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Objective: The main pathological change of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is progressive degeneration and necrosis of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain, forming a Lewy body in many of the remaining neurons. Studies have found that in transgenic Drosophila, mutations in the PTEN-inducible kinase 1 (PINK1) gene may cause indirect flight muscle defects in Drosophila, and mitochondrial structural dysfunction as well.

Methods: In this study, Wnt4 gene overexpression and knockdown were performed in PINK1 mutant PD transgenic Drosophila, and the protective effect of Wnt4 gene on PD transgenic Drosophila and its possible mechanism were explored. The Wnt4 gene was screened in the previous experiment; And by using the PD transgenic Drosophila model of the MHC-Gal4/UAS system, the PINK1 gene could be specifically activated in the Drosophila muscle tissue.

Results: In PINK1 mutation transgenic fruit flies, the Wnt4 gene to study its implication on PD transgenic fruit flies’ wing normality and flight ability. We found that overexpression of Wnt4 gene significantly reduced abnormality rate of PD transgenic Drosophila and improved its flight ability, and then, increased ATP concentration, enhanced mitochondrial membrane potential and normalized mitochondrial morphology were found. All of these findings suggested Wnt4 gene may have a protective effect on PD transgenic fruit flies. Furthermore, in Wnt4 gene overexpression PD transgenic Drosophila, down-regulation autophagy and apoptosis-related proteins Ref(2)P, Pro-Caspase3, and up-regulation of Beclin1, Atg8a, Bcl2 protein were confirmed by Western Blotting.

Conclusion: The results imply that the restoring of mitochondrial function though Wnt4 gene overexpression in the PINK1 mutant transgenic Drosophila may be related to autophagy and/or apoptosis.  相似文献   

目的 探讨浙江温岭地区帕金森病( Parkinson's disease,PD)患者PINK1基因突变和多态性分布特点,及其与PD的关系.方法 采用聚合酶链反应扩增200例PD组(早发性PD 112例、晚发性PD 88例)和220名相匹配的对照组(青年对照组68名、老年对照组152名)的PINK1基因1~8号外显子,并对扩增产物进行测序,斑点杂交法检测明确其基因型,计算其基因型频率和等位基因频率,并进行统计学分析.结果 未发现PD组和对照组出现PINK1基因外显子的缺失突变;在早发性PD组中有2例出现5号外显子杂合型突变(G12169A),发现该地区存在PINK1基因5号外显子G12164A,多态有G/G和G/A两种基因型,无A/A基因型,而G12101A多态有G/A和A/A两种基因型,无G/G基因型.PD组的PINK1基因5号外显子G12164A多态在A/A基因型频率84/200(42.0%)与对照组52/220(23.6%)相比有升高趋势(x2=4.034,P=0.045),在晚发性PD组中A/A基因型频率(40/88,45.5%)与老年对照组(32/152,21.1%)相比有升高趋势(x2=3.951,P=0.047),其余各组之间的等位基因频率比较差异均无统计学意义.结论 PINK1基因可能不是浙江温岭地区PD患者致病基因的突变热点;G12164A、G12101A连锁多态才是该地区晚发性PD患者的易患因素.  相似文献   

BackgroundVariations of α-synuclein levels have been reported in serum and plasma in Parkinson's Disease (PD) Patients.MethodsSerum and plasma were obtained from PD patients without known mutations (GU-PD, n = 124)), carriers of the A53T/G209A point mutation in the α-synuclein gene (SNCA) (n = 29), and respective age-/sex-matched controls. Levels of total α-synuclein were assessed using an in-house ELISA assay.ResultsA statistically significant increase of α-synuclein levels was found in serum, but not plasma, from GU-PD patients compared to healthy controls. A statistically significant decrease of α-synuclein levels was found in serum and plasma from symptomatic A53T mutation carriers compared to healthy controls. Plasma α-synuclein levels were modestly negatively correlated with UPDRS part III score and disease duration in A53T-PD patients.ConclusionIncreased α-synuclein levels in serum of GU-PD patients suggest a systemic deregulation of α-synuclein homeostasis in PD. The opposite results in A53T-PD highlight the complexity of α-synuclein homeostatic regulation in PD, and suggest the possibility of reduced expression of the mutant allele.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The deposition of α -synuclein ( α -syn) aggregates is a neuropathological feature of Parkinson's disease. It remains impossible to involve α-syn aggregation in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. A nucleic acid vaccine will provide a new pathway to immunotherapy for Parkinson's disease. OBJECTIVE: To construct a recombinant eukaryotic expression vector pVAX1 coding human α -syn and to observe its expression level in COS-7 cells. DESIGN AND SETTING: The present bioengineering and molecular biology experiment was performed at Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University & Chongqing Key Laboratory of Neurology. MATERIALS: The eukaryotic expression plasmid pVAXI, human embryonic brain tissue, healthy human blood cells, and COS-7 cells were purchased from Promega Company, USA. METHODS: The full-length CDS sequence of the human a -syn gene was amplified by RT-PCR, which contained restriction sites for the enzymes Kpn Ⅰ, Xba Ⅰ and Kozak consensus sequence. Then the PCR products and eukaryotic expression vector pVAX1 were digested with Kpn Ⅰ and Xba Ⅰ simultaneously, and were extracted and ligated by T4 ligase. The recombinant constructs pVAX1-h α -S1-140 were transformed into competent E. coli TOP 1 0 cells and the positive clones were screened and selected using PCR analysis, restriction digestion analysis, and DNA sequencing. The constructs were then tested for protein expression in COS-7 cells by RT-PCR and Western blotting. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Identification of an eukaryotic expression vector containing the human α -syn gene, pVAX1-h α-S1-140, and detection of the expression in mammalian cell COS-7. RESULTS: The pVAX1 vector was successfully cloned with human α -syn in the correct orientation and in-frame. The DNA vaccine constructs pVAX 1-h α-S1-140 with the human α-syn gene were shown to be expressed in COS-7 cells. Human α-syn was successfully expressed in the mammalian cell line and was detected by RT-PCR  相似文献   

