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《Acta oto-laryngologica》2012,132(8):846-855
Conclusion. Saccular otoliths of teleosts were mostly larger than utricular otoliths, which might relate to the three-dimensional movement. The large and heavy otolith may be better suited in saccules of the bottom and reef fishes. The quantities of iron in lagenar otoliths were found to be lower than those of birds. The function of the fish lagena remains to be elucidated by further studies. Objective. To evaluate the morphological characteristics and the chemical composition of the otoliths in fishes as related to behaviour and habitat. Materials and methods. We studied the morphology of the otoliths of 18 genera of fishes (81 samples) divided into 3 groups: saltwater fish (13 genera), freshwater fish except for the carp family (3 genera) and carp family fish (2 genera). The otoliths and the living environments were compared. The chemical composition was analysed using a synchrotron X-ray fluorescence analyser. Results. Bottom fishes generally have larger saccular otoliths, and migrating fishes have smaller saccular otoliths. In comparing the bottom/reef fishes and the migrating fishes in salt water, the former tended to have larger saccular otoliths. In saltwater bottom fishes the tendency was found that the thinner the head, the larger was the saccular otolith. We found significant quantities of iron, zinc and manganese in the lagenar otoliths.  相似文献   

An electron microscope examination of the stria vascularis of guinea pigs and the structural changes occurring after administration of furosemide has been made. The use of ruthenium-red, which stains cell coats, has shown that the stria is impermeable to the passive diffusion of material from both the endolymph and the spiral ligament. The first changes after administration of furosemide are observed 4 hours after injection; small spaces develop between the cells. After 5–6 hours the spaces have enlarged but the tight junctions between marginal cells remain intact. The intermediate cells show signs of atrophy. In severely affected animals the intermediate cells have so shrunk that the spaces are very large and the marginal cells clearly resolved. These latter cells show no structural damage. In this severely affected tissue it is seen that the blood vessels are entirely surrounded by marginal cell extensions. It is suggested that the intermediate cells may have a regulatory function. The damage appears to be recoverable, since 6 hours after injection the spaces have decreased in size although some signs of intermediate cell atrophy are still apparent.  相似文献   

Vestibular macular sensors are activated by a shearing motion between the otoconial membrane and underlying receptor epithelium. Shearing motion and sensory activation in response to an externally induced head motion do not occur instantaneously. The mechanically reactive elastic and inertial properties of the intervening tissue introduce temporal constraints on the transfer of the stimulus to sensors. Treating the otoconial sensory apparatus as an overdamped second-order mechanical system, we measured the governing long time constant (ΤL) for stimulus transfer from the head surface to epithelium. This provided the basis to estimate the corresponding upper cutoff for the frequency response curve for mouse otoconial organs. A velocity step excitation was used as the forcing function. Hypothetically, the onset of the mechanical response to a step excitation follows an exponential rise having the form Velshear = U(1-e−t/TL), where U is the applied shearing velocity step amplitude. The response time of the otoconial apparatus was estimated based on the activation threshold of macular neural responses to step stimuli having durations between 0.1 and 2.0 ms. Twenty adult C57BL/6 J mice were evaluated. Animals were anesthetized. The head was secured to a shaker platform using a non-invasive head clip or implanted skull screws. The shaker was driven to produce a theoretical forcing step velocity excitation at the otoconial organ. Vestibular sensory evoked potentials (VsEPs) were recorded to measure the threshold for macular neural activation. The duration of the applied step motion was reduced systematically from 2 to 0.1 ms and response threshold determined for each duration (nine durations). Hypothetically, the threshold of activation will increase according to the decrease in velocity transfer occurring at shorter step durations. The relationship between neural threshold and stimulus step duration was characterized. Activation threshold increased exponentially as velocity step duration decreased below 1.0 ms. The time constants associated with the exponential curve were ΤL = 0.50 ms for the head clip coupling and TL = 0.79 ms for skull screw preparation. These corresponded to upper −3 dB frequency cutoff points of approximately 318 and 201 Hz, respectively. TL ranged from 224 to 379 across individual animals using the head clip coupling. The findings were consistent with a second-order mass-spring mechanical system. Threshold data were also fitted to underdamped models post hoc. The underdamped fits suggested natural resonance frequencies on the order of 278 to 448 Hz as well as the idea that macular systems in mammals are less damped than generally acknowledged. Although estimated indirectly, it is argued that these time constants reflect largely if not entirely the mechanics of transfer to the sensory apparatus. The estimated governing time constant of 0.50 ms for composite data predicts high frequency cutoffs of at least 318 Hz for the intact otoconial apparatus of the mouse.  相似文献   

