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目的:研究本区良性癫痫患儿的生活质量。方法:采用患者生活质量表对70例良性癫痫儿童的生活质量进行测查评定,并与在年龄、性别、文化程度和学习成绩等方面严格匹配的70例正常儿童进行对比。结果;患儿组的生活质量明显低于正常组,与惧怕发作及长期服药等因素产生的心理障碍有关。结论:除合理的药物治疗外,应对患儿进行包括心理干预的综合治疗。  相似文献   

目的:研究本区良性癫痫患儿的生活质量。方法:采用患者生活质量表对70例良性癫痫儿童的生活质量进行测查评定,并与在年龄、性别、文化程度和学习成绩等方面严格匹配的70例正常儿童进行对比。结果:患儿组的生活质量明显低于正常组,与慎怕发作及长期服药等因素产生的心理障碍有关。结论:除合理的药物治疗外,应对患儿进行包括心理干预的综合治疗。  相似文献   

目的探讨左乙拉西坦添加治疗对学龄期难治性癫痫患儿认知功能与生活质量的影响。方法选取2013.1~2016.1在我院接受治疗的110例难治性癫痫患儿作为研究组,选取110例正常儿童作为对照组,用癫痫儿童生活质量量表(QOLCE)对研究组和对照组进行生活质量的评估和比较。患儿接受左乙拉西坦治疗8个月后,再次进行评估,与治疗前进行对比;同时比较四种不同癫痫类型患儿的治疗效果。结果简单部分性发作、复杂部分性发作、部分性继发全面性发作以及无法分类四种类型癫痫总有效率分别为90.9%、93.8%、85.7%和85.7%;研究组患儿身体各项评分均低于对照组,治疗后8个月研究组各项评分比治疗前有明显提高,其中社会功能以及认知功能得分提高幅度最为明显(P0.05)。结论使用左乙拉西坦治疗难治性癫痫患儿可以有效改善患儿的认知功能和生活质量。  相似文献   

目的探讨动态脑电图(AEEG)对典型与非典型伴中央-颞区棘波的儿童良性癫痫(BECCT)的诊断价值,并进行随访分析。方法收集伴中央-颞区棘波的儿童良性癫痫的患儿资料50例,分典型组31例,非典型组19例。所有患儿均进行AEEG检查,对检查结果进行对比分析及治疗后随访。结果清醒期EEG描记时,典型组异常放电8例(25.8%),非典型组异常放电7例(36.8%),在睡眠期EEG描记时均有异常放电。结论 AEEG对典型与非典型伴中央-颞区棘波的儿童良性癫痫均有重要的诊断价值。  相似文献   

目的观察和分析儿童癫痫患者停药后复发的高危因素。方法选取106例停药癫痫患儿为研究对象,根据随访期间是否复发将其分为复发组(28例)和非复发组(78例),对观察和比较2组起病年龄、治疗前发作频率、癫痫家族史、既往癫痫病史、发作类型、停药年龄。结果 2组治疗前发作频率、癫痫家族史、既往癫痫病史等方面的差异均有统计学意义(χ2=4.380、7.054、7.268,P0.05),Logistic多元回归分析结果显示,儿童癫痫患者停药后复发与治疗前发作频率(OR=3.006)、癫痫家族史(OR=2.615)、既往癫痫病史(OR=2.823)均具有相关性(P0.05)。结论儿童癫痫患者停药后复发与多种因素具有相关性,临床医生应对患儿的高危因素进行及时识别和有效干预,以达到降低患儿复发率、改善其生活质量的目的。  相似文献   

