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Summary The density of the cytoplasm and axoplasm of the anterior horn cell in rats was determined by X-ray microradiography. The average density of the cytoplasm of more than 400 cells from control rats was 0.31 g/3, while that of over 600 cells from rats fed IDPN (- iminodipropionitrile) was 0.43 g/3.Hyperactivity developed during the first 5 weeks and was associated with a gradual increase in cytoplasmic density to 0.51 g/3.At 6 weeks there was a drop in density to 0.36 g/3 which coincided with the appearance of axonal balloons having a density of 0.17 g/3.During the 7–12th week on the diet, the cytoplasmic density showed a gradual increase to 0.59 g/3 and the balloons to 0.29 g/3.The volume of the nerve cells remained fairly constant. The density increases were discussed in relation to hypertrophy, dystrophy, and hyperactivity.
Zusammenfassung Die Dichte des Cytoplasmas und Axoplasmas der Vorderhornzellen von Ratten wurde durch Röntgenmikroradiographie bestimmt. Die mittlere Dichte des Cytoplasmas von mehr als 400 Zellen der Kontrollratten war 0,31 g/3, während die mittlere Dichte von mehr als 600 Zellen der Ratten, die mit IDPN (- iminodipropionitrile) gefüttert waren, 0,43 g/3 war.Hyperaktivität entwickelte sich während der ersten 5 Wochen und war mit einer progressiven Zunahme der Cytoplasmadichte bis auf 0,51 g/3 verbunden.Nach 6 Wochen sank die Dichte auf 0,36 g/3. Diese Tatsache traf mit dem Auftreten der Axonauftreibungen zusammen, die eine Dichte von 0,17 g/3 hatten.Nach 7–12 Wochen zeigte die Cytoplasmadichte eine progressive Zunahme auf 0,59 g/3 und die der Auftreibungen eine Zunahme auf 0,29 g/3.Das Volumen der Nervenzellen blieb ziemlich konstant.Die möglichen Zusammenhänge zwischen Zunahme der Dichte, Hypertrophie, Dystrophie und Hyperaktivität werden dargestellt.

Supported by U. S. Public Health Grant NB 1305.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to identify and study the mental hygiene and its related factors (individual, family, organizational) in the Kerman special schools teachers. 266 teachers of the special schools of the cities of the province Kerman were chosen as the research sample. The necessary data were obtained by questionnaire which its validity and reliability were determined. The statistical analysis of the research findings (by Spearman coefficient test) Man-Whithey and Kruskal wallis tests showed that there was a positive and meaningful relationship between Level of education, service of record the number of the members of teachers family, income, dwelling-place, economic power, acceptance of the teachers job in their family, leadership style, suitable educational possibilities, suitable educational space, job satisfaction with the mental hygiene of the teachers. The results of the research also showed that the Kerman special schools teachers enjoyed a relatively desirable mental hygiene.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird über neun umschriebene Geschwülste der hinteren Schädelgrube berichtet, die feingeweblich aus zwei verschiedenen, in Feldern und Zügen angeordneten Gewebsanteilen bestehen. Die Zellen der Felder sind kleine, körnerzellähnliche Elemente mit runden, stark chromatinreichen Kernen. Die Zellen der Züge sind größere Elemente mit rund-ovalen, kommaartigen, chromatinarmen Kernen. In den Zügen läßt sich regelmäßig ein ausgedehntes Reticulinfasernetz nachweisen. Die Felder sind dagegen reticulinfrei, sie bestehen aus einer feinfaserigen neuroectodermalen Grundsubstanz. Charakteristikum dieser Tumoren ist, daß das Mengenverhältnis der zwei Gewebsanteile von Fall zu Fall und sogar innerhalb des gleichen Falles stark variieren kann, so daß die Beobachtung von nur einzelnen Geschwulstpartien oft nicht erlaubt, die gesamte Struktur des Tumors zu erfassen und zu falschen Diagnosen führt.Diese als angeborene Mischtumoren des Kleinhirns bezeichneten Geschwülste sind feingeweblich von den Mischgewächsen des Unterwurmes Ostertags zu trennen. Sie zeigen hingegen gewisse Ähnlichkeiten mit dem sogenannten umschriebenen Arachnoidealsarkom des Kleinhirns (Foerster u. Gagel), von dem sie aber ebenfalls zu trennen sind.Die formale Genese dieser Geschwülste wird unter Berücksichtigung histogenetischer, feingeweblicher und lokalisatorischer Aspekte diskutiert. Sie werden als Kombinationstumoren angesehen mit einer mesodermalen Züge- und einer neuroectodermalen Felder-Gewebskomponente. Ihre dysembryogenetische Natur bzw. ihr früher Entstehungszeitpunkt wird durch das Vorkommen von Kleinhirnmißbildungen bestätigt. Schließlich werden ihre Beziehungen zu den Geschwülsten der sogenannten Medulloblastomgruppen erörtert.
Summary Nine circumscribed tumors of the posterior cerebral fossa are described; histologically, they were characterized by two different types of tissue components arranged in strands and fields. The parvicellular fields are of neuroectodermal origin, the mesodermal strands consist of large cells and are rich in reticulin containing fibers. One of the two components may considerably outgrow the other one and become responsible for quantitative alterations.These tumors show some resemblance with the so-called circumscribed arachnoidal sarcoma of Foerster-Gagel, but should not be confused with it. They are morphologically also different from Ostertag's mixed tumors of the posterior vermis.This group of tumors is generally combined with cerebellar malformations which underline their dysontogenetic nature or at least the early onset of their development. As to their formal genesis they may be compared with the congenital mixed tumors of other organs (kidney, liver), and therefore be classified as combination tumors according to Meyer.Finally, their relation to so-called medulloblastomas is discussed.

