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美国神经外科住院医师培训制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神经外科医生不但要熟练掌握必需的临床技能,还要熟悉相关的基础、专业知识,所以神经外科医生的培养非常重要。国外的神经外科专业发展较早,已建立了较完善的专科医师培训制度,现将美国的神经外科住院医师培训制度做一综述,以兹参考和借鉴。1 住院医师的申请与选拔美国每所医学院校每年招收1~2名住院医师进行神经外科培训,要求申请者按规定完成4年的医学教育,获得医学博士学位(M.D.),并在医学院校所在地区取得行医资格。选拔过程于每年的1月按照神经外科住院医师选拔计划(Neurosurgery Residency Matching Program,NSMP)进行。申请者…  相似文献   

正随着临床医学的不断深入发展,临床专科医师的培训成为一项必要的和复杂的系统工程;世界各主要发达国家都已经建立了符合各自国情的一套完整的专科医师培养体系。我国在不断完善临床住院医师正规培训的基础上,已经开始临床专科医师的正规化培训。本文通过介绍美国对于儿童神经外科医师的专科培训情况,分析我国儿童神经外科专科医师培训的现状并提出相关的建议。  相似文献   

一 神经外科住院医师培训课程指导纲要 最近美国CNS 教育委员会在网上发表了“理想的”神经外科住院医师课程指导纲要,分为基础、普通和专业三大部分。每一部分中又分为低、中、高三个档次(Resident Curriculum Guidelines for Neurosurgery,下载网址: http: //www.neurosurgery.org/resident/curriculum/index.html#intro)。 这一纲要的发表对我国神经外科的教育有所启发和帮助。相信不久我国神经外科学界会尽快成立学会下属的神经外科教育专家委员会,专门研究神经外科住院医师教育的最低要求以及理想的专业教育大纲、考核方…  相似文献   

立体定向放射外科(SRS)是神经外科的一个重要组成部分,治疗神经外科疾病的适应证不断扩大。从技术诞生至今,神经外科医师一直占主导地位。但SRS技术不仅在发达国家神经外科专科医师的培训中明显不足,在国内神经外科专业从业人员关于SRS的培训基本上为零。神经外科专科医师应该掌握SRS基本原理,了解SRS的适应证、禁忌症,治疗流程,并发症的认识及处理等。本人对几个发达国家的培训现状做一阐述,并建议国内有关部门能在神经外科专科医师规范化培训中加入SRS相关内容,塑造高素质、高层次的神经外科专业人才,更好服务于广大患者。  相似文献   

正广东三九脑科医院神经外五科为由国内著名神经外科专家、广东三九脑科医院院长朱丹直接参与临床指导工作,在神经外科专家鲁明带领下,拥有一支团结协作、务实创新的技术团队。学科开设床位72张,医师15人,其中主任医师、副主任医师4人,主治医师8人,医师3人,均具有研究生以上学历;另有医师助理1人,主任助理3人以及护士31人。学科为神经外科住院医师规范化培训协同基地之一。  相似文献   

法医精神病学专业人员培训计划应该建立在精冲病学住院医师培训计划之上,并且是得到医学研究生教育资格评审委员会认可的住院医师培训计划。  相似文献   

美国住院医师制度相对成熟,我国虽然起步较晚,但也在不断完善。本文结合自身经历,分析美国神经内科住院医师培训的特点,旨在取长补短,为我国的医师培训提供参考。  相似文献   

正中山大学附属第一医院神经外科是国家临床重点专科、国家神经外科住院医师培训基地、国家神经外科专科医师培训基地、国家神经外科专科医师师资培训基地和广东省县级医院学科带头人培训基地,是广东省医师协会神经外科分会主任委员、中华医学会神经外科分会委员单位,连续3年获得复旦大学最佳神经外科专科提名。现有床位120张,设置神经肿瘤、颅底、神经功能、脑血管、小儿神经外科、脊髓脊柱和外伤专  相似文献   

不断提高神经外科的整体水平,培养适应新世纪需要的神经外科专科医师,谋求为13亿人健康服务,使神经外科迈向世界先进行列,这是当代神经外科工作者的历史使命和社会责任.专科医师培养和准入制度是国际医学界公认的医学生毕业后教育制度,我国从20世纪90年代初全面推行该培训体系和制度,但尚未建立统一、规范、完整的神经外科专科医师培训体系和准入标准.为了全面培养和提高我国神经外科专科医师的水准,建立与国际标准接轨的神经外科专科医师培训制度和准入制度体系,在王忠诚院士倡导和呼吁下,在卫生部及北京市政府的支持下,北京神经外科学院于2004年6月成立,作为卫生部神经外科专科医师培训试点,学院当年成立、当年招生,迄今已迈入第8个年头,现将所做工作做一回顾与总结.  相似文献   

