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The human superior temporal sulcus (STS) has been suggested to be involved in gaze processing, but temporal data regarding this issue are lacking. We investigated this topic by combining fMRI and MEG in four normal subjects. Photographs of faces with either averted or straight eye gazes were presented and subjects passively viewed the stimuli. First, we analyzed the brain areas involved using fMRI. A group analysis revealed activation of the STS for averted compared to straight gazes, which was confirmed in all subjects. We then measured brain activity using MEG, and conducted a 3D spatial filter analysis. The STS showed higher activity in response to averted versus straight gazes during the 150–200 ms period, peaking at around 170 ms, after stimulus onset. In contrast, the fusiform gyrus, which was detected by the main effect of stimulus presentations in fMRI analysis, exhibited comparable activity across straight and averted gazes at about 170 ms. These results indicate involvement of the human STS in rapid processing of the eye gaze of another individual.  相似文献   

Dynamic facial expressions of emotions constitute natural and powerful means of social communication in daily life. A number of previous neuroimaging studies have explored the neural mechanisms underlying the processing of dynamic facial expressions, and indicated the activation of certain social brain regions (e.g., the amygdala) during such tasks. However, the activated brain regions were inconsistent across studies, and their laterality was rarely evaluated. To investigate these issues, we measured brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging in a relatively large sample (n = 51) during the observation of dynamic facial expressions of anger and happiness and their corresponding dynamic mosaic images. The observation of dynamic facial expressions, compared with dynamic mosaics, elicited stronger activity in the bilateral posterior cortices, including the inferior occipital gyri, fusiform gyri, and superior temporal sulci. The dynamic facial expressions also activated bilateral limbic regions, including the amygdalae and ventromedial prefrontal cortices, more strongly versus mosaics. In the same manner, activation was found in the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and left cerebellum. Laterality analyses comparing original and flipped images revealed right hemispheric dominance in the superior temporal sulcus and IFG and left hemispheric dominance in the cerebellum. These results indicated that the neural mechanisms underlying processing of dynamic facial expressions include widespread social brain regions associated with perceptual, emotional, and motor functions, and include a clearly lateralized (right cortical and left cerebellar) network like that involved in language processing.  相似文献   

Debate continues over whether the inferior occipital gyrus (IOG) or the fusiform gyrus (FG) represents the first stage of face processing and what role these brain regions play. We investigated this issue by combining functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) in normal adults. Participants passively observed upright and inverted faces and houses. First, we identified the IOG and FG as face‐specific regions using fMRI. We applied beamforming source reconstruction and time–frequency analysis to MEG source signals to reveal the time course of gamma‐band activations in these regions. The results revealed that the right IOG showed higher gamma‐band activation in response to upright faces than to upright houses at 100 ms from the stimulus onset. Subsequently, the right FG showed greater gamma‐band response to upright faces versus upright houses at around 170 ms. The gamma‐band activation in the right IOG and right FG was larger in response to inverted faces than to upright faces at the later time window. These results suggest that (1) the gamma‐band activities occurs rapidly first in the IOG and next in the FG and (2) the gamma‐band activity in the right IOG at later time stages is involved in configuration processing for faces. Hum Brain Mapp 38:2067–2079, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Many studies have suggested that the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), particularly in the dominant hemisphere, is crucially involved in numerical comparisons. However, this parietal structure has been found to be involved in other tasks that require spatial processing or visuospatial attention as well. fMRI was used to investigate three different magnitude comparisons in an event-related-block design: (a) Which digit is larger in numerical value (e.g., 2 or 5)? (b) Which digit is brighter (e.g., 3 or 3)? (c) Which digit is physically larger (e.g., 3 or 3)? Results indicate a widespread cortical network including a bilateral activation of the intraparietal sulci for all different comparisons. However, by computing contrasts of brain activation between the respective comparison conditions and applying a cortical distance effect as an additional criterion, number-specific activation was revealed in left IPS and right temporal regions. These results indicate that there are both commonalities and differences in the spatial layout of the brain systems for numerical and physical comparisons and that especially the left IPS, while involved in magnitude comparison in general, plays a special role in number comparison.  相似文献   

