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目的 总结归纳并探讨自发性脑脊液耳漏(SCSFO)的临床特点、手术方式及术后疗效。方法 回顾性分析 2015—2020年收治的SCSFO患者的临床资料,总结病例的临床特点,分析归纳病例的漏口、手术修补方式、术后反应,并随访手术效果。结果 共收集10例SCSFO病例资料,其中男4例,女6例;儿童患者3例,成人患者7例。病史25 d至20余年,单侧发病9例,双侧发病1例。3例儿童患者均为先天性极重度感音神经性耳聋,均因发现鼻漏或脑膜炎就诊。7例成人患者中,因耳闷伴听力下降就诊5例,其中1例同时合并耳漏;因鼻漏就诊1例;因耳痛合并脑膜炎就诊1例。外院曾行鼓膜穿刺或置管史4例。3例儿童患者中,缺损部位均位于镫骨足板处和镫骨周围,其中2例患者伴镫骨畸形;7例成人患者中,2例漏口位于镫骨足板,3例漏口位于鼓室天盖,2例漏口位于乳突天盖。1例术后出现癫痫及颅内压升高。10例患者随访周期为5个月至 6年,均无再发脑脊液耳漏。结论 早期识别脑脊液耳漏的不典型症状,掌握确诊脑脊液耳漏的定位、定性诊断方法非常重要。SCSFO保守治疗效果差,一旦确诊,建议积极手术探查,精准寻找漏点,确切修补漏口是关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨内镜经鼻浴缸塞技术在儿童脑脊液鼻漏修补术中的安全性和有效性。方法回顾性分析2016年9月—2019年9月北京儿童医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科收治的16例脑脊液鼻漏患儿的临床资料。其中男10例,女6例,年龄5~123月龄,中位年龄57.5月龄。患儿常规进行鼻窦薄层CT及MRI检查,并进行了全身麻醉下经鼻内镜浴缸塞技术脑脊液鼻漏修补术。术后定期随访,对手术效果及并发症进行评估。对所有患儿的人口学特点、症状、体征、颅底漏口位置及面积、治疗及预后情况等进行归纳总结。结果16例患儿中,外伤性脑脊液鼻漏7例,先天性脑脊液鼻漏9例。单纯性脑脊液鼻漏2例,合并基底型脑膜脑膨出14例。颅底漏口分别为左侧筛板6例,右侧筛板4例,左侧筛顶2例,右侧筛顶1例,左侧额窦后壁2例,右侧蝶窦顶壁1例。漏口最大直径1~4 mm 4例,5~10 mm 7例,11~20 mm 5例。其中15例手术获得一次性成功,仅1例额窦后壁外伤性脑脊液漏内镜手术修补失败,改由神经外科行开颅修补术。术后随访24~60个月,中位随访时间32.5个月,均未复发或出现并发症。结论内镜经鼻浴缸塞技术法儿童脑脊液鼻漏修补术是一种安全、有效的手术方式,具有操作简便、创伤小、并发症少等优点。  相似文献   

目的探讨先天性内耳畸形并脑脊液耳漏患者的外科手术治疗方法。方法对1例先天性内耳畸形并伴有脑脊液耳漏患者采用经外耳道径路常规耳内镜鼓室探查再改用水下耳内镜行脑脊液耳漏填塞修补术。结果手术探查见镫骨底板有缺失漏口,用自体脂肪和颞肌及肌筋膜填塞内耳,封闭前庭窗,1次手术修补成功。术后随访5个月未见有脑脊液耳漏及脑膜炎复发。结论采用水下耳内镜修复内耳畸形伴脑脊液耳漏是有优势的手术方式。  相似文献   

