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Book reviewed in this article:
A Textbook of Epilepsy, 3rd Edn. Edited by JOHN LAIDLAW, ALAN RICHENS and JOLYON OXLEY
Aids to Paediatrics, 2nd Edn. By ALEX HABEL Edinburgh
Pediatric Behavioural Neurology, Vol. 1: Clinical Principles By CHARLES NJIOKIKTJIEN
A Short History of Spina Bifida By J. D. VAN COOL and A. B. VAN GOOL
Basic Child Psychiatry, 5th Edn. By PHILIP BARKER
Craig's Care of the Newly Born Infant : By T. L. T urner , J ean D ouglas and F. C ockburn
Exceptional Children: Introduction to Special Education, 4th Edn. : By D aniel P. H allahan and J ames M. K auffman
Introduction to Clinical Neuroscience, 2nd Edn. : By J ohn W alton
Occupational Therapy for Children with Disabilities : By D orothy E. P enso
Interviewing the Sexually Abused Child : By D avid P. H. J ones and M ary G. M cquiston
The Newborn Child, 6th Edn. : By D avid G. V ulliamy and P eter G. B. J ohnston
Principles and Practice of Clinical Pediatrics : Edited by M. W. S chwartz , E. B. C harney , T. C. C urry and S. L udwig  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Paediatric Implications for Some Adult Disorders: Edited by D onald B arltrop
A Paediatric Vade-Mecum, 9th Edition: Edited by B en W ood
Teaching the Handicapped Child: D orothy M. J effree , R oy M c C onkey , S imon H ewson
Helping the Mentally Retarded Acquire Play Skills: A Behavioral Approach: By P aul W ehman
Therapy through Play: By I vonny L indquist
Manual for Stycar Language Test, 2nd Edn.: By M. D. S heridan
Manual for Symbolic Play Test (Experimental Edition): By M. L owe , A. J. C ostello
Basic Developmental Screening 0–2 years, 2nd Edn.: By R onald S. I llingworth
Visual Impairment in Children and Adolescents: By J ames E. J an , R oger D. F reeman , E ileen P. S cott
The Child Psychotherapist and Problems of Young People: By M ary B oston , D ilys D aws
The Meaning of Illness: Selected Psychoanalytic Writings: By G eorg G roddeck Selected and with an Introduction by L ore S chacht
Adoption of Children: 3rd Edn.: By S tephen W olkind
Adoption: A Second Chance: By B arbara T izard  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Modern Trends in Neurology, Volume 3 Edited by D enis W illiams
Brain Function and Metabolic Disorders Neurological Effects of Changes in Hydrogen-Ion Concentration B arry W yke
Childhood Aphasia Proceedings of the Institute on Childhood Aphasia Edited by R obert W est
Eczema—Its Nature, Cure and Prevention By A rthur B obroff
Pediatrics By L. E mmett H olt , J r , R ustin M c I ntosh AND H enry L. B arnett
Disease in Infancy and Childhood
Applied Audiology for Children By D. M. C. D ale
Signs, Signals and Symbols A Representation of the British Approach to Speech Pathology and Therapy By S tella E. M ason
Allergology Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Allergology, 1961 By E. A. B rown
Body Build and Behaviour in Young Children 1. Body Build and Nursery School Teachers' Ratings R ichard N. W alker
A Textbook of Health Education By D. P irrie , J. D alzell -W ard
The Pathology of Tumours in Children R upert A. W illis  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Child Analyst at Work E lizabeth G eleerd
Management of Emotional Disorders in Pediatric Practice J. L. S chulman
Guide to Psychiatry (2nd Edition) M yre S im
Paediatric X-Ray Diagnosis (5th Edition) J ohn C affey
Epilepsy R ichard P. S chmidt and B. J oe W ilder
Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Volume 3 L ewis P. L ipsitt and C harles C. S piker
Rehabilitation in Sweden K arl M ontan
Composition of Peripheral Nerves I. A. B oyd and M. R. D avey
Atlas of the Central Nervous System in Man R. A. M iller and E. B urack
