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情感性精神障碍患者的睡眠脑电图试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨情感性精神障碍患者睡眠脑电图的特点。方法 对10例躁狂中层得、10例抑郁症患者的睡眠脑电图进行全夜测试,并与16名正常受试者进行对照。结果 与对组相比,抑郁症组睡眠脑电图改变主要有快动(REM)睡眠潜伏期缩短等;躁狂症组实际睡眠时间秒,睡眠效率下降。两组比较,抑郁症组比躁狂症组REM潜伏期更短。而躁狂症组比抑郁症组实际睡眠时间更少。结论 睡眠脑电图中的REM指标有可能是情感性精神障碍患者  相似文献   

抑郁症患者REM睡眠研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的:探讨抑郁症患者快眼动睡眠的异常改变以及与临床的相关性。方法:对18例抑郁症患者和19名正常对照者进行睡眠脑电图检查,并予以比较。结果;抑郁症患者出现明显的REM潜零碎 期缩短和REM密度增加,且与抑郁严重程度显著相关。结论:REM睡眠的潜伏期缩短和密度增加可作为抑郁症诊断中具有参考价值的生物学指标。  相似文献   

抑郁症和精神分裂症的快眼动睡眠研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨抑郁症与精神分裂症的快眼动(REM)睡眠特征。方法用睡眠实验技术对正常受试者、抑郁症和精神分裂症患者各30例进行多导睡眠图的通夜描录,并结合临床指标,对三组受试者的9项REM睡眠指标进行对照分析。结果抑郁症和精神分裂症有着不同的REM睡眠特征。抑郁症REM睡眠潜伏期(RL)缩短,REM活动度、强度、密度增高和睡眠次数增多,汉米尔顿抑郁量表分与RL呈负相关。精神分裂症REM睡眠指标个体间差异大,10例患者睡眠图的觉醒阶段中发现REM睡眠的插入现象。结论研究抑郁症有异常REM睡眠指标,而RL则为反映抑郁程度的特殊指标;REM睡眠的插入代表了部分精神分裂症患者的电生理特征  相似文献   

对30例抑郁症患者、30例神经衰弱患者以及15例境遇性失眠者的多导睡眠图进行研究。结果显示:三组具有失眠主诉的受试者均有某些睡眠指标的异常,同时其失眠症状也与自身的主观体验有明显的关系。与30例正常受试者对照,抑郁症组快眼动(REM)睡眠潜伏期缩短,REM活动度、强度和密度增高,REM睡眠次数增加,这些改变可能反映了抑郁症的电生理特征。神经衰弱组REM睡眠潜伏期、活动度、强度和密度与抑郁症组相应指标有类似的变化趋势,显示这两种疾病之间有着某种内在联系,其意义有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

目的:探讨脑卒中后抑郁状态患者的睡眠图异常改变及与抑郁症之间的差异。方法:采用多导睡眠图对62例脑卒中和30例抑郁症患者进行整夜睡眠描记,并与对照组比较。结果:卒中后抑郁组与对照组和非抑郁组比较多项睡眠指标均有显著性差异(P<0.05~0.01);卒中后抑郁组的REM睡眠时间和密度明显低于抑郁症组,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。结论:卒中后抑郁状态病人除具有睡眠障碍在多导睡眠图改变外,REM睡眠时间和密度是一个较为特征性的改变,卒中后抑郁状态的发生可能与脑内5-TH递质改变有关。  相似文献   

抑郁症,神经衰弱和正常人的睡眠障碍研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对30例抑郁症患者,30例神经衰弱患者以及15例境遇性失眠者的多导睡眠图进行研究。结果显示:三组具有失眠主诉的受试者均有某些睡眠指标的异常,同时其失眠症状也与自身的主观体验有明显的关系。与30例正常试者对照,抑郁症组快眼动(REM)睡眠潜伏期缩短,REM活动度,强度和密度增高,REM睡眠次数增加,这些改变可能反映了抑郁症的电生理特征。神经衰弱与抑郁症相应指标有类似的变化趋势,显示这两种疾病之间有着  相似文献   

