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目的:探讨老年神经症患者生活质量及其影响因素。方法:采用分层整群抽样法,应用“生活满意度指数A(LSIA)”量表调查上海市虹口区某街道老年人群,得到确诊的老年神经症患者及对照组老年人各163例,对其进行生活质量的研究。结果:老年神经症患者LSIA均值明显低于普通老年人,神经症各亚型中抑郁性神经症LSIA均值低于其它亚型,影响老年神经症患者生活质量的主要因素为家庭关系,婚姻状况,性格,生活习惯,结论:在开展社区老年精神卫生保健工作中,应重视老年神经症的早期诊断和治疗,以提高患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

目的探讨糖尿病性视网膜病变患者的生活质量和幸福度等心理状况。方法采用生活质量调查量表和纽芬兰纪念大学幸福度量表对62例糖尿病性视网膜病变患者进行调查,并选取30例无明显躯体疾病和眼部疾病的同龄老年人做为对照组进行比较分析。结果糖尿病性视网膜病变患者幸福度总分均数通过q检验两两比较,显示三个分组之间均存在有明显的统计学差异(P<0.01或0.05)。生活质量调查结果显示其心理卫生、健康状况、经济收入、生活满意度等因素为主要影响因素。在多元逐步回归分析结果中,个性特点、婚姻状况、病程、医疗条件、治疗效果等5个自变量成为影响病人生活质量及幸福满意度的干扰因素,经检验(P<0.05或0.01)。结论糖尿病性视网膜病变患者存在有明显的心理改变,视力越低,其改变越明显。通过改善躯体健康状况、减少经济负担、增加家庭和社会支持,可改善并提高生活质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨性别差异对农村老年人生活质量的影响.方法 采用分层抽样方法,分别招募皖中、皖南、皖北及皖西等地农村老年人(≥65岁),编制信息调查表,收集一般人口社会学资料,采用WHOQOL-BREF量表测定生活质量.比较不同性别人群之间的生活质量及影响因素的差别.结果 女性老年人生活质量低于男性(54.99±8.30 vs 57.65±8.32),且在生理、心理及环境领域得分均低于男性(均P<0.05).控制混杂因素后,在生活质量总分、生理及环境领域得分性别差异仍显著(P<0.05).教育程度低、独身、BMI小的老年人生活质量越差.结论 相比之下,女性农村老年人生活质量较差,需对高危因素采取针对性干预措施.  相似文献   

利培酮对精神分裂症患者生活质量的影响   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
目的:比较利培酮与氯氮平对精神分裂症患者生活质量的影响。方法:对门诊72例服用利培酮及74例服用氯氮平的精神分裂症患者用自制精神分裂症患者生活质量调查表、阳性症状及阴性症状量表(PANSS)及不良反应症状量表(TESS)进行调查,并与某些因素进行多元逐步回归分析。结果:氯氮平组患者的客观及主观生活质量均较利培酮组差。结论:从消耗/效果分析,利培酮明显优于氯氮平,更有利于患者适应社会。  相似文献   

背景:目前,对老年人日常体力活动、体质健康、生活质量的相关实证性研究较少。 目的:观察老年人日常体力活动水平对体质健康以及生活质量的影响。 方法:采用《中国国民体质健康标准》、《国际健康及体力活动量调查表》和《SF-36量表》对2 015名江苏省城区60~75周岁以上的老年人进行体质状况、日常体力活动水平和生活质量调查。分析江苏省城区老年人日常体力活动水平、体质健康状况和生活质量的特点。 结果与结论:调查结果显示:①江苏省城区老年人日常体力活动模式主要由闲暇活动和家务劳动构成,半数以上老年人日常体力活动不足,并以低强度为主;体质状况总体达及格水平,女性体质健康好于男性;体质量过重或过轻均会对老年人的身体功能和素质产生负面影响。②江苏省城区老年人生活质量总体处在合格水平;男性的躯体功能、总体健康评分稍好于女性(P < 0.05),女性的社会功能、情感角色、心理健康好于男性(P < 0.05);身体成分是影响老年人生活质量的重要因素。③日常体力活动每周消耗MET-min均值与体质综合得分、生活质量总分均成显著正相关,充分的日常体力活动对老年人体质健康具有明显的促进作用,且日常体力活动水平可以作为衡量老年人生活质量的重要标准之一。  相似文献   

