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Schwann cell transplantation and hyperbaric oxygen therapy each promote recovery from spinal cord injury, but it remains unclear whether their combination improves therapeutic results more than monotherapy. To investigate this, we used Schwann cell transplantation via the tail vein, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or their combination, in rat models of spinal cord contusion injury. The combined treatment was more effective in improving hindlimb motor function than either treatment alone; injured spinal tissue showed a greater number of neurite-like structures in the injured spinal tissue, somatosensory and motor evoked potential latencies were notably shorter, and their amplitudes greater, after combination therapy than after monotherapy. These findings indicate that Schwann cell transplantation combined with hyperbaric oxygen therapy is more effective than either treatment alone in promoting the recovery of spinal cord in rats after injury.  相似文献   

The repair effects of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation on nervous system damage are not satisfactory. Propofol has been shown to protect against spinal cord injury. Therefore, this study sought to explore the therapeutic effects of their combination on spinal cord injury. Rat models of spinal cord injury were established using the weight drop method. Rats were subjected to bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation via tail vein injection and/or propofol injection via tail vein using an infusion pump. Four weeks after cell transplantation and/or propofol treatment, the cavity within the spinal cord was reduced. The numbers of PKH-26-positive cells and horseradish peroxidase-positive nerve fibers apparently increased in the spinal cord. Latencies of somatosensory evoked potentials and motor evoked potentials in the hindlimb were noticeably shortened, amplitude was increased and hindlimb motor function was obviously improved. Moreover, the combined effects were better than cell transplantation or propofol injection alone. The above data suggest that the combination of propofol injection and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation can effectively improve hindlimb electrophysiological function, promote the recovery of motor funtion, and play a neuroprotective role in spinal cord injury in rats.  相似文献   

Propofol is a neuroprotective anesthetic. Whether propofol can promote spinal cord injury repair by bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells remains poorly understood. We used rats to investigate spinal cord injury repair using bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation combined with propofol administration via the tail vein. Rat spinal cord injury was clearly alleviated; a large number of newborn non-myelinated and myelinated nerve fibers appeared in the spinal cord, the numbers of CM-Dil-labeled bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and fluorogold-labeled nerve fibers were increased and hindlimb motor function of spinal cord-injured rats was markedly improved. These improvements were more prominent in rats subjected to bone marrow mesenchymal cell transplantation combined with propofol administration than in rats receiving monotherapy. These results indicate that propofol can enhance the therapeutic effects of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation on spinal cord injury in rats.  相似文献   

An important factor in improving functional recovery from spinal cord injury using stem cells is maximizing the number of transplanted cells at the lesion site. Here, we established a contusion model of spinal cord injury by dropping a weight onto the spinal cord at T7–8. Superparamagnetic iron oxide-labeled bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells were transplanted into the injured spinal cord via the subarachnoid space. An outer magnetic field was used to successfully guide the labeled cells to the lesion site. Prussian blue staining showed that more bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells reached the lesion site in these rats than in those without magnetic guidance or superparamagnetic iron oxide labeling, and immunofluorescence revealed a greater number of complete axons at the lesion site. Moreover, the Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan(BBB) locomotor rating scale scores were the highest in rats with superparamagnetic labeling and magnetic guidance. Our data confirm that superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles effectively label bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and impart sufficient magnetism to respond to the external magnetic field guides. More importantly, superparamagnetic iron oxide-labeled bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells can be dynamically and non-invasively tracked in vivo using magnetic resonance imaging. Superparamagnetic iron oxide labeling of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells coupled with magnetic guidance offers a promising avenue for the clinical treatment of spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

A variety of inflammatory cytokines are involved in spinal cord injury and influence the recovery of neuronal function. In the present study, we established a rat model of acute spinal cord injury by cerclage. The cerclage suture was released 8 or 72 hours later, to simulate decompression surgery. Neurological function was evaluated behaviorally for 3 weeks after surgery, and tumor necrosis factor α immunoreactivity and apoptosis were quantified in the region of injury. Rats that underwent decompression surgery had significantly weaker immunoreactivity of tumor necrosis factor α and significantly fewer apoptotic cells, and showed faster improvement of locomotor function than animals in which decompression surgery was not performed. Decompression at 8 hours resulted in significantly faster recovery than that at 72 hours. These data indicate that early decompression may improve neurological function after spinal cord injury by inhibiting the expression of tumor necrosis factor α.  相似文献   