北京神经外科学院是经卫生部批准的、我国第一所神经外科专科医师培训学院,它以首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院和北京市神经外科研究所作为临床和应用研究培训基地,是集教学、临床、科研、人才培养和学术交流为一体的神经外科专业学术机构。其核心任务是神经外科专科医师培训,同时作为卫生部开展专科医师培训和准入制度改革的试点单位。  相似文献   

Factors predictive of neurosurgery resident or applicant choice of an academic career compared to private practice are highly desired and difficult to discern. Neither medical school choice, student induction to faculty membership, age nor gender predict academic versus private practice choice among neurosurgery residents. This study was performed to examine the role of pre-residency peer-reviewed publications (PRP) in post-residency career choice. Over five years (2001–05) the number of PRP prior to onset of residency of 422 graduates from 79 neurosurgery residency programs certified by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education was retrospectively examined. The number of publications until the end of the calendar year prior to the start of residency was determined using PubMed (www.pubmed.org). This number was then correlated with the choice of an academic or private practice neurosurgery career. A minority of graduates (46.2%) chose academic neurosurgery careers, 32.2% of graduates had at least one PRP at the time of application to neurosurgery residency, with 16.4% having more than one. A total of 41.6% of graduates with no PRP chose academic careers, compared to 53.7% with one PRP, and 58.0% with more than one. With regard to choice of academic career, the difference between no PRP and at least one were statistically significant (p < 0.01), but not between one PRP and more than one. Graduates with at least one PRP were 1.34 times more likely to choose an academic career than graduates with no PRP. Therefore, peer-reviewed PRP are strongly associated with resident choice of an academic over private practice neurosurgery career. This information might be useful in predicting the career choices of neurosurgery residents and residency applicants.  相似文献   

The major goal of the program is to provide residents with the opportunity to gain the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to enable them to provide exemplary health care to people with neurological disease. The program will facilitate learning through an atmosphere of collegiality and mutual respect that fosters active communication between residents and faculty. We will stress the pursuit of excellence in clinical neurology and encourage the development of a deeper interest in the academic aspects of the discipline. We will endeavor to create a level of excitement that will stimulate our residents to seek further education and pursue careers in academic neurology. Our program aims to serve both the present and future requirements of our patients and our discipline. The program consists of 24 months of internal medicine and other clinical rotations; 12 months of clinical and basic neuroscience research including neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neuroradiology, neuro-rehabilitation and neurogenetics; 24 months of clinical neurology including the primary care of inpatients on the neurology ward, the assessment of emergency department, and neurological consultation; and 12 months of residency as a senior neurology resident consultant in inpatient and outpatient settings with responsibility for teaching and supervising junior residents.  相似文献   

Extraordinary economic forces are influencing graduate medical education in this country. Federal, state, and third party cost containment efforts, managed care, medical student loan indebtedness, and decreasing governmental and industry enthusiasm to support residency training are producing significant external pressures on academic health centers, recruitment into psychiatry, and on the practice of psychiatry. Other pressures on the psychiatry residency curriculum are being generated from the rapid expansion in our scientific knowledge base in clinical psychiatry and the influence of subspecialization. The future psychiatrist will be trained for a life long career in continuing education to accommodate for the explosive scientific contributions to our field. The residency training program will promote the ability to think scientifically, to teach others, to administrate and lead, and to achieve clinical competence in a more rigorous fashion. Regardless of the number and forms of emerging practice settings, it is best to train our residents for flexibility through emphasizing fundamental clinical and scientific excellence.  相似文献   

Money, or lack of it, is but one, albeit very important, threat to academic neurosurgery. This review has rambled over some of the other minefields and self-inflicted hurdles. The path of academic progress is long and tortuous. Time has to be found in neurosurgery to examine critically the opportunities and threats posed by a changing world to our goals of establishing standards of patient care, research, and the flexible training of the next generation.  相似文献   