患者,男,49岁,因"反复中上腹疼痛6年"于2012年6月12日就诊于我院消化内科。患者有反复胃痛、胃部不适症状,长期按胃病治疗效果不佳。既往有吸毒史、丙型肝炎病史。6年前患者毒瘾发作时曾吞入牙刷,在当地医院复查未发现异物,未进一步诊治。  相似文献   

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - The surface structure of the organ of Corti and the overlying tectorial membrane were studied in human and monkey cochleas under a scanning electron...  相似文献   

镫骨赝附体与砧骨长脚之间连接状态对声音传导的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨镫骨赝附体与砧骨长脚间连接程度对声音传导的影响,为镫骨手术寻找理论依据和更好的指导临床工作.方法17例新鲜尸体颞骨标本,在不同强度的机械刺激下,采用激光多普勒振动仪研究镫骨赝附体与砧骨长脚间不同的连接程度对声音传导的影响.结果将镫骨赝附体与砧骨长脚的连接程度,由三位医师分别对内镜和扫描电镜在颞骨标本中采集的镫骨赝附体与砧骨长脚之间连接的图像进行评分,分为紧密连接、松弛连接和未连接,三位医师的评分结果基本一致.分别对上述三种连接程度,在500mV、800mV和1200 mV的机械刺激下,用激光多普勒振动仪测试砧骨长脚侧与镫骨赝附体间的振动差距,经过专门的计算机软件处理,换算为声刺激模式,发现紧密连接时,声音的传导在此连接上损失2 dB,小于砧镫关节生理性的声损失3 dB,松弛连接和未连接对声音的传导在此连接上的损失很大,高达28 dB不等,平均为10 dB.结论镫骨手术时镫骨赝附体与砧骨长脚连接紧密,声传导损失接近砧镫关节的生理性声传导损失.  相似文献   

目的:探讨膈神经移位与面神经干吻合的解剖学基础。方法:解剖11具22侧成年尸体头颈部,观察并测量:①膈神经根与面神经总干腮腺区分叉处之间的距离;②膈神经干在颈部可利用长度;③面神经总干腮腺区分叉处游离至水平半规管下缘可利用长度,面神经总干腮腺区分叉处游离至水平半规管下缘较游离至茎乳孔处增加的面神经干可利用长度;④面神经总干腮腺区分叉处至水平半规管下方切断处膈神经干及面神经干神经移位后并列放置重合长度。结果:①膈神经根与面神经总干腮腺区分叉处之间的距离为(7.2±0.9)cm。②膈神经起点至锁骨下静脉上缘平面为(7.2±1.6)cm。③面神经总干腮腺区分叉处至水平半规管下方切断处的长度2.7~3.5 cm,较面神经干自茎乳孔下方切断增加1.0~1.5 cm。④神经移位后重合长度为0.4~1.8 cm。结论:在锁骨下静脉上缘平面切断20侧标本膈神经可与自乳突内切取的面神经干无张力吻合,两侧膈神经不能与自乳突内切取的面神经干无张力吻合。  相似文献   

CONCLUSION: Saccular otoliths of teleosts were mostly larger than utricular otoliths, which might relate to the three-dimensional movement. The large and heavy otolith may be better suited in saccules of the bottom and reef fishes. The quantities of iron in lagenar otoliths were found to be lower than those of birds. The function of the fish lagena remains to be elucidated by further studies. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the morphological characteristics and the chemical composition of the otoliths in fishes as related to behaviour and habitat. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied the morphology of the otoliths of 18 genera of fishes (81 samples) divided into 3 groups: saltwater fish (13 genera), freshwater fish except for the carp family (3 genera) and carp family fish (2 genera). The otoliths and the living environments were compared. The chemical composition was analysed using a synchrotron X-ray fluorescence analyser. RESULTS: Bottom fishes generally have larger saccular otoliths, and migrating fishes have smaller saccular otoliths. In comparing the bottom/reef fishes and the migrating fishes in salt water, the former tended to have larger saccular otoliths. In saltwater bottom fishes the tendency was found that the thinner the head, the larger was the saccular otolith. We found significant quantities of iron, zinc and manganese in the lagenar otoliths.  相似文献   