We examined the restorative effect of modified biodegradable chitin conduits in combination with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation after right spinal cord hemisection injury. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that biological conduit sleeve bridging reduced glial scar formation and spinal muscular atrophy after spinal cord hemisection. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells survived and proliferated after transplantation in vivo, and differentiated into cells double-positive for S100(Schwann cell marker) and glial fibrillary acidic protein(glial cell marker) at 8 weeks. Retrograde tracing showed that more nerve fibers had grown through the injured spinal cord at 14 weeks after combination therapy than either treatment alone. Our findings indicate that a biological conduit combined with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation effectively prevented scar formation and provided a favorable local microenvironment for the proliferation, migration and differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in the spinal cord, thus promoting restoration following spinal cord hemisection injury.  相似文献   

The protective effects of erythropoietin on spinal cord injury have not been well described. Here, the eukaryotic expression plasmid pc DNA3.1 human erythropoietin was transfected into rat neural stem cells cultured in vitro. A rat model of spinal cord injury was established using a free falling object. In the human erythropoietin-neural stem cells group, transfected neural stem cells were injected into the rat subarachnoid cavity, while the neural stem cells group was injected with non-transfected neural stem cells. Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium/F12 medium was injected into the rats in the spinal cord injury group as a control. At 1–4 weeks post injury, the motor function in the rat lower limbs was best in the human erythropoietin-neural stem cells group, followed by the neural stem cells group, and lastly the spinal cord injury group. At 72 hours, compared with the spinal cord injury group, the apoptotic index and Caspase-3 gene and protein expressions were apparently decreased, and the bcl-2 gene and protein expressions were noticeably increased, in the tissues surrounding the injured region in the human erythropoietin-neural stem cells group. At 4 weeks, the cavities were clearly smaller and the motor and somatosensory evoked potential latencies were remarkably shorter in the human erythropoietin-neural stem cells group and neural stem cells group than those in the spinal cord injury group. These differences were particularly obvious in the human erythropoietin-neural stem cells group. More CM-Dil-positive cells and horseradish peroxidase-positive nerve fibers and larger amplitude motor and somatosensory evoked potentials were found in the human erythropoietin-neural stem cells group and neural stem cells group than in the spinal cord injury group. Again, these differences were particularly obvious in the human erythropoietin-neural stem cells group. These data indicate that transplantation of erythropoietin gene-modified neural stem cells into the subarachnoid cavity to help repair spinal cord injury and promote the recovery of spinal cord function better than neural stem cell transplantation alone. These findings may lead to significant improvements in the clinical treatment of spinal cord injuries.  相似文献   

The signaling mechanisms underlying ischemia-induced nerve cell apoptosis are poorly understood. We investigated the effects of apoptosis-related signal transduction pathways following ischemic spinal cord injury, including extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), serine-threonine protein kinase (Akt) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathways. We established a rat model of acute spinal cord injury by inserting a catheter balloon in the left subclavian artery for 25 minutes. Rat models exhibited notable hindlimb dysfunction. Apoptotic cells were abundant in the anterior horn and central canal of the spinal cord. The number of apoptotic neurons was highest 48 hours post injury. The expression of phosphorylated Akt (p-Akt) and phosphorylated ERK (p-ERK) increased immediately after reperfusion, peaked at 4 hours (p-Akt) or 2 hours (p-ERK), decreased at 12 hours, and then increased at 24 hours. Phosphorylated JNK expression reduced after reperfusion, increased at 12 hours to near normal levels, and then showed a downward trend at 24 hours. Pearson linear correlation analysis also demonstrated that the number of apoptotic cells negatively correlated with p-Akt expression. These findings suggest that activation of Akt may be a key contributing factor in the delay of neuronal apoptosis after spinal cord ischemia, particularly at the stage of reperfusion, and thus may be a target for neuronal protection and reduction of neuronal apoptosis after spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