侧颅底术后持续性脑脊液耳漏的治疗与预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :总结侧颅底手术后持续性脑脊液耳漏的发病原因、手术处理和预防措施。方法 :根据原发病及原手术类型 ,本次手术采用不同的方法 :乳突入路探查 3例 ,耳后联合迷路入路及耳后联合颅中窝入路岩尖胆脂瘤切除并脑脊液漏修补术各 1例 ,乙状窦后入路探查 2例 ,颞部原切口入路肿瘤切除并脑脊液漏修补术 3例。结果 :外漏口位于乳突尖 3例 ,内听道 3例 ,颅中窝硬脑膜缺损表现为外耳道内口漏 3例 ,外耳道后壁肿瘤残留破坏 1例。 9例一次修补成功 ,1例行两次修补。全部病例均经手术治愈。结论 :颅底手术方式不同 ,术中预防和处理耳漏的侧重点应有不同。乙状窦后入路术中应注意保护乳突后及乳突尖气房 ,如有破损应及时封堵 ;迷路入路应处理好内听道、鼓室及咽鼓管黏膜 ,视情况刮除并封堵中鼓室 ;颞骨全切及次全切除术中应修补缺损的硬脑膜和缝合封堵咽鼓管咽口  相似文献   

目的 通过总结自发性脑脊液鼻漏患者的影像学直接征象和间接征象,为脑脊液鼻漏修补术前瘘点的影像学定位诊断提供依据。方法 回顾性分析2017年1月—2021年3月中南大学湘雅医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科诊治的48例患者的临床资料,所有患者术前行鼻窦颅底高分辨CT(HRCT)和核磁共振(MRI)水成像检查。术前分析其影像学直接征象和间接征象,并结合术中情况证实其瘘点位置。结果 48例患者术前经影像学瘘点判断并经手术证实瘘点位于筛板20例(41.7%),蝶窦外侧隐窝16例(33.3%),筛顶8例(16.7%),额窦后壁2例(4.2%),斜坡2例(4.2%)。研究发现不同区域的自发性脑脊液鼻漏直接征象和间接征象存在明显不同,间接征象如左右侧不对称,引流通道水肿,窦腔黏膜增厚和积液征可以用于寻找瘘点。瘘口在影像学上根据直接征象颅底骨质缺损的诊断符合率为66.7%,而联合应用CT与MRI水成像根据直接征象和间接征象联合应用的诊断符合率为100%。结论 自发性脑脊液鼻漏患者影像学的间接征象对于术前准确判断瘘点具有重要价值。  相似文献   

目的 探讨颅脑外伤后顽固性脑脊液耳漏手术治疗的技巧和策略.方法 采用颞下中颅底-乳突后联合入路,对11例颅脑外伤后中颅窝底缺损所致脑脊液耳漏且保守治疗无效的患者施行手术修补.结果 ①无需行乳突探查5例.因乳突为粉碎性骨折,在取下骨瓣前先行钛板固定2例.另外4例乳突粉碎骨折严重,术中将事先收集的颅骨碎屑回植到乳突缺损内,取头最长肌加生物胶加固;②术中发现有颅底广泛骨质缺损6例,脑组织疝入缺损中或乳突黏膜暴露广泛;③修补探查过程发现听骨链完整者3例,缺失2例,部分听小骨(锤骨)缺失2例,术中未探查听骨链者4例.术后随访2~11年,无复发.结论 ①当合并复杂性骨折时,通过幕上幕下联合,经颞下中颅底-乳突后联合入路,无疑是明智的选择,尤其是不稳定骨折累及乳突的患者;②对颅底骨折复杂而听力完全丧失的脑脊液耳漏患者,除了封闭外耳道外,尚需进行鼓室及咽鼓管填塞封闭,以防止假鼻漏的情况发生;③颈内动脉岩段与鼓室及咽鼓管关系密切,脑脊液耳漏修补手术中应避免手术误伤或骨折片意外伤及颈内动脉.  相似文献   

目的 评估持续封闭负压引流处理咽瘘的效果。方法 回顾性分析2019年6月—2021年11月于山东省立医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科因喉癌、下咽癌、下咽癌合并食管癌、颈段食管癌行肿瘤切除并咽部直接吻合修补或使用组织瓣、管状胃、游离空肠等行咽部修复的患者117例,其中咽瘘者18例,咽瘘患者均用持续封闭负压引流方式处理咽瘘,分析其治疗过程及其术后疗效。结果 18例咽瘘患者中,发现咽瘘时间为术后第4~26天,中位时间9 d;咽瘘持续时间为10~52 d,中位时间20 d。所有咽瘘患者咽瘘口均用持续封闭负压引流方式保守治疗愈合,均无需再行手术修补。结论 持续封闭负压引流可减轻咽瘘患者痛苦、减少医师换药操作时间、缩短咽瘘持续时间,减少咽瘘发展至手术修补的几率。  相似文献   