Lewy bodies, the pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD), consist largely of alpha-synuclein, a 14.5-kDa presynaptic neuronal protein implicated in familial PD. An increased copy number and elevated expression of wild-type alpha-synuclein (SNCA) has been shown to cause early-onset familial PD. However, it is not clear whether increased alpha-synuclein expression also plays a role in the pathogenesis of sporadic disease. In the current study, we analyzed the levels of SNCA-mRNA in affected brains of sporadic PD patients. We compared the levels of steady state SNCA-mRNA in 7 sporadic PD brain samples and 7 normal controls using real-time polymerase chain reaction of RNA extracted from mid-brain tissue, including the substantia nigra. Despite that there is neuronal loss in the substantia nigra of PD brains, overall the SNCA-mRNA levels were increased in PD brains an average of nearly fourfold over normal control mid-brain, although there was much greater variability in samples from PD patients compared to controls. Frontal cortex samples from selected individuals were also analyzed. SNCA-mRNA levels were not significantly changed in PD frontal cortex compared to controls. These results suggest that elevated expression levels of SNCA-mRNA are found in the affected regions of PD brain and support the hypothesis that increases in alpha-synuclein expression is associated, among other factors, with the development of sporadic PD.  相似文献   

黄杰  王涛 《中国临床神经科学》2011,19(3):321-325,330
细胞的生长、分化、增殖和死亡过程都受到细胞周期的精确调控。证据表明,终末分化的有丝分裂后神经元在死亡前经历了细胞周期的激活。神经细胞周期的异常重启参与了包括帕金森病(PD)在内的许多神经退行性疾病的发病。很多研究也表明PD神经元的丢失与细胞周期及其相关分子有着密切的联系。异常重启的细胞周期以及随之表达的细胞周期蛋白能通过多种渠道启动细胞死亡。但细胞周期再激活的具体机制仍不十分明了。因此,对细胞周期调控机制和细胞周期相关分子的研究能对PD发病机制的深入探索,以及寻找新的治疗方法产生重大意义。本文将重点讨论细胞周期及细胞周期蛋白在PD发病机制中发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine if the protein kinase C inhibitor H-7 could block the effects of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) on astrocyte morphology. Contrary to expectation, H-7 alone was found to induce morphological changes very similar to those elicited by PMA. This effect was shared by two other inhibitors of protein kinase C, H-8 and staurosporine, but not by the cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase inhibitor HA-1004 or the calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase inhibitor W-7. Although the morphological effects observed with H-7 resemble those induced by PMA, H-7 did not promote the redistribution of protein kinase C to membrane or induce the phosphorylation of endogenous proteins like PMA. In addition, the effects of H-7 were still observed in cells depleted of protein kinase C activity which were no longer responsive to treatment with PMA. Cytoskeletal elements appear to be involved in the effect of H-7 on cell shape tince this effect is blocked by treatment with colchicine. Activators of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase also alter astrocyte shape, however, while H-7 did cause a slight increase in cyclic AMP levels, it was unlikely that this action is responsible for its effect on morphology. One common action of both H-7 and PMA was to decrease the32P content of several 20,000 Da proteins. While the mechanism by which H-7 exerts its influence on astrocyte morphology remains to be clarified, be it by the inhibition of protein kinase C or some other mechanism, the results suggest that caution must be used when interpreting the effects of activators and inhibitors of this kinase.  相似文献   

We have explored the survival of dopaminergic cells of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) in 6 hydroxydopamine (6OHDA)-lesioned rats with prior cortical removal. There were 35% more dopaminergic cells in the ventral sector of SNc (vSNc) of 6OHDA-lesioned rats that had prior cortical removal compared to those that did not. By contrast, there were no differences in dopaminergic cell number between these experimental groups in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the dorsal sector of SNc (dSNc). Hence, prior cortical removal in 6OHDA-lesioned rats neuroprotected vSNc—but not VTA or dSNc—dopaminergic cells from death.  相似文献   

In familial and sporadic forms of Parkinson's disease (PD), alpha-synuclein pathology is present in the brain stem nuclei and olfactory bulb (OB) long before Lewy bodies are detected in the substantia nigra. The OB is an active region of adult neurogenesis, where newly generated neurons physiologically integrate. While accumulation of wild-type alpha-synuclein is one of the pathogenic hallmarks of non-genetic forms of PD, the A30P alpha-synuclein mutation results in an earlier disease onset and a severe clinical phenotype. Here, we study the regulation of adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone (SVZ)/OB system in a tetracycline-suppressive (tet-off) transgenic model of synucleinopathies, expressing human mutant A30P alpha-synuclein under the control of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha (CaMK) promoter. In A30P transgenic mice alpha-synuclein was abundant at the site of integration in the glomerular cell layer of the OB. Without changes in proliferation in the SVZ, significantly fewer newly generated neurons were observed in the OB granule cell and glomerular layers of A30P transgenic mice than in controls, most probably due to increased cell death. By tetracycline-dependent abrogation of A30P alpha-synuclein expression, OB neurogenesis and programmed cell death was restored to control levels. Our results indicate that, using A30P conditional (tet-off) mice, A30P alpha-synuclein has a negative impact on olfactory neurogenesis and suppression of A30P alpha-synuclein enhances survival of newly generated neurons. This finding suggests that interfering with alpha-synuclein pathology can rescue newly generated neurons, possibly leading to new targets for therapeutic interventions in synucleinopathies.  相似文献   

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