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Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Children in Collectives By P. B. Neubauer
La Paralisis Cerebral By L. B arrawuer B ordas , J. P onces V erge , J. C oroninas V igneaux , E. T orras D e B ea
Clinical Aspects of Remedial Reading Clifford J. Kolson and George Kaluger
Reading Disorders Edited by: R. M. Flower, H. F. Gofman, L. I. Lawson
Speech Disorders (2nd edition) By L ord B rain
Congenital Malformations Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Congenital Malformations, 1963
Subcortical Mechanisms of Behaviour By R obert A. M c C leary , R obert Y. M oore
Das Gesicht des Sauglings By H einz S. H erzke
Exploration and Innovation in Child Care
Guide des Premiers Pas Scolaires By A ndree G irolami -B oulinier
The Social Context of the Youth Problem By B. R. W ilson
La Réadaptation Scolaire des Enfants Intelligents par la Réeducation Psychomotrice By G. B. S oubiron and P. M azo
The Health and Welfare of the Immigrant Child By S imon Y udkin
Improving the Physical Fitness of Youth By T. K. C ureton
Clinical Aspects of Oral Gestogens
Neurotic Styles By D avid S hapiro
Cerebrovascular Accidents as a Public Health Problem  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Neurologie für Ärzte und Studenten by M arco M umenthaler
Neurologie des Neugeborenen by G. J oppich , F. J. S chulte
Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies by H erbert H. J asper , A rthur A. W ard , A lfred P ope
Aims and Techniques of Group Teaching by M. L. J. A bercrombie
Die Epilepsien, Spezielle Therapie und Pathologie by D ieter J anz
Attention in Neurophysiology by C. R. E vans and T. B. M ulholland
Research and Clinical Studies in Headache by A. P. F riedman
Tumours of the Testicle by J. P. B landy , J. F. H ope -S tone and A nthony D. D ayan
Handling the Young Cerebral Palsied Child at Home by N ancie R. F innie (U.S. edition edited by U na H aynes )  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Textbook of Child Neurology Edited by J ohn H. M enkes
Cerebral Angiomas: Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy Edited by H. W. P ia , J. R. W. G leave , E. G rote and J. Z ierski
Parents and Mentally Handicapped Children By C harles H annam
Pica: Childhood Symptom. IRMMH Monograph 3 By J oan B icknell
Cerebral Palsy and Related Developmental Disabilities—Prevention and Early Care: an Annotated Bibliography, Vols. I, II and III Compiled by R aymond R. R embolt and B eth R oth
A Colour Atlas of Paediatrics. Wolfe Medical Atlases 13 By M artha D ynski -K lein
The Placenta and its Maternal Supply Line: Effects of Insufficiency on the Fetus Edited by P. G ruenwald
Pathologie des Ohres By W. S chätzle and J. H aubrich
Le Développement Neurologique du Nouveau-Néà Terme et Prématuré By S. S aint -A nne D argassies
A Pediatric Play Program: Developing a Therapeutic Play Program for Children in Medical Settings By P at A zarnoff and S haron F legal  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Heart Disease in Paediatrics By S. C. J ordan and O live S cott
The Pulvinar-LP Complex Edited by I. S. C ooper , M. R iklan and P. R akic
The Language Disordered Child: A New Look at Theory and Treatment By G. M. F raser and J. B lockley
Handling the Young Cerebral Palsied Child at Home, 2nd Edition By N ancie R. F innie
Bernard: Bringing up our Mongol Son By J ohn and E ileen W ilks
Please Talk to Me London : Newcomen Educational Foundation; for Newcomen Clinic, Guy's Hospital, SE1.
Multiple Sclerosis: a Reappraisal. Second Edition By D ouglas M c A lpine , C harles E. L umsden and E. D. A cheson
Research on Multiple Sclerosis by C. W. M. A dams
Multiple Sclerosis And Me By M. H. G reenblatt  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Viral Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Vol. 17 in the series Major Problems in Clinical Pediatrics By J ames B arry H anshaw and J ohn A lastair D udgeon .
