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本文采用磁场强度为2.0T,并利用磁化转移对比技术,在诊断性MRI检查同时,对缺血性脑血管疾病(ICVD)患者60例进行了磁共振血流成像(MRA)检查。发现颅内动脉异常信号49例(81.6%),其中动脉闭塞4例,动脉狭窄39例,动脉分支显著减少8例,其它改变者9例。临床表现,MRI与MRA对比发现,MRA不仅是一项无创伤性检查,所提供脑血管病理改变的信息,在ICVD预防,选择治疗以及预后评估方面可能更为重要。  相似文献   

老年椎基底动脉眩晕的MRI和MRA对比观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文从187例临床诊断为椎基底动脉供血不足或椎基底动脉系统TIA的病例中选择33例老年病人,对其MRI和MRA资料进行了分析。头部MRI显示6例异常,占18.2%,除1例小脑出血外,另5例均为梗塞。MRA显示14例异常,占42.4%,其中11例显示与临床症状相应的椎基底动脉系统的闭塞或狭窄,3例显示颈内动脉系统的狭窄。可见,椎基底动脉系统的闭塞或狭窄是老年纯眩晕发作的重要原因之一,部分患者还可能存在小脑、脑干等区的梗塞灶或出血灶等。  相似文献   

磁共振血管成像诊断脑血管疾病   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本组50例脑血管疾病患者的MRI和MRA检查说明,MRA能检出颅内动脉瘤,动静脉畸形,脑动脉塞和狭窄病变。MR检查联合应用能显著提高单项MRI对CVD的诊断价值。MAR有可能成为颅内血管疾病有效,常用的诊断手段。  相似文献   

磁共振血管成像诊断脑血管疾病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本组50例脑血管疾病患者(CVD)的MRI和MRA检查结果说明,MRA能检出颅内动脉瘤、动静脉畸形、脑动脉闭塞和狭窄病变。MR检查联合应用能显著提高单项MRI对CVD的诊断价值。MRA有可能成为颅内血管疾病有效、常用的诊断手段。  相似文献   

TCD与DSA,MRA,CTA蛛网膜下腔出血中应用对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用经颅多普勒超声(TCD)、数字减影血管造影(DSA)、磁共振血管成像(MRA)、CT血管造影(CTA)对24例蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)病人进行了对照研究。通过TCD诊断血管痉挛和狭窄性病变19例(79%),治疗前后动态观察发现脑底动脉平均流速(Vm)增高。诊断颅内压增高2例(8.3%)Vm降低。血管造影等放射影像学检查,发现动脉瘤8例,动脉炎样改变6例,动脉痉挛2例,正常者8例,总异常率为66.6%。通过超声与放射影像学比较发现,两者可以从不同角度显示脑血管的功能或病理状态。  相似文献   

磁共振血管成像诊断脑血管疾病(10例MRA和DSA对照)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
0例做MRA的患者与其中同时做DSA(9例)及手术(1例)的患者进行对照分析,5例MRA结果与DSA一致,包括2例大脑中动脉起始部闭塞,1例大脑中动脉主干狭窄,2例血管畸形。另5例中,1例MRA检查结果显示大脑中动脉主干闭塞,但DSA仅显示该段动脉狭窄,2例MRA显示两侧颈内动脉虹吸部闭塞,DSA除有上述发现外,还检出脑底部异常血管网,1例MRA显示左侧颈内血流来自前、后交通动脉,DSA检查结果为左侧主动脉弓颈总动脉起始部的闭塞,1例MRA显示前交通动脉的动脉瘤,瘤腔大小为1.0cm×0.9cm,手术中证实为2.0cm×1.0cm,部分瘤腔内有血栓样物质充填。本组资料说明MRA能较清晰地显示颅内血管畸形、动脉瘤、Wilis动脉环和大动脉的闭塞和狭窄病变,不足之处为(1)MRA可因血管闭塞或动脉瘤腔内有血栓样物质不能准确反映瘤腔大小。(2)目前MRA仅能检出大动脉及其一、二级分枝。(3)MRA显示动脉狭窄可有病变“夸大现象”。  相似文献   

