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目的 探讨能谱计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)容积螺旋穿梭扫描技术在烟雾病患者血管和灌注成像中的应用价值。
方法 对4例术前、11例术后的烟雾病患者行容积螺旋穿梭扫描检查,获得四维CT血管成像及全脑CT灌注成像。采用CT平扫分型、颈内动脉分期、侧支循环分类、烟雾状血管丰富程度分期、CT灌注异常分期及Alberta卒中早期CT评分的评估标准,分左右大脑半球综合评价烟雾病的脑实质和脑血管病变。
结果 术前4例烟雾病患者,8个半球中的5个半球(62.5%)处于颈内动脉分期的III期;本组侧支循环主要来源于颅底血管网(46.1%);梗死分期中,8个半球(100%)出现异常,其中7个半球(87.5%)处于梗死前期的Ⅱ期,且Alberta卒中早期CT评分均在10分以上。术后11例(22个半球)患者均行颞浅动脉-大脑中动脉搭桥术,其中左侧6例,右侧4例,双侧1例,吻合血管通畅率为100%;梗死分期中19个半球(86.4%)出现异常,其中10个半球(45.5%)处于II期、8个半球(36.4%)处于Ⅲ期。
结论 能谱CT容积螺旋穿梭技术可以同时获得四维CT血管成像及全脑CT灌注成像,能对判断烟雾病患者的动脉分期、侧支循环、脑灌注情况、术后血管吻合等影像学信息发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨宝石能谱计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)70 keV单能量图像在后颅窝成像中提高图像质量及去除硬化伪影的价值。
方法 ①将2011年6月至2012年10月在首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院进行头部宝石能谱CT 70 keV单能量模式平扫的87例以及同期头部宝石能谱CT常规混合能量CT平扫400例患者影像学资料分别建立数据库。②从上述两个数据库中采用随机序数法分别抽取20例患者资料,测定双侧内听道中点、四脑室最大层面桥脑中心及小脑白质20 mm2感兴趣区CT值及其标准差,图像质量用噪声水平(CT值标准差)衡量,比较两组图像质量。另外,从上述两个数据库中采用随机序数法分别抽取30例患者资料,进行后颅窝伪影评分,比较两组评分差异。
结果 能谱扫描模式下70 keV单能量图像所测得两组双侧内听道中点、四脑室最大层面桥脑中心及小脑白质的噪声水平中位数(四分位数)分别为(单位:HU):70 keV单能量图像3.96(3.60,4.24)、3.66(3.40,3.92)、3.37(3.06,3.65),混合能量图像5.52(5.16,5.80)、4.52(4.15,5.36)、4.26(3.95,4.74),与混合能量组比较,70 keV单能量组图像后颅窝脑组织不同位置噪声水平均降低,差异有显著性,P均<0.001。后颅窝伪影方面,70 keV单能量组图像评分高于混合能量组,两组中位数和四分位数分别为单能量组4(3,4)和混合能量组3(2,3),差异有显著性(P<0.001)。
结论 能谱扫描模式下70 keV单能量图像经初步研究显示,能够满足后颅窝诊断需要,并且与常规混合能量图像相比较,能够显著降低后颅窝脑实质图像噪声,提高后颅窝图像质量、抑制后颅窝伪影。  相似文献   

目的 采用MRI 三维动脉自旋标记(3-dimensional arterial spin labeling,3D-ASL)技术观察急性缺血
方法 纳入60例非大动脉狭窄或闭塞性急性缺血性卒中患者,随机分为观察组(30例)和对照组
(30例)。对照组采用常规治疗,观察组在对照组治疗基础上加用丁苯酞注射液,疗程为14 d。治疗前
后均进行头颅3D-ASL检查来测量梗死灶相对脑血流量(relative cerebral blood flow,rCBF)的变化。
结果 观察组和对照组治疗前rCBF差异无统计学意义,治疗后观察组rCBF高于对照组(0.97±0.45
vs 0.35±0.15,P =0.003)。
结论 丁苯酞注射液可以提高急性缺血性卒中患者梗死病灶区域的脑血流灌注水平。  相似文献   