老年人生活质量与心理健康的相关性研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 了解老年人的生活质量与心理健康水平的相关性 ,为老年人的心理卫生服务提供目标依据。方法 采用一般情况问卷、生活质量综合评定问卷、症状自评量表 (SCL 90 )对社区 6 0岁以上老人 10 85人进行问卷调查。结果 老年人的生活质量与家庭关系、经济收入、躯体健康有关。而影响心理健康的因素依次有经济状况、躯体健康、社会支持、婚姻家庭、性别。结论 在社区服务中 ,不仅要重视老年人躯体疾病的防治 ,更要重视老年人的精神卫生教育和健康宣传。帮助老年人学会积极的心理防御能力 ,关心老人的生活起居和情感需求 ,最终提高老年人的生活质量  相似文献   

癫痫患者生活质量影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 调查和分析影响癫痫患者生活质量的相关因素,为采取相应措施提高癫痫患者的生活质量提供理论依据.方法 选择自2007年7月至2008年12月在广州医学院第二附属医院癫痫中心就诊的门诊及住院癫痫患者65例,采用癫痫患者生活质量表-31(中文版)对患者进行问卷调查,以患者的年龄、性别、文化程度、发作类型、病程、认知功能、用药依从性、发作担忧作为自变量,以生活质量表-31(中文版)中相关评分作为应变量,多元线性回归分析应变量和自变量之间的线性关系.结果 文化程度、病程可以影响癫痫患者的记忆力(标准化回归系数分别为0.380、0.264);年龄可以影响患者的社会活动(标准化回归系数为-0.303);性别影响患者的发作(标准化回归系数为0.332).结论 影响癫痫患者生活质量的因素是年龄、性别、病程、文化程度等,且病程与文化程度影响最大.  相似文献   

研究老年人主观幸福感(subjective well—being,SWD)有助于认识和改善老年人的生活质量。针对老年人群体,阐述属于主观范畴的人格因素以及属于客观范畴的生活事件(社会关系、收入、健康状况)对老年人主观幸福感的影响。  相似文献   

老年人对生活事件的评价及其心理健康之相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨老年人对生活事件的评价对其心理健康的影响程度。方法 以 6 0岁及以上的老年人为研究对象 ,利用自编生活事件评价问卷、纽芬兰纪念大学幸福度量表及SCL -90作为测试工具 ,调查生活事件 ,主观幸福度和心理健康之间的关系 ,并作相关统计分析。结果 相关分析显示 ,老年人对生活事件的评价 ,对其心身健康的影响程度与主观幸福感呈反比 ,与症状自评内容呈正比 ;生活事件评价高分组和低分组的主观幸福程度及心理健康水平差异达显著性水平。结论 生活事件评价因素可以预测老年人的主观幸福感及心理健康水平  相似文献   

目的对精神科住院老年患者进行调查,并研究其生活质量及其相关因素。方法采用健康状况调查问卷(SF-36)和社会支持评定量表(SSRS)对年龄≥65岁的78例住院患者进行问卷调查,对照组为80例正常老年人。结果住院老年患者的生活质量8个维度分值均显著低于正常对照组,社会支持总分及利用度因子分有明显下降。相关分析显示,患者的生活质量与社会支持总分、支持利用度及文化程度呈显著正相关,与病程及住院次数呈显著负相关。结论精神科住院老年患者生活质量明显下降,其相关因素为进一步实施干预提供依据。  相似文献   

Summary Vasomotor responses from the nasal mucosa and tongue, and contractions of the nictitating membrane, were recorded on stimulation of the cervical sympathetic or internal carotid nerves.Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibres which elicited a membrane response possessed a lower threshold than those which evoked nasal vasoconstriction, while the latter displayed a lower threshold than fibres which evoked tongue vasoconstriction. The sympathetic vasodilator fibres to the tongue, whose activity was revealed after-receptor blockade, had a similar threshold to the vasoconstrictor fibres.Membrane contraction, nasal vasoconstriction and occasionally tongue vasoconstriction could be evoked by stimulating the internal carotid nerve. The postganglionic fibres innervating the nasal mucosa had a similar threshold to those of the nictitating membrane, which may indicate that there are small myelinated fibres innervating the mucosa.The preganglionic compound nerve action potential had four major components, S1–S4. S1, S2 and usually S3 fibres were associated with membrane contraction; S2, S3 and sometimes S1 fibres were associated with nasal vasoconstriction; and S3, usually S2 and occasionally S1 fibres were associated with vasoconstriction in the tongue. It is concluded that each of these three groups of nerve fibres, but not S4 fibres, may include fibres associated functionally with the three effectors.There was a considerable difference between the relative amplitude of the responses of the three effectors elicited by stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerve at frequencies between 0.2 and 2 Hz. Vasoconstrictor responses were relatively larger than membrane contractions suggesting differences in the mechanisms of neurotransmission at the neuroeffector junctions.  相似文献   