3D—CTA,MRA和DSA对脑动静脉畸形成像的对照性研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的:评价数字减影血管造影(DSA)、三维计算机断层扫描血管造影(3D-CTA)和磁共振血管成像技术(MRA)对于脑动静脉畸形(AVM)甩像的价值。方法 43例AVM前瞻性对照研究,结果 3D-CTA阳性率100%,与DSA比较;供血动脉的来源,数目和形态100%吻合,引流静脉33例完全吻合(78.6%),9例部分吻合(21.4%);病灶部位、大小以及深度100%吻合。MRA阳性率95.8%,1例假阴性(4.2%)。与DSA影像比较,供血动脉17例完全吻合(70.8%),6例部分吻合(25.0%);引流静脉14例完全吻合(58.3%),9例部分吻合(37.5%),病灶部位、大小以及深度98.5%吻合。结论 DSA是脑AVM成像的“金标准”。3D-CTA和MRA技术的发展为AVM影像不诊断提供了高准确性,无创性的  相似文献   

16例出血性脑梗死(HI)病人,均经二次CT或MRI检查。14例均在首次CT检查发现颅内单发或多发低密度灶,二次CT或MRI检查均显示大面积脑梗死伴出血,按部位分类以大脑中动脉区为最多(10例,)影学改变可分为血肿型(5例)及非血肿型(11例),本组中报告HI患者率较国外为低,所有病例治疗结果表明非血肿型预后较好,治疗中依其病变没情况进行分别治疗是必要的。  相似文献   

用MRI和CT对50例难治性癫痫患者同时进行MRI(0.5T)、CT扫描,并进行对照。结果:MRI异常41例(82%),病灶70个,多发灶22例,颞叶异常30例(73.17%);CT异常28例(56%),病灶36个,多发灶8例,颞叶异常16例(57.14%),X2检验P<0.01,两者有显著性差异。但是,确定病灶要用MBI、SPECT和EEG检测综合判断。  相似文献   

上矢状窦和乙状窦血栓形成的临床和磁共振诊断七例报告   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的分析上矢状窦、乙状窦血栓形成的临床特点、形成原因、磁共振成像及磁共振血管造影对其诊断的价值。方法回顾性分析7例经磁共振检查确诊的硬脑膜静脉窦血栓形成病人的临床资料及影像学特点,其中男2例,女5例,年龄15~34岁。病后3~11天行磁共振检查,主要观察水肿、静脉性梗死或出血、硬脑膜异常强化及静脉窦内异常信号,部分病人复查时可观察到再通。结果硬脑膜静脉窦血栓形成7例皆有明确原因,临床表现多样,主要为亚急性颅内压增高、抽搐、肢体瘫痪或昏迷。MRI常规SE序列T1、T2加权示窦内高信号,脑实质水肿或合并出血、梗死,强化后显示闭塞静脉窦附近硬脑膜异常强化;磁共振脑血管造影(MRA)的PC法示静脉窦高血流信号丢失,2例分别于病后29及37天复查MRI,结果显示再通,硬脑膜异常强化消失。经降颅内压、抗凝,合并炎症者给予抗生素、激素治疗,1例外伤引起者经手术治疗,7例均治愈。结论硬脑膜静脉窦血栓形成是较为少见的脑血管病,且病情重,MRI/MRA可帮助确诊。早期治疗可明显改善预后。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Duplication of the pituitary stalk, morning glory disc anomaly and moya moya are rare malformations. The combination of these findings may be syndromic and may have an underlying genetic etiology. METHODS: Case report and review of the literature of neurological, ophthalmological, and neuroradiological findings including ophthalmic examination, MRI and MRA. CASE REPORT: A 2 year-old girl presented with reduced visual acuity and roving eye movements since birth. Ophthalmological workup revealed bilateral morning glory disc anomaly. MRI showed duplication of the pituitary stalk and caudal displacement of the floor of the third ventricle. MRA showed narrowing of the supraclinoid internal carotid arteries with focal narrowing of the proximal middle cerebral arteries consistent with early moya moya disease. CONCLUSIONS: Review of the literature of pituitary gland duplication and of the combination of morning glory disc anomaly and moya moya disease revealed only one previously reported case. However, the spectrum of this possibly syndromic presentation may be much broader and include various types of anterior midline defects and may have a common underlying genetic cause.  相似文献   

25例烟雾病临床影像特点观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的探讨烟雾病的临床特征、影像学特点。方法对25例烟雾病患者首发症状、临床表现及影像学结果进行分析。结果烟雾病发病平均年龄较轻,女性多于男性;少儿烟雾病患者以缺血改变为主(87.5%),成年烟雾病患者缺血改变(58.8%)与出血改变(41.2%)相当;临床以头痛、头晕、肢体无力或偏瘫或交替性瘫痪为主要表现,同时可伴失语、智能下降、视力下降、癫痫发作、小舞蹈发作等表现。14例行头CT检查仅示颅内病灶,均未提示烟雾病;25例均行MRI和MRA检查发现颅内病灶,显示颈内动脉虹吸末段和大脑前或中动脉近段狭窄或闭塞,并有脑基底部异常血管网及侧支循环形成,均被诊断为烟雾病。其中9例又行数字减影血管造影术(DSA),结果与其MRA相符。结论头颅MRI和MRA是诊断烟雾病理想的非介入性检查方法。  相似文献   