La Chirurgie des Membres Inferieurs Chez L'Infirme Moteur Cérébral Spastique By J oël T rouillas .
Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Motor Delay by S ophie L evitt .
L'Enfant Infirme Moteur L'Origine Cérébral by M aurice C ahuzac .
Emergency Mouse by B ernard S tone .
Equipment for the Disabled: Leisure and Gardening (4th Edn.) Compiled by E. R. W ilshire .  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Cowan W. M., Shooter E. M., Stevens C. F., Thompson R. F., (eds.) : Annual review of neuroscience
Caplan D. : Neurolinguistics and linguistic aphasiology
Blau J. N. Migraine
Kennard C., Clifford R. F. (eds). Physiological aspects of clinical neuro-opthalmology
Stolk J. M., Prichard D. C. U., Fuxe K. Epinephrine in the central nervous system
Bannister R. (ed.). Autonomic failure
Pirodda E., Pompeiano O., (eds.) , Neurophysiology of the vestibular system
Siegel G. J., Agranoff B., Albers R. W., Molinoff P. B. (eds.) . Basic neurochemistry
Mennel H, Solcher H : Pathologie des Nervensystems III
Dalakas M. C. (ed.) . Polymyositis and dermatomyositis
Fuster J. M. : The prefrontal cortex  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Doctor, his Patient and the Illness. By M ichael B alint
Man's Posture: Electromyographic Studies. By J. J oseph
Illustrating Medicine and Surgery M argaret C. M c L arty
Structure and Function of the Cerebral Cortex. By D. B. T owers and J. P. S hade
Speech Therapy in Cerebral Palsy. By M erlin J. M echam , M artin J. B erko and F rancis G iden B erko
The Pathology of Cerebral Palsy. By A braham T owbin
Behavioral Change in the Clinic–A Systematic Approach. By G erald R. P ascal and B ernard R osenblatt
Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry. Edited by P rof ., E. A. S piegel and B O B ille
Early Diagnosis Edited by H enry M iller and R. W. S mithells
Essentials of Fluid Balance D. A. K. B lack and O. D. F isher
Tools of Biological Research Edited by H edley J. B. A tkins and J ohn L orber
Medical Care of the Adolescent. By J. R oswell G allagher and R. R. G ordon  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
New Developments in Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology : Edited by : J. E. D esmedt
Basic Neurochemistry : Edited by R. W ayne A lbers , G eorge J. S iegel , R obert K atzman and B ernard W. A granoff
Arithmetical Disabilities in Cerebral Palsied Children : By S imon H. H askell
Quick Reference to Pediatric Emergencies: Edited by D elmer J. P ascoe and M oses G rossman
Das Hirntrauma im Kindes-und Jugendalter : By H. L ange -C osack and G. T epfer
Mental Handicap and Community Care: a Study of Mentally Handicapped People in Sheffield : By M ichael B ayley
Mental Retardation: Occasional Papers 2, 3 and 4 : By K enneth H olt , S heila H ewett , E lspeth S tephen and J ean R obertson
Psychology in the Vocational Rehabilitation of the Mentally Retarded : By M urry M orgenstern and H arold M ichal -S mith
International Research Seminar on Vocational Rehabilitation of the Mentally Retarded: Edited by M elvin C ohen
Young People At Risk: a Study of the 17–24 Age Group: By M artin P lant  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Febrile Convulsions: A Reappraisal By M argaret A. L ennox -B uchthal
Partially-sighted Children
Aphasia By A rnold P ick ( translated by J ason W. B rown )
Mental Retardation: Environmental Hazards By B arbara E. C layton
Development and Disorders of Written Language. Volume Two. Studies of Normal and Exceptional Children By H elmer R. M yklebust
Dyslexia. Problems of Reading Disabilities By H erman K. G oldberg
Pediatric Radiology, Volume 1, No 1, 1973
Cahier du Cercle de Documentation et d'Information pour la Rééducation des Infirmes Moteurs Cérébraux (English Edition)
Minimal Cerebral Dysfunction in Children Edited by S tanley W alzer
Learning and Perceptuo-motor Disabilities in Children By K. W edell
Working with Parents: Developing a Workshop Course for Parents of Young Mentally Handicapped Children By C. C. C unningham and D. J. J effree
The Fugitive Mind. The Early Development of an Autistic Child By P eter R owlands  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Treatment , M. Dam and E. Kiprboe.