目的探讨脑脊液鼻漏修补术失败的原因及再次手术成功的经验。方法回顾分析1983年5月~2000年11月收治的19例脑脊液鼻漏修补术失败再手术的病例资料。其中修补手术术后10 d内即发现仍有脑脊液鼻漏的12例,1个月后再次出现脑脊液漏的7例,分别采用鼻外筛窦入路、额鼻联合入路、鼻内镜入路再行手术修补。结果19例中再次手术1次修补术成功的18例,进行2次手术成功的1例,随访5~17年无复发。结论选择合适的手术径路及修补材料,准确的漏口定位和正确的漏口处理及修补方法是确保手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

脑脊液鼻漏的手术体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的总结脑脊液鼻漏手术的成功经验。方法收集1999年6月~2005年12月脑脊液鼻漏的手术患者12例,其中外伤性10例,自发性2例。术前螺旋薄层冠状位CT确定漏口位置,鼻外手术径路3例,鼻内手术径路9例。结果12例脑脊液鼻漏均一次修补成功,无颅内感染,随访3个月至6年未复发,修补部位上皮化良好。结论螺旋薄层冠状位CT扫描对术前定位漏口位置及选择手术方式至关重要,多种修补材料联合EC耳脑胶有利于保证漏口的修补成功。  相似文献   

枕下进路或迷路进路听神经瘤切除术后可并发脑脊液耳漏或鼻漏,作者采用经乳突颅外修补。1980~1988年共做10例,术后两个月复查均无症状,迄今7例未复发、1例死于他病,2例失联系。术式:耳后切口延至胸锁乳突肌前缘,切口应避开前次手术切口,由正常的皮下组织“桥”将两术区隔开。如前次手术为后颅窝进路则需钻开乳突气房、暴露鼓窦和鼓窦入口,确认漏出部位在乳突气房抑或鼓窦入口,用骨蜡及骨粉混合物封住漏口。去掉砧  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical presentation, diagnosis, surgical management, and outcome of patients with spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case series. SETTING: Tertiary referral center. METHODS: The authors conducted a chart review of all previously unreported cases of surgically confirmed cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea at their institution between September 1996 and February 2005. Acquired cases were excluded from this study. Eleven cases of spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea were identified among 10 patients. RESULTS: Nine of the 10 patients presenting with spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea were women. Ages ranged from 34 to 79 years. Eight patients presented with serous otitis media, and two women presented with meningitis. High-resolution computed tomography demonstrated a tegmen defect with a sensitivity of 80%. Nine tegmen defects were repaired using a transmastoid approach without recurrence. One patient with a contracted mastoid and a meningoencephalocele herniating from the tegmen tympani into the attic required the temporal craniotomy approach for definitive repair. Another patient with a tegmen tympani defect developed a recurrence of cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea 8 years after a transmastoid repair using only fascia and fibrin glue. A recurrent tegmen defect in this patient was repaired using a transmastoid approach and a multilayered closure technique. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea requires clinical suspicion in the setting of persistent serous otitis media. High-resolution computed tomography can confirm the diagnosis. The authors' findings indicate that repair through a transmastoid approach is effective if the tegmen defect can be widely visualized. The authors advocate a multilayered closure technique.  相似文献   

IntroductionCerebrospinal fluid otorrhea results from an abnormal communication between the subarachnoid space and tympanomastoid compartment; most of them are of traumatic aetiology. They have clinical interest due to the potential risk of meningitis, directly related to the aetiology. Our aim was to show our experience in the management of this process.MethodsA total of 17 patients diagnosed and treated for cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea from 2003 to 2011.ResultsIn our study, the highest percentage of cases was spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea, with a wide clinical presentation. The diagnosis was based on the determination of beta-2-transferrin and radiological studies, especially important for its locator value. The treatment of choice was surgery.ConclusionsCerebrospinal fluid otorrhea is a rare entity in otorhinolaryngological pathology. Its diagnosis is suspected through otorrhea, hearing loss and aural fullness, while computed tomography and magnetic resonance help us to locate the defect. Surgery is the preferred technique, and its success is based on multilayer technology with 2 or more support materials.  相似文献   