烟雾病的诊断与鉴别诊断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 评价烟雾病的诊断方法,讨论其鉴别诊断。方法 回顾性分析11例烟雾病的CT、MRI及MRA资料,分析脑实质及脑血管的形态学改变。结果 CT及MRI表现为脑实质改变。脑出血3例,脑梗化6例,脑萎缩2例;MRA均见有不同程度的颈内动脉分叉以上狭窄或闭塞,其中双侧颈内动脉狭窄6例,单侧颈内动脉狭窄5例;大脑中动脉狭窄20支,大脑前动脉狭窄18支,大脑后动脉狭窄14支;9例同时显示异常血管网。结论 烟雾病主要靠放射学诊断,MRA可很好地显示烟雾病异常血管,可作为筛台烟雾病首选方法。诊断时,要排除脑中风、动脉瘤和动静脉畸形出血。  相似文献   

Moyamoya病的临床表现与影像学特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 回顾分析12例Moyamoya病的临床和影像学特征,探讨Moyamoya病的影像学诊断价值。方法 分析12例Moyamoya病患的临床资料及数字减影血管造影(DSA)、磁共振血管造影(MRA)、磁共振成像(MRI)和CT结果。结果 所有病例均表现有颈内动脉或其分支不同程度的狭窄或闭塞和颅底异常血管网(MMD血管);其中病变呈双侧8例.单侧4例。12例中头颅CT表现有梗塞灶4例,脑出血5例,其余3例表现正常。结论 除DsA外.MRI和MRA是两种可以很好评价Moyamoya病的影像学方法。若儿童或青壮年发生脑血管病,反复出现脑梗死或出现脑室出血、脑叶出血或蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)则要考虑Moyamoya病的可能。  相似文献   

DWI及MRA在大面积脑梗塞早期诊断中的价值   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:评价弥散加权磁共振成像DWI和磁共振血管成像MRA对早期大面积脑梗塞的诊断价值。方法:对24例早期大面积脑梗塞的临床和磁共振资料进行分析,全部患者均行DWI及MRA检查。结果:24例早期大面积脑梗塞中,13例急性期CT扫描未检测出确切病灶,DWI扫描全部出现大片异常高信号,病灶检出率为100%。而在常规T2WI检查中,7例为阴性,病灶检出率为69%。MRA发现血管异常24例,表现为供血动脉闭塞,狭窄、硬化。结论: DWI有助于明确早期大面积脑梗塞病变范围,且能区别新旧病灶。MRA能直接显示大面积脑梗塞闭塞的供血脑血管,联合使用DWI和MRA对早期大面积脑梗塞诊断有重要的临床价值,也有利于早期合理的治疗方案制定及预后判断。  相似文献   