The Education of Physically Handicapped Blind and Deaf Children in East Africa E lizabeth M. A nderson
Programmed Sex Education: Babies and Families, You Begin Life, You Grow Up, Contraception R. W. K ind and J ohn L eedham  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Anti-epileptic Drugs: Edited By D ixon M. W oodbury , J. K iffin P enry , R ichard P. S chmidt
Epileptic Seizures: By H enri G astaut , R oger B roughton
The T.A.T. and C.A.T. in Clinical Use, 2nd Edition: By L eopold B ellak
Clinical Electroencephalography, 3rd Edition: By L. G. K iloh , A. J. M c C omas , J. W. O sselton
Les Reflexes Toniques du Nourrisson: By F rancoise B onnet
Biochemistry and the Central Nervous System, 4th Edition: By H enry M c I lwain , H. S. B achelard
Emotional Care of Hospitalized Children: By M adeline P etrillo , S irgay S anger
Mental Retardation: Prenatal Diagnosis and Infant Assessment: By C. P. D ouglas , K. S. H olt
Hydrocephalus and the Cerebrospinal Fluid: By T homas G. M ilhorat
Pediatric Sonoencephalography: By A. M ostafawy  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Paediatric Neuroendocrinology Edited by D erek G upta with P atrizia B orrelli and A ndrea A ttanasio
The Hereditary Ataxias and Related Disorders (Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery Monographs, Vol. 6) By A. E. H arding
Hydrotherapy in Paediatrics By M argaret R eid C ampion
Visual Disorders in the Handicapped Child By J ohn L. G oble
Neural Transplants: Development and Function Edited by J. R. S ladek and D. M G ash
Le Dossier Clinique de l'I.M.C, 3rd Edn. By G uy T ardieu
The Epilepsy Reference Book. Direct and Clear Answers to Everyone's Questions By P eter M. J eavons and A lec A spinall
The Clinical Pathology of Pregnancy and the Newborn Infant Edited by M aurice N. C auchi , G wendolyn L. G ilbert and J ames B. B rown
The Neuromuscular Junction Edited by R oger A. B rumback and J effrey W. G erst
Perceptual-motor Behaviour: Developmental Assessment and Therapy By J udith I. L aszlo and P hilip J. B airstow
Equipment for the Disabled: Personal Care, 5th Edn. Compiled by E. R. W ilshere
They Keep Going Away By M aureen O swin
1984 Hand Book of Psychiatry and Applied Mental Health Edited by D aniel X. F reedman , J ohn A. T albott R eginald S. L ourie , H erbert Y. M eltzer , J ohn C. N emiah and H erbert W einer
The Basal Ganglia: Structure and Function Edited by J. S. McK enzie , R. E. K emm and L. N. W ilcock  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Aspects of Genetics in Paediatrics Edited by D onald B arltrop
Normal and Pathological Development of Energy Metabolism Edited by F. A. H ommes and C. J. van den B erg
Infantile Spasms By J oseph R. L acy and J. K iffin P enry
An Atlas of Tumours Involving the Central Nervous System By R obin O. B arnard , V alentine L ogue and P atterson S. R eaves
Asthma in Children Edited by J an A. K uzemko
Handbook of School Health Issued by M edical O fficers of S chools A ssociation
The Early Identification of Educationally 'At Risk' Children Edited by K. W edell and E. C. R aybould
The Biofeedback Syllabus: Handbook for the Psychophysiological Study of Biofeedback Edited by B arbara B. B rown
Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Interlaken, 1974 Edited by E. L oebell  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Human Behavior and Social Environment: New Perspectives Volume I. Behavior, Psychopathology and the Brain By H arriette C. J ohnson A. D. C ox
Book of Child Care (3rd Edn.) H ugh J olly J. A idan M acfarlane
A Basis for Sensorimotor Development-Normal and Abnormal M ary R. F iorentino D avid S crutton
The Oral Speech Mechanism Screening Examination (OSMSE) K enneth O. S t . L ouis and D ennis M. R uscello S usan B ellman