EEG Primer , R. Spehlmann.
Cerebral Death, (2nd ed.) , A. Earl Walker.
Amnesia: Clinical, Psychological, and Medicolegal Aspects, (2nd ed.) , W. E. M. Whitty and O. L. Zangwill.
EEG Recording, (2nd ed.) , M. L. Hector.
EEG Technology (3rd ed.) , R. Cooper, J. W. Osselton, and J. C. Shaw.
Modern Practical Neurology: An Introduction to Diagnosis and Management of Common Neurologic Disorders (2nd ed.)
Computed Tomography and Cerebral Infarctions: With an Introduction to Practice and Principles of CT Scan Reading , J. Valk.
Correlative Neuroradiology: A Topographic Approach to Cerebral Angiographic and CT Interpretation , Ronald G. Quisling.
Handbook of Minimal Brain Dysfunctions: A Critical Review , Herbert E. Rie and Ellen D. Rie (Eds).
Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology , S. B. Filskov and T. J. Boll (Eds).
Studies of Brain Function IV: Architectonics of the Human Telencephalic Cortex , H. Braak.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Awakenings : By O liver S acks
Lipids, Malnutrition and the Developing Brain : Edited by K atherine E liott , J ulie K night
Inborn Errors of Metabolism : Edited by F. A. H ommes , C. J. V an D en B erg
Techniques in Neurohistology : By H eather M. R áliš , R. A. B eesley , Z. A. R áliš
Language, Brain and Hearing : By J. G. W olff
The Kindergarten Teacher's Handbook : By E lizabeth S. M eyers , H elen H. B all , M arjorie C rutchfield
Raising a Hyperactive Child : By M ark A. S tewart , S ally W. O lds
Current Issues in Adolescent Psychiatry : Edited by J oseph C. S choolar
Clinical Studies in Behavior Therapy with Children, Adolescents, and their Families Edited by J ames M. S tedman , W illiam F. P atton and K ay F. W alton
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. An Annual Review, V : Edited by J oseph W ortis
Assessment for Learning in the Mentally Handicapped : Edited by P eter M ittler
Pathology of Mental Retardation, 2nd Edition : By L. C rome , J. S tern  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Atlas of Children's Growth By J. M. T anner and R. H. W hitehouse
1984 Year Book of Pediatrics Edited by F rank A. O saki and J ames A. S tockman
Adolescent Reproductive Health. An Approach to Planning Health Service Research By H erbert L. F riedman and K arin G. E dström
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 13 Edited by J oseph W ortis
Children. A Handbook for Children's Doctors Edited by P eter G ray and F orrester C ockburn
Mechanisms of Alcohol Damage In Utero (Ciba Foundation Symposium 105) Edited by R uth P orter , M aeve O'C onnor and J ulie W helan
Pre-eclampsia: the Hypertension Disease of Pregnancy By I an M ac G illivray
The Emotional Experience of Learning and Teaching By I sca S alzberger -W ittenberg , G ianna H enry and E lsie O sborne
The Subcortical Regulatory Motor System in Development and its Disorders By I van L esný
Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 3rd Edn. Edited by R. E. K endell , and A. K. Z eally
Paediatric Neurology Edited by E dward M. B rett Edinburgh
Pediatric Epileptology: Classification and Management of Seizures in the Child Edited by F ritz E. D reifgss
