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ObjectivesWhile the social stigmatization of schizophrenia is an important public health issue, little research has addressed this question in the French context. A review was therefore conducted to identify the methods and criteria used in the international literature to study this phenomenon, and to synthesize the main findings on the factors associated with stigmatization.MethodWe conducted a systematic review of the literature in December 2016, on 113 articles on the social stigmatization of schizophrenia.ResultsMost of the articles used quantitative methods. We observed a significant relationship between the desire to establish a social distance from people with schizophrenia and a number of factors, such as the degree of familiarity with schizophrenia, the label “schizophrenic”, the neurobiological causalities attributed to schizophrenia, or the stereotype of dangerousness. Articles using qualitative methods are rare, and this points to the importance of taking the socio-cultural context and “lay” theories about schizophrenia into account in order to understand the phenomenon of stigmatization.DiscussionThese results suggest theoretical and methodological lines of approach to gain better understanding and tackle the problem of the social stigmatization of schizophrenia. They also stress the need for qualitative research in the French context.ConclusionThis review could provide practical guidance for French researchers and practitioners working on the de-stigmatization of schizophrenia and on socially stigmatized mental disorders more generally.  相似文献   

IntroductionClozapine is an atypical antipsychotic known for its efficacy in refractory schizophrenia. One of the adverse effects is neutropenia. This dysplasia is a rare but major side effect which leads to a discontinuation and constitutes further contraindication. Thereafter, therapeutic options decrease dramatically. Mechanisms involved are not well known at this time and can be combined. A toxic hypothesis may be more likely than an immune-allergic one.MethodsWe have reviewed publications on Medline describing procedures that allowed clozapine rechallenge after blood dyscrasia in refractory schizophrenia. Three different procedures were found: simple rechallenge, rechallenge with lithium and rechallenge with Granulocyte - colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). Rechallenge could be simple or multiple.ResultsThese past years, clozapine have been rechallenged successfully after neutropenia thanks to different procedures, the different options being simple rechallenge, rechallenge with lithium and/or rechallenge with G-CSF. Lithium as G-CSF are used to increase neutrophil blood rate and prevent neutropenia recurrence after clozapine rechallenge. G-CSF was first used within the context of chemotherapy and extends now to clozapine-induced neutropenia. Both for lithium and G-CSF, numerous procedures are reviewed and cannot be compared.DiscussionPublications are limited but increasing, and they point out that a careful rechallenge can be successful. However, interesting data can be extracted. First, clozapine is more likely to be incriminated in neutropenia when patients receive many drugs, but a careful study could prevent some discontinuation. Indeed, other drugs or a hematologic disease could be involved. Moreover, several contributing factors have been found such as HLA group and drug interaction. Ethnic origin also affects neutrophil rate. That is why, in Great Britain, a subgroup of patients “benign ethnic neutropenia” has been introduced to enlarge threshold and allow these patients to access clozapine despite lower blood counts. Then, rechallenge choice has to be done on a case-by-case basis and only after considering the benefits and risks of such a treatment. Most of the time, clinical advice of rechallenge arises from the inefficiency of other antipsychotics and even sismotherapy failure. Patients and sometimes families have to be informed and give their consent. Preventive measures have been found such as taking a hematologic recommendation and doing twice-a-week blood sample monitoring. With regards lithium and G-CSF, some efficient doses are assumed (lithium: 0,4–1,1 mEq/L and G-CSF > 0,3 mg/week). Lithium as G-CSF may have other adverse effects which need to be considered. There is no successful rechallenge reported after agranulocytosis. Some publications highlight that if neutropenia occurs on rechallenge, it will do so more quickly and more severe than at the time of initial trial of clozapine.ConclusionThere is emerging evidence of successful clozapine rechallenging. However, further investigations are required as randomized controlled trials to reassess guidelines and establish the safety and effectiveness of the different procedures. Because of the practical and ethical difficulties of designing such studies, referral hospitals could be elected, and common background writing proposed in order to ease data comparison.  相似文献   