旨在说明SEEG是反映受试者睡眠状态的一个电生理指标。应用ND-161型脑电图机,同步外接4导简易生理仪,对10例噪狂症患者和16例正常对照者的睡眠脑电图进行全夜测定。与正常对照者比较,病例组实际睡眠时间明显减少,睡眠效率下降,浅睡多,深睡少,REM时间及活动量缩短。本研究表明躁狂症的睡眠脑电图有一定特点。  相似文献   

强迫性神经症的睡眠实验研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
目的探索建立强迫症的睡眠图模式。方法对30例强迫性神经症患者的多导睡眠图和血小板5羟色胺(5HT)含量进行测试,并与30名正常受试者进行对照。结果强迫症组多导睡眠图改变主要有快眼动(REM)睡眠潜伏期缩短,REM活动度、REM强度和REM密度增高,以及第1次REM睡眠时间(FRT)及其百分比(FRT%)增高等;强迫症组血小板5HT含量明显高于对照组,并与FRT、FRT%呈正相关。结论REM睡眠指标的改变可能代表了强迫症患者的某些生物学特征。  相似文献   

目的 探讨卒中后抑郁患者长程脑电图的特点。方法 选取卒中后抑郁患者101例,行长程脑电图,计算睁闭眼实验后第一个10 sec内脑电图δ、θ、α、β波的时间,以及整夜S1、S2、S3、S4睡眠阶段和快动眼睡眠(rapid eye movement sleep,REM)占总睡眠时间的比例,与健康对照组脑电图结构进行比较。结果 卒中后抑郁组较对照组脑电图上慢波(δ和θ波)明显增加(δ波P=0.001,θ波P=0.005),α波明显减少(P=0.008),β波无显著差异。和正常对照组睡眠结构比较,卒中后抑郁组睡眠S2、S3和S4阶段比例减少(P值分别为0.008、0.004),睡眠S1阶段和REM比例增加(P值分别为0.001和0.006)。结论 卒中后抑郁症患者脑电背景慢波增多;卒中后抑郁症患者浅睡眠多,而中到深度睡眠减少。  相似文献   

失眠症患者的多导睡眠图研究   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
目的 探讨失眠症患者多导睡眠图睡眠参数的变化特征。方法 对62例单纯性失眠症患者和22名正常人进行多导睡眠图描记,并进行各睡眠参数比较。结果 与正常人比较,失眠症患者睡眠潜伏期长(21.7分),觉醒次数多(5.4次),实际睡眠时间少(330.6),睡眠效率低(73.3%)。睡眠结构快眼动(REM)时间减少(17.1%),REM活动度和密度低,自我估价与实际睡眠时间不一致(52.9%;P〈0.05 ̄  相似文献   

Electroencephalographic (EEG) sleep patterns were examined in 27 psychotic and 79 nonpsychotic subjects with major depression to evaluate the validity of the psychotic-nonpsychotic subtype dichotomy. Sleep in psychotic depression was characterized by increased wakefulness, decreased rapid eye movement (REM) sleep percentage, and decreased REM activity even after controlling for clinical differences in age, severity, and agitation. Psychotic depressive subjects also were more likely to have extremely short sleep-onset REM latencies. In psychotic depression EEG sleep varied as a function of total illness duration. Patients with recent-onset syndromes had profiles characterized by marked initial insomnia, increased stage 1 sleep percentage, and long REM latency; patients with illnesses of longer duration had extremely short REM latencies. Demonstration of selected EEG sleep variables discriminating between psychotic and nonpsychotic depression further supports psychotic depression as a distinct subtype of major affective disorder.  相似文献   