The Geschwind-Behan-Galaburda (GBG) hypothesis links cerebral lateralisation with prenatal testosterone exposure. Digit ratio measures in adults have been established as potential markers of foetal sex hormonal milieu. The aim of the study was to evaluate the sex-dependent interaction of digit ratio measures and cerebral lateralization as well as their neurohemodynamic correlates using functional MRI (fMRI). Digit ratio measures—ratio of index finger (2D) length to ring finger (4D) length (2D:4D) and difference between 2D:4D of two hands, i.e., right minus left (DR–L)—were calculated using high resolution digital images in 70 right-handed participants (42 men) based on reliable and valid method. fMRI was acquired during the performance of a spatial working memory task in a subset of 25 individuals (14 men), and analysed using Statistical Parametric Mapping 8 (SPM8) and the Laterality Index toolbox for SPM8. Men had significantly less bilateral 2D:4D than women. There was a significant negative correlation between right 2D:4D and 2-Back task accuracy (2BACC) in women. A significant sex-by-right 2D:4D interaction was observed in left parahippocampal gyrus activation. Additionally, sex-by-DR–L interaction was observed in left IPL activation. DR–L showed a significant positive correlation with the whole brain Laterality Index (LI), and LI, in turn, demonstrated a significant negative correlation with 2BACC. Our study observations suggest several novel sex-differential relationships between 2D:4D measures and fMRI activation during spatial working memory task performance. Given the pre-existing background data supporting digit ratio measures as putative indicator of prenatal sex hormonal milieu, our study findings add support to the Geschwind-Behan-Galaburda (GBG) hypothesis.  相似文献   



22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS, velo-cardio-facial syndrome [VCFS]) is a genetic disorder associated with interstitial deletions of chromosome 22q11.2. In addition to high rates of neuropsychiatric disorders, children with 22q11DS have impairments of face processing, as well as IQ-independent deficits in visuoperceptual function and social and abstract reasoning. These face-processing deficits may contribute to the social impairments of 22q11DS. However, their neurobiological basis is poorly understood.


We used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine neural responses when children with 22q11DS (aged 9–17 years) and healthy controls (aged 8–17 years) incidentally processed neutral expressions and mild (50%) and intense (100%) expressions of fear and disgust. We included 28 right-handed children and adolescents: 14 with 22q11DS and 14 healthy (including nine siblings) controls.


Within groups, contrasts showed that individuals significantly activated ‘face responsive’ areas when viewing neutral faces, including fusiform-extrastriate cortices. Further, within both groups, there was a significant positive linear trend in activation of fusiform-extrastriate cortices and cerebellum to increasing intensities of fear. There were, however, also between-group differences. Children with 22q11DS generally showed reduced activity as compared to controls in brain regions involved in social cognition and emotion processing across emotion types and intensities, including fusiform-extrastriate cortices, anterior cingulate cortex (Brodmann area (BA) 24/32), and superomedial prefrontal cortices (BA 6). Also, an exploratory correlation analysis showed that within 22q11DS children reduced activation was associated with behavioural impairment—social difficulties (measured using the Total Difficulties Score from the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire [SDQ]) were significantly negatively correlated with brain activity during fear and disgust processing (respectively) in the left precentral gyrus (BA 4) and in the left fusiform gyrus (FG, BA 19), right lingual gyrus (BA 18), and bilateral cerebellum.


Regions involved in face processing, including fusiform-extrastriate cortices, anterior cingulate gyri, and superomedial prefrontal cortices (BA 6), are activated by facial expressions of fearful, disgusted, and neutral expressions in children with 22q11DS but generally to a lesser degree than in controls. Hypoactivation in these regions may partly explain the social impairments of children with 22q11DS.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1866-1955-7-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