AimThe aim of this systematic revue of literature is to examine articles dealing with the narrative insight (patient's explanatory models of his difficulties) in patients suffering from schizophrenia. In addition to the theoretical interest of this work, it would make it possible to better adjust the clinical practices concerning the stories of patients about their disorders.MethodA study was conducted using the databases ScienceDirect, Medline, PsychInfo and PubPsych using the key words “narrative insight”, “cultural insight”, “subjective insight”, “narrative awareness”, “mental illness”, and “psychiatric disorder”. This search by keywords led to eighty-six results; abstracts of all the articles were consulted. Then the authors selected and studied all articles corresponding to inclusion criteria and compared their results and reached agreement by consensus in case of difference. The theme of the study was to focus on the concept of narrative insight or any other close concept mentioning an explanatory model of mental and/or psychiatric disorders, moving away from the biomedical model. Nine articles were selected based on the inclusion criteria (articles published in peer reviewed journals, where the both the resume and article are accessible; articles dealing with narrative insight of people suffering from schizophrenia).ResultsThe authors of these articles agree that awareness of mental illness, insight, is a narrative act in which people give a personal meaning to their disorder. The most popular biomedical model used has many limitations and is the subject of many controversies. Results of the conducted study suggest considering narrative insight as adaptive strategies to mental illnesses. Indeed the process of narrative insight essentially consists in the patient adapting his life story to his conceptions and his values. To tell the story of one's own troubles with one's own values and beliefs gives meaning that helps protect identity and give back hope. This concept is considered to be dynamic and multidimensional. In addition, studies highlight its positive effects including the simultaneous presence of several models, which would have a greater favorable impact on the prognosis than the medical explanation alone.ConclusionIt seems necessary to take into account the concept of narrative insight in order to evaluate insight of patients suffering from mental illness. This implies that the evaluation methods of insight as well as the clinical practice must evolve to adapt to the culture and subculture of the patient. This could have beneficial effects on the well-being of patients, therapeutic relations, access to treatment as well as psychiatric research, as well as limit controversies around this topic. It would be interesting to confirm this new conception of insight and the therapeutic relations by carrying out new studies as well as by starting to take it into account in patient care.  相似文献   

Individuals with schizophrenia usually show impairment on various cognitive functions, including long-term memory, executive functions and language. Compared to healthy controls, their performance is impaired in verbal fluency tests. These tests require participants to generate in a given time as many words as they can, belonging to a given category (semantic fluency), or beginning with a specific letter (orthographic fluency). Various cognitive functions are involved in verbal fluency tests: psychomotor speed, executive functions, language, long-term verbal memory and semantic memory. The purpose of the present study was to clarify the functional origin of verbal fluency deficits in schizophrenia through a literature review. Nineteen articles were selected in Pubmed and PsycINFO after initial screening and detailed review. They were formally analyzed with regard to general performance, cognitive strategies used in semantic and orthographic fluency tests and, underlying cognitive origin of deficits. Results show that individuals with schizophrenia produce fewer words than healthy controls in both types of fluency tests. Their impairment is more apparent in semantic than in orthographic fluency tests. Results of studies reviewed also show that individuals with schizophrenia adopt the same clustering (i.e. production of related words within a subcategory) and switching (i.e. ability to shift between clusters when a subcategory is exhausted) strategies than healthy controls, but less efficiently. Several hypotheses, such as the impairment of executive functions, semantic memory or speed of information processing, were put forward to account for this finding. Interestingly, the few studies in which researchers performed an analysis of the semantic relationships between words produced in fluency tests showed a less semantic coherence among people with schizophrenia than in healthy controls. Such a difference could be explained by disorganization of semantic memory or impairment in the activation of conceptual representations in semantic memory. Studies in which correlations and regression analyzes were performed allow for clarifying the cognitive origin underlying verbal fluency deficits in schizophrenia. The links between these deficits and information processing speed as well as working memory are well established. These two cognitive domains also appear to be strong predictors of performance in semantic and orthographic fluency tasks in schizophrenia. Individuals with schizophrenia usually present with a significant slowdown in the speed of information processing. Such a slowdown is likely to account for their poor performance in verbal fluency tests, which require the independent and rapid production of words. Working memory disorders are also core cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. Working memory is involved in verbal fluency tests since they involve “strategic” activation of verbal information in long-term memory, inhibition of inappropriate words, switching between clusters, etc. However, the concept of working memory also partially encompasses the notion of executive functions so that the results reported in the present literature review, according to which impairment of verbal fluency in schizophrenia results from working memory deficits but not from executive functions deficits, are difficult to interpret. Results are also less clear-cut in regard to verbal long-term memory and to language abilities. Finally, numerous studies had shown that individuals with schizophrenia present specific deficits in the organization of semantic memory. However, the impact of this deficit on verbal fluency was explored in one study only. To conclude, verbal fluency tests are sensitive to various neurocognitive conditions and are helpful for differential diagnosis. Further studies are still needed to clarify the functional origin of verbal fluency deficits in schizophrenia, in particular the differential role of executive functions and working memory as well as the impact of semantic memory impairment.  相似文献   

