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目的分析非综合征性耳聋患儿的致聋基因和携带SLC26A4基因突变者的临床表现、康复设备使用及康复教育机构的选择情况。方法对195例非综合征性耳聋患儿进行耳聋基因芯片筛查。对34例携带SLC26A4基因突变的耳聋患儿进行了进一步的测序分析,并对这些聋儿进行病史和听力学检查回顾性分析以及康复设备使用和康复教育机构选择的随访。结果①在195例耳聋患者中,基因芯片检测出的遗传性耳聋比率为43.59%,其中GJB2、SLC26A4致病突变的携带率分别为24.10%、17.44%。②在34例携带SLC26A4基因突变的耳聋患者中,芯片检测出纯合或者复合杂合突变者13例。通过随后的测序方法,在15例SLC26A4基因单杂合突变患者中检出第二个致病突变位点,诊断为复合杂合突变患者。这34名患儿中,中度耳聋3人,重度耳聋12人,极重度耳聋19人;听力波动者10人,没有明显波动者24人127人选择了助听器,7人进行了人工耳蜗手术。28例SLC26A4基因纯合或者复合杂合突变患者中,前庭水管扩大者20人,1人正常,7人没有接受CT检查。③34名携带SLC26A4基因突变的聋儿中,3~6岁者共19人,其中13人选择了康复中心,3人选择了普通幼儿园,3人选择了家庭康复。6岁以上者15人,13人选择了普通小学,2人选择了聋校。结论①结果表明,遗传因素是儿童耳聋的重要致病原因,GJB2和SLC26A4是两个主要的致病基因。②测序和芯片联合的方法可以增加SLC26A4突变致聋的诊断率。③在3~10岁年龄段,91.18%的SLC26A4基因突变患儿为重度一极重度耳聋,听力无明显波动者多于听力波动者,影像学多显示为前庭水管扩大。④康复中心和普通小学是携带SLC26A4基因突变的耳聋儿童最常选择的康复教育机构。  相似文献   

目的探讨耳聋基因panel技术在耳聋患者基因诊断中的应用。方法40例耳聋患者首先采用荧光定量PCR结合Sanger测序法检测4个常见耳聋基因的25个位点突变,初检结果单杂合致病突变者行耳聋基因单基因测序或耳聋基因panel检测;初检结果未发现耳聋基因致病性突变者直接行耳聋基因panel检测。16例患者行父母耳聋基因溯源验证。结果40例患者中,耳聋基因筛查检出GJB2基因纯合或复合杂合突变8例、单杂合突变2例,SLC26A4基因纯合突变1例、单杂合突变2例。4例单杂合突变检出者接受进一步的耳聋单基因或耳聋基因panel测序,其中2例分别检出GJB2基因c.235delC/c.610delC及c.235delC/c.109G>A复合杂合突变,2例检出SLC26A4基因c.919-2A>G/c.1548_1549insC复合杂合突变。27例初检结果阴性患者接受了进一步的耳聋基因panel检测,检出GJB2基因c.109G>A纯合突变4例和c.571T>C/c.G109A复合杂合突变1例,MYO7A基因c.397dupC/c.3484A>T复合杂合突变1例,MYO15A基因c.4779+2T>C/c.5008-2A>G复合杂合突变1例,ACTG1基因c.118C>T单杂合突变1例,CDH23基因c.1765G>A/c.6504T>A及c.6049G>A/c.7225-1G>A复合杂合突变各1例。在16例行父母溯源的耳聋患者中,15例患者耳聋基因突变分别遗传自其父母。结论对于耳聋基因热点突变检测结果阴性的耳聋患者,应用耳聋基因panel能有效提高遗传性致病基因检出效率,为其遗传学诊断和临床治疗提供依据。  相似文献   