During narrative comprehension, readers understand the emotions of the protagonist by taking the perspective of the character, which is an essential component of empathy. Spatial perspective-taking is crucial to understanding the standpoints and perceptions of others, and gives clues as to what the protagonist knows. As a default, a “here and now” point-of-view is adopted to make sense of the narrative. If the protagonist is in a different location while an event takes place (“there and now”), in order to comprehend the narrative the reader must take an allocentric perspective, which places greater demands on spatial perspective-taking. Utilizing this phenomenon, we evaluated the neural substrates of perspective-taking in emotional narrative comprehension using functional MRI in 18 normal adults. The subjects read short stories followed by a target sentence, which described an event that might evoke an emotional response in the protagonist if the character were present. The stories involved a scenario in which the character was either present at the same location (“here and now”) or at a distant location (“there and now”) during the event. The “there and now” scenario activated the posterior cingulate cortex and the right temporo-parietal junction more prominently than the “here and now” condition. In contrast to the control tasks, both scenarios activated the well-known mentalizing network including the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, temporal pole, posterior cingulate cortex and temporo-parietal junction. Along with the mentalizing network, the posterior cingulate cortex and the right temporo-parietal junction are involved in spatial perspective-taking during emotional narrative comprehension.  相似文献   

This study compared the patterns of sensory processing among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and children without disabilities. Parents reported on the frequency of sensory processing issues by completing the Chinese Sensory Profile (CSP). Children with disabilities (ASD or ADHD) exhibited significantly more sensory processing issues than children without disabilities. The results of GLM and discriminant analyses showed that the CSP effectively differentiated between children with and without developmental disabilities. But it failed to identify major differences in sensory processing issues between children with either ASD or ADHD. Sensory processing issues could be one of many criteria that characterize and differentiate the features of children with different developmental disabilities. Although no significant gender differences in sensory processing issues appeared, age was a significant cofounding factor in evaluating sensory processing. Children without disabilities showed some small decreases in sensory processing issues as they aged from 6 to 12 years old. Children with ASD showed some decrease in sensory processing issues over the span of their childhood, while children with ADHD showed a significant increase in auditory processing issues as well as small increases in many aspects of sensory processing.  相似文献   



Electrical stimulation of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve (ABVN) via transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) may influence afferent vagal networks. There have been 5 prior taVNS/fMRI studies, with inconsistent findings due to variability in stimulation targets and parameters.


We developed a taVNS/fMRI system to enable concurrent electrical stimulation and fMRI acquisition to compare the effects of taVNS in relation to control stimulation.


We enrolled 17 healthy adults in this single-blind, crossover taVNS/fMRI trial. Based on parameters shown to affect heart rate in healthy volunteers, participants received either left tragus (active) or earlobe (control) stimulation at 500?μs 25?HZ for 60?s (repeated 3 times over 6?min). Whole brain fMRI analysis was performed exploring the effect of: active stimulation, control stimulation, and the comparison. Region of interest analysis of the midbrain and brainstem was also conducted.


Active stimulation produced significant increased BOLD signal in the contralateral postcentral gyrus, bilateral insula, frontal cortex, right operculum, and left cerebellum. Control stimulation produced BOLD signal activation in the contralateral postcentral gyrus. In the active vs. control contrast, tragus stimulation produced significantly greater BOLD increases in the right caudate, bilateral anterior cingulate, cerebellum, left prefrontal cortex, and mid-cingulate.


Stimulation of the tragus activates the cerebral afferents of the vagal pathway and combined with our review of the literature suggest that taVNS is a promising form of VNS. Future taVNS/fMRI studies should systematically explore various parameters and alternative stimulation targets aimed to optimize this novel form of neuromodulation.  相似文献   

We sought to determine whether the neural traces of a previous cognitive developmental stage could be evidenced in young adults. In order to do so, 12 young adults underwent two functional imaging acquisitions (EEG then fMRI). During each session, two experimental conditions were applied: a Piaget-like task with number/length interference (INT), and a reference task with number/length covariation (COV). To succeed at Piaget's numerical task, which children under the age of 7 years usually fail, the subjects had to inhibit a misleading strategy, namely, the visuospatial length-equals-number bias, a quantification heuristic that is often relevant and that continues to be used through adulthood. Behavioral data confirmed that although there was an automation in the young adult subjects as assessed by the very high number of accurate responses (>97%), the inhibition of the "length equals number strategy" had a cognitive cost, as the reaction times were significantly higher in INT than in COV (with a difference of 230 ms). The event-related potential results acquired during the first session showed electrophysiological markers of the cognitive inhibition of the number/length interference. Indeed, the frontal N2 was greater during INT than during COV, and a P3(late)/P6 was detected only during INT. During the fMRI session, a greater activation of unimodal areas (the right middle and superior occipital cortex) and in the ventral route (the left inferior temporal cortex) was observed in INT than in COV. These results seem to indicate that when fully automated in adults, inhibition processes might take place in unimodal areas.  相似文献   