目的 探讨三维T2可变翻转角加权快速自旋回波成像技术(three dimensional-T2 weighted imagingsampling
perfection with application optimized contrasts using different flip angle evolutions,3D-T2WISPACE)
方法 收集临床怀疑颈动脉病变患者30例,进行高分辨多对比颈动脉磁共振成像(m a g n eti c
resonance imaging,MRI),行冠状位3D-T2WI-SPACE序列并应用3D后处理软件进行斜矢状位和轴位重
结果 60支颈动脉中,正常13支,病变47支。其中颈动脉粥样硬化病变44支,颈动脉夹层1支,不明
高分辨T2WI。3D-T2WI-SPACE序列与高分辨率T2WI图像的覆盖范围分别为(114.7±22.4)mm和46 mm。
(P =0.163)。
结论 3D-T2WI-SPACE技术可作为颈动脉高分辨成像序列中的必要辅助序列。应用3D-T2WI-SPACE
序列结合重建技术,可为临床诊断提供更多信息。  相似文献   

目的 对不同大血管闭塞所致的急性缺血性卒中患者静脉溶栓疗效进行比较分析,探讨适宜静脉
方法 本研究的入选患者来自中国急性缺血性卒中溶栓监测登记研究,从中选取所有完成了溶栓
前多模式计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)或磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI),
结果 共入选122例患者,大脑中动脉闭塞组溶栓后血管再通率为55.2%,而颈内动脉闭塞组为0%,
基底动脉闭塞组为40%。大脑中动脉闭塞组90 d随访生活自理[53.9% vs 21.1%,P =0.007,比值比
(odds ratio,OR)=5.68]及良好预后(42.7% vs 21.1%,P =0.041,OR =3.76)的比例均优于颈内动脉
闭塞组,死亡率低于颈内动脉闭塞组(4.5% vs 47.4%,P <0.001,OR =0.03),而两组溶栓后的症状
性颅内出血发生率差异无显著性(1.1% vs 0%,P =0.962)。
结论 不同大血管闭塞性急性缺血性卒中患者静脉溶栓效果有明显差异,大脑中动脉闭塞患者静
脉溶栓开通率最高,疗效明显优于颈内动脉闭塞患者。  相似文献   

目的 探讨酒精对缺血-再灌注大鼠脑组织梗死面积、皮质凋亡诱导因子(apoptosis induced factor,
AIF)及缺氧诱导因子-1α(hypoxia induced factor-1α,HIF-1α)表达的影响。
方法 将54只健康雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为3组,分别为假手术组、缺血-再灌注组(对照组)、缺
血-再灌注后酒精治疗组(治疗组)。以改良线栓法制成大鼠大脑中动脉闭塞(middle cerebral artery
occlusion,MCAO)模型,2 h后拔出线栓,形成缺血-再灌注,治疗组立即腹腔注射1.5 g/kg酒精(无水
结果 治疗组大鼠脑梗死面积较对照组明显减小[(35.33 6.06)mm2 vs (55.50 3.62)mm2,
P <0.001];对照组大鼠脑皮质区AIF及HIF-1α表达分别为(36.75 8.99)个/HP和(49.25 12.04)
个/HP;治疗组大鼠脑皮质区AIF及HIF-1α表达分别为(20.75 7.46)个/HP和(70.25 11.12)个/HP;
治疗组大鼠脑皮质区AIF的表达明显低于对照组(P <0.001),而HIF-1α的表达明显高于对照组
(P <0.001)。
结论 1.5 g/kg酒精对缺血-再灌注大鼠脑组织具有保护作用,可能是通过减少细胞凋亡而减轻脑
损伤。  相似文献   

目的 利用磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)筛选合格的大鼠大脑中动脉闭塞(middle cerebral artery occlusion,MCAO)模型,分析大鼠脑缺血再灌损伤后表观弥散系数(apparent diffusion coefficient,ADC)及部分各向异性(fractional anisotropy,FA)指标的变化特征。
方法 制作SD大鼠MCAO模型,根据是否再灌注分为永久闭塞组和缺血再灌组,每组各9只,另设假手术组2只作为对照。对大鼠行磁共振T2、弥散加权成像(diffusion weighted imaging,DWI)、弥散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging,DTI)和磁共振血管成像(magnetic resonance angiography,MRA)扫描,重建脑血管及计算相对ADC值和FA值,比较两组的相对ADC值和FA值。
结果 MRA可以显示大鼠脑血管的堵塞与再通,T2加权像可以观测到蛛网膜下腔出血。永久闭塞组比缺血再灌组的相对ADC值高,差异有显著性(0.657±0.140 vs 0.588±0.132,t=2.27,P=0.048);相对FA值高,差异有显著性(1.010±0.143 vs 0.915±0.111,t=2.89,P=0.02)。
结论 利用MRA和T2加权像扫描可以筛选出合格的MCAO模型,MCAO永久闭塞组相对ADC值和FA值均高于缺血再灌注组。  相似文献   