Summary Male golden hamsters were exposed to short photoperiod at either 20C or 5C. After 4 weeks a complete gonadal inhibition was observed in animals kept at 5C while in animals kept at 20C such an inhibition was much less. No significant difference in the pattern of pineal and plasma melatonin concentrations was observed between hamsters kept at 20C and 5C. If in the golden hamster pineal melatonin secretion is implicated in the transduction of the photoperiodic information, it is probably not implicated in the transduction of thermal information.  相似文献   

Summary The Parental Bonding Instrument was translated into Spanish and administered to a sample of 205 Spanish primiparae 3 days after childbirth. Reliability, factorial structure and predictive validity for affective disorders were evaluated. The Spanish version of the PBI has psychometric features similar to those described in other cultures. However, the results suggest that in future research the predictive power of the Control factor in affective disorders might be improved by splitting it into two subfactors: Overprotection and Restraint.  相似文献   

Summary Three families are described which include members with typical Friedreich's disease (FD) and others who are ataxic but do not satisfy all the diagnostic criteria for that disease. In family A two patients have an early-onset, rapidly progressive FD, while two others have a late-onset, more benign form. In families B and C one member has typical FD, and another has a similar ataxic syndrome, except for preservation of knee jerks. Laboratory evaluation is consistent with the diagnosis of FD in all cases. FD diagnosis appears justified in secondary cases with late onset or preserved tendon reflexes, provided that the index case fulfils all diagnostic criteria. Whether the diagnosis of FD is tenable in sporadic atypical cases remains to be seen. Echocardiographic and neurophysiological examination may be valuable in classifying such cases.  相似文献   