目的分析两个非综合征型前庭水管扩大耳聋家系的临床特征和SLC26A4基因检测特点。方法对两个非综合征型前庭水管扩大耳聋小家系进行临床表型分析,并对两个家系中的6例耳聋患者、6例听力正常者及1例胎儿进行SLC26A4基因全编码序列的检测。结果第一个家系共3代9人,其中仅第三代2人为耳聋患者,2例均为语后感音神经性聋,颞骨CT显示均为前庭水管扩大,1例胎儿。第二个家系共三代14人,其中4人为耳聋患者,1例为语后感音神经性聋,3例为语前感音神经性聋。颞骨CT显示均为前庭水管扩大。两个家系共发现SLC26A4基因1022delC、c.919-2A>G、p.G497S、p.H723R、p.T410M五种不同的已知致病突变,耳聋患者均为双等位基因突变,1例胎儿为携带者,6例听力正常者为携带者。结论两个家系的6例耳聋患者分别由SLC26A4基因不同复合杂合突变导致前庭水管扩大,1例胎儿为携带者,加强耳聋基因的孕前及产前诊断对防止此类耳聋患儿的出生有重大意义。  相似文献   

目的从基因检测确定耳聋发病原因,同时为受检者的婚育遗传咨询与干预措施提供依据。方法对来自7个家庭共21例自愿受检者进行检测前咨询告知其检测的目的方法及意义后,使用耳聋基因芯片和直接测序法对其进行耳聋基因检测。结果在21例受检者中检出1例GJB2 235del C纯合突变、4例复合杂合突变。2例GJB2 235del C与SLC26A4 IVS7-2A>G双重杂合突变。12例杂合突变(2例GJB2基因杂合突变,10例SLC26A4基因杂合突变),2例SLC26A4基因与GJB2基因未检出。并对不同发病原因,不同就诊需求的耳聋家庭提供准确遗传咨询、指导和干预。结论临床上检测遗传性耳聋的基因对于遗传咨询、生育聋儿风险率评估、产前诊断以及开展治疗等均可提供重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

目的 在全国27个省市聋校学生2352例中进行基于SLC26A4基因热点突变ⅣS7-2A>G的该基因的全序列筛查,分析和探讨中国人SLC26A4基因相关大前庭水管综合征的分子流行病学状况.方法 调查对象来自全国27个省市自治区的聋哑学校学生2352例,共涉及21个民族.听力正常的对照人群150例.所有受检者均采集外周血并提取DNA,其中1552例以序列分析方法 检测SLC26A4基因外显子7+8以筛查热点突变IVS7-2A>G,800例以试剂盒的方法 检测IVS7-2A>G突变.对携带IVS7-2 A>G纯合突变的个体结束筛查,对携带IVS7-2A>G单杂合突变的个体进行SLC26A4基因其他外显子测序,寻找可能存在的另外一个突变位点.结果 2352例来自全国多个地区的耳聋患者中271例携带SLC26A4基因IVS7-2A>G突变,其中106例携带IVS7-2 A>G纯合突变,165例携带IVS7-2A>G单杂合突变,IVS7-2A>G突变总检出率达到11.52%(271/2352),汉族患者中IVS7-2 A>G突变检出率达到13.35%(254/1903);对165例携带IVS7-2A>G单杂合突变的患者进行SLC26A4基因其他外显子序列分析显示其中105例找到另外一个突变位点,其余60例未找到另外的突变.2352例耳聋患者中基于IVS7-2A>G突变的SLC26A4基因纯合及复合杂合突变携带者共211例,占总人数的8.97%(211/2352).其中1903例汉族耳聋患者中基于IVS7-2A>G突变的SLC26A4基因纯合及复合杂合突变携带者共199例,占汉族人数的10.46%(199/1903).105例携带SLC26A4基因复合杂合突变的患者中,除IVS7-2A>G突变外的另一突变位点主要存在于外显子19、10、17、11+12、3和15上.正常对照人群IVS7-2 A>G突变检出率为2%,均为单杂合突变,且均未找到另一个突变.结论 2352例聋哑学生通过基于SLC26A4基因热点突变IVS7-2A>G的该基因的全序列筛查,将211例耳聋患者明确为SLC26A4基因突变致聋;发现在中国由SLC26A4基因热点突变引起的大前庭水管相关遗传性耳聋的比例较高,接近9%,汉族耳聋人群中该比例超过10%;揭示SLC26A4基因筛查和诊断在耳聋的病因学诊断中起重要作用,在大规模耳聋患者的病因学筛查方面具有优势.点突变区域提供了依据.  相似文献   