Speech Therapy: Principles and Practice By B etty B yers B rown P atricia M. S onksen
Basic Family Therapy By P hilip B arker M artin B ax
Psychopathology of Children and Youth: A Cross-Cultural Perspective Edited by E lizabeth F. P urcell N aomi R ichman
Spina Bifida Occulta: Orthopaedic, Radiological and Neurosurgical Aspects By C. C. M ichael J ames and L. P. L assman J ohn L orber
Problems of Perinatology-Proceedings of the First Asia-Oceania Congress of Perinatology Edited by S. S. M. K arim and K. L. T an A lison D. M c D onald
The Prader-Willi Syndrome By V anja A. H olm , S tephen S ulzbacher , P eggy L. P iper J. B. P. S tephenson
Current Surgical Management of Neurologic Disease By C harles B. W ilson and J ulian T. H off K enneth T ill  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles:
The Criminal Justice System and Mental Retardation; Defendants and Victims . Edited by RW. C onley , R L uckasson & G.N. B outhilet
Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Management of Severe Communication Disorders in Children and Adults . By D. B eukelaian & P. M irenda
A Practical Guide to Working with People with Learning Disabilities: a Handbook for Care Assistants and Support Workers . Edited by H ilary B rown & S ue B enson
Mental Retardation, Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports, 9th edn . By R uth L uckasson , D avid L. C oulter , E dward A. P olloway , S teven R eiss , R obert S chalock , M artha E. S nell , D eborah M. S pitalnik & J ack A. S tark
Workshop on Bioethics and Mental Handicap . Foreword by DR S andor N emeth
Down Sydrome and Sports . By M. J. G. C remer
Down Syndrome Advances in Medical Care . Edited by I ra T. L ott & E rintest E. M ccoy  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
A Guide to Screening. EPSDT. Medicaid. By W. K. F rankenberg and A. F. N orth
The Growth of Competence Edited by K. C onnolly and J. S. B runer
Mental Subnormality, 4th Edn. By W. A lan H eaton -W ard
Brain Damage and Mental Retardation: A Psychological Evaluation Edited by J. L. K hanna
Mental Retardation: Concepts of Education and Research—Symposia 12, 13 & 14 Edited by J ack T izard
The Experimental Psychology of Mental Retardation Edited by D onald K. R outh
A Home for the Heart By B runo B ettelheim
Gesell and Amatruda's Developmental Diagnosis, 3rd. Edn. Edited by H ilda K nobloch and B enjamin P asamanick
Neurology of Infancy and Childhood Edited by S idney C arter and A rnold P. G old
Studies on Neuromuscular Diseases Edited by K laus K unze and J ohn E. D esmedt
Human Reproduction and Society By D erek L lewellyn -J ones  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Reflex Testing Methods for Evaluating C.N.S. Development By M ary R. F iorentino
Current Pediatric Therapy Edited by S ydney S. G ellis and B enjamin M. K agan
Psychosomatic Disorders 13th Report of the WHO Expert Committee on Mental Health Geneva : World Health Organisation, 1964
Etude clinique de 134 mongoliens Annales Paediatrici: Vol. 202 (Suppl.) By E mmanuelle de W olff
Social Aspects in the Teaching of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 4th Report of the WHO Expert Committee on Maternal and Child Health Geneva : World Health Organisation, 1963
Reading Disability: Progress and Research Needs in Dyslexia Edited by J ohn M oney
Vision of Children Edited by M. J. H irsch and R. E. W ick
Conditioning and Enuresis By S. H. L ovibond
Audiological Evaluation of the Pediatric Patient By M aurice H. M iller and I ra A. P olisar
The Bender Gestalt Test for Young Children By E lizabeth M. K oppitz
Experimental Psychology Vol. 20: British Medical Bulletin Edited by A. S ummerfield  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Children in Collectives By P. B. Neubauer