Neuroticism is a robust personality trait that constitutes a risk factor for mood disorders. Neuroimaging findings related to neuroticism have been inconsistent across studies and hardly integrated in order to construct a model of the underlying neural correlates of neuroticism. The aim of the current meta-analysis was to provide a quantitative summary of the literature, using a parametric coordinate-based meta-analysis (PCM) approach. Data were pooled for emotion processing tasks investigating the contrasts (negative > neutral) and (positive > neutral) to identify brain regions that are consistently associated with neuroticism across studies. Significant negative and positive correlations with neuroticism were found only for the contrast (negative > neutral) after multiple comparisons correction. Differences in brain activation were found to be associated with neuroticism during fear learning, anticipation of aversive stimuli and the processing and regulation of emotion. The relationship between neuroticism and these three psychological processes and their corresponding neural correlates is discussed. Furthermore, the meta-analytic findings are incorporated into a general model of emotion processing in neuroticism.  相似文献   

Sensory processing and higher integrative functions impairments are highly prevalent in children with ASD. Context should be considered in analyzing the sensory profile and higher integrative functions. The main objective of this study is to compare sensory processing, social participation and praxis in a group of 79 children (65 males and 14 females) from 5 to 8 years of age (M = 6.09) divided into two groups: ASD Group (n = 41) and Comparison Group (n = 38). The Sensory Processing Measure (SPM) was used to evaluate the sensory profile of the children: parents reported information about their children's characteristics in the home environment, and teachers reported information about the same characteristics in the classroom environment. The ASD Group obtained scores that indicate higher levels of dysfunction on all the assessed measures in both environments, with the greatest differences obtained on the social participation and praxis variables. The most affected sensory modalities in the ASD Group were hearing and touch. Only in the ASD Group were significant differences found between the information reported by parents and what was reported by teachers: specifically, the teachers reported greater dysfunction than the parents in social participation (p = .000), touch (p = .003) and praxis (p = .010). These results suggest that the context-specific qualities found in children with ASD point out the need to receive information from both parents and teachers during the sensory profile assessment process, and use context-specific assessments.  相似文献   