目的总结72个耳聋高危家庭的耳聋相关基因的携带状况和遗传规律等信息,评估耳聋易感基因检测对生育前遗传咨询和指导的临床意义。方法对2019年1月至6月72个耳聋高危家庭通过耳聋基因芯片对4个常见耳聋基因中的9个位点(GJB2基因中的35del G、176del16、235del C、299_300del AT,GJB3基因中的538 C>T,SLC26A4基因中的2168A>G、919-2A>G及线粒体12S r RNA基因中的1494C>T、1555A>G)进行检测。为所有参与家庭提供耳聋基因报告,进一步检测到存在致病突变的家庭提供产前诊断。结果在72个耳聋高危家庭中,有18个家庭发现了相关的致病突变。共有9个家庭检测出GJB2基因突变,其中6个家庭检测出GJB2单杂合突变(8.33%),3个家庭检测出GJB2复合杂合突变(4.17%);共有5个家庭检测出SLC26A4基因突变,其中3个家庭为SLC26A4 919-2A>G单杂合突变(4.17%),2个家庭检测出SLC26A4 919-2A>G纯合突变(2.78%);有3个家庭检测出线粒体12S r RNA基因均质突变(4.17%);另有1个家庭为多基因复合突变(1.39%),母亲GJB2复合杂合突变,父亲为GJB2、GJB3及SLC26A4多基因多位点杂合突变,孩子被检测为GJB3及SLC26A4多基因复合杂合突变。结论通过对高危家庭进行耳聋基因筛查,可以为高风险家庭的夫妇的生育计划提供帮助,实现"早筛查,早诊断,早干预"策略。  相似文献   

目的 对山东滨州市特教学校学生进行耳聋分子流行病学调查,了解耳聋的常见分子病因.方法 对山东省滨州市阳信、无棣、惠民三县特教学校年龄5~19岁的78名重度耳聋学生进行遗传性耳聋问卷调查、全面体格检查、耳鼻咽喉专科检查以及听力学评估(纯音测听和声导抗)等,应用限制性内切酶法分别对GJB2基因235delC突变、线粒体DNA 12S rRNA基因A1555G点突变进行分析,应用直接测序法检测SLC26A4基因ⅣS7-2A>G突变.结果 非综合征性耳聋74例.其中,10例(13.51%)携带GJB2基因235delC纯合突变,1例(1.35%)携带GJB2基因235delC和299DelAT复合杂合突变,3例(4.05%)携带GJB2基因235delC杂合突变,2例(2.70%)携带GJB2基因299DeLAT杂合突变;5例(6.76%)携带线粒体DNA 12S rRNA基因A1555G点突变;3例(4.05%)携带SLC26A4基因ⅣS7-2A>G纯合突变,1例(1.35%)携带SLC26A4基因ⅣS7-2A>G杂合突变.18.92%(14/74)的非综合征性耳聋患者携带GJB2基因235delC和SLC26A4基因ⅣS7-2A>G双等位基因突变(纯合突变+复合杂合突变);8.11%(6/74)的非综合征性耳聋患者携带GJB2基因和SLC26A4基因ⅣS7-2A>G单杂合突变.4例综合征性耳聋患者在所检测范围内均未发现突变.结论 山东省滨州地区特教学校耳聋患者存在较高的GJB2基因235delC、线粒体DNA 12SrRNA基因A1555G和SLC26A4基因ⅣS7-2A>G突变发生率,线粒体DNA 12S rRNA 基因A1555G突变发生率高于全国平均水平.聋病分子流行病学调查提示山东省滨州地区23.08%的特教学校耳聋患者在分子水平能够明确诊断,另有8.97%的患者有强烈的遗传倾向.准确的耳聋早期诊断、遗传咨询、及时干预和治疗在这一地区的聋哑人群中是非常重要的.  相似文献   