Investigates the construct validity of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C) by comparing its sensitivity and specificity with another self-report measure of social anxiety, the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A). Participants were 252 adolescents (124 males and 128 females) 13-17 years old. Adolescents completed the SPAI-C and the SAS-A and were interviewed using the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV: Child Version (ADIS-IV:C). Parents were also interviewed and composite diagnoses were formed. Youth were classified as socially phobic or non-anxious based on these composite diagnoses. By comparing clinical cutoff scores with diagnostic group classification, the sensitivity and the specificity of the SPAI-C and SAS-A were compared. Results indicated that the SPAI-C was a more sensitive measure than the SAS-A (61.5% vs. 43.6%) providing evidence of the scale's construct validity. The two measures were similar with regard to specificity (82.7% for both). Implications of these results for assessment and research are discussed.  相似文献   

The afferent and sympathetic innervation of different regions of the urinary bladder (bladder dome vs. bladder base) was examined in the female rat using simultaneous injections of two fluorescent tracers. Retrogradely labeled cells were found in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG; L1-L3 and L6-S1), the sympathetic chain (SC; T12-L6), the inferior mesenteric ganglia (IMG) and the major pelvic ganglia (MPG). There were very few double-labeled cells, indicating that the dome and the base of the bladder receive innervation (afferent or sympathetic) from separate and distinct neuronal populations. Most of the sympathetic innervation of the bladder arose from the SC (dome: 77%; base: 89%) and it was carried equally by the hypogastric and pelvic nerves. The distributions of SC postganglionic neurons innervating the dome and the base of the bladder were very similar. In contrast, the contribution of IMG neurons was almost entirely restricted to the dome of the bladder (22%), with less than 1% innervating the base. Tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH) neurons in the MPG displayed a strong sexual dimorphism. Many TH neurons were found in the male MPG, but very few in the female MPG. In the female, these TH neurons projected almost exclusively to the bladder base of the female rat and were responsible for 10% of the sympathetic innervation of the base. Less than 1% innervated the dome. Therefore, prevertebral ganglia (IMG and MPG) show a strong regional selectivity in the innervation of the bladder of the female rat. The possible functional implications of this organization are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Three cases of intracranial fibrous xanthomas and a case of multicentric cerebral xanthosarcoma are reported. All three fibrous xanthomas developed in the temporal area of boys in their early teens, one was within the leptomeninges (without dural attachment), the other two involved meninges and the superficial portions of the temporal lobe itself. These tumors were characterized by mono- and multinucleated cells with morphological features of histiocytes, Touton type giant cells and a storiform pattern in areas of spindleshaped tumor cells.Because of cellular atypism, giant cells and mitotic figures such tumors may suggest the diagnosis of glioblastoma multiforme but the absence of glial fibers, negative Cajal impregnation, presence of reticulin fibers in close proximity to tumor cells and the morphological similarity to the bizarre cells found in atypical xanthofibromas of the skin and soft tissues help to establish the diagnosis. Since the menigeal forms are probably derived from local meningeal mesenchyme, occasional abortive whorls and pseudopsammoma bodies may be encountered, the overall picture, however, is very different from meningiomas. Two patients had a 2.5 and a 12 year long symptomfree survival, respectively. The third boy had a local recurrence 14 months after initial removal which was excised and the patient is presently doing well.The xanthosarcoma first developed in the right frontal lobe of a 26 year old woman. This tumor was almost exclusively made up of various sized anaplastic cells filled with birefringent lipids. It is suggested that this tumor which had a diffuse network of reticulin, had originated from primitive adventitial cells. It was histologically more malignant than the first three and the patient died within a year after removal of the frontal lobe tumor, from a second mass in the cerebellum. The relationship of this tumor to glioblastomas and to other types of giant cell sarcomas is discussed.This paper was presented in part at the 6th International Congress of Neuropathology in Paris, France, on August 31, 1970.  相似文献   

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