烟雾病的MRI和MRA诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨磁共振成像(MRI)和磁共振动脉成像(MRA)对烟雾病的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析22例烟雾病患者的临床和影像资料,全部行MRI和MRA(3D-TOF法)检查,其中10例进行了DSA检查。结果MRI上脑实质内均出现异常信号,其中脑梗死8例,脑出血7例,脑萎缩3例,脑软化4例,8例患者在基底节区有血管流空现象。MRA均良好显示病变血管狭窄或闭塞,呈多支受累,与DSA所见相似。结论MRI结合MRA是诊断烟雾病的无创和有效手段。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the past, clinical decisions regarding treatment of neurovascular disorders leading to ischemia have been guided by the percentage of stenosis of the vessel in question. However, such an approach assumes a predictable and stable relationship between the percentage of stenosis and the degree of flow reduction it causes. Historically, this type of relationship has been difficult to document. Thus, a method for noninvasively measuring the absolute flow of specific cerebral arteries is of potential practical value. METHODS: We set to quantify the mean blood flow (Qm, in mL/min) in the cerebral arteries using quantitative magnetic resonance angiography (QMRA), and to compare the findings in normal vessels with those found in vessels considered pathologically narrowed. Specific vascular segments were identified, studied, and the results entered into a database. Statistical analyses of the measurements were carried out using StatPlus for Microsoft Excel. It involved comparing of the Qm found in specific vessels, as well as those found in normal and abnormal vessels, using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The abnormal vessels were selected from specifically identified magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) studies. RESULTS: A total of 57 patients, 26 men and 31 women, with ages ranging from 19 to 86 years (mean = 64.5), underwent MRA with subsequent QMRA of 157 arteries. The latter included 72 internal carotid (ICA), 45 vertebral (VA), 18 common carotid (CCA), 13 middle cerebral (MCA), and nine basilar (BA) arteries. The mean Qm obtained were CCA = 313.9 (+/-115.4), ICA = 231.1 (+/-83.7), VA = 90.5 (+/-45.8), MCA = 92.5 (+/-62.3) and BA = 120.1 (+/-64.5). ANOVA showed significant differences between individual vessels (P < .00001). The values obtained were consistent with those predicted mathematically, as derivatives of their proportional contributions to overall cerebral arterial flow (Qbrain) as a product of the normal cardiac output (CO) [ie, Qbrain = CO*.2]. Further ANOVA of the normal and abnormal vessels showed statistically significant differences between the two groups (186.5 +/- 108.6 vs. 117.9 +/- 76.1, respectively; P= .000514). CONCLUSIONS: The use of QMRA provides the mean for direct measurement of absolute blood flow within the cerebral arteries in physiologic and pathologic states. This technique may be of future importance in characterizing absolute flow compromise in the cerebral arteries under a variety of clinically relevant circumstances.  相似文献   

Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is a rare disorder characterized by acute onset, severe headache, with reversible vasoconstriction of cerebral arteries often accompanied by additional neurological symptoms. This syndrome is seen mainly in middle-aged adults, predominantly women. Herein, we report on a pediatric case of RCVS with cortical subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). A 12-year-old boy developed acute, severe headache with paralysis of lower extremities causing gait disturbance after administration of eletriptan. Brain magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) revealed multifocal narrowing of the cerebral arteries, whereas magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated sulcal hyperintensity on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, consistent with cortical SAH. The patient's clinical symptoms resolved spontaneously after a few days and the MRI and MRA findings disappeared 3months later, suggesting a diagnosis of RCVS. Eletriptan might cause vasoconstriction of cerebral arteries. Although most patients with RCVS are adults and pediatric cases are rare, RCVS should be considered in a child complaining of severe headache.  相似文献   

We performed a retrospective analysis of non-contrast computed tomography (CT) scans, immediately subsequent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and cerebral angiography data from 30 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke within 6 hours after symptom onset. Results showed that eleven patients developed subsequent hemorrhagic transformation at follow-up. A hyperintense middle cerebral artery sign on MRI was found in six hemorrhagic patients, all of who had acute thrombosis formation on magnetic resonance angiography and digital subtraction angiography. No patients in the non-hemorrhagic group had hyperintense middle cerebral artery sign on MRI. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive values of the hyperintense middle cerebral artery sign on MRI T1-weighted image for subsequent hemorrhagic transformation were 54.5%, 100%, and 100% respectively. Hyperdense middle cerebral artery sign on non-contrast CT was observed in nine patients, five of who developed hemorrhagic transformation. These data suggest that hyperintense middle cerebral artery sign on MRI T1-weighted image is a highly specific and moderately sensitive indicator of subsequent hemorrhagic transformation in patients after acute ischemic stroke, and its specificity is superior to CT.  相似文献   

Serial imaging studies can be useful in characterizing the pathologic and physiologic remodeling of cerebral arteries in various mouse models. We tested the feasibility of using a readily available, conventional 3-T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to serially image cerebrovascular remodeling in mice. We utilized a mouse model of intracranial aneurysm as a mouse model of the dynamic, pathologic remodeling of cerebral arteries. Aneurysms were induced by hypertension and a single elastase injection into the cerebrospinal fluid. For the mouse cerebrovascular imaging, we used a conventional 3-T MRI system and a 40-mm saddle coil. We used non-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) to detect intracranial aneurysm formation and T2-weighted imaging to detect aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. A serial MRI was conducted every 2 to 3 days. MRI detection of aneurysm formation and subarachnoid hemorrhage was compared against the postmortem inspection of the brain that was perfused with dye. The imaging times for the MRA and T2-weighted imaging were 3.7±0.5 minutes and 4.8±0.0 minutes, respectively. All aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhages were correctly identified by two masked observers on MRI. This MRI-based serial imaging technique was useful in detecting intracranial aneurysm formation and subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice.  相似文献   

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