目的 在全国1552例聋哑学生中进行基于SLC26A4基因热点突变IVS7-2A>G的全序列筛查,分析和探讨中国人SLC26A4基因相关大前庭水管综合征的分子流行病学状况.方法 调查对象来自全国21个省市自治区的聋哑学校学生1552例,共涉及21个民族.听力正常的对照组人群150例.所有受检者均采集外周血并提取DNA,以序列分析方法检测SLC26A4基因外显子7+8以筛查热点突变IVS7-2A>G,对携带IVS7-2 A>G纯合突变的个体结束筛查,对携带IVS7-2A>G单杂合突变的个体进行SLC26A4基因其他外显子测序,寻找可能存在的另外一个突变位点.结果 1552例患者中197例携带IVS7-2A>G突变,其中83例携带IVS7-2 A>G纯合突变,114例携带IVS7-2A>G单杂合突变,IVS7-2A>G突变总检出率达到12.69%(197/1552).114例携带IVS7-2A>G单杂合突变的患者中78例找到另外一个突变位点,其余36例未找到另外的突变.1552例耳聋患者中IVS7-2A>G纯合突变及包含一个IVS7-2A>G突变的复合杂合突变携带者共161例,占10.37%(161/1552).78例携带SLC26A4基因复合杂合突变的患者中,除IVS7-2A>G突变外的另一突变位点主要存在于外显子19、10、17、15、11+12、14和3上,发现新突变类型21种.正常对照人群IVS7-2 A>G突变检出率为2%,均为单杂合突变,且均未找到另一个突变.结论 中国耳聋群体中由SLC26A4基因突变引起的大前庭水管相关遗传性聋的比例超过10%,SLC26A4基因筛查和诊断在耳聋的病因学诊断中占有重要地位;通过在较大样本中进行与SLC26A4基因IVS7-2 A>G突变相关的全序列分析,可以明确相对热点突变分布密集的外显子区域,为制定高效的SLC26A4基因筛查策略提供依据;新发现的突变类型丰富了中国人群SLC26A4基因突变图谱.  相似文献   

目的:对非综合征性先天性重度及以上感音神经性听力损失儿童及其父母进行耳聋相关基因检测,探讨耳聋基因芯片筛查在临床中应用的有效性和可行性。方法选择来自医院听力检测中心的47个听障儿童家庭,包括52例非综合征性先天性感音神经性听力损失患儿及其父母,应用遗传学耳聋基因芯片对47个家庭进行GJB2、GJB3、SLC26A4、线粒体12S rRNA4个常见耳聋基因9个检测位点的基因检测。结果146例受检者中,17个家庭的43例筛查结果阳性,其中16例听力损失患儿筛查阳性,筛查阳性率为30.8%。GJB2基因235delC位点纯合突变8例,GJB2基因235delC位点杂合突变20例,GJB2基因235delC位点和SLC26A4基因IVS7-2A〉G位点杂合突变1例,SLC26A4基因IVS7-2A〉G位点纯合突变2例,SLC26A4基因IVS7-2A〉G位点杂合突变10例,SLC26A4基因2168A〉G位点杂合突变2例。结论应用耳聋基因芯片检测技术能快速、高效地检测非综合征性耳聋患者的遗传性致病基因,适用于大规模群体耳聋基因的筛查,有助于临床医生从病因学角度辅助耳聋诊断,引入正确的康复干预措施,并为具有聋病易感基因的听力损失儿童家庭提供针对性的遗传咨询指导。  相似文献   

目的 探寻1个中国汉族非综合征型遗传性聋家系的致病原因。方法 收集该家系临床资料,采集静脉血后抽提DNA,通过Sanger测序对三大常见耳聋基因(GJB2、SLC26A4、线粒体DNA 12SrRNA)全序列进行筛查以排除致病突变,通过靶向捕获二代测序对目前所有已知耳聋基因进行检测并寻找该患者的可疑致病基因,并通过Sanger测序对变异进行验证。结果 该家系中先证者听力表型为中度听力障碍,其姐姐为中重度听力障碍,其父母听力正常,对先证者进行三大耳聋基因筛查未见可疑致病突变,通过靶向捕获二代测序及Sanger测序验证发现OTOGL基因截短类型的复合杂合突变是该家系高度可能的致病原因,先证者及其姐姐均携带OTOGL基因c.2833C>T(p.Arg945*)/c.6467C>A(p.Ser2156*)复合杂合突变,分别来自其父母。根据美国医学遗传与基因组学会(American College of medical genetics and genomics, ACMG)遗传变异分类标准与指南,c.2833C>T(p.Arg945*)与c.6467C>A(p.Ser2...  相似文献   