目的:观察许旺细胞-海藻酸钠凝胶移植对大鼠脊髓损伤后细胞凋亡、Bcl-2表达及下肢运动功能恢复的影响。 方法:清洁级SD大鼠随机分为4组:正常对照组、单纯损伤组、许旺细胞组、许旺细胞-海藻酸钠凝胶组。后3组制作脊髓全横断损伤模型。正常对照组、单纯损伤组不进行移植处理,许旺细胞组植入吸附许旺细胞悬液的明胶海绵块、许旺细胞-海藻酸钠凝胶组植入许旺细胞-海藻酸钠凝胶。分别于 12 h,1,3,7,21 d对动物进行BBB评分后处死,取损伤区脊髓节段制成石蜡切片进行TUNEL、Bcl-2染色,观察脊髓内凋亡细胞、Bcl-2细胞的数量及分布变化。 结果:正常对照组仅有少量淡染Bcl-2阳性细胞;单纯损伤组神经元Bcl-2免疫反应阳性细胞表达的高峰在第3天,14 d时Bcl-2免疫反应阳性细胞表达接近正常水平。许旺细胞-海藻酸钠凝胶移植后损伤脊髓细胞Bcl-2免疫反应阳性细胞表达具有显著增高(P < 0.05),7 d高度表达并持续2周以上。单纯损伤组脊髓内细胞凋亡最多,并于损伤后1,7 d形成两个高峰,多分布于白质中。许旺细胞-海藻酸钠凝胶组BBB评分较单纯损伤组及许旺细胞组明显提高(P < 0.05)。 结论:许旺细胞-海藻酸钠凝胶移植能抑制大鼠脊髓损伤后脊髓细胞凋亡、促进Bcl-2的表达,提高了脊髓运动功能的恢复,但未达到正常水平。 关键词:脊髓损伤;细胞凋亡;许旺细胞;Bcl-2  相似文献   

人胚胎雪旺细胞脊髓内移植治疗晚期脊髓损伤   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 采用人胚雪旺细胞移植治疗晚期脊髓损伤,并探讨其疗效及安全性。方法 显微镜下切除脊髓损伤节段增厚的瘢痕组织,松解粘连,切开囊腔或空洞。取人胚胎背根神经节,培养成雪旺细胞并贴附于可吸收薇乔3-0紫色线及薇乔网的载体上,然后将其移植到脊髓损伤部位。本组共治疗53例,其中男42例,女11例,年龄2~58岁,伤后时间为4个月~19年。结果 雪旺细胞移植后2~8w时随访,按美国脊髓损伤学会(ASIA)脊髓损伤神经功能分类国际标准评价,53例患者的脊髓功能均有部分恢复,其中运动功能由术前(41.49±15.83)分提高到术后(44.62±15.39)分,轻触觉由(57.89±22.87)分提高到(63.94±23.67)分,针刺觉由(55.96±20.99)分提高到(59.68±20.57)分。患者术后无脊髓感染、功能损伤加重及死亡等并发症。术后复查MRI示脊髓无瘤样增生及空洞扩大。结论 人胚雪旺细胞移植治疗晚期脊髓损伤安全可行,能促进晚期脊髓损伤患者脊髓神经功能的部分恢复。  相似文献   

The mechanism involved in neural regeneration after spinal cord injury is unclear. The myelin-derived protein Nogo-A, which is specific to the central nervous system, has been identified to negatively affect the cytoskeleton and growth program of axotomized neurons. Studies have shown that Nogo-A exerts immediate and chronic inhibitory effects on neurite outgrowth. In vivo, inhibitors of Nogo-A have been shown to lead to a marked enhancement of regenerative axon extension. We established a spinal cord injury model in rats using a free-falling weight drop device to subsequently investigate Nogo-A expression. Nogo-A mR NA and protein expression and immunoreactivity were detected in spinal cord tissue using real-time quantitative PCR, immunohistochemistry and western blot analysis. At 24 hours after spinal cord injury, Nogo-A protein and mR NA expression was low in the injured group compared with control and sham-operated groups. The levels then continued to drop further and were at their lowest at 3 days, rapidly rose to a peak after 7 days, and then gradually declined again after 14 days. These changes were observed at both the mR NA and protein level. The transient decrease observed early after injury followed by high levels for a few days indicates Nogo-A expression is time dependent. This may contribute to the lack of regeneration in the central nervous system after spinal cord injury. The dynamic variation of Nogo-A should be taken into account in the treatment of spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Bacterial melanin, obtained from the mutant strain of Bacillus Thuringiensis, has been shown to promote recovery after central nervous system injury. It is hypothesized, in this study, that bacterial melanin can promote structural and functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury. Rats subjected to sciatic nerve transection were intramuscularly administered bacterial melanin. The sciatic nerve transected rats that did not receive intramuscular administration of bacterial melanin served as controls. Behavior tests showed that compared to control rats, the time taken for instrumental conditioned reflex recovery was significantly shorter and the ability to keep the balance on the rotating bar was significantly better in bacterial melanin-treated rats. Histomorphological tests showed that bacterial melanin promoted axon regeneration after sciatic nerve injury. These findings suggest that bacterial melanin exhibits neuroprotective effects on injured sciatic nerve, contributes to limb motor function recovery, and therefore can be used for rehabilitation treatment of peripheral nerve injury.  相似文献   