Bacterial meningitis remains a life-threatening infection even in the present antibiotic era; thus, any abnormality which predisposes a patient to a recurrence of this serious disease, must be identified and corrected. This report describes the history of a 12-year-old boy with a profound neurosensory hearing loss, a related absence of vestibular function and a Monclini-type of temporal bone dysplasia who developed recurrent episodes of meningitis which were due to an idiopathic cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea. Even though the meningitis was labyrinthogenic in origin, the patient did not experience the associated symptoms of hearing loss and/or vertigo since the affected inner ear was clinically unreactive. By surgically exploring the middle ear, the presence of a cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea was confirmed. The leak was observed to be coming from a defect in the stapes footplate, and it was controlled by firmly packing the inner ear vestibule with muscle. A remarkable similarity exists between the patient described above and the 15 previously reported cases of meningitis due to a spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea. Generally, the problem occurred in young children, the average age being 6.4 years; male and female were equally afflicted. All 15 previously reported cases had a severe neurosensory hearing loss which was unilateral in 10 individuals and bilateral in the other five. In 11 of the case reports, the vestibular function was evaluated, and the labyrinth was noted to be unreactive in the affected ear. An associated congenital abnormality of the inner ear was described in 11 of the patients reviewed. Anatomically, in 13 cases, the leak was observed to be coming from the oval window area. Other affected sites included one report of a fissure of the promontory and one report of a defect in the roof of the eustachian tube. Multiple surgical procedures were required in 11 of the 15 patients in order to identify the exact source of the otorrhea and to seal it permanently. In three cases, the successful procedure was a middle ear exploration with stapedectomy and packing of the inner ear vestibule. Overall, a total of 36 operations was performed in the 15 patients reviewed. In conclusion, when the physician is confronted by a case of meningitis in a patient with a unilateral or bilateral total loss of hearing and vestibular function, the possible presence of an idiopathic cerebrospinal fluid leak should be considered, especially if radiographic studies demonstrate a temporal bone dysplasia. In these selected cases, if the etiology of the meningitis is obscure, a middle ear exploration should be performed both for diagnostic purposes as a means to ascertain definitely the presence of a leak and for therapeutic purposes to seal it effectively.  相似文献   

A 49-year-old male with spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) otorrhea, an extremely rare condition, is presented as the third reported case in Japan. The patient visited us complaining of sudden hearing loss and fullness of the ear on the left side. A tegmen defect of the posterior cranial fossa and CSF leakage from the fistula into the mastoid air cells, but a normal inner ear, were found by means of metrizamide CT. The fistula was surgically occluded with fascia temporalis and an artificial bone with fibrin glue. The CSF otorrhea from the tegmen defect was successfully stopped by this procedure and no recurrence has been observed. We discuss this extremely rare disease in this paper.  相似文献   

目的探讨自发性脑脊液耳漏的临床特点及治疗。方法回顾性分析2015年7月—2016年12月手术治疗的4例自发性脑脊液耳漏患者的临床病例资料,4例患者均有细菌性脑膜炎病史,2例为内耳畸形(内耳不完全分隔Ⅰ型),漏点均位于镫骨足板;行耳后切口鼓室探查术,术中见镫骨足板缺损有清亮液体涌出,去除镫骨及砧骨,以颞肌筋膜、耳廓软骨及纤维蛋白胶封堵前庭窗。另2例漏点位于后颅窝硬脑膜,其中1例位于弓状隆起至总角水平,1例位于圆窗至外耳道下壁水平;此2例患者均行完壁式乳突开放术,显露后颅窝骨质缺损处,可见脑脊液流出,以颞肌筋膜、耳廓软骨、乳突皮质骨骨粉及纤维蛋白胶封堵缺损。结果4例患者术后随访23~39个月,脑脊液耳漏及脑膜炎均无复发。结论自发性脑脊液耳漏发病率低,容易漏诊、误诊,以致脑膜炎反复发作。听力下降伴脑膜炎的患者应高度怀疑自发性脑脊液耳漏的可能。  相似文献   

Spontaneous encephalocele of the temporal bone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Postsurgical and posttraumatic encephaloceles of the tegmen tympani and tegmen mastoideum