One‐stop neck lump clinic: phase 2 of audit. How are we doing? Regular monitoring and audit of a service are integral to ensuring maintenance of efficiency and standards. This is particularly important where the quality of the service is operator dependent, as is the case in the clinical diagnosis of neck lumps and fine needle aspiration cytology. The one‐stop neck lump clinic has now been running in the department for more than 20 months. A previous article described the results of the first phase audit carried out at 6 months and had identified a waiting time to be seen that was longer than that recommended by the British Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Head and Neck Surgeons. Measures were implemented to reduce this waiting time and a second audit was carried out after another 10 months with the aims of assessing if modification of the means of referral reduces waiting time and if the outcomes of clinical performance in phase 1 could be maintained or improved. We discuss the results of phase 2 in the audit spiral.  相似文献   

《Acta oto-laryngologica》2012,132(5):520-523
The paranasal sinuses are connected to the nasal cavity via small osties. Ostial occlusion, caused by mucosal swelling, will result in a slowly increasing negative pressure inside the sinus cavity. In parallel, the oxygen content in the sinus will decrease, resulting in the development of relative hypoxia. Hypoxia is a powerful inducer of nitric oxide (NO) synthase, and inducible NO synthase has been shown to be present in considerable amounts in the upper airways, including the sinuses. The present study was designed to investigate whether a reduction in sinus pressure would affect upper airway NO production. Thirteen healthy volunteers were investigated. A pressure chamber was used to lower the ambient pressure to-4.9 kPa. NO was sampled from one nostril or via a drainage tube inserted into the maxillary sinus before, during and after the hypobaric exposure. When the pressure was decreased, NO levels increased from 256 &#45 15 to 316 &#45 19 ppb ( n =13, p <0.001). The NO levels remained elevated (282 &#45 21 ppb; p <0.05) when measurements were repeated 20 min after leaving the chamber. The nasal airway resistance (V2 tot ) also increased as a result of the chamber session (from 16 &#45 2° before to 21 &#45 3° after; p <0.05). An increase in NO levels was also found when the experiments were repeated with NO sampled directly from the maxillary sinus (225 &#45 6 before and 265 &#45 9 ppb after; n =6, p <0.001). For control purposes the nasal analyses were repeated again, this time under hyperbaric conditions (+4.9 kPa). This resulted in a slight decrease in the NO levels (from 273 &#45 22 to 241 &#45 17 ppb; n =10, p <0.001), but there was no change in the nasal airway resistance. We conclude that a reduction in sinus pressure, as seen in upper airway allergy or infection, may result in an increase in upper airway NO production.  相似文献   