AimA French governmental institute published, in February 2004, a report assessing the efficacy of psychotherapies in the light of the biomedical literature. It concluded that cognitive psychotherapies effectively cure common mental disorders, while the efficacy of psychodynamic therapies is not proven by scientific studies. Because many French mental health professionals are practicing with reference to psychoanalysis, this conclusion stirred up heated controversy. Since February 2004, numerous studies assessing psychodynamic therapies have been published in peer-reviewed biomedical journals. Moreover, these primary studies have been meta-analyzed in dozens of review articles. Here, we systematically review these meta-analysis articles.MethodsA systematic search for meta-analyses assessing psychodynamic therapies was performed using PubMed and identified 71 articles published from January 2004 to December 2019. Among them, 25 articles were judged to be relevant because they reported meta-analyses assessing the symptoms of common mental disorders in at least three distinct cohorts of adult patients. Although the primary studies included in these 25 meta-analysis articles often overlap, the selection criteria, calculation methods and results always differ between them. Therefore, we reviewed all of them without further selection. From all the meta-analyses reported in these 25 articles, we systematically present here the most compelling ones, i.e. those calculated from the largest number of primary studies. Results were quantified in terms of effect size (i.e. standardized mean difference). Effect sizes below 0.25 were considered as without clinical significance, whereas those superior to 0.8 were regarded as robust. Because short-term psychodynamic therapies had been assessed in 20 meta-analysis articles published until 2017, we did not search for more recent primary studies. However, because the most recent meta-analysis article about long-term psychodynamic therapies was published in 2013, we also searched, using PubMed, for primary studies assessing psychodynamic therapies lasting for at least one year and published from January 2013 to December 2019. Among the 57 publications retrieved by PubMed, three were identified as randomized controlled trials not included in meta-analyses and were extensively described here.ResultsEight meta-analysis articles have assessed symptom improvement at treatment termination by comparing with baseline symptoms. According to all of them, psychodynamic therapies alleviate symptoms and their effect sizes are always robust. Three meta-analysis articles compared psychodynamic therapies with inactive treatments (e.g. placebo medication, waiting list) and reported clinically significant differences in favor of psychodynamic therapies. Ten meta-analysis articles compared, at treatment termination, psychodynamic therapies to active treatments, including medication and cognitive psychotherapies. Nine of them reported no difference. Only one article concluded that psychodynamic therapies are clinically inferior to cognitive psychotherapies (d = ?0.28). Seven meta-analysis articles compared psychodynamic therapies to active treatment at follow-up (i.e. months or years after treatment termination). Five of them reported no significant difference, one reported a medium effect size in favor of psychodynamic therapies over various active treatments (d = 0.38), while the other reported a clinically significant difference in favor of cognitive psychotherapies (d = ?0.55). Because short-term treatments are often insufficient to prevent relapse, investigations about long-term treatments (i.e. more than one year) are needed, but such published studies are still scarce. Five meta-analysis articles and three primary studies published since 2013 compared long-term psychodynamic therapies to various active treatments of similar duration. According to them, psychodynamic therapies were at least as effective as other active treatments.ConclusionA systematic review about psychodynamic therapies, published in 2015 in Lancet Psychiatry, included 64 randomized controlled trials of which 37 were published after 2003. Therefore, most quality studies assessing psychodynamic therapies have been published since 2003 and have been reviewed in recent meta-analysis articles. All together, this recent literature leads to the conclusion that psychodynamic therapies are as effective as active treatments, including cognitive psychotherapies, to help patients suffering from common mental disorders (unipolar depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders and personality disorders). Beside this overall conclusion, it appears that randomized controlled trials are not well suited for answering why psychotherapies work in some patients but not in others, and how they work in general. Other approaches are needed, including case studies.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) in adolescence is controversial among some researchers and clinicians. For many, the symptoms presented in young people with BPD resemble normal functioning in adolescence. The diagnosis is then delayed in adulthood, postponing the treatment. The aim of this systematic review of the literature is to investigate the symptoms that can differentiate an adolescent population with BPD from one with another diagnosis and/or without any psychiatric issues. In all, 17 studies out of the 4789 titles initially identified met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed. This systematic review considers diverse symptoms: internalized and externalized disorders, suicide, mentalization errors, maladaptive schemas and comorbid diagnoses. Several symptoms significantly differentiated adolescents with BPD from three control groups teenagers: non-psychiatric, with another personality disorder and with another diagnosis. Finally, a pattern of symptoms could also be observed between suicidal adolescents with BPD and suicidal youth without it.  相似文献   