Multiparametric quantitative blood oxygenation level dependent (mqBOLD) magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) approach allows mapping tissular oxygen saturation (StO2) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2). To identify hemodynamic alteration related to severe intracranial arterial stenosis (SIAS), functional MRI of cerebrovascular reserve (CVR BOLD fMRI) to hypercapnia has been proposed. Diffusion imaging suggests chronic low grade ischemia in patients with impaired CVR. The aim of the present study was to evaluate how oxygen parameters (StO2 and CMRO2), assessed with mqBOLD approach, correlate with CVR in patients (n = 12) with SIAS and without arterial occlusion. The perfusion (dynamic susceptibility contrast), oxygenation, and CVR were compared. The MRI protocol conducted at 3T lasted approximately 1 h. Regions of interest measures on maps were delineated on segmented gray matter (GM) of middle cerebral artery territories. We have shown that decreased CVR is spatially associated with decreased CMRO2 in GM of patients with SIAS. Further, the degree of ipsilateral CVR reduction was well‐correlated with the amplitude of the CMRO2 deficit. The altered CMRO2 suggests the presence of a moderate ischemia explained by both a decrease in perfusion and in CVR. CVR and mqBOLD method may be helpful in the selection of patients with SIAS to advocate for medical therapy or percutaneous transluminal angioplasty‐stenting. Hum Brain Mapp 36:695–706, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Pain perception and the ability to modulate arising pain vary tremendously between individuals. It has been shown that endurance athletes possess higher pain tolerance thresholds and a greater effect of conditioned pain modulation than nonathletes, both indicating a more efficient system of endogenous pain inhibition. The aim of the present study was to focus on the neural mechanisms of pain processing in endurance athletes that have not been investigated yet. Therefore, we analyzed the pain processing of 18 male athletes and 19 healthy male nonathletes using functional magnetic resonance imaging. We found lower pain ratings in endurance athletes compared to nonathletes to physically identical painful stimulation. Furthermore, brain activations of athletes versus nonathletes during painful heat stimulation revealed reduced activation in several brain regions that are typically activated by nociceptive stimulation. This included the thalamus, primary and secondary somatosensory cortex, insula, anterior cingulate cortex, midcingulate cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and brain stem (BS). Functional connectivity analyses revealed stronger network during painful heat stimulation in athletes between the analyzed brain regions except for connections with the BS that showed reduced functional connectivity in athletes. Post hoc correlation analyses revealed associations of the subject''s fitness level and the brain activation strengths, subject''s fitness level and functional connectivity, and brain activation strengths and functional connectivity. Together, our results demonstrate for the first time that endurance athletes do not only differ in behavioral variables compared to nonathletes, but also in the neural processing of pain elicited by noxious heat.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo characterize the spatiotemporal dynamics of auditory and picture naming-related cortical activation in Japanese-speaking patients.MethodsTen patients were assigned auditory naming and picture naming tasks during extraoperative intracranial EEG recording in a tertiary epilepsy center. Time-frequency analysis determined at what electrode sites and at what time windows during each task the amplitude of high-gamma activity (65–95 Hz) was modulated.ResultsThe superior-temporal gyrus on each hemisphere showed high-gamma augmentation during sentence listening, whereas the left middle-temporal and inferior-frontal gyri showed high-gamma augmentation peaking around stimulus offset. Auditory naming-specific high-gamma augmentation was noted in the bilateral superior-temporal gyri as well as left frontal-parietal-temporal perisylvian network regions, whereas picture naming-specific augmentation was noted in the occipital-fusiform regions, bilaterally. The inferior pre- and postcentral gyri on each hemisphere showed modality-common high-gamma augmentation time-locked to overt responses.ConclusionsThe spatiotemporal dynamics of auditory and picture naming-related high-gamma augmentation in Japanese-speaking patients were qualitatively similar to those previously reported in studies of English-speaking patients.SignificanceThe cortical dynamics for auditory sentence recognition are at least partly shared by cohorts speaking two distinct languages. Multicenter studies regarding the clinical utility of high-gamma language mapping across Eastern and Western hemispheres may be feasible.  相似文献   

PURPOSEThe aim of this systematic review was to investigate the evidence of abnormal functioning of the mirror neuron system (MNS) in children and adults with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), through examination of imitation, motor imagery, and neuroimaging literature.METHODSThe following databases were comprehensively searched for relevant articles: CINAHL Plus, Embase, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Pubmed, and Web of Science. Full-text articles of all potentially relevant citations were obtained and assessed for eligibility by two authors. Outcome measures of interest at a motor behaviour level were any measures of imitation or motor imagery proficiency and, at a neurological level, were any measures of neural activity in MNS brain regions. Due to differences in outcome measures between studies and the variables reported, a narrative review was undertaken to synthesise findings from the studies.RESULTSOverall, 31 articles met the inclusion criteria. Children and adults with DCD display deficits imitating meaningful and novel gestures and demonstrate different response patterns to controls when undertaking complex motor imagery tasks. Children with DCD present reduced activation and connectivity of frontal, parietal, and temporal MNS regions.CONCLUSIONSPreliminary evidence indicates some deficit in the functioning of the MNS at a motor behaviour and neurological level. As no published neuroimaging studies have been designed specifically to explore MNS function, these results must be interpreted with caution. Further research to explore the MNS hypothesis in greater detail, particularly from a neuroimaging perspective, has the potential to provide information on the underlying mechanisms of DCD, inform future research into the aetiology of this disorder, and inform intervention approaches.  相似文献   

Electroencephalography (EEG) remains an essential diagnostic tool for people with epilepsy (PWE). The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology produces new guidelines as an educational service for clinicians to address gaps in knowledge in clinical neurophysiology. The current guideline was prepared in response to gaps present in epilepsy-related neurophysiological assessment and is not intended to replace sound clinical judgement in the care of PWE. Furthermore, addressing specific pathophysiological conditions of the brain that produce epilepsy is of primary importance though is beyond the scope of this guideline. Instead, our goal is to summarize the scientific evidence for the utility of EEG when diagnosing and monitoring PWE.  相似文献   

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