《Acta oto-laryngologica》2012,132(2):202-205
The nasal epithelium protects the underlying tissue from damage. Epithelial cell growth is controlled by epidermal growth factor (EGF) and is possibly affected by toxic proteins, e.g. eosinophil cationic protein (ECP). The aims of this study were to examine nasal fluid epithelial cell counts and their relations to EGF, eosinophils and ECP in 23 patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis and 20 healthy controls. Nasal fluid epithelial cell counts were lower in patients than in controls. EGF levels did not differ between patients and controls, and correlated with epithelial cell counts in controls but not in patients. Eosinophils and ECP were higher in patients than in controls, but did not correlate with epithelial cell counts. The role of growth factors, such as EGF, in regulating epithelial cells merits further study.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and -9 degrade type IV collagen, which is one of the major components of the basement membrane in normal tissue and expressed in the surroundings of the cancer nest in squamous cell carinoma. The degeneration of type IV collagen is an essential step in the metastasis to lymph nodes and distant organs. In this study, we examined MMP-2 and -9 levels of cancer tissue and serum obtained from patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) in order to evaluate the relationship between the clinicopathologic features and MMPs. We examined the production of MMP-2 and -9 in cancer tissue homogenates of 73 patients who had HNSCC and the serum MMP levels of 16 patients with HNSCC and 8 healthy volunteers. We also studied the localization of MMP-2 in the carcinoma using an immunohistochemical approach. The concentrations of MMP-2 and -9 in the tissue homogenates and serum were measured by means of a sandwich enzyme immunoassay using a monoclonal antibody. Immunohistochemical analyses were performed with monoclonal antibody to MMP-2. The concentration of MMP-2 in the tumor tissue homogenates was unrelated to tumor size, but that in patients with lymph node metastases was significantly higher than in those without lymph node metastases. The concentration of MMP-9 was unrelated to lymph node metastasis and tumor size. The levels of both MMP-2 and -9 in serum were unrelated to lymph node metastasis. Immunohistochemistry indicated that MMP-2 was mainly expressed in cancer cells. Because MMP-2 degrades type IV collagen, the level of MMP-2 in carcinomas may be a useful indicator of the degree of invasion and metastasis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the long-term speech intelligibility in implanted children with additional disorders and compare them with age-equivalent implanted children without such disorders. PATIENTS: 175 profoundly deaf children 5 years following cochlear implantation; 67 children with additional difficulties and 108 children without such difficulties. All children were implanted under 5-year-old. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Speech intelligibility rating (SIR) scale that can be readily applied to young deaf children irrespective of their performance and is reliable between observers. RESULTS: Five years following implantation, 47 (70%) children with additional difficulties developed connected intelligible speech versus 104 (96%) in the control group. However, the quality of speech was quite different between the two groups, as only 11 (16%) children with additional difficulties achieved the two higher categories (intelligible to all or to people with little experience), whereas 66 (61%) children in the control group did (P<0.000001). The total number of additional disorders had the strongest correlation with the outcome. Language and communication disorders were the most important contributing factor, followed by physical, cognitive, and autistic spectrum disorders. CONCLUSION: The majority of deaf children with additional disorders develop connected intelligible speech 5 years following implantation; however, a significant proportion do not develop any speech at all. Thus a third of this group did not realise one of the most important objectives for parents of implantation. Benefit from implantation should not be restricted to speech production alone in this specific population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Flash fires, mucosal injuries and commissure burns during otolaryngology procedures have been largely attributed to anesthetic and surgical errors. Reports of direct electrosurgical device related events are rare. The discovery of thermal damage to the oral commissure during routine suction cautery adenoidectomy at our institution prompted a detailed investigation of the device's thermal properties. We complement this analysis with a review of electrocautery device related injuries reported in otolaryngology literature. METHODS: FLIR Systems Thermovision A40 infrared camera was used to evaluate temperature changes along the electrosurgical wand of suction cautery devices. Shaft temperatures were measured at specific times of continuous use, distances along the shaft, and cautery settings. A literature search of electrocautery-associated injuries during upper aerodigestive procedure was then performed. Nine pediatric otolaryngologists were then interviewed for historical experience with electrocautery injuries. RESULTS: Temperatures exceeding 60 degrees C, and sufficient to cause thermal soft tissue damage, occurred along the suction cautery wand at a setting of 40 Watts (W). These temperatures traveled far enough to appose the oral commissure when the device was simultaneously in continuous use, in the fulgurate mode, and with the suction turned off. Literature review identified eleven articles specifically pertaining to electrosurgical injuries during routine oropharyngeal procedures. Flash fires and their associated burns were the most frequently reported complication. Conversely, seven of ten cases elicited from peer interviews were oral or commissure burns attributed to improper insulation of electrocautery devices. CONCLUSIONS: Inadvertent electrosurgical injuries during routine otolaryngology procedures can result from inadequate equipment insulation. Techniques to reduce the likelihood of these events are discussed.  相似文献   



To compare the preverbal communication skills of two groups of young implanted children: those with unilateral implantation and those with bilateral implantation.