A multi-center survey of antepileptic treatment was conducted in Italy on 245 previously untreated (new) patients with epilepsy and 355 patients treated for more than three months (old patients). Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of antiepileptic drugs was evaluated in the context of routine clinical conditions, in relation to individual therapeutic problems and mode of treatment. Plasma levels (PL) were determined in 75% of new patients and 78% of old patients, with wide intercenter variability. TDM was done at 69% of the follow-up attendences for new patients and at 34% for old patients, but was apparently unrelated to specific therapeutic problems, such as poor disease control or adverse drug reactions. Plasma drug concentration measurements were made more often among patients on polytherapy. The age of the patient and the time elapsing since diagnosis did not seem to affect request patterns significantly. From these findings it appears that TDM is largerly influenced by factors unrelated to the common recommendations in the literature. In addition, the use of TDM in clinical practice reflects the limitations of the available techniques.
Sommario In uno studio multicentrico condotto su 245 casi di epilessia di nuova diagnosi (trattati da meno di 3 mesi) e su 355 casi di epilessia di vecchia diagnosi (trattati da almeno 3 mesi)l'uso dei livelli plasmatici dei farmaci anticonvulsivanti è stato valutato in relazione alle modalità di trattamento e a problemi specifici indicati dai clinici. La percentuale di richieste di livelli plasmatici era del 75% e riguardava il 69% delle visite di follow-up nei pazienti di nuova diagnosi. Le percentuali erano rispettivamente del 78% e del 34% per i pazienti di vecchia diagnosi. In entrambi i casi vi era una marcata variabilità tra centri nelle percentuali di prescrizioni. Le richieste di livelli plasmatici erano più numerose nei pazienti in politerapia. Per contro, il monitoraggio dei farmaci antiepilettici non risultava influenzato dalla presenza di specifici problemi, quali il non completo controllo della crisi o la presenza di segni di tossicità farmacologica, né dall'età del paziente o dal tempo intercorso dalla formulazione della diagnosi. Da tutto ciò deriva che l'utilizzo dei livelli plasmatici dei farmaci antiepilettici nella pratica clinica è influenzato da fattori che spesso non riflettono le norme di comportamento comunemente suggerite dalla letteratura. Risultano inoltre ampiamente confermati i limiti delle metodiche attualmente in uso.

Two hypnotized subjects gave verbal association (protocols) to five concealed pictures (targets). Two blind judges and the subject then rated the degree of target-protocol correspondence on a 100-point scale. For each subject there were 25 target-protocol pairs, of which 5 were the correct ones and 20 incorrect. Data for one subject were significant (inter-rater reliability, analysis of variance, t-test) indicating the possible operation of paranormal processes.The authors wish to thank Dr. Albert Lobel, Dr. Allen Reichman, Mrs. Suzanne Parente, R.N., and Miss Norma Desir, R.T., for their participation in the project.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung An Hand von 71 sowohl otologisch als auch neurologisch-psychiatrisch untersuchten Fällen wird zur Frage der sog. zentralen Tonusdifferenz Stellung genommen.1. In 40% der Beobachtungen waren als Ursache des einseitigen Nystagmusüberwiegens Schäden im Labyrinth bzw. im Bereich des 1. vestibulären Neurons anzunehmen.2. Bei 35% der Untersuchten war sowohl eine periphere als auch zentrale Verursachung möglich. Überwiegend handelt es sich um Patienten mit einem klinischen Halswirbelsäulensyndrom. Der funktionelle Charakter der Störung wird diskutiert.3. In 25% unserer Fälle lagen sicher zentrale Schäden vor, jedoch fand sich mit 2 Ausnahmen kein Anhalt für die Annahme einer Hirnstammläsion als Ursache der Nystagmusbereitschaft nach einer Seite.Therapieversuche werden erwähnt.Der Begriff zentrale Tonusdifferenz wird als mißverständlich abgelehnt und betont, daß dem einseitigen Nystagmusüberwiegen keineswegs ein Hinweischarakter auf eine Hirnstammcontusion zukommt. Die Nystagmusbereitschaft nach einer Seite kann von jedem Abschnitt des vestibulären Systems ausgelöst werden.Teilergebnis eines Forschungsauftrages des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit.  相似文献   