Diffusion tensor imaging is a sensitive way to reflect axonal necrosis and degeneration, glial cell regeneration and demyelination following spinal cord injury, and to display microstructure changes in the spinal cord in vivo. Diffusion tensor imaging technology is a sensitive method to diagnose spinal cord injury; fiber tractography visualizes the white matter fibers, and directly displays the structural integrity and resultant damage of the fiber bundle. At present, diffusion tensor imaging is restricted to brain examinations, and is rarely applied in the evaluation of spinal cord injury. This study aimed to explore the fractional anisotropy and apparent diffusion coefficient of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging and the feasibility of diffusion tensor tractography in the evaluation of complete spinal cord injury in rats. The results showed that the average combined scores were obviously decreased after spinal cord transection in rats, and then began to increase over time. The fractional anisotropy scores after spinal cord transection in rats were significantly lower than those in normal rats(P 0.05); the apparent diffusion coefficient was significantly increased compared with the normal group(P 0.05). Following spinal cord transection, fractional anisotropy scores were negatively correlated with apparent diffusion coefficient values(r = –0.856, P 0.01), and positively correlated with the average combined scores(r = 0.943, P 0.01), while apparent diffusion coefficient values had a negative correlation with the average combined scores(r = –0.949, P 0.01). Experimental findings suggest that, as a non-invasive examination, diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging can provide qualitative and quantitative information about spinal cord injury. The fractional anisotropy score and apparent diffusion coefficient have a good correlation with the average combined scores, which reflect functional recovery after spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies report that the Ras/Raf/extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) signaling pathway has a death-promoting apoptotic function in neural cells. We hypothesized that the Ras/Raf/ERK1/2 signaling pathway may be abnormally regulated in rat injured spinal cord models. The weight drop method was used to establish rat spinal cord injury at T9. Western blot analysis and immunohistochemical staining revealed Ras expression was dramatically elevated, and the phosphorylations of A-Raf, B-Raf and C-Raf were all upregulated in the injured spinal cord. Both mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1/2 and ERK1/2, which belong to the Ras/Raf signaling kinases, were upregulated. These results indicate that Ras/Raf/ERK1/2 signaling may be upregulated in injured spinal cord and are involved in recovery after spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Electroacupuncture for the treatment of spinal cord injury has a good clinical curative effect, but the underlying mechanism is unclear. In our experiments, the spinal cord of adult Sprague-Dawley rats was clamped for 60 seconds. Dazhui(GV14) and Mingmen(GV4) acupoints of rats were subjected to electroacupuncture. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed that the expression of serum inflammatory factors was apparently downregulated in rat models of spinal cord injury after electroacupuncture. Hematoxylin-eosin staining and immunohistochemistry results demonstrated that electroacupuncture contributed to the proliferation of neural stem cells in rat injured spinal cord, and suppressed their differentiation into astrocytes. Real-time quantitative PCR and western blot assays showed that electroacupuncture inhibited activation of the Notch signaling pathway induced by spinal cord injury. These findings indicate that electroacupuncture repaired the injured spinal cord by suppressing the Notch signaling pathway and promoting the proliferation of endogenous neural stem cells.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the neurite growth inhibitor Nogo-A can cause secondary neural damage by activating Rho A. In the present study, we hypothesized that electroacupuncture promotes neurological functional recovery after spinal cord injury by inhibiting Rho A expression. We established a rat model of acute spinal cord injury using a modification of Allen's method. The rats were given electroacupuncture treatment at Dazhui(Du14), Mingmen(Du4), Sanyinjiao(SP6), Huantiao(GB30), Zusanli(ST36) and Kunlun(BL60) acupoints with a sparsedense wave at a frequency of 4 Hz for 30 minutes, once a day, for a total of 7 days. Seven days after injury, the Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan(BBB) locomotor scale and inclined plane test scores were significantly increased, the number of apoptotic cells in the spinal cord tissue was significantly reduced, and Rho A and Nogo-A m RNA and protein expression levels were decreased in rats given electroacupuncture compared with rats not given electroacupuncture. Four weeks after injury, pathological tissue damage in the spinal cord at the site of injury was alleviated, the numbers of glial fibrillary acidic protein- and neurofilament 200-positive fibers were increased, the latencies of somatosensory-evoked and motor-evoked potentials were shortened, and their amplitudes were increased in rats given electroacupuncture. These findings suggest that electroacupuncture treatment reduces neuronal apoptosis and decreases Rho A and Nogo-A m RNA and protein expression at the site of spinal cord injury, thereby promoting tissue repair and neurological functional recovery.  相似文献   

