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自杀是个主要的健康问题,同时也是一个社会问题。评估和识别出患者的自杀风险是医院工作中极其重要的一个环节。本文对国外常用的评估患者自杀风险的量表进行了简要的概述,以便在科研工作或临床工作中选取适合的量表进行评估。  相似文献   

目的:对比简明国际神经精神访谈(MINI)中文版自杀分量表与护士用自杀风险评估量表(NGASR)在精神科开放式病房新入院患者自杀风险评估中的应用。方法:选取精神科开放式病房新入院患者362例,同时使用MINI自杀分量表及NGASR进行评估,将两者评估结果进行比较。结果:MINI自杀分量表及NGASR对精神科开放式病房新入院患者不同自杀风险程度检出率比较差异具有统计学意义(P=0.002),评估一致率为70.2%。酒精所致精神障碍组、精神分裂症组患者NGASR与MINI自杀分量表检出率比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05或P0.01)。结论:NGASR较MINI自杀分量表更易发现精神科开放式病房新入院患者自杀风险,其检出率差异可能与量表不同的构成有关。  相似文献   

本文综述了国外军人自杀率、危险因素、危险性评估及自杀行为的干预和预防研究。  相似文献   

本文综述了美军在伊拉克战争中军人自杀的发生率、原因、特点及采取的干预措施和治疗方法。  相似文献   

自杀已成为第5 大死因,在自杀的人群中,患有精神疾病的人群占比较高,对这类人群进行灵敏的自杀风险评估是保证患者安全的关键环节。现对应用于精神疾病人群中自杀风险评估工具进行综述,旨在为临床医护人员选择合适的评估工具及患者安全管理提供依据。  相似文献   

大桥自杀翟书涛一、导言1.概念大桥自杀(bridgesuicide)指由桥面跃入水(江、河、湖、海)而轻生,属于自高处跃下(jumpingfromaheight)或跃下(jumping)的范围,但入水后往往淹死,故与溺水(drowning)也有关。跃...  相似文献   

多项研究显示,事件相关电位(ERP)可通过无创性检测抑郁症患者认知功能,进而评估其自杀风险。本文综述了相关的ERP成分在评估抑郁症患者自杀风险中的研究进展,以期为临床评估自杀风险提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:研究嘉峪关市自杀率、自然方式、自然原因等。方法:对嘉峪关市1975-1998年间城乡中所有自然死亡者资料作为调查研究对象,以CCMD-2-R标准确定诊断。结果:共调查348例,自杀率为15.59/10万人口,年龄以20-29岁为最多,自然方式以服毒为最常见,其次为自缢。自杀原因以婚恋及人际关系为主,其次为精神疾病。结论:该市自杀率较高,应引起重视。  相似文献   

抑郁症与自杀   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
抑郁症与自杀胡泽卿刘协和曹莉萍自杀行为是抑郁症和精神分裂症的常见并发症。抑郁症病人中估计50%有自杀(commitsuicide),25%在一生中有未遂自杀,15%最终死于自杀。近年来,自杀预防已逐渐受到各国政府的重视。英国政府提出,到2000年总的...  相似文献   

目的探讨农村未遂自杀者再自杀意念的发生率及其相关因素。方法以乡镇卫生院近2年的抢救记录为调查线索,共完成74例自杀未遂者的调查,对其再自杀意念进行评定,并用SDS和FES对其抑郁症状和家庭环境进行评估,收集其一般资料。结果74例自杀未遂者中有48例(64.86%)有不同程度的再自杀意念,48例有再自杀意念者的SDS得分(42.42±7.64)明显高于26例无再自杀意念者(33.58±9.52)(t=4.35,P<0.001),有再自杀意念组的家庭亲密度、成功性、文化性、娱乐性和组织性均较无再自杀意念组差,家庭矛盾性较对照组突出。多元逐步回归分析显示,影响自杀未遂者再自杀意念的主要危险因素为:家庭成功性、SDS总分和家庭矛盾性。结论64.86%的自杀未遂者在其后的一段时期内仍存在不同程度的再自杀意念,而且再自杀意念主要与患者的家庭环境和患者的抑郁症状有关。  相似文献   

目的 为了探讨自杀危险因素 ,确定自杀高危人群 ,为有关部门制定防治自杀的措施提供科学依据。方法 采用病例 对照研究方法对 1995~ 1999年贵阳市城区 110例自杀死亡者进行了研究。结果 较差的职业、家庭关系不和、缺少社会活动及体育劳动锻炼 4项为自杀的危险因素 ,不同年龄、不同性别居民自杀的危险因素不同。结论 预防和控制自杀的着力点应放在预防和控制自杀的危险因素上。  相似文献   