Neurologic Emergencies in Infancy and Childhood Edited by : J ohn M. P ellock and E dwin C. M yer
The Development of Infants Born at Risk By D eborah L. H olmes , J ill N agy R eich and J oseph F. P asternak
Progressive Spinal Muscular Atrophies Edited by I ngrid G amstorp and H arvey B. S arnat
Equipment for the Disabled Disabled Mother, 5th Edn. Compiled by E. R. W ilshere  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Positioning the Client with Central Nervous System Deficits: the Wheelchair and Other Adapted Equipment : By A drienne F alk B ergen and C heryl C olangelo
The Dysarthrias: Physiology, Acoustics, Perception, Management Edited by M alcolm R. M c N eil , J ohn C. R osenbek and A rnold E. A ronson
Apraxia of Speech: Physiology, Acoustics, Perception, Management : Edited by J ohn C. R osenbek , M alcolm R. M c N eil and A rnold E. A ronson
Concepts in Pediatric Neurosurgery, Vol. 4 Edited by R obin H umphreys
Workbook in Practical Neonatalogy : Edited by R ichard A. P olin and F redric D. B urg
Bobby: Breakthrough of an Autistic Child : By R achel P inney
Schaffer's Diseases of the Newborn, 5th Edn. : Edited by M ary E llen A very and H. W illiam T aeusch , Jr.
The Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics, Vols. 1 and 2 : Edited by A lan E. H. E mery and D avid L. R imoin
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics : Edited by M elvin D. L evine , W illiam B. C arey , A. C. C rocker and R. T. G ross  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Pathogenesis of Nervous and Mental Diseases in Children Edited by E rnest H arms
The Hostage Seekers By M ichael H umphrey
Pediatrics Edited by M ohsen Z iai with C harles A. J aneway , R obert E. C ooke
A Study of the Early Development of Mongols By V alerie A. C owie
Special Techniques for Neurologic Diagnosis Edited by J ames F. O'T oole
Third Symposium on Parkinson's Disease Edited by F. J ohn G illingham and I. M. L. D onaldson
The Development of the Infant and Young Child, Normal and Abnormal (4th Edition) By R. S. I llingworth
Systems of Therapy in Cerebral Palsy By H arriet E. G illette
Clinical Neurosurgery. Vol. 16 Edited by R obert G. O jemann
Modern Trends in Diagnostic Radiology Edited by J. W. M c L aren
Bibliographies for Speech, Hearing and Communication Disorders  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Antiepileptic Drugs , Second Edition. D. M. Woodbury, J. K. Penry, and C. E. Pippenger (Eds.).
Advances in Epileptology: XHIth Epilepsy International Symposium . H. Akimoto, H. Kazamatsuri, M. Seino, and A. A. Ward, Jr. (Eds.).
Textbook of Adverse Drug Reactions , Second Edition. D. M. Davies (Ed.).
Genetic Basis of the Epilepsies . V. E. Anderson, W. A. Mauser, J. K. Penry, and C. F. Sing (Eds.) .
Disorders of the Cerebellum . S. Gilman, J. R. Bloedel, and R. Lechtenberg.
Principles of Neurology , Second Edition. R. D. Adams and M. Victor .
Neurological Anatomy in Relation to Clinical Medicine , Third Edition. A. Brodal .
Iatrogenic Diseases , Second Edition, Update 1981. P. F. d'Arcy and J. P. Griffin .