Summary Human -endorphin-like immunoreactive substances ( h -EI) in human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were determined radioimmunologically. The cross reactivity of the antibodies to human -endorphin ( h -E) amounted to 40% for human -lipotropin ( h -LPH) whilst it was less than 1% for leu-and metenkephalin, - and -endorphin, fraction I and II [5], substance P and -MSH. Prior to radioimmunological determination, an adsorbtion of h -EI from CSF with silicic acid was carried out and followed by a desorbtion, using a mixture of aceton/hydrochloric acid. This method was chosen because the ratio of h -LPH to h -E in the desorbat can be shifted in favour of h -E owing to the variation in recoveries r ( =33%, =64%). On the one hand, this enables a more specific determination of h -E and, on the other hand, and separation of any peptidase than may be present [9]. An adsorbtion/desorbtion of 2 ml CSF suffices to prove the presence of 20–150 pg/ml (6–48 fmol/ml) of h -EI.The CSF of 28 patients with various neurological diseases was examined and 24 of them had concentrations of 20–70 pg/ml h -EI. The remaining four, which had concentrations less than 20 pg/ml, came from meningitis patients undergoing corticoid therapy.A purchasable RIA kit was tested for its determination of h -E and was found to be unsuitable.
Zusammenfassung Beta-human-Endorphin-like immunreaktive Substanzen ( h -EI) im menschlichen Liquor (CSF) wurden radioimmunologisch bestimmt. Die Kreuzreaktivität des von uns eingesetzten Antikörpers gegen Beta-human-Endorphin ( h -E) zum Beta-human-Lipoprotein ( h -LPH) betrug 40%, während sie zu Leu- und Met-Enkephalin, Alpha- und Gamma-Endorphin, Fraktion I und II nach Terenius [10], Substanz P und Alpha-MSH geringer war als 1%. Vor der radioimmunologischen Bestimmung wurde eine Adsorption von h -EI aus CSF an Kieselsäure mit anschließender Desorption mittels eines Gemisches aus Aceton/Salzsäure durchgeführt. Diese Methode wurde gewählt, weil sich dadurch das Verhältnis von h -LPH zu h -E im Desorbat zugunsten von h -E aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Recoveries R ( =33%, =66%) verschob. Damit wird einerseits eine erhöhte Spezifität bei der Bestimmung von h -EI und andererseits eine Abtrennung von eventuell vorhandenen Peptidasen erreicht. Eine Adsorption/Desorption aus 2 ml CSF genügt, um h -EI von 20–150 pg/ml (6–48 fmol/ml) nachzuweisen.Patienten (n=28) mit verschiedenen neurologischen Erkrankungen wiesen Werte von 20–70 pg/ml auf. Vier Liquores unter 20 pg/ml stammten von Meningitis-Patienten, welche unter einer Corticoidtherapie standen.Ein käuflicher RIA-Kit wurde auf seine Eignung zur Bestimmung von h -E untersucht und verworfen.

To examine what the general public is learning about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) through popular magazines, all articles listed in the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature under the topic headings of obsessive-compulsive behavior or obsessive-compulsive disorder between 1983 and 1997 were read and rated. Only 31 of the 107 articles under these headings dealt explicitly with OCD, and these were found to be reasonably accurate in their presentations of symptoms, causes, and treatments. Many of the other articles under the target headings, however, focused on incidents of stalking of famous people by obsessed fans. The implications of the content patterns of these articles for understanding and misunderstanding of OCD are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The origin of the extracellular -amyloid protein (/A4) found in senile plaques and the cellular mechanisms responsible for its deposition in cerebral tissues are still an unresolved issue in Alzheimer's disease. In this study we analyzed in detail the distribution of various epitopes of /A4 in relation to local cellular elements in diffuse plaques of the hippocampal region. We also correlated our findings with the presence and distribution of non-/A4 epitopes of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and with synaptophysin immunoreactivity in the cortical neuropil. Discontinuous /A4-immunoreactive deposits were found along dendrites, and around the soma of neurons included in the plaques. Furthermore, increased synaptophysin reactivity with slightly dilated synaptophysin-immunolabeled presynaptic terminals were found in diffuse plaques. APP epitopes could not be found in diffuse plaques. However, some of the APP antibodies, mainly those to the C-terminal portion of APP, and antibodies to /A4 recognized clusters of flat vesicular profiles (0.6–1.4 m in width and 2–3 m in length) in the neuropil of cortical areas where plaques had developed. Our findings are compatible with a neuronal origin of /A4 in diffuse plaques and with a primary release of /A4 at synaptic sites along the immunostained neurites. They also suggest that diffuse plaques might be preceded by minute lesions of the neuropil where /A4 is not yet released from the precursor molecule.  相似文献   