On the basis of two EEG sleep criteria, REM latency and REM activity, the authors achieved 81% accuracy in distinguishing between 47 patients with primary depression and 48 patients with secondary depression using discriminant analysis. Sleep efficiency, the percentage of delta sleep, and the percentage of REM sleep discriminated between psychotic and nonpsychotic subgroups in the group with primary depression with 75% accuracy. REM activity and intermittent nocturnal awakening accurately discriminated two subtypes of patients with secondary depression at a level of 81%. These results suggest that EEG sleep measurements can yield significant data to aid in differential diagnosis in psychiatry.  相似文献   

The sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) was studied in 41 depressed inpatients. EEG sleep records were compared for two diagnostic subgroups; patients with psychotic depression (n = 29) or with schizoaffective disorders (n = 12). As was true in the previous pilot study, no major EEG sleep variables distinguished the patients with psychotic depression from those with schizoaffective disorders. These data are consistent with the theory that all psychotic depressive states may have certain common psychobiologic features such as shortened rapid eye movement (REM) sleep latency.  相似文献   

目的探讨无抽搐电休克(MECT)疗法对抑郁症患者Quisi的影响。方法对33例抑郁症患者进行MECT治疗前后睡眠脑电记录,监测MECT治疗前后Quisi的变化。结果抑郁症患者经过MECT治疗后,Quisi显示睡眠总时间增加、睡眠潜伏期缩短、觉醒时间减少、眼快动睡眠(REM)时间减少、慢波睡眠增加;而REM潜伏期无明显变化。结论 MECT有改善睡眠的作用,但尚待进一步观察。  相似文献   

目的 探讨抑郁症患者睡眠障碍与血浆增食欲素A的关系,以期为抑郁症睡眠障碍的干预提供理论基础.方法 67例抑郁症患者行24项汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD-24)及匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(Pittsburgh sleep quality index,PSQI)评定,根据睡眠情况分为睡眠障碍组(研究组,n=37)及非睡眠障碍组(阳性对照组,n =30),多导睡眠图检测睡眠情况,放射免疫法检测血浆增食欲素-A水平,并与26例健康体检者进行对比(阴性对照组).结果 与正常对照组及非睡眠障碍组比较,抑郁症睡眠障碍组患者HAMD抑郁量表评分及血浆Orexin-A水平均明显增加(P< 0.05,P<0.01);总睡眠时间减少,睡眠潜伏期长,觉醒次数及时间增多,睡眠效率及维持率明显下降,浅睡(S1期睡眠)增加而深睡(S3、S4期睡眠)减少(P<0.05,P< 0.01);REM潜伏期缩短,REM睡眠时间增多,REM活动度、强度及密度明显增强(P<0.05,P<0.01);相关性分析表明,血浆Orexin-A水平与睡眠潜伏期、觉醒时间、觉醒次数均呈正相关(r分别为0.447、0.591、0.670,P<0.01),与S3%+S4%呈负相关(r=-0.872).结论 睡眠障碍者抑郁程度较非睡眠障碍者更高,血浆Orexin-A水平升高可能是引起抑郁症睡眠障碍的一项重要因素,其机制可能与其促进觉醒有关.  相似文献   

Electroencephalographic (EEG) sleep studies may help to identify persistent versus episodic biological characteristics of major depressive disorder. This report examines longitudinal EEG sleep studies in depressed patients treated with psychotherapy alone. Nineteen patients were studied during a symptomatic baseline period and again during early remission after treatment with interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT). EEG sleep findings at baseline were not markedly abnormal, but they were similar to those in other published studies of young adult outpatients. No changes were found in visually scored EEG sleep measures between depression and early remission. Automated measures of delta sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) activity showed small state-related changes, with delta activity increasing from baseline to remission, and automated REM measures decreasing. Strong baseline-remission correlations were noted for most sleep measures, including slow wave sleep, phasic REM activity, and automated delta EEG counts; measures of sleep continuity and tonic REM sleep were not strongly correlated. Consistent adaptation effects across nights were observed for sleep continuity and REM measures during each clinical phase. These findings support the hypothesis that most visually scored EEG sleep measures, as well as the sleep adaptation process, are stable through the acute episode of depression, at least into early symptomatic remission. They also suggest that finer-grained automated analyses of delta and REM activity may provide more sensitive tools for examining state-related changes.  相似文献   