目的 研究颅内椎-基底动脉夹层不同形态类型及不同狭窄程度对后循环缺血的影响。 方法 回顾性分析解放军总医院第一医学中心2015年12月-2019年12月经DSA确诊的椎动脉颅内 段及基底动脉夹层患者的多模式磁共振影像数据,利用MRA对后循环夹层的形态进行分组(瘤样 扩张型、线珠型、狭窄-闭塞型),并根据MRA和高分辨率磁共振管壁成像(high-resolution vessel wall imaging,HR VWI)上各病变狭窄率进行分组(无、轻、中、重度),比较不同分组之间低灌注区容积的 差异。 结果 共纳入颅内椎-基底动脉夹层患者34例。基于MRA的形态学分组,瘤样扩张型11例(32.3%) (低灌注区容积:18.99±21.63 mL)、线珠型15例(44.1%)(低灌注区容积:78.31±85.64 mL)、狭窄- 闭塞型8例(23.5%)(低灌注区容积:28.91±16.88 mL),不同形态分组之间低灌注区容积具有统计 学差异,其中线珠型的低灌注缺损最严重。基于MRA和HR VWI测量的病变血管不同狭窄率分组之间, 低灌注区容积均无统计学差异。 结论 基于MRA的症状性颅内椎-基底动脉夹层形态学可以反映脑组织的灌注缺损变化,其中线珠 型夹层可能引起更为严重的后循环缺血。  相似文献   

目的研究虚拟现实系统在颅中窝底三维解剖中的应用价值。方法对15例尸头行CT和MRI扫描,分别获得骨性结构和脑组织影像,通过数据反转强度技术获得岩骨骨管和压迹内结构影像。将尸头动脉灌注混合造影剂的乳胶,其中10例灌注良好者行CT扫描获得颅底动脉影像。尸头解剖后选出脑神经走行暴露良好的8例,再行M砌扫描获得颅中窝底脑神经影像,影像资料以Dicom格式数据导人Destroscope虚拟现实系统,进行三维重建、图像融合。结果15例尸头骨性结构和脑组织三维图像均显示清楚.10例颅底动脉及8例脑神经三维图像也显示清楚,用于可视化研究效果良好。结论虚拟现实三维影像能够模拟颅中窝底解剖结构并用于三维解剖研究。  相似文献   

目的探讨64排螺旋CT脑容积灌注成像(CT perfusion imaging,CTP)与头颈CT血管成像(CT angiography,CTA)联合应用在颈内动脉(internal carotid artery,ICA)或大脑中动脉(middlecerebral artery,MCA)狭窄与闭塞患者中的应用价值.方法对5名健康人及17例患者(ICA狭窄11例、MCA狭窄6例)行CT平扫、CTP和CTA检查,分析灌注延迟表现与病变动脉及其狭窄程度的关系.结果17例患者8例CT平扫未见异常,9例有腔隙性脑梗死和(或)陈旧脑梗死.平均通过时间(mean transit time,MTT)和达峰时间(time to peak,TTP)图灌注延迟表现分为3型:Ⅰ型病变仅累及MCA区,Ⅱ型病变仅累及分水岭区,Ⅲ型病变累及MCA和分水岭区.ICA重度狭窄或闭塞患者Ⅲ型7例,MCA重度狭窄或闭塞患者Ⅰ型4例.64排CT可同时获得容积CTP和颅底动脉环动态CTA,其动态CTA图像质量与常规CTA近似.结论MTT、TTP能够敏感显示灌注损伤,对ICA或MCA重度狭窄或闭塞诊断、治疗及脑梗死发病机制研究有重要价值.64排CT可得到包括基底节在内的上下8个层面的图像,可以更多地显示16层以下螺旋CT显示不到的病变,如脑干、小脑的梗死等.CTP联合CTA能够早期诊断脑梗死,并同时从功能和形态学上综合分析脑缺血的程度和原因,获得更详细的信息,为临床医师尽早进行合理治疗提供客观的影像学依据.  相似文献   