Material and methods

The study assessed 69 children: 42 unilaterally and 27 bilaterally implanted with age at implantation less than 3 years. The preverbal skills of these children were measured before and 1 year after implantation, using Tait Video Analysis that has been found able to predict later speech outcomes in young implanted children.


Before implantation there was no significant difference between the unilateral group and the bilateral group. There was still no difference at 12 months following implantation where vocal autonomy is concerned, but a strongly significant difference between the groups for vocal turn-taking and non-looking vocal turns, the bilateral group outperforming the unilateral group. Regarding gestural turn-taking and gestural autonomy, there was a strongly significant difference between the two groups at the 12 month interval, and also a difference before implantation for gestural autonomy, the unilateral group having the higher scores. Multiple regression of non-looking vocal turns revealed that 1 year following implantation, bilateral implantation contributed to 51% of the variance (p < 0.0001), after controlling for the influence of age at implantation and length of deafness which did not reach statistical significance.


Profoundly deaf bilaterally implanted children are significantly more likely to use vocalisation to communicate, and to use audition when interacting vocally with an adult, compared with unilaterally implanted children. These results are independent of age at implantation and length of deafness.  相似文献   

《Acta oto-laryngologica》2012,132(5):30-33
In order to verify whether anti-endothelial cell autoantibodies (AECAs) can be used as serological markers of inner ear vasculitis in sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL), 32 patients affected by idiopathic SSHL were investigated. All patients underwent a routine general physical examination and extensive audiovestibular, microbiological and immunological investigations. Fourteen normal subjects without a history of HL, autoimmune or metabolic disease served as controls. Detection of AECAs was performed using an indirect immunofluorescence technique. AECA-positive patients were treated with methylprednisone, while AECA-negative patients were treated with a combined regimen of steroids, plasma expander and aspirin. The average hearing recovery for 5 frequencies (0.25-4 kHz) was analyzed in each subject 1 month after treatment and every 3 months thereafter; median follow-up was 12 months (range 9-18 months). A total of 15/32 patients (46.8%; 11/19 females, 4/13 males) were AECA-positive and thus differed significantly from the normal population in whom only 2/14 tested cases were positive ( p =0.03). Severe hearing loss was associated with being AECA-positive in 8/11 cases. During follow-up, 25/32 patients improved their hearing and 17 of these patients were AECA-negative. The seven cases without hearing improvement were all AECA-positive. In patients with SSHL, immune-mediated vascular damage may have a pathogenetic role and AECAs may represent a serological marker of vasculitis even if they are not inner ear-specific and even if they represent an epi-phenomenon rather than the only cause of SSHL.  相似文献   

《Acta oto-laryngologica》2012,132(6):644-650
In ankyloglossia with deviation of the epiglottis and larynx (ADEL) the tongue is located forward and as a result the epiglottis is elevated and leans towards the mouth. The larynx is also raised and curves ventrally. Various symptoms have been observed as a result of this condition. Correction of the glosso-larynx (CGL) is the operation performed to treat ADEL. The CGL procedure and the results obtained with it are reported in this paper. In addition, we studied the following six parameters using head and neck X-rays before and after CGL (the changes in these parameters as a result of CGL are shown in parentheses): ( i ) the shortest vertical length between the hyoid bone and mandible (+10.3 mm); ( ii ) the vertical length between the hyoid bone and the tangent line of C2-4 (+4.6 mm); ( iii ) the shortest length between the hyoid bone and the chin (+2.9 mm); ( iv ) the angle between the hyoid bone and the tangent line of C2-4 (+3.3°); ( v ) the length of H-M, where H is the intersection of a tangent line of C2-4 and a vertical line from the hyoid bone and M is the intersection of a tangent line of C2-4 and the mandible (+7.4 mm); and ( vi ) the width of the narrowest part of the hypopharynx (+3.0 mm). The changes in all the measured parameters after CGL were significantly different ( p <0.05).  相似文献   

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