ObjectiveMajor depression is a significant public health problem since its lifetime prevalence is estimated at 15–18 %. Its standard treatment is based on the use of antidepressant medications but their effectiveness is limited. Indeed, only two thirds of patients with a major depressive episode will reach remission after two lines of conventional treatment. In major depression, there are arguments in favour of disturbances in neuronal glutamatergic transmission. Esketamine appears to have an antidepressant action through modulation of the NMDA receptors involved in this glutamatergic neurotransmission. The aim of this review to systematically investigate the efficacy of esketamine combined with an SSRI or SNRI for major depressive disorder resistant to treatment.MethodA systematic review on the efficacy of esketamine in combination with an SSRI or SNRI for resistant major depressive disorder was performed in July 2021 in the PUBMED database according to the PRISMA criteria. The key words used are: “depressed” [All Fields] OR “depression” [MeSH Terms] OR “depression” [All Fields] OR “depressions” [All Fields] OR “depression s” [All Fields] OR “depressive disorder”[MeSH Terms] OR (“depressive”[All Fields] AND“disorder”[All Fields]) OR“depressive disorder”[All Fields] OR“depressivity”[All Fields] OR“depressive”[All Fields] OR “depressively” [All Fields] OR “depressiveness” [All Fields] OR “depressives” [All Fields]) AND (“esketamine” [Supplementary Concept] OR “esketamine” [All Fields] OR “esketamine” [All Fields]. The inclusion criteria were: efficacy on depressive symptoms of intranasal esketamine combined with an SSRI or an SNRI for major depressive disorder resistant to at least two lines of treatment, RCT and meta-analysis, individual  18 years, articles in English and French.ResultsFour randomized double-blind studies were selected on the basis of these criteria. The included studies are of grade A and B which leads to a high level of scientific evidence.ConclusionsIntranasal esketamine in combination with sertraline, escitalopram, duloxetine or venlafaxine prolonged release is more effective than the monotherapy use of these four molecules for the treatment of resistant depression. It has been shown to be effective for a population aged between 18 and 74 years at doses between 28 mg and 84 mg. Currently, based on these results, intranasal esketamine should be proposed as a second level of treatment after an unsuccessful trial of two antidepressants. It is nevertheless advisable to be careful in its use in a clinical psychiatric population: exclusion of suicidal ideation or antecedent of suicidal acting, absence of psychotic depression, use exclusively for unipolar major depressive disorder. The different conditions of use are also notified in the product characteristics of the European Medicines Agency. Finally, further comparative studies are needed in the future, in the absence of funding from the pharmaceutical company producing esketamine.  相似文献   