Based on the authors' experience with reconstruction of the heart using three-dimensional echocardiography, the authors assessed the feasibility of three-dimensional reconstruction of brain images using transfontanelle ultrasound in selected cases of infants with abnormal intracranial findings. A conventional 5-MHz ultrasound transducer inside a transducer holder was rotated 180 degrees around its vertical axis using a computer-controlled stepper motor to acquire multiple sequential cross-sections of the brain. The raw digital data of this three-dimensionally recorded dataset were transferred to a PC-based workstation for further analysis. The reconstruction of the three-dimensional brain images and volumetric analysis were undertaken using a new dedicated software capable of three-dimensional reconstruction and volumetric analysis (Echo-PAC-3D, version 1.2 Beta, GE Vingmed, Horton, Norway). The reconstruction of sequential slices from the stored three-dimensional data allowed the visualization of the epicortical extension and volumetric measurements of the focal ischemic infarction in the superior tempoparietal lobe in a 2-week-old newborn with a focal ischemic brain lesion. In other 2-week-old newborns, the extension and volume of a periventricular hemorrhage was visualized by three-dimensional reconstruction of coronal cross-sectional images from the acquired three-dimensional dataset. The three-dimensional reconstruction of the lateral ventricles allowed the three-dimensional visualization and estimation of ventricular dilatation in milliliters in an 8-week-old infant with hydrocephalus. Three-dimensional reconstruction of brain images and volume estimation of brain lesions and cavities by ultrasound may provide new insights into the morphology and extension of ultrasonographically visible brain lesions.  相似文献   

目的 研究CT灌注成像(CTPI)联合CT血管造影(CTA)对超早期缺血性脑血管病(ICVD)的诊断价值。方法 对46例ICVD患者,在发病6h内进行头颅CT平扫、CTPI及CTA检查。结果 (1)CT平扫:显示低密度灶5例,未见异常41例;(2)CTPI:脑血流灌注正常16例,异常30例;(3)CTA:27例患者大脑中动脉(MCA)、大脑前动脉(ACA)不同程度狭窄,2例MCA明显变细,17例CTA图像正常;(4)25例大、中体积脑梗死患者CTPI图像均显示相应灌注缺损区,CTA均显示血管狭窄或闭塞。9例小体积脑梗死患者中,CTPI显示灌注缺损区5例,正常4例;CTA显示血管狭窄2例,正常7例。12例短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)患者CTPI均正常,2例CTA显示MCA明显变细,远侧血管网增多;其余10例正常。结论 CTPl联合CTA能够超早期诊断ICVD,并可鉴别TIA及不同梗死体积的脑梗死。  相似文献   

The Bookend technique is a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dynamic susceptibility contrast method that provides reliable quantitative measurement of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV). The quantification is patient specific, is derived from a steady-state measurement of CBV, and is obtained from T1 changes in the white matter and the blood pool after contrast agent injection. In the current implementation, the Bookend technique consists of three scanning steps requiring a cumulative scan time of 3 minutes 47 seconds, a well-trained technologist, and extra time for offline image reconstruction. We present an automation and acceleration of the multiscan Bookend protocol through a self-calibrating pulse sequence, namely Self-Calibrated Epi Perfusion-Weighted Imaging (SCALE-PWI). The SCALE-PWI is a single-shot echo-planar imaging pulse sequence with three modules and a total scan time of under 2 minutes. It provides the possibility of performing online, quantitative perfusion image reconstruction, which reduces the latency to obtain quantitative maps. A validation study in healthy volunteers (N=19) showed excellent agreement between SCALE-PWI and the conventional Bookend protocol (P>0.05 with Student''s t-test, r=0.95/slope=0.98 for quantitative CBF, and r=0.91/slope=0.94 for quantitative CBV). A single MRI pulse sequence for absolute quantification of cerebral perfusion has been developed.  相似文献   


Real time and high resolution functional imaging of cerebral perfusion was developed, which displays the color coded image of the cerebral perfusion index (PI) from the serial images of digital subtraction angiography (OSA). The small (3x 3 pixels) regions of interest (ROJ) were set on the images, and the time density curves of the contrast media for each ROt were obtained. The perfusion indices, corresponding to the mean transit time (MIT), were calculated for all the ROts on the image in real time (5 sec) by the area over height method and then, converted to the PI image. A large ROt (64x 64 pixels) was also used to estimate the parenchymal perfusion. In the normal subjects, consistent PI values at the various parts of the cerebral arteries were obtained, which reasonably agreed with the published values when converted to the blood flow. Then the study on the pathological subjects were made. Firstly, the alteration in the PI images agreed well with the CBF SPECT study in the case of moyamoya disease with the synangiosis operation. Secondly, even a 5% change of the parenchymal perfusion could be detected with the PI imaging, which was obscure when inspecting the series of DSA images, in [he case of intra-arterial papaverine infusion for delayed vasospasm. Thirdly, the vortex inside a large aneurysm could be estimated with the same resolution as OSA. Our method offers real time, high resolution, projection angle independent and semiquantitative imaging of the cerebral perfusion from the conventional DSA images without introducing any new expensive devices. This method could be used to evaluate the therapeutic change and especially to monitor the rapidly changing cerebral perfusion in interventionaI angiography. [Neural Res 1998; 20: 327-332]  相似文献   

