并记录发作间期和发作期的异常放电活动。20例患者发作期颅内电极EEG均能准确定位,15例致痫灶发作间期与发作期一致,2例发作间期为双侧棘波,3例发作间期定位与发作期不一致。术后按Engel疗效分级:发作消失13例(65%),显著改善3例(15%),良好3例(15%),无效1例(5%)。未出现因颅内电极安置所致的并发症。结论颅内电极EEG监测可为癫痫手术治疗提供可靠的病灶定位依据。  相似文献   

目的 通过难治性颢叶内侧癫痫术后随访1年以上,术后效果达到Engel's Ⅰ级(无发作)的患者,探讨各种术前评估方法确定癫痫灶的可靠程度.方法 65名术后随访超过1年,术后达到Engel's Ⅰ级疗效的难治性颞叶内侧癫痫患者,患者的发作症状学、神经影像和头皮脑电图进行回顾性分析.结果 所有患者的发作间期正电子发射断层扫描(PET)显示与手术侧一致的颞叶低代谢改变;41例患者发作前存在典型的颞叶内侧常见先兆,所有患者发作起始表现为意识障碍;28例患者有手术侧颞叶影像异常(图1),8例患者存在双侧颞叶异常,8例患者存在多脑叶影像异常,21例患者核磁共振检查未发现明显异常;20%患者发作间期偶有异常、80%患者存在多灶棘波、尖波、棘慢波;发作期脑电放电早期显示:20例患者无法确定起源侧别,45例患者可以确定侧别(手术侧),只有21例患者可以清楚的显示手术侧蝶骨电极起源.结论 患者的发作症状学分析和PET检查是难治性颞叶内侧癫痫术前评估中基本和重要的评估手段.  相似文献   

安定抑制试验在颞叶癫痫病灶定位中的临床应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:颞叶癫痫患者在脑电图(EEG)描记过程中,常常表现为双侧颞叶痫样放电(多数为同步性放电,少数为不同步放电)。在这种情况下,要鉴别原发性(即病灶侧)同步放电和继发性同步放电是一个难题,这也是手术治疗颞叶癫痫必须解决的问题,我们在实践中摸索出安定抑制试验来解决了这个问题。方法:在美解眠诱发过程中,当双侧蝶骨电极出现明显的痫样放电或是出现癫痫发作时,立即停注美解眠,再缓慢静脉注射安定10~20mg并继续描记EEG。结果:40例双侧痫样放电的颞叶癫痫患者,经该试验检查后都确定了痫灶,在手术中,皮层脑电图(ECOG)均描记出明显的痫样放电,痫灶切除后ECOG放电消失或明显减少。病理检查发现其中的16例有病理改变,术后经过半年至7年的随访,疗效评价为优36例,良4例。结论安定抑制试验是一个能准确鉴别出颞叶癫痫病灶的新方法  相似文献   

报告1980年10月至1992年6月间,在皮质脑电描记下手术治疗颞叶癫痫55例,前颞叶切除50例.杏仁核海马切除5例。皮质脑电描记结果说明颞叶癫痫的痫灶绝大多数来源于颞叶外侧皮质和颞叶内侧结构。术中皮质脑电描记可提供痫灶的精确部位和范围。  相似文献   

Summary: In 8 patients in whom it was uncertain whether they had occipital or temporal lobe (TL) epilepsy, clinical, scalp EEG, and radiologic features were correlated with the sites of seizure onset as determined by depth EEG. The 8 patients were selected from >40 with occipital epilepsy because they had (a) an aura considered to be of occipital lobe (OL) origin, (b) an occipital interictal epileptic focus, (c) an OL lesion, or (d) a combination of all of these. Scalp EEG and clinical patterns suggested temporal involvement in all, however. Extracranial EEG recordings were often misleading, showing multilobar interictal epileptic abnormalities, and seizure onset was of poor localizing value and did not clarify the problem sufficiently. Intracranial EEG recordings showed that seizure onset could be ordered along an Occipitotemporal gradient. Consistent OL seizure onset was observed in patients who had only elementary visual auras. Those who had inconsistent aura or no aura, suggesting OL origin, had onset of most attacks in the TL. All patients had a seizure spread pattern suggesting early TL involvement. To prevent visual field defect, surgical approaches included temporal resection when temporal seizure origin or spread was demonstrated; although occasionally this produced excellent results, it was of limited benefit in most patients, even when some seizures were proven to originate in TL structures. In patients with malignant epilepsy and in those with an occipital lesion, occipital resection should be considered.  相似文献   

A unique topographic map has been developed based on EEG data of ictal events originating from the basal/mesiotemporal lobe regions. This technique involves a new mapping method of temporal lobe seizures as opposed to the interictal activity maps of most commercially available software. The map integrates data from sphenoidal electrodes as well as the standard 10–20 surface electrodes recorded with bipolar montages. A basal view is ideal for visualization of onset of temporal lobe ictal discharges recorded with chronic sphenoidal electrodes. We used the last 150 ictal events from 40 patients with basal/mediotemporal lobe epilepsy to develop this technique. Results indicate that a topographic view incorporating sphenoidal and scalp electrodes may provide a useful adjunct for interpretation of EEG recordings and a basis for comparison between and among patient groups for both ictal and interictal epileptic discharges.  相似文献   