La Paralisis Cerebral By L. B arrawuer B ordas , J. P onces V erge , J. C oroninas V igneaux , E. T orras D e B ea
Clinical Aspects of Remedial Reading Clifford J. Kolson and George Kaluger
Reading Disorders Edited by: R. M. Flower, H. F. Gofman, L. I. Lawson
Speech Disorders (2nd edition) By L ord B rain
Congenital Malformations Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Congenital Malformations, 1963
Subcortical Mechanisms of Behaviour By R obert A. M c C leary , R obert Y. M oore
Das Gesicht des Sauglings By H einz S. H erzke
Exploration and Innovation in Child Care
Guide des Premiers Pas Scolaires By A ndree G irolami -B oulinier
The Social Context of the Youth Problem By B. R. W ilson
La Réadaptation Scolaire des Enfants Intelligents par la Réeducation Psychomotrice By G. B. S oubiron and P. M azo
The Health and Welfare of the Immigrant Child By S imon Y udkin
Improving the Physical Fitness of Youth By T. K. C ureton
Clinical Aspects of Oral Gestogens
Neurotic Styles By D avid S hapiro
Cerebrovascular Accidents as a Public Health Problem  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Brain Hypoxia (Clinics in Developmental Medicine, Nos. 39/40) (Spastics International Medical Publications), by J. B. B rierly and B. S. M eldrum (Eds.)
Febrile Convulsions. A Reappraisal (Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol, Supplement 32), by M argaret A. L ennox -B uchthal ,
Gender Differences: Their Ontogeny and Significance, by C. O unsted AND D. C. T aylor (Eds.)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
A Study in Animal Behaviour by S. A. B ARNETT
Growth Failure in Maternal Deprivation by R. G. P ATTON and L. I. G ARDNER
The Recovery from Poliomyelitis by M. S INGER and P. R OSE -I NNES
Services for Children with Orthopedic Handicaps Prepared by The Committee on Child Health of the American Public Health Association New York: A.P.H.A.
Gynaecological Disorders of Infants and Children HRISTOPHER J. D EWHURST
The Caseworker's Use of Relationships by M. L. F ERRARD N. K. H UNNYBUN
Thought in the Young Child by W. K ESSEN C., K UHLMAN and M. C. O.B AX
The Fair to Middling by A RTHUR C ALDER M ARSHALL
Essentials of Paediatrics for Nurses by I. K ESSEL  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
Psychopathology in the Mentally Retarded. Edited by J. L. M atson And R. B. B arrett
Social Work and Mental Handicap. By D avid A nderson
Look at it This Way: New Perspectives in Rehabilitation. By A nne B rechin and P enny L iddiard
The Bereweeke Skill-Teaching System. By J udith J enkins , D avid F elce , J im M ansell , C onnie F light and D on D ell
New Directions in Social Skill Training. By R. E llis and D orothy W hittington
Perspectives and Progress in Mental Retardation. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency. Volume I: Social, Psychological and Educational Aspects. Edited by J. M. B erg
Perspectives and Progress in Mental Retardation. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency. Volume II: Biomedical Aspects. Edited by J. M. B erg & J. M. D e J ong  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. Vol. 74. Antiepileptic Drugs. H.-H. Frey and D. Janz (eds.)
Seizure Disorders in Children. Peggy C. Ferry, William Banner, Jr., and Ray A. Wolf. J. B. Lippincott Company
Two Hemispheres–One Brain. Functions of the Corpus Callosum. Franco Lepore, Maurice Ptito, and Herbert H. Jasper (eds.)
Electroconvulsive Therapy. Clinical and Basic Research Issues. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences–Volume 462. Sidney Malitz and Harold A. Sackeim (eds.)
Drug Therapy in the Neonate and Small Infant. Tsu F. Yeh (ed.)
Handbook of Psychopharmacology. Volume 16. Neuropeptides. Leslie L. Iversen, Susan D. Iversen, and Solomon H. Snyder (eds.)