Objective/backgroundA clear link between insomnia concerns and suicidal ideation has been shown in a variety of populations. These investigations failed to use a theoretical lens in understanding this relationship. Research within the veteran population has demonstrated that feelings of thwarted belongingness (TB), but not perceived burdensomeness (PB), mediate the insomnia and suicidal ideation relationship. Using two high risk samples, the present investigation replicated and extended this line of inquiry to include interpersonal hopelessness about TB, a key component of the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide.Methods/results/conclusionsUsing medical record review and survey data, study 1 replicated the finding that TB is a stronger explanatory factor of the insomnia to suicidal ideation/suicide risk relationship in a sample of N = 200 treatment-seeking active-duty personnel. Study 2 found that insomnia symptoms had an indirect effect on suicidal ideation through TB and PB but not interpersonal hopelessness in a sample of N = 151 college students with a history of suicidal thoughts and/or behaviors. TB was the only mediator of the insomnia-suicide attempt likelihood link and insomnia to clinically significant suicide risk screening status. Limitations include cross-sectional design of both studies and the lack of formal diagnoses of insomnia. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

抑郁症的自杀未遂及其危险因素分析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
为了获得抑郁症病人的自杀未遂发生率及其危险因素,采用自制的抑郁症与自杀的关系登记表和Hamilton抑郁量表,分别对符合中国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准第2版修订本的212例住院的抑郁症病人进行调查评分,然后用SPSS和PEMS软件包进行统计分析。结果:在212例抑郁症病人中发生自杀观念158例(74.5%),自杀未遂67例(31.6%)。在自杀未遂组中的自杀方式以过量服药为主(47.8%),自杀地点多在室内(77.6%)。自杀未遂组的抑郁症状评分高于无自杀行为组(t=7.27,P<0.01)。自杀与绝望感、抑郁情绪、自卑感、自知力等呈正相关。逐步回归分析发现,绝望感对自杀的影响最大,其次是抑郁情绪,再次是自卑感和自知力。提示抑郁症与自杀的关系密切,频繁出现≥3次自杀观念的抑郁症病人发生自杀行为的可能性较大。  相似文献   

Optimism has been associated with reduced suicidal ideation, but there have been few studies in patients at high suicide risk. We analyzed data from three study populations (total N = 319) with elevated risk of suicide: (1) patients with a recent acute cardiovascular event, (2) patients hospitalized for heart disease who had depression or an anxiety disorder, and (3) patients psychiatrically hospitalized for suicidal ideation or following a suicide attempt. For each study we analyzed the association between optimism (measured by the Life–Orientation Test-Revised) and suicidal ideation, and then completed an exploratory random effects meta-analysis of the findings to synthesize this data. The meta-analysis of the three studies showed that higher levels of self-reported optimism were associated with a lower likelihood of suicidal ideation (odds ratio [OR] = .89, 95% confidence interval [CI] = .85−.95, z = 3.94, p < .001), independent of age, gender, and depressive symptoms. This association held when using the subscales of the Life Orientation Test-Revised scale that measured higher optimism (OR = .84, 95% CI = .76−.92, z = 3.57, p < .001) and lower pessimism (OR = .83, 95% CI = .75−.92], z = 3.61, p < .001). These results also held when suicidal ideation was analyzed as an ordinal variable. Our findings suggest that optimism may be associated with a lower risk of suicidal ideation, above and beyond the effects of depressive symptoms, for a wide range of patients with clinical conditions that place them at elevated risk for suicide.  相似文献   

目的:研究成人癫痫患者自杀风险及相关危险因素。方法采用简明国际神经精神访谈(MINI)自杀风险模块和抑郁障碍模块对211例我院门诊的成年癫痫患者进行心理评估,并详细记录患者的年龄、性别、就业状况、婚姻、教育年限、发病年龄、病程、发作类型、发作频率、头颅M RI结果以及使用抗癫痫药种数,比较上述因素与自杀风险的关系。结果本组病例中有自杀风险的患者占21.3%(45/211),伴抑郁障碍的患者占17.1%(36/211);而伴抑郁障碍患者的自杀风险高达75.0%(27/36),非抑郁障碍患者的自杀风险达10.3%(18/175),差异有统计学意义(χ2=74.525,P<0.01)。结论伴抑郁障碍的癫痫患者自杀风险更高。  相似文献   