目的探讨神经生长因子(NGF)金路捷添加治疗对儿童难治性癫痫的近、远期疗效及生活质量的影响。方法收集难治性癫痫患儿107例,包括全身性发作、部分性发作和癫痫性痉挛各42、48、17例。维持原抗癫痫方案不变,添加金路捷4500U qd肌注4周。对患儿保持随访1年,采用儿童癫痫生活质量量表(QOLCE)进行评估。结果治疗开始3个月时癫痫治疗显效率16.8%,1年时显效率为32.3%,远期疗效优于近期疗效(χ~2=5.530,P=0.019)。金路捷对各种发作类型疗效无明显差异(P0.05)。治疗1年后,患儿癫痫儿童生活质量评分(QOLCE)较治疗前明显升高(P=0.027)。结论金路捷添加治疗对儿童难治性癫痫可能存在一定疗效,远期疗效优于近期疗效,并且可改善患儿生活质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨比较早发性儿童良性枕叶癫痫(EBOS)和晚发性儿童良性枕叶癫痫(LOS)的临床特点、脑电图改变、治疗及预后. 方法 回顾性收集整理郑州大学第五附属医院神经外科自2007年6月至2012年6月收治的60例经临床诊断为儿童良性枕叶癫痫患儿的临床资料,并按照2001年国际抗癫痫联盟(ILAE)建议分为EBOS组(28例)与LOS组(32例),分析比较2组患儿的临床表现、脑电图特点、药物治疗的有效性等. 结果 2组患儿在性别分布、热性惊厥史及癫痫家族史方面比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但EBOS组患儿的平均发病年龄明显低于LOS组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且在发作时间、发作频率、发作方式、发作伴随症状以及发作脑电图波形方面与LOS组有明显不同.EBOS组患儿中单用抗癫痫药治疗可达到控制效果的为23例,LOS组患儿为12例,治疗效果比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 EBOS与LOS在发作时间、发作频率、发作方式及发作伴随症状方面存在明显差异,这些临床特征结合发作时脑电图的波形特点可以作为区分EBOS及LOS的临床指标.  相似文献   

维生素E治疗儿童癫痫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
维生素E治疗儿童癫痫高恒山,孙建中,王天祥隐源性癫痫儿童多见,其中约20%的患儿不易被抗癫痫药物(AEDs)所控制,如加用维生素E(维E)则发作显著减少[1,2]。我院于1992年10月~1994年10月,从门诊病人中选择难以控制的癫痫患儿77例。在...  相似文献   

目的:探讨24h长程脑电图对典型与非典型儿童良性外侧裂癫痫的诊断价值。方法:采用回顾性分析方法,收集良性外侧裂癫痫的患儿资料48例,分典型组30例,非典型组18例。所有患儿均进行24h长程脑电图检查,并对检查结果进行对比分析。结果:清醒期脑电图描记时,典型组30例中,异常放电7例(23%),非典型组18例中异常放电7例(39%),在睡眠期脑电图描记时均有异常放电。结论:24h动态脑电图对典型与非典型儿童良性外侧裂癫痫均有重要诊断价值。  相似文献   

学习障碍(LD)是一组异质性综合征,指智力正常儿童在阅读、书写、拼字、表达、计算等方面的基本心理过程存在的一种或一种以上的特殊性障碍。癫痫儿童的LD分为永久性和症状依赖性两种。症状依赖性LD未经治疗可发展为永久性LD,可显著影响患儿生活质量。本文就癫痫儿童合并LD的定义和分类、流行病学情况、发病影响因素、防治现状等进行综述。  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to compare the quality of life (QoL), depression and stress between patients with malignant breast cancer and those with benign breast tumors. The present study also examined the factors related to QoL among the patients who were receiving active treatment for breast cancer. Among the 97 patients participating in the study, 73 patients were diagnosed as having malignant breast cancer (malignant group) and 24 as having benign tumors (benign group). All the participants completed the World Health Organization Questionnaire on Quality of Life to determine their QoL. The level of depression, stress, and demographic characteristics were also collected. Quality of life, depression and stress were compared between the malignant and benign groups, and the factors related to QoL were also examined. It was found that the malignant group had poorer physical and psychological QoL and higher life stress. Depression was significantly associated with QoL for both the malignant and benign groups, and the stress from health problem was the most significant predictors for QoL among the malignant group. The breast cancer patients suffered more severe psychological difficulty under active treatment than did the benign group patients. This will have great impact on their QoL, as in Western society. Depression and stress need to be recognized and aggressive psychological and/or medical intervention needs to be carried out in order to diminish the impact on QoL.  相似文献   