Principles of Ambulatory Medicine, Second Edition. L. Randol Barker, John R. Burton, and Philip D. Zieve (eds.)
Stroke. A Clinical Approach. Louis R. Caplan and Robert W. Stein.
Evoked Potential Monitoring in the Operating Room. Marc R. Nuwer.
Sleep and Its Disorders in Children. Christian Guilleminault (ed.).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Education of Children with Severe Learning Difficulties. By J udith C oupe and J ill P orter
Viral Encephalitis: pathology, diagnosis and management. By J ohn B ooss and M argaret M. E siri
Radical Approaches to Social Skills Training. Edited by P. T rower
Child Neuropsychology: an Introduction to Theory, Research and Clinical Practice, by B. P. R ourke , D. J. B akker , J. L. F isk and J. D. S trang
Current Approaches to Down's Syndrome. Edited by D. L ane and B. S tratford
Molecular Structure of the Number 21 Chromosome and Down Syndrome. Edited by G eorge F. S mith .
Mental Handicap: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. Edited by M ichael C raft , J oan B icknell and S heila H ollins  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Cellular Neurobiology. Vol. 15: Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Z. Hall, R. Kelly, and C. F. Fox (editors).
Mind, Brain,' and Consciousness: The Neuropsychology of Cognition, Jason Brown (editor).
Treatment of Epilepsy Today, G. S. Ferriss (editor). Medical Economics Company, Oradell
F. E. Dreifuss, M.B. The Mindful Brain, Gerald Edelman and Vernon Mountcastle.
Photosensitive Epilepsy, Peter M. Jeavons and Graham F. A. Harding.
Dopamine, Peter J. Roberts, Geoffrey N. Woodruff, and Leslie L. Iversen.
Neurotransmitter Receptor Binding, Henry I. Yamamura, S. J. Enna, and MichaelJ. Kuhar.
Abnormal Neuronal Discharges, M. Chalazonitis and M. Boisson (editors).
On Human Communication (3rd ed.), C. Cherry.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Easter Seal Guide to Children's Orthopaedics: Prevention, Screening and Problem Solving By M ercer R ang M ark H offer
Neurology of the Newborn By J oseph J. V olpe J. K. B rown
Progress in Perinatal Neurology (Vol. I) Edited By R owena K orobkin and C hrisian G uilleminault L. M. S. D ubowitz
Neurologic Infections in Children, 2nd. Edn. By W illiam E. B ell and W illiam F. M c C ormick J ohn W ilson
An Introduction to Paediatric Neurology By G wilym H osking D iane S myth
The Development of Movement Control and Co-ordination Edited By J. A. S cott K elso and J ane E. C lark L. R osenbloom
Neurology: Continuing Education Review, 3rd. Edn. By J ames H. H alsey , JR. M artin B ellman
Amniotic Fluid and its Clinical Significance Edited By M erton S andler R. D. H. B oyd
Obstetrics Pocket Consultant By G. M. S tirrat L. I. Z ander
Prospective Longitudinal Research Edited By S. A. M ednick and A. E. B aert H arvey G oldstein  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Summary of Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Causes of Sudden Infant Death, Seattle 1969 Edited by A braham B. B ergman , J. B ruce B eckwith and C. G eorge R ay
Sudden and Unexpected Deaths in Infancy (Cot Deaths) Edited by F rancis E. C amps and R. G. C arpenter
Basic Child Psychiatry By P hilip B arker
Muscle. Birth Defects:Original Article Series, Vol. VII, No. 2 (Part VII) Edited by D aniel B ergsma
Autistic Children. A Guide for Parents By L orna W ing
Cellular Organelles and Membranes in Mental Retardation: IRMR Study Group No. 2 Edited by P. F. B enson
Atlas of the Ultrastructure of Diseased Human Muscle By W. G. P. M air and F. M. S. T om
Genetic Counselling in Relation to Mental Retardation Edited by J. M. Berg
Biochemical Screening in Relation to Mental Retardation Edited by D. C. C ushworth  相似文献   

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