The Doctrine of the Nerves. Chapters in the History of Neurology . J. D. Spillane .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Care and Training of the Mentally Handicapped, 5th Edn By C. H. H allas , W. J. F raser , R. C. M ac G illivray
Mental Deficiency: The Changing Outlook, 3rd Edn. Edited by A nn M. C larke and A. D. B. C larke
Atlas of the Newborn, Nos. 1–6 By N eil O'D oherty
Scientific Foundations of Paediatrics Edited by J ohn A. D avis and J ohn D obbing
The Development of the Infant: The First Year of Life in Photographs By M arkvan B lankenstein , U rsula R. W elbergen , J. H. de H aas
La Psychiatrie de PEnfant By D.-J. D uche
Kindliches Handeln und kognitive Entwicklung By K arlheinz J etter
Zerebrale Bewegungsstörungen beim Kind Edited by E. K öng
Umweltabhängigkeit der frühkindlichen zentralnervösen Entwicklung By J ohannes P echstein
Health Education Index and Guide to Voluntary Social Welfare Organisations 1974 Compiled and edited by B rian E dsall  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles:
Introduction to Mental Retardation Syndromes and Terminology. By B. C. M oore , J ane D. H aynes and G. R. L aing
An Introduction to Medical Genetics. Seventh Edition. By J. A. F raser R oberts and M arcus E. P embrey
Research to Practice in Mental Retardation. Volume II, Education and Training; Volume III, Biomedical Aspects. Edited by P eter M ittler
Perspectives in Endocrine Psychobiology. Edited by F. B rambilla , P. K. B ridges , E. E ndröczi and G. H euser
Development of the Basicranium , a Symposium edited by J. F. B osma
The Law and Mental Health: Harmonizing Objectives. By W. J. C urran and T. W. H arding
Skill Training for Community Living: Applying Structured Learning Therapy. By A rnold P. G oldstein , R obert P. S prafkin and N. J ane G ershan  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Simulated Patients (Programmed Patients) By H. S. Barrows
Growing Up Adopted By J ean S eglow , M ia K ellmer P ringle and P eter W edge
Drugs, Development and Cerebral Function Edited by W. L ynn S mith
Social Psychology: A Symbolic Interaction Perspective By J. D. C ardwell
Motor Impairment and Compensatory Education By P. R. M orris and H. T. A. W hiting
Nutritional Anaemias Report of a who Group of Experts. World Health Organisation Technical Report Series
Mental Retardation III. Edited by J oseph W ortis
The Generalised Epilepsies. A Clinical Electroencephalographic Study By E rnst N iedermeyer
Temporal Order in Disturbed Reading: Developmental and Nenropsycho-logical Aspects in Normal and Reading-retarded Children By D. J. B akker
Psychophysiology of Learning and Memory By E lio M aggio  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Neurospeech Therapy for the Cerebral Palsied: a Neuroevolutional Approach (3rd Edn.) by E dward D. M ysak
Lysosomes and Lysosome Storage Diseases by Edited by J ohn W. C allahan by J. A lexander L owden
Child Health in the Community (2nd Edn.) by Edited byR oss G. M itchell
Breastfeeding Geneva: W.H.O., 1979, pp. 40, Sw.fr. 3.00* by H ilary H art
Brain Dysfunction in Children: Etiology, Diagnosis and Management by Edited by P erry B lack
Pediatric Neuromuscular Diseases by By K enneth F. S waiman by F rancis S. W right
Equipment for the Disabled: Clothing and Dressing for Adults (5th Edn.) by Compiled by E. R. W ilshere  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Porter R. & Fitzsimons D.W. (eds) Outcome of Severe Damage to the Central Nervous System Threadgold L.T. The Ultra structure of the Animal Cell Wada J.A. Kindling 260 pages, Raven Press, New York, 1976. US $18.00 Rapoport S.I. Blood-Brain Barrier in Physiology and Medicine Cervos-Navarro J., Betz E., Matakas F., & Wullenweber, R. (eds). The Cerebral Vessel Wall Mill P.J. (ed.) Structure and Function of Proprioceptors in the Invertebrates Bloom H.J.G., Lemerle J., Neidhardt M.K. & Voute P.A. (eds), 800 pages, Springer, Berlin, 1975. US $14. Watson W.E. Cell Biology of Brain Paoletti R. & Gotto A.M. Jr (eds) Atherosclerosis Reviews. Val. 1 Schlesinger B. The Upper Brainstem in the Human  相似文献   

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