The transplantation of embryonic stem cells can effectively improve the creeping strength of nerves near an injury site in animals. Amniotic epithelial cells have similar biological properties as embryonic stem cells; therefore, we hypothesized that transplantation of amniotic epithelial cells can repair peripheral nerve injury and recover the creeping strength of the brachial plexus nerve. In the present study, a brachial plexus injury model was established in rabbits using the C6 root avulsion method. A suspension of human amniotic epithelial cells was repeatedly injected over an area 4.0 mm lateral to the cephal and caudal ends of the C6 brachial plexus injury site(1 × 106 cells/mL, 3 μL/injection, 25 injections) immediately after the injury. The results showed that the decrease in stress and increase in strain at 7,200 seconds in the injured rabbit C6 brachial plexus nerve were mitigated by the cell transplantation, restoring the viscoelastic stress relaxation and creep properties of the brachial plexus nerve. The forepaw functions were also significantly improved at 26 weeks after injury. These data indicate that transplantation of human amniotic epithelial cells can effectively restore the mechanical properties of the brachial plexus nerve after injury in rabbits and that viscoelasticity may be an important index for the evaluation of brachial plexus injury in animals.  相似文献   

After spinal cord injury (SCI), various cell types are recruited to the lesion site, including Schwann cells, which originate in the neural crest and normally myelinate axons in the peripheral nervous system. Here, we investigated the differentiation states, migration patterns, and roles of neural crest derivatives following SCI, using two transgenic mouse lines carrying neural crest-specific reporters, P0-Cre/Floxed-EGFP and Wnt1-Cre/Floxed-EGFP. In these mice, EGFP is expressed only in the neural crest cell lineage. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that most of the EGFP(+) cells that infiltrated the lesion site after SCI were Schwann cells. Seven days after SCI, the P0-positive, mature Schwann cells residing at the nerve roots had dedifferentiated into P0(-)/p75(+) immature Schwann cells, which proliferated and began migrating into the lesion site. The dedifferentiation of the Schwann cells was corroborated by their expression of phosphorylated c-Jun, which promotes dedifferentiation and inhibits the expression of myelin-associated genes in the peripheral nerves. Thereafter, the number of EGFP(+)/p75(+) immature Schwann cells decreased and that of EGFP(+)/P0(+) mature cells increased gradually, indicating that the cells redifferentiated into mature Schwann cells within the lesion site. This study draws on the advantages offered by transgenic mouse lines bearing a genetic cell-lineage marker and extends previous work by describing the origins and behavior of the neural crest-derived cells that contribute to endogenous repair after SCI. This process, involving Schwann cell plasticity, is a novel repair mechanism for the lesioned mammalian spinal cord.  相似文献   

In this study, we successfully constructed a composite of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and a chitosan-collagen scaffold in vitro, transplanted either the composite or bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells alone into the ischemic area in animal models, and compared their effects. At 14 days after co-transplantation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and the hitosan-collagen scaffold, neurological function recovered noticeably. Vascular endothelial growth factor expression and nestin-labeled neural precursor cells were detected in the ischemic area, surrounding tissue, hippocampal dentate gyrus and subventricular zone. Simultaneously, a high level of expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein and a low level of expression of neuron-specific enolase were visible in Brd U-labeled bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. These findings suggest that transplantation of a composite of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and a chitosan-collagen scaffold has a neuroprotective effect following ischemic stroke.  相似文献   

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