T. Kuntzer 《Revue neurologique》2012,168(12):975-978
There are strong research activities in the field of dysimmune neuropathies. In Guillain-Barré syndrome, new pathophysiological mechanisms have been demonstrated with the potential development of new therapies, a clinical prediction model is applicable early in the course of disease, and under investigation are new treatment strategies with adapted intravenous Ig dosages. In chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies, current diagnostic tests are discussed but biomarkers are needed, such as histological changes or differential gene expression in nerve or skin biopsies. The exploration of novel therapeutic approaches including monoclonal antibodies and oral immunosuppressants, known from multiple sclerosis studies, suggests new approaches to treatment. Changes of the peripheral nerves on MR imaging are better known and the usefulness of serum antibodies is reviewed.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe purpose of this review was to provide an overview of the methods used to measure social network site use among adolescents. Such a review is important given the number and diversity of sites and the prevalence of their use among adolescents.MethodsA systematic review of the literature was conducted in line with PRISMA guidelines to arrive at an analysis of 58 peer-reviewed studies indexed in PubMed, PsychInfo, or Scopus. To be included in the review, articles had to be peer-reviewed, available in full text, and published in French or English. For inclusion, studies were required to pertain to adolescents aged between 11 and 18 years; to focus on social network site use and indicate how their use was estimated. Studies that simultaneously examined social network sites and general internet use or video games and only provided a combined analysis were excluded. The keywords for the search were: social media use, social media usage, social media misuse, measure, teen, and adolescents.ResultsIn the literature, different methods were used to operationalize the use of social network sites: quantitative methods with the measurement of frequency and duration of use of social network sites, and qualitative methods to measure the different activities adolescents engage in on such sites. In this review, 28 articles investigated the use of social media through a measurement of frequency and 22 articles through a measurement of the duration of use. Most of the studies focused on social network sites in general, without specifying which sites in particular were considered by the respondents when answering the question. However, some articles provided cross measures of quantitative and qualitative measurements resulting in the examination of both the frequency of use and the time spent on specific activities on social network sites.ConclusionsThe present review highlights the great diversity in the methods used to measure the use of social network sites among adolescents. The reliance on frequency-based measurements without taking into account the specificities of the activities or sites involved limits the investigation of their impact on adolescent functioning and behaviors. Given the observed discrepancies in the literature concerning the measurement of social network site use among adolescents and their associated biases, the development of specific instruments is needed to advance in this important field of research.  相似文献   



Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common and challenging childhood neurobehavioral disorders. ADHD may have behavioral consequences and involvements in minor and serious crimes. Our work aims to establish links between ADHD and forensic psychiatry.


A review of international scientific literature concerning the relationship between ADHD and forensic psychiatry was conducted using the PudMed electronic database. We used the Mesh terms: “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” and “forensic psychiatry”. We also used the “related articles” function of PubMed, the bibliography of selected articles and the Google Scholar database to identify possible additional papers.


The prevalence of ADHD in prison populations may vary but remain higher than those found in the general population. Violence committed by a person with ADHD seems to be against other persons rather than property offences. Reactive-impulsive violence seems to be more prevalent than pro-active instrumental violence. The existence of ADHD does not appear as a risk factor of recidivism. The violence risk may be increased by the occurrence of comorbidities as conduct disorders and mental deficiency. There may exist a preferential association between ADHD and antisocial personality disorder or substance abuse which both increase the risk of violence.


To put in perspective forensic psychiatry and ADHD allowed us to identify typology of violence, epidemiological aspect of ADHD in a prison environment and comorbidities involved in the risk of violence. This research permits to precise elements of prevention, diagnosis and assistance in the management of violent behaviour in ADHD and in expert practice.  相似文献   



Sexual dysfunction is an important public health problem in men and is associated with reduced quality of life. It is more common in patients with schizophrenia. It is well-established that antipsychotic drugs cause sexual dysfunction with consequences on the quality of life of patients, adherence to treatment, and public health costs. Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5 inhibitors) are indicated for the management of erectile dysfunction. However, there is little information on such treatment in schizophrenic patients. This literature review aimed to summarize the current data on the efficacy and tolerability of PDE-5 inhibitors in the erectile dysfunction in schizophrenic patients.

Material and methods

PubMed, PsycInfo and Cochrane databases were searched for studies published until August 2014.