Traumatic perilymphatic fistula due to luxation of the stapes into the vestibule caused by an earpick is an extremely rare situation. In order to treat such an injury, it is necessary to evaluate the extent of the damage and the actual condition of the middle and inner ear. However, it is difficult to obtain such precise information about the condition of the stapes prior to performing surgery. We report on a case of a traumatic perilymphatic fistula with luxation of the stapes into the vestibule that was diagnosed using multislice CT (MSCT). MSCT clearly demonstrated the presence of air in the vestibule (pneumolabyrinth), which indicated the presence of a perilymphatic fistula and the deep depression of the stapes into the vestibule. In order to seal the perilymphatic fistula and prevent middle and inner ear infection, surgery was performed on the portion of the stapes that remained in the vestibule. The patient has been free from vertigo and has exhibited some recovery of his hearing.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The oro-facial clefts are very frequent congenital malformations, with many clinical forms. We report an exceptional case of median cleft of the tongue, the lower lip and the mandible. CASE REPORT: Our patient was a new born, admitted in our unit for major facial malformation with swallowing disorder. The patient presented a particular form of cleft no 30 in Tessier's classification, which associated two hemi-tongues, two hemi-lower lips and two hemi-mandibles. Surgery was performed early because of the swallowing disorder. Cosmetic and functional results were positive, with 18 month follow-up. DISCUSSION: With a review of the literature, we describe this pathology, its embryologic origin, its different clinical forms and its treatment.  相似文献   

喉咽后壁区癌手术治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨喉咽后壁区癌的手术方法、疗效和保留喉功能的可行性。方法回顾性分析于1997~2003年行手术治疗的喉咽后壁区癌21例。男19例,女2例;年龄35~78岁;根据1971年UICC分期的规定:Ⅰ期2例,Ⅱ期3例,Ⅲ期4例,Ⅳ期12例。6例以局部黏膜拉拢缝合修复,2例行裂层皮瓣修复,1例行颈阔肌皮瓣修复,7例以残喉气管瓣修复,1例行胸大肌皮瓣修复,1例以胸大肌联合喉气管瓣修复,其余3例行全喉及全喉咽切除后以胃上提及结肠上徙修复。10例行单侧,11例行双侧选择性或改良根治性颈清扫术。术后病理5例有淋巴结转移,占23.8%。19例术后行辅助性放疗。结果21例术后均Ⅰ期愈合,吞咽功能恢复良好,其中11例保留了全部或部分喉功能。经6个月~7年随访,随访5年及以上者3例,健在1例,生存率1/3;随访3年以上者13例,健在5例,生存率38.5%;其余8例随访未及3年。结论喉咽后壁区癌的T1 ̄2级病变宜行保留全喉功能的手术,细心选择的T3 ̄4级病变可保留部分喉功能,手术方式和重建方法的选择对彻底切除喉咽后壁区癌并保留喉功能十分重要。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中耳手术中常规开放后鼓室对术后干耳的影响。方法:回顾性分析168名中耳手术病例,按术中是否开放后鼓室分组,比较2组术后干耳率。结果:未开放后鼓室组和开放后鼓室组术后干耳率分别为81.7%(67/82)和91.9%(79/86);未开放后鼓室组中胆脂瘤型和骨疡型患者干耳率分别为78.9%(30/38)和84.1%(37/44),开放后鼓室组这2型干耳率分别为88.1%(37/42)和95.5%(42/44);未开放后鼓室组中行乳突根治术和鼓室成形术患者术后干耳率分别为81.8%(36/44)和84.6%(31/38),而开放后鼓室组则分别为91.3%(42/46)和92.5%(37/40)。结论:中耳手术中常规开放后鼓室不仅有利于清理隐匿的病灶,而且有利于最大限度的修低面神经嵴,通畅引流,最终提高术后干耳率。  相似文献   

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