Summary Developing rats were injected intraperitoneally twice weekly with a combination of three hypocholesterolemic agents: Zuclomiphene (formerly calledtrans-clomiphene; dosage, 30 mg/kg body weight), Triparanol (30 mg/kg body weight) and AY-9944 (3 mg/kg body weight). Treatment was initiated at 4 days of age. Biochemical and electron microscopic examination was conducted on animals sacrificed at 20 days of age. Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies were not seen in the CNS. Isolated edematous changes were seen in myelinated axons. Analysis of the sterol content of the brain and spinal cords of drugtreated animals indicated the presence of abnormal concentrations of five sterols, desmosterol, 5-cholesta-7,24-dien-3-ol, zymosterol (5-cholesta-8,24-dien-3-ol), 7-dehydrocholesterol (cholesta-5,7-dien-3-ol) and 7-dehydrodesmosterol (cholesta-5,7,24-trien-3-ol). Zymosterol and 5-cholesta-7,24-dien-3-ol were minor constituents (5–7% and 1–1.5% of total sterol, respectively). The 7-dehydrosterols represented approximately one-half (44–52%) of the total CNS sterol.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird über Aktivität und Verteilung der -Glucuronidase, -Galaktosidase, -Glucosidase und Arylsulfatase in 49 Gliomen berichtet. Die höchste Aktivität in den Tumorzellen weisen die Glykosidasen auf. Mit zunehmender Malignität der Tumorart ist eine Zunahme der Glykosidasenreaktion festzustellen. Alle untersuchten Enzyme sind infolge Diffusion in zerfallenden Markscheiden und ihren Fragmenten nachweisbar.
Summary Activities and distribution patterns of -glucuronidase, -galactosidase, -glucosidase and arylsulfatase were demonstrated histochemically in 49 gliomas. The activities of the glycosidases were higher than that of the sulfatase, and also higher in malignant tumors than in benign ones. The enzymes tested are seen within damaged and disintegrating portions of the myelin sheath.

Summary A study of primary (VEPs) and cognitive (ERPs) visual evoked potentials was carried out in a group of non-demented Afro-American Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. Current studies suggest that differences exist in the clinical manifestations of PD in Caucasian and non-Caucasian populations. Two horizontal sinusoidal gratings differing in spatial frequency, i.e., 1 and 4 cycles per degree (cpd), were presented in an oddball paradigm to 17 patients with PD and 17 age-matched control subjects. While the 1 cpd stimulus, is not expected to reveal retinal dopaminergic deficency, but only visuocognitive deficits, the 4 cpd may give direct information of both retinal and cognitive visual deficits. We measured the latencies and amplitudes of N70, P100 and P300 components, and derived the normalized measures of P300-N70 latency difference (Central Processing Time-CPT70), the P300-P100 latency difference (CPT100) and the P300 amplitude responses normalized to either N70 and P100 amplitude (Amplitude Ratios AR70 and AR100). Our results do show that cognitive electrophysiological deficits in younger PD patients exist in non-Caucasians, perhaps to an even greater degree than in Caucasians, and confirm that absolute and normalized ERP amplitude and latency abnormalities are a distinguishing feature of younger PD patients from controls. In particular P300 measures are abnormal for 1 cpd pattern. A negative correlation exists between P300 amplitude and the motor score. By comparing the results for 1 and 4 cpd stimuli it can be concluded that primary and cognitive visual abnormalities are independently affected in PD, implying that visuo-cognitive abnormalities are not passively determined by retinal dopaminergic deficiency.  相似文献   