目的 分析颞叶癫痫患者病灶区和非病灶区脑电相位的同步关系,并与正常对照者比较,为癫痫发作的超同步放电机制提供支持.方法 选择经临床确诊且责任病灶为左颞区的颞叶癫痫患者20例和正常对照者10例,双侧颞区各放置4个记录电极,电极间距为20 mm.应用Hilbert变换提取以上脑电的相位,应用互相关方法分别计算左右两侧颞区每个区内每两导脑电相位间的互相关系数,结果用统计软件SPSS 10.0处理.结果 颞叶癫痫组病灶区与正常组左颞区脑电相位的平均互相关系数比较有显著性差异(P<0.01);两组右侧脑电相位的平均互相关系数比较有显著性差异(P<0.05).颞叶癫痫组病灶区与非病灶区脑电相位的平均互相关系数比较有显著性差异(P<0.05);正常组两侧脑电相位的平均互相关系数比较无显著性差异.正常组脑电相位的最大互相关系数均位于两个相邻导联间,颞叶癫痫组37.5%的位于相隔导联间.结论 颞叶癫痫病灶区存在超同步放电现象,非病灶区也存在不同程度的超同步放电.  相似文献   

The relationship between interictal psychopathology and laterality of the EEG focus in temporal lobe epilepsy was investigated by administering the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) to 37 epileptic patients, with an EEG focus lateralized to the right (N = 12) or left (N = 25) temporal lobe. T scores obtained on the various scales of the MMPI were used for evaluating incidence and degree of psychopathology. No relationship was observed between laterality of temporal lobe epilepsy and associated interictal psychopathology. The hypothesis that a temporo-limbic epileptic focus may interact with the characteristic organization of each cerebral hemisphere to induce different psychopathological traits is not supported by our data.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the reliability of the diagnosis of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy using EEG and sphenoidal electrodes. Inter-ictal 99 m Tc-HMPAO SPECT scans were registered in 21 patients with confirmed mesial temporal lobe epilepsy identified by scalp EEG and sphenoidal electrodes. Visual and quantitative SPECT analysis was performed blind to EEG data. An asymmetry index (AI) was measured from the ratio of two symmetrical regions of interest. A temporal lobe hypoperfusion was defined as an uptake reduced by 5% with respect to the contralateral region. Inter-ictal SPECT abnormalities were observed in 12 out of 21 patients (57%) from both visual and quantitative analysis (focal hypoperfusion in 11 cases, focal hyperperfusion in one case). In seven patients (33%) both visual and quantitative scintigraphy were normal. Abnormal AI was found in 11/15 patients with a high frequency of seizures and in 1/6 patients with a low frequency of seizures. The major data is that the probability to have an abnormal SPECT is statistically correlated to the frequency of the epileptic fits. The couple EEG recordings with sphenoidal electrodes and SPECT is sensitive and reliable in the diagnosis of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the clinical and electrophysiological features in intractable epileptogenicity in human epilepsy, we applied the new techniques, ictal DC shifts and cavernous sinus EEG recording, for presurgical evaluation of patients with intractable partial epilepsy. (1) Ictal DC shifts were successfully recorded with subdural electrodes in 8 patients with intractable neocortical epilepsy, and an analysis of ictal DC shifts would add useful information to delineate an epileptogenic area. Scalp-recorded ictal DC shifts were also investigated in 3 patients with intractable neocortical epilepsy. It also delineated the epileptogenic area, but it was vulnerable for artifacts. (2) By using the techniques of intravascular EEG recording, we recorded EEG from the bilateral cavernous sinus (cavernous sinus EEG) in patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy. Cavernous sinus EEG well sensitively recorded interictal, also ictal in selected patients, epileptiform discharges which arose from the mesial temporal structure even though they were not recorded by scalp electrodes. It is concluded that the above two techniques are clinically useful for delineating an epileptogenic area in patients with neocortical epilepsy and temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify the irritative epileptic zone in patients with cavernomas by means of magnetoencephalography (MEG). METHOD: Among 82 patients operated for epilepsy, whose presurgical evaluation had included MEG, histological assessment of the tissue removed had confirmed cavernomas in eight. These eight patients had epilepsy since 18.6 (SD 12.7) years on average. The monitoring lasted about 2.1 (SD 1.3) hours and a median 20.9 (SD 14.3) spikes per hour were recorded. Spontaneous brain activity was recorded by means of a 74 channel dual unit MEG system (Magnes II, 4-D Neuroimaging) with simultaneous EEG recording (31 scalp electrodes). Spike analysis was performed using different source (moving dipole, current density reconstruction) and head models (spherical shells, BEM). Co-registration of neurophysiological and imaging data (MRI) was based upon anatomical landmarks. RESULTS: In 6/8 patients co-localisation from the cavernoma and epileptic zone was found. In two patients the focus was localised in the parieto-occipital lobe, in three patients in the frontal lobe and in three patients in the temporal lobe. In one case of temporal and one case of frontal lobe focus localisation there was no spatial relationship to the cavernoma. CONCLUSION: In cases of focal seizures due to a single cavernoma, MEG may precisely delineate the epileptogenic tissue bordering the lesion. In patients with multiple cavernomas or dual pathology, MSI may reveal the complexity of the case, and contribute to the decision about further invasive diagnostics and more sophisticated therapeutic measures. MEG is a promising method for prediction of the epileptic zone in cavernoma related epilepsies, and thus it can contribute to decision making about and planning of epilepsy surgery.  相似文献   

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