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all aspects of neurosurgery education, and it is now challenging to conduct routine sessions. Maintenance of essential standard education among novice neurosurgeons during the pandemic is of paramount importance. The aim of this study was the development of virtual modules and validation of its role to supplement the neurosurgery education program. We developed the virtual modules relevant to neuro-anatomy, neurosurgical procedures, instrumentation, and neurosurgical planning. These modules were virtually demonstrated to twenty-seven resident neurosurgeons through Cisco Webex online platform. They provided their rating on the aptness of virtual modules for different neurosurgery applications on various parameters using 10 points Likert scale. The parameters included quality, learning, confidence building capacity, usefulness, and overall satisfaction. The results obtained for each module were analysed and the average score was used for the comparison. The highest rating on quality was obtained by the neurosurgical instrumentation module. The highest rating for learning and confidence building capacity was given to neurosurgical procedure animation. The usefulness and overall satisfaction were highly rated for neurosurgical planning module. The results show that developed virtual modules provide an effective method to supplement the neurosurgery education program in the current scenario involving physical distancing and shift rearrangements. These virtual modules help in limiting the visits to operation room, anatomy and surgical training labs, and allow residents to learn online at their pace.  相似文献   

Nearly 75 years after the first woman neurosurgeon was trained in Latin America, the field of neurosurgery is changing and the prominence of women neurosurgeons within the specialty is increasing. By researching the histories of individual physicians and neurosurgeons, as well as neurosurgical departments and societies, we present, for the first time, the history of the women in neurosurgery in Latin America. Women neurosurgeons in the region have made notable progress, inspiring subsequent generations and actively participating in organized neurosurgery, medical leadership outside neurosurgery, academic neurosurgery, and leadership in contemporary society. The establishment of “Women in Neurosurgery” networks and organizations has been important to the success of many of these efforts. This collaborative study, which identifies the known women neurosurgeons in Latin America for the first time, may serve to provide background and context for further contributions of women neurosurgeons for our profession and our patients.  相似文献   

Daunting obstacles to the development of careers in academic medicine represent the most important threat to the future of academic neurology. The Long Range Planning Committee of the American Neurological Association has for the past 2 years considered what practical methods might be undertaken to enhance the attractiveness of careers as neurologist investigators and to ensure that aspiring clinician-scientists are encouraged and retained. The deliberations have resulted in several recommendations. First, a plan has been developed to introduce flexibility during residency training in neurology. This will permit trainees who plan careers in academic medicine to have a substantial exposure to research during residency, shortening the subsequent transition to independent careers. Second, the American Neurological Association will create an annual course in clinical neuroscience research, to be held each summer for academically oriented residents. Improved mentoring and career guidance was identified as a third priority, addressed in part by the development of several new courses for trainees and mentors. Finally, planning is under way for a new postresidency training program in clinical research that will link small and large departments of neurology. Beyond these recommendations, the entire continuum of training for physician-scientists should be reexamined, from the first days of college to the successful launch as independent investigators. The development of additional demonstration projects to improve the quality and reduce the total length of training would be highly desirable.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo quantify the surgical experience acquired by residents in the neurosurgery specialisation programme over a 6-month period.Materials and methodsA total of 13 residents enrolled in the neurosurgery specialisation programme from February 2018 to July 2018. Over this period, the procedures residents were involved in and the role they played were documented in the Electronic Neurosurgical Register. Residents who withdrew from the specialisation program were excluded.ResultsA total of 530 procedures were performed during the study period. Observational learning and supervised practice are conducted primarily in the first and fifth years of residence, during which residents begin their training in emergency and elective surgeries, respectively. Residents are then able to independently perform emergency surgeries during the second and third years, and elective surgeries in the sixth year. Residents are able to instruct less experienced surgeons in the fourth year.ConclusionsThe Electronic Neurosurgical Register is an innovative technological tool that supports the fields of care, teaching and research. It records the exact number of patients who have undergone surgery at a particular time, providing valuable information for the proper management of resources. The data obtained can be used to identify areas of opportunity in the training of residents, facilitating the development of continuous improvement strategies in the training of competent neurosurgeons.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors describe a pilot program allowing psychiatric residents to participate in neurobiological evaluations of patients with Axis I disorders. The program aimed to familiarize residents with available tools for assessing cognitive and neuroanatomical abnormalities in psychiatric patients and to foster greater interest among residents in correlating psychiatric symptoms with abnormalities in neural structures and pathways. METHODS: Residents meet weekly with a faculty mentor to plan and construct a neurobiological formulation. Residents review the salient literature on the Axis I condition present in a patient of their choosing. The patient undergoes neuroanatomical, physiological, and cognitive testing relevant to his disorder. The resident then integrates the findings from this testing with the patient's clinical presentation. Using a questionnaire, the authors obtain feedback from residents based on residents' experiences with this didactic program. RESULTS: Residents felt they obtained a greater appreciation and understanding of the relevance of neuroanatomical and neurophysiological abnormalities and testing in clinical psychiatry. The project was well received and residents rated it highly for its educational value. CONCLUSION: Neurobiological formulations offer a new educational method to foster knowledge and interest among psychiatric residents about the importance of neuroscience in clinical practice.  相似文献   

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