We have developed a simple and practical method to reconstruct cerebral surface anatomical images for better presurgical planning and surgical orientation with the aid of a personal computer. The area representing the cortical surface was selected from the most superficial slice of the T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images. The selected area was then overlaid upon the next superficial slice and the alignment adjusted. By repeating this procedure four to seven times we obtained a brain surface image which clearly displayed gyri and sulci. With the same method images of the vascular components of the cerebral surface were obtained from the T2-weighted images or MR angiograms. The brain surface and the vascular images were then combined to reconstruct a surface anatomical image (SAI). In addition, the outline of the lesion and natural landmarks, such as ventricles, were added if necessary. Compared to conventional surface anatomy scanning (SAS) or three-dimensional image reconstruction procedures, our method has the advantage of displaying, within a reasonable time, the manifest cortical surface from the direction of the planned surgical approach. The SAIs obtained for individual patients have proven to be useful for presurgical planning and minimizing surgical damage to the eloquent cortex in approaching both surface and subcortical lesions.  相似文献   

目的 应用神经影像检查,分析大脑中动脉闭塞性疾病(MCAOD)患者梗死类型分布和脑灌注异常. 方法 对经CT血管造影(CTA)证实的116例MCAOD患者的CT平扫、CT灌注成像(CTP)和CTA的影像资料进行回顾性分析,确定其脑梗死类型分布和脑灌注改变. 结果 116例患者中,CTA共检出133条大脑中动脉(MCA)狭窄或闭塞,其中单侧者99例,双侧者17例.其中MCA闭塞25条,重度狭窄39条,中、轻度狭窄69条.CT或MRI显示腔隙性脑梗死(LIS)45例,各型分水岭脑梗死(CWSI)38例,流域性脑梗死26例,纹状体内囊梗死(SCI)10例,未检出梗死病灶14例.CTP显示MCA供血区内脑血流灌注异常96例,其中58例有MCA供血区的大范围血流灌注减低.未检出血流灌注异常者37例. 结论 由于MCA狭窄的部位、程度和发病机制的不同以及侧支循环的建立,MCAOD可造成不同类型的脑梗死和血流灌注异常.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Huntington's disease (HD) is traditionally conceptualized as a degenerative disease of the striatum. Recent scientific advances, however, have suggested neurodevelopmental contributions and extrastriatal brain abnormalities. This study was designed to assess the morphology of the brain in participants who had previously undergone elective DNA analyses for the HD mutation who did not currently have a clinical diagnosis of HD (preclinical HD subjects). METHODS: Twenty-four preclinical participants with the gene expansion for HD underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging and were compared with a group of 24 healthy control subjects, matched by gender and age. RESULTS: Huntington's disease preclinical participants had substantial morphologic differences from controls throughout the cerebrum. Volume of the cerebral cortex was significantly increased in preclinical HD, whereas the basal ganglia and cerebral white matter volume were substantially decreased. CONCLUSIONS: In individuals with the HD gene mutation who are considered healthy (preclinical for manifest disease), the morphology of the brain is substantially altered compared with matched control subjects. Although decreased volumes of the striatum and cerebral white matter could represent early degenerative changes, the novel finding of enlarged cortex suggests that developmental pathology occurs in HD.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the utility and practical limitations of microcomputerized X-ray tomography (CT) as a research tool for examination of the cerebral circulation in mice. Six micro CT angiograms of the circle of Willis (COW) from six mice were obtained by scanning whole head and brain specimen perfused with a radio-opaque silicone contrast agent. Two-dimensional volume rendered images were postprocessed from three-dimensional image datasets using a partially automated high-throughput model that generated 10 surface projections for each specimen. The image processing model employed a straightforward global thresholding and computerized component labeling software algorithm. Postprocessed images were analyzed and results correlated with microdissection. Micro CT demonstration of COW vessels and their branch anatomy was assessed. 71% of COW vessels were completely demonstrated, 26% were partially demonstrated, and 3% were not demonstrated. All cases of nondemonstration and most cases of partial demonstration resulted from scan coverage or postprocessing clip error. Thresholding effect caused pseudostenosis of 8% of COW vessels and accounted for a minority of partial demonstration cases. No imaging artifacts were caused by contrast extravasation or ineffective contrast perfusion. Volume averaging caused minor angioarchitectural distortion of 58% of COW vessels. Ninety-five percent of COW > or =50 microm and 52% of COW vessels <50 microm were correctly identified by micro CT. Micro CT of the murine COW using a high-throughput image processing model is feasible. Angioarchitectural distortion due to volume averaging and thresholding effect can occur and pathological findings should be confirmed.  相似文献   

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