Various methods have recently been proposed to assess the physical, psychological or social dimensions of quality of life (QoL) in children with epilepsy (CwE) and their families. Some methods are based exclusively on parental report and others emphasize the importance of an interview with the patient himself. In children with epilepsy and severe cognitive deficit only parental report is possible in practice; however, some parental based methods to evaluate QoL in CwE have excluded children with cognitive deficit. The present pilot study explores which items are suitable for a parental-based QoL evaluation in CwE and special educational needs, and the most frequently reported parental concerns in this special population of children.  相似文献   

Various methods have recently been proposed to assess the physical, psychological or social dimensions of quality of life (QoL) in children with epilepsy (CwE) and their families. Some methods are based exclusively on parental report and others emphasize the importance of an interview with the patient himself. In children with epilepsy and severe cognitive deficit only parental report is possible in practice; however, some parental based methods to evaluate QoL in CwE have excluded children with cognitive deficit. The present pilot study explores which items are suitable for a parental-based QoL evaluation in CwE and special educational needs, and the most frequently reported parental concerns in this special population of children.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to weigh psychological state, patients' demographics, seizure-related factors, and medical comorbidity in older adults with epilepsy against the same parameters in younger adults in an attempt to identify best quality of life (QoL) predictors. The Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory for Adults (QOLIE-31) and the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) were completed by 146 patients with localization-related epilepsy. There was no statistical difference in the QOLIE-31 total score between younger and older adults. Best QoL predictors were BDI-II and seizure frequency, with BDI-II providing more than 3 times the impact of seizure frequency. BDI-II also substantively predicted most QOLIE-31 domains. Additionally, epilepsy duration positively correlated with overall QoL only among older adults. In summary, in younger as well as older adult epilepsy patients, depressive symptoms emerge as the strongest predictor of QoL. However, older adults appear to adapt better to their chronic health problem.  相似文献   

Childhood-onset epilepsy is associated with psychiatric and cognitive difficulties and with poor social outcomes in adulthood. Some antiepileptic drugs adversely affect behavior in susceptible children with easy-to-control or refractory epilepsies, contributing to a high risk of psychological and psychiatric disturbance. Studies had demonstrated that patients with benign rolandic epilepsy and absence epilepsy had more aggressive behavior, depression, and anxiety disorders than control children. Psychiatric comorbidities are strongly associated with a poor long-term health-related quality of life in childhood-onset epilepsy, which suggests that comprehensive epilepsy care must include screening and long-term treatment for these conditions, even if seizures remit.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled “NEWroscience 2013”.  相似文献   

There are difficulties inherent in measuring Quality of life (QoL) in patients with chronic illness, including agreement on definitions of quality of life and the type of measure used, disease specific or generic. Well validated QoL instruments for epilepsy exist but focus on capturing common themes pertinent to children and families as a group instead of focusing on themes important to individual patients and their families/carers. In addition, it is common for numerous items on these inventories to be left incomplete or responded to with “not applicable” since many of the items are not suitable for children with disabilities and their families. This led us to devise a way to capture individual quality-of-life measures that are linked to parental/carer expectations in families of children undergoing ketogenic diet therapy for epilepsy. As part of our routine clinical assessment, parents/carers were asked to describe what they would like to see happen or change as a result of their child being on ketogenic diet therapy. A simple unstructured form was designed to facilitate the assessment process. Parents were then asked to rate their own QoL against these criteria on a Likert scale of 0–10 prior to commencement of the diet. This assessment was repeated at subsequent visits with parents/carers initially blinded to their original responses. Our assessments indicated that ketogenic diet therapy improves quality of life over a twelve-month period when measured against parental expectations. This ideographic approach has demonstrated changes in parental Qol and parental perceptions of their child's quality of life that would not have been captured by other validated measures. A lengthy questionnaire is avoided and is replaced by a skilled supportive conversation that identifies goals for treatment that are important to parents. This helps parents to reflect on the progress their child makes on the diet by revisiting their previously stated aspirations, and assessing whether they have been achieved. This is particularly helpful for those parents who express a sense of failure or helplessness relating to their child's intractable epilepsy. As a result, future work will center on developing this approach as a clinical tool.  相似文献   