In an era when non-psychiatric physicians are increasingly aware of their need for at least a rudimentary knowledge of psychology, medical schools are making belated attempts to remedy the situation.The effort described here succeeded because the students did not seem to view the course as one about crazy people. Thus, they did not distance themselves from the course material and patients.... One student said, This was a course about everybody—about what people have to do to live in the world.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Gedankeneingebung ist eines der Symptome ersten Ranges im Sinne von Kurt Schneider. Schon früher hatte Karl Jaspers eine feinere Trennung vollzogen: Er unterschied zwischen der Gedankeneingebung in einem engeren Sinne und gemachten Gedanken. Indessen haben die meisten deutschen und englischen Autoren die Jasperschen Kriterien dieser Unterscheidung verschmolzen und dadurch den Gebrauch des Terminus ausgeweitet. Auch Kurt Schneider und Weitbrecht sprachen von Gedankeneingebung, gemachten Gedanken und Gedankenbeeinflussung, als ob diese Phänomene identisch seien. Demgegenüber bietet die Jaspersche Differenzierung eine Trennschärfe bei der Erfassung psychopathologischer Symptome, auf die nicht verzichtet werden sollte. Logischerweise und aus praktischen Gründen läßt sich diese Differenzierung auf alle gemachten oder Beeinflussungserlebnisse ausdehnen, so daß man vier Aspekte solcher Phänomene unterscheiden kann. Einige differential-diagnostische Überlegungen hinsichtlich der Gedankeneingebung werden abschließend kurz besprochen.Professor H. -H. Meyer zum 65. Geburtstag herzlich zugeeignet.  相似文献   

Different types of amyloid -protein (A)-containing plaques occur in brains of Alzheimers disease (AD) patients. Diffuse plaques seen during early stages of AD differ from neuritic plaques in later stages both with respect to the length of the A peptides and the presence of other proteins, e.g., apolipoprotein-E (apoE). Since apoE is involved in A transport and clearance, and the 4-allele of the apolipoprotein-E gene (APOE) is a major risk factor for sporadic AD, it is plausible to speculate that apoE plays a pathophysiological role in the initiation of A deposition. To address the issue of whether binding of apoE to A is involved in initial A deposition, we studied the human medial temporal lobe of 60 autopsy cases encompassing the full spectrum of AD-related pathology. In temporal lobe regions, which become involved for the first time at a given stage of -amyloidosis, all plaques represent newly formed plaques, and these were studied with immunohistochemical methods. ApoE was present in 36 cases, and was frequently co-localized with newly formed A deposits detectable with anti-A42 but not with antibodies raised against N-terminal epitopes of A. In 10 additional cases, immunoreactivity against apoE was completely lacking in newly formed plaques, which, at the same time, displayed immunoreactivity against N-terminal epitopes of A. The failure of N-terminal epitopes of A to co-localize with apoE in newly formed plaques indicates that these deposits presumably contain apoE-A complexes, in which the N-terminal epitopes of A are often concealed after complexing with apoE, thus preventing subsequent binding of antibodies. Moreover, apoE-positive newly formed plaques were seen more frequently in APOE 4/4 cases than in non-APOE 4/4 individuals, thereby underlining the potentially crucial role of apoE for the development of A deposits.  相似文献   

This study examined the attitudes of several diverse subject groups in a large medical center toward various mental health professionals. The groups consisted of: 1) general hospital staff; 2) professional mental health workers; and 3) psychiatric in-patients. Subjects evaluated a selection of 11 professional health related role titles (clinical psychologist, physician, psychiatrist, etc.) and the categories me and mental patient by marking a series of 19 seven-step rating scales, each composed of bipolar anchoring adjectives. Additionally, a familiarity rating for each of the role titles was obtained. An understanding and a value cluster were derived from the 19 adjectives along with an overall favorability-unfavorability score for each role title. It was expected that subjects would value mental health professional roles more strongly than they would indicate an understanding of these same roles. Secondly, it was expected that the hospital setting itself, the subject's role within that setting, and the degree of familiarity with the role being rated would have a significant impact on the subject's attitude. Results generally supported the above expectations. Overall ratings of the professional groups were consistently high, with less difference between the health designations (physician, nurse) and the psych designations than has been previously reported in the literature.  相似文献   

The general hypothesis that consultation outcome is related to the occurrence of certain tasks associated with each of several consultation phase areas was tested. Task accomplishment was examined in relation to both participants (consultants and consultees). The findings partly upheld the hypothesis and indicated that consultants and consultees differed in the areas that discriminated between a very successful outcome and a moderately successful outcome. These differences are discussed in terms of differential role behaviors of the consultants and the consultees.  相似文献   

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