Although spousal bereavement in late life is common and frequently leads to major depression, the boundary between bereavement without a depressive syndrome and bereavement-related depression has been insufficiently studied from a physiological perspective. Because other forms of depression are associated with physiological changes, including sleep, we have attempted to clarify the relationship of bereavement and bereavement-related depression by investigating electroencephalographic (EEG) sleep in 31 elderly volunteers with recent spousal bereavement, stratified by the presence (n = 15) or the absence (n = 16) of major depression (Research Diagnostic Criteria). Entry into the study was limited to volunteers without a personal history of psychiatric disorder. As hypothesized, bereaved subjects with major depression had significantly lower sleep efficiency, more early morning awakening, shorter rapid eye movement (REM) latency, greater REM sleep percent, and lower rates of delta wave generation in the first nonREM (NREM) period, compared with bereaved subjects without depression. Furthermore, the sleep of bereaved subjects with single-episode major depression resembled that of elderly patients with recurrent unipolar major depression (n = 15) on measures noted above. Sleep in bereavement without depression was similar to that of 15 healthy control subjects (neither bereaved nor depressed). These findings suggest that the current DSM-III-R concept of uncomplicated bereavement is not confirmed, as the sleep patterns of subjects who develop a depressive syndrome in the context of bereavement, many of whom might be considered to have "uncomplicated bereavement" by DSM-III-R standards, are identical to sleep patterns found in major depressive episodes. To our knowledge, this is the first study of EEG sleep in spousal bereavement with and without major depression.  相似文献   

Electroencephalographic (EEG) sleep patterns were examined in nine unmedicated patients meeting DSM-III-R criteria for a current manic episode (four men and five women) for two to four consecutive nights. Compared with age- and sex-matched normal control subjects, manic patients exhibited significantly decreased total recording period, decreased time spent asleep, increased time awake in the last two hours of recording, shortened rapid eye movement (REM) latency, increased REM activity, and increased REM density. These results suggest that mania is associated with marked disturbances of sleep continuity and REM measures. Sleep continuity and REM sleep abnormalities of a similar nature and degree have been reported in major depression and psychotic depression. Thus, it is possible that various forms of affective disorders and psychotic disorders have pathophysiologic mechanisms in common.  相似文献   

Electroencephalographic (EEG) sleep changes in affective disorders have been characterized by sleep continuity, slow wave sleep, and rapid eye movement (REM) abnormalities. The most commonly cited feature, however, has been shortened REM latency. Because the diagnostic and prognostic significance of shortened REM latency has been debated, this issue was reexamined in a group of 186 psychotic and nonpsychotic depressed inpatients and outpatients. The analyses suggest an increased frequency of sleep onset REM periods in psychotic depression and in elderly depressed patients (psychotic or nonpsychotic).  相似文献   

Panic and depressive symptoms occur simultaneously in many depressed patients. To study the frequency of this association and to determine whether patients with simultaneous panic and major depression differed from those with only major depressive disorder (MDD) in clinical features and in sleep electroencephalographic (EEG) variables, we evaluated a total sample of 336 patients with MDD. Fifty-eight (17%) had both panic and MDD; 50 had complete data and were matched for age and severity of illness with other patients having only MDD. Patients with simultaneous panic and depression had significantly higher ratings for psychic and somatic anxiety, and rapid eye movement (REM) latencies approximating normal values. Patients with only MDD (without panic disorder) rated significantly higher in guilt feelings and had shorter REM latencies. Our results suggest that the simultaneous occurrence of panic and depression is relatively frequent, is accompanied by differences in sleep EEG variables, and may have implications for treatment.  相似文献   

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