《European psychiatry》2014,29(8):498-502
BackgroundUnderstanding suicidal ideation may help develop more effective suicide screening and intervention programs. The interpersonal and the cognitive-deficit theories seek to describe the factors leading to suicidal behavior. In the military setting it is common to find over- and under-reporting of suicidal ideation. This study sought to determine the relationship between these two models and determine to what degree their components can indirectly predict suicidal ideation.MethodsSuicide attempters (n = 32) were compared with non-suicidal psychologically treated peers (n = 38) and controls (n = 33), matched for sex and age (mean 19.7 years). Pearson's analysis was used to quantify the relationship between the variables from the two models and hierarchal regression analysis was used to determine the explanation of suicidal ideation variance by these variables.ResultsSuicide attempters have more difficulties in problem-solving, negative emotion regulation and burdensomeness compared with their peers (P < .001). These variables are all closely correlated with each other and to suicide ideation (r > ± 0.5; P < .001). Prior suicide attempt, loneliness and burdensomeness together explain 65% (P < .001) of the variance in suicidal ideation.ConclusionsSuicidal ideation is strongly correlated with components of interpersonal and cognitive difficulties. In addition to assessing current suicidal ideation, clinicians should assess past suicide attempt, loneliness and burdensomeness.  相似文献   

目的探讨深圳市中学生自杀倾向发生率及其相关危险因素。方法采用分层整群抽样法,以中学生情绪及相关问题调查表、贝克抑郁量表和自杀行为问卷一修订版为工具对4177名中学生进行调查,结果进行多元逐步回归分析。结果自杀意念终生发生率、自杀计划发生率和自杀未遂终生发生率分别为42.40%、7.92%和1.46%。多元逐步回归分析显示:与自杀意念相关的因素为抑郁情绪、抑郁家族史、父母婚姻关系差、自杀家族史、独生子女、高年级学生和家庭经济状况差;与自杀计划相关的因素为抑郁情绪、母亲文化程度高、自杀家族史、家庭经济状况差和学习成绩差等因素;与自杀未遂相关的因素为抑郁情绪和父母婚姻关系差。结论深圳市中学生自杀倾向发生率高,抑郁情绪、父母婚姻关系差、有抑郁家族史、有自杀家族史和家庭经济状况差是发生自杀倾向的主要危险因素,应引起社会与家庭的高度重视,积极采取相应措施加以干预,尽量减少自杀发生。  相似文献   

Background: People with schizophrenia have an increased risk of suicide and attempted suicide is suggested to be an important risk factor. Aim: Our objective was to assess the cumulative survival, predictive values and odds ratios of attempted suicide for suicide in a long-term cohort of patients with schizophrenia spectrum psychosis with and without previous attempted suicide. Method: Inpatients (n=224) hospitalized with schizophrenia spectrum psychosis were followed for a mean of 25 years. All patients were followed up for causes of death. Information on suicide attempt before the end of the observation period was retrieved from medical records. Results: Eight percent died by suicide during the follow-up. Eighteen percent of suicide attempters died by suicide. Two percent of non-attempters died by suicide. There was a strong association between previous suicide attempt and suicide in men and women. Odds ratio for attempters vs. non-attempters was 10. Suicide risk was almost three times higher in male than female suicide attempters. Conclusion: Previous attempted suicide is an important risk factor for suicide in both men and women with schizophrenia spectrum psychosis, particularly in male suicide attempters. The suicide risk remains high over a long period. Continuous assessment of risk factors and appropriate treatment are crucial for this patient group to prevent suicide.  相似文献   

IntroductionParkinson's disease (PD) is a debilitating, neurodegenerative condition frequently complicated by psychiatric symptoms. Patients with PD may be at higher risk for suicide than the general population, but previous estimates are limited and conflicting. The aim of this study is to estimate the suicide rate based on the clinical case registry and to identify risk factors for suicide among patients diagnosed with PD.MethodsThe target sample consisted of 4362 patients diagnosed with PD who were evaluated at a general hospital in Seoul, South Korea, from 1996 to 2012. The standardized mortality ratio for suicide among PD patients was estimated. In order to identify the clinical correlates of suicide, case-control study was conducted based on retrospective chart review. The 29 suicide cases (age: 62.3 ± 13.7 years; females: 34.5%) were matched with 116 non-suicide controls (age: 63.5 ± 9.2 years; females 56.9%) by the year of initial PD evaluation.ResultsThe SMR for suicide in PD patients was 1.99 (95% CI 1.33–2.85). Mean duration from time of initial diagnosis to suicide among cases was 6.1 ± 3.5 years. Case-control analysis revealed that male, initial extremity of motor symptom onset, history of depressive disorder, delusion, any psychiatric disorder, and higher L-dopa dosage were significantly associated with suicide among PD patients. Other PD-related variables such as UPDRS motor score were not significantly associated with death by suicide.ConclusionSuicide risk in PD patients is approximately 2 times higher than that in the general population. Psychiatric disorders, and also L-dopa medication need further attention with respect to suicide.  相似文献   

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