Only 6 studies met the inclusion criteria. Three were randomized, double-blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled trials and three were open studies. Various scales were used to measure erectile and orgasmic function, desire, satisfaction during intercourse, overall satisfaction, quality of life and intensity of schizophrenic symptoms. In the 3 randomized studies (one with sildenafil 25–50 mg, one with lodenafil carbonate 80 mg/j and the last one with tadalafil 10 mg), the rate of participants who completed the trial was high (around 95 %). All three included patients with schizophrenia or schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Patients reported significant improvement on sexual dysfunction. However, no statistical difference was reported between lodenafil and placebo, on different scales, suggesting a very important placebo effect in patients with schizophrenia. All three found a good tolerance of PDE-5 inhibitors. Side effects were rare and were mainly nasal congestion, headaches, nausea and dizziness. There were no major side effects or drug interactions. Considering the 3 open studies, 2 involved sildenafil and one tadalafil. All concluded in improved erectile and orgasmic function, desire, satisfaction during intercourse, overall satisfaction, and even the quality of life when it was studied. However, very few patients were included.


Little data are available on the use of PDE5 inhibitors in schizophrenic patients. The 6 studies included few patients which reduces the power and the scope of their conclusions. There is also an important bias due to the use of self-questionnaires. The methodologies of the studies differ in many aspects which limits the comparability. Inclusion and exclusion criteria, drugs used and scales varied among the studies. However, the management of erectile disorder seems to be a consistent target in an integrative approach for the overall well-being of schizophrenic patients. PDE-5 inhibitors appear to be safe and could improve erectile function in schizophrenic patients.


In total, the current data suggest efficiency and good tolerance of the use of PDE-5 inhibitors in schizophrenic patients with erectile dysfunction. However, further studies focusing on PDE-5 inhibitors are needed to more deeply assess their efficacy and safety in patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