PurposeEpilepsy is not only a neurological disorder but may also have negative psychosocial consequences on people with epilepsy (PWE) and their relatives. Epilepsy has a major impact on quality of life (QoL) in PWE and family members. However, less is known about the impact of family support and family functioning on quality of life for PWE and family members and their interaction. Therefore, the study aimed to investigate factors that influence QoL in hospitalized adult patients with epilepsy and their relatives.MethodAn explorative cross-sectional study has been conducted in a tertiary clinic in Switzerland. Hospitalized adult patients with epilepsy and their relatives were enrolled in the study. Subjective QoL as well as family support and family functioning were measured with patients and family members. Patients and their relatives assessed the patients’ support need and their satisfaction with the care provided. In addition, patients were administered a disease-related HRQoL measure (QoLIED-36, Version 2).Backward stepwise multivariate linear regression analysis was used to explain variances in patients and relatives’ subjective QoL.ResultsOne hundred and four dyads of patient and family member participated. Subjective QoL in patients and family members differed significantly, as did satisfaction with care delivery. In both groups family support contributed significantly to QoL. In the models 40% of the variance in QoL in patients and relatives could be explained. While the quality of life of the family members was affected by the patients’ knowledge about the disease and the reason for their current hospitalization, patient QoL scores had no influence on the QoL of family members. The patients’ QoL, however, depended significantly on the QoL of the family members.ConclusionInterventions should address both PWE and family members and focus on the self-care improvement of PWE and the well-being and coping of family members. A patient-centred approach needs to include both the PWE and the relatives and address family support in order to alleviate stress in the patients and relatives alike.  相似文献   

The scholarly literature related to quality of life (QoL) is reviewed. Specific contributions by neurosciences nursing related to quality of life for patients and family caregivers is presented in the areas of stroke, neuro-oncology, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy. QoL information is important, as it is used in decisions concerning treatment and interventions for patients and their family members who are living with neurological conditions and their consequences.  相似文献   

目的调查癫患者的生活质量,评价心理干预对癫患者生活质量的影响。方法对60例符合入选标准的癫患者和正常对照者60例,进行癫患者生活质量量表-31(QOLIE-31中文版)评估,并对癫患者进行心理干预,干预后6个月再次进行癫患者生活质量量表-31评估。结果癫组较对照组生活质量明显降低(P<0.01)。心理干预治疗后,癫组生活质量评分明显增高(P<0.05)。结论癫患者生活质量明显下降,只有加强包括药物治疗、心理治疗在内的综合治疗,才能真正提高癫患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

The first objective of this study was to determine the quality of life of children with benign rolandic epilepsy. Secondly, this investigation aimed to predict the influence of cognition on quality of life, controlling for the emotional impact of the epilepsy on the parent. Initial recruitment was through the major electroencephalography laboratories of metropolitan Sydney. The syndrome was defined using the International League Against Epilepsy classification. Patients underwent a comprehensive cognitive assessment, and parents completed the Child Health Questionnaire, Child Behavior Checklist, and Quality of Life in Childhood Epilepsy Questionnaire. Parental emotional impact was assessed using a subscale from the Child Health Questionnaire. The cohort included 30 patients (22 males, 8 females), mean age 9.67 years. There was a higher incidence of competence problems compared with normative data. The average psychosocial score was significantly lower than normative data. Controlling for parental emotional impact, general intellectual ability predicted quality of life in the areas of self-esteem and language. Clinical variables had minimal impact and were not included in the regression models. Parental emotional impact, however, was a major independent predictor of quality of life. Quality of life may be compromised in children with benign rolandic epilepsy and is related to cognitive variables and emotional impact of the epilepsy on the parent.  相似文献   

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