ObjectivesInsight in psychiatry has been defined and conceptualized in a number of ways but none of them was found to be self-explanatory. There has been an exponential rise in studies of insight, in part accelerated by the availability of several psychometric scales for measuring insight. Lack of insight has been associated in schizophrenia with low treatment adherence, a high number of relapses, increased number of hospital admissions, and subsequently poorer psychological and cognitive functioning. For this reason, there is considerable interest in understanding the underlying neural mechanisms of insight, which may have important implications for the development of future insight-oriented neuro-psychiatric treatment. Neuroimaging may be considered an important technique to help understand the anatomical, functional and metabolic neurocircuitry underlying poor insight in schizophrenia. Growing neuroimaging research provides evidence for underlying brain impairment in insight deficits in schizophrenia. In order to expose a panoramic view to the readers, this article reviews the neuroimaging studies conducted to date, which have investigated the neural bases of insight in schizophrenia.MethodsElectronic searches were performed in PubMed, PsycINFO, Sciencedirect and Web of Science databases, using the following keywords: Imaging; neuroimaging; Positron Emission Tomography (PET); spectroscopy; functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI); structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI); Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT); Voxel Based Morphometry (VBM); Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI); Computed Tomography (CT); Insight; schizophrenia; awareness of illness. Searches were also performed from the references of the systematic review articles on neurobiological correlates of insight in schizophrenia. Animal studies and single case reports were excluded. Twenty-five articles were selected for the present review. From these; 12 used structural MRI; 6 used VBM; 3 used fMRI; 2 used CT; 1 used DTI and 1 used VBM combined to DTI.ResultsThe search showed that studies in this area were published recently and that the neuroanatomic substrate of insight in schizophrenia has not yet been consolidated. This inconsistency could arise from the complex nature of insight and the use of a variety of insight assessments. Most of the studies analyzed in this review used structural neuroimaging techniques to assess brain abnormalities associated with poor insight. The functional neuroanatomy of insight has only recently been investigated and to our knowledge, there are only 3 studies that have examined brain activity with fMRI in relation to insight in schizophrenia.ConclusionThis review investigated the neural deficiencies underlying poor insight in schizophrenic patients. In spite of methodological differences among studies, results provide evidence of structural and functional brain abnormalities in frontal, parietal and temporal region related to insight deficits. Some studies have found a hemispheric asymmetry in relationship to poor in insight (the majority of brain abnormalities concern the right hemisphere). In addition, growing research indicated that the prefrontal cortex, particularly the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulated cortex, the insula, the precuneus and the cerebellum can also underlying insight in schizophrenia. It is interesting to mention that some authors have suggested that each dimension of insight can be specifically linked to certain brain structures. Taking together, data on the neuropsychological and neuroanatomical correlates of clinical insight suggested that lack of insight in schizophrenia could be conceived as a neurocognitive deficit, analogously to anosognosia in brain injury and dementia. On the contrary, to date, the neuroanatomical correlates of cognitive insight have been scarcely studied. Only two studies reported that Self-reflectiveness was positively related to gray matter volume of the right ventro-lateral prefrontal cortex, the BCIS composite index was positively correlated with total left hippocampal volume, and Self-certainty was inversely correlated with bilateral hippocampal volumes. However, it is important to note that neuroimaging research on cognitive insight in schizophrenia is in a preliminary, and the results on this are inconclusive. Further research is needed to better understand the causal relationships between brain abnormalities and degradation of insight in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe cost of hospital treatment for anorexia nervosa (AN) is very high given its duration. Identifying factors related to length of hospital stay (LOS) would make it possible to consider targeted therapeutic strategies that, by optimizing care, would reduce their duration and costs. The objective of this work is to identify the factors related (predictive and associated) to LOS for AN.MethodsSystematic review of existing literature up to October 2020, based on Pubmed, according to PRISMA recommendations (Preferred Reported Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis). Factors related to LOS have been described in two categories: factors related to clinical aspects ; and factors related to therapeutic aspects and management modalities. We distinguished predictive factors (identified as pre-hospitalization or contemporaneous with hospital admission) and associated factors (observed during hospitalization) for each category.ResultsThirteen articles were selected. Samples from the selected studies ranged from 35 to 381 subjects, mostly women with restrictive type AN (R-AN), but some samples included all types of AN, or focused on purging-type forms. The mean age at admission ranged from 13.6 years (Standard Deviation–SD: ± 1.6) to 30.3 years (SD : ± 13.9), corresponding to adolescent, adult or mixed samples. Mean body mass indices at admission ranged from 12.3 (SD ± 1.4) to 16.6 (SD: ± 2.1). The duration of disease progression ranged from 11.7 months ± 2.2 to 9.7 years. Mean LOS are short for studies conducted in pediatrics or in medical services (ranging from 13.0 days [SD ± 7.3] to 22.1 days [SD ± 9.4]); they are more variable for studies conducted in psychiatry: from 15.6 days (SD ± 1.0) to 150.2 days (SD ± 80.8). Among the factors related to an increase in LOS, clinical predictors included: older age at onset or admission; longer duration of the disorder; low minimum body weight during AN; low BMI at admission; purgative form of anorexia nervosa; and high levels of dietary symptoms (asceticism and ineffectiveness dimensions on Eating Disorder Inventory-2). Therapeutic and management modality predictive factors were: a higher number of hospitalizations for AN; the use of enteral nutrition (nasogastric or percutaneous gastric tube) on admission or during hospitalization; the use of intravenous renutrition coupled with oral renutrition; hospitalization far from the patient's home; absence of hospital care in psychiatry after medical stabilization in a somatic unit; compulsory hospitalization. Associated factors were: the presence of psychiatric comorbidities; greater weight gain during hospitalization. Among the factors related to a decrease in LOS, the clinical predictive factor were: greater self-confidence at admission (measured by the Eating Disorder Recovery Self-Efficacy Questionnaire). Therapeutic and management modality predictors included: increased caloric intake of oral renutrition on admission; intake of oral nutritional supplements on admission; and hospitalization in urban areas. The associated factor was: compliance with the weight contract in the adolescent population.DiscussionFactors related to an increase in LOS are explained by: higher resistance to treatment, higher severity of the disease, the time required for weight gain in services using cognitive-behavioural therapy, complications associated with renutrition modalities such as parenteral renutrition, difficulties in organising outpatient follow-up which require better consolidation of inpatient treatment and the lack of multidisciplinary care in medical services. Factors related to a decrease in LOS are due to: faster weight gain, the presence of a greater number of outpatient follow-up structures close to the hospital and better adherence to treatment to complete the weight contract.ConclusionsTaking these factors into account during hospitalization for AN would help optimize care, duration and costs. This situation therefore requires the development of therapeutic trials targeting the identified factors in order to reduce LOS in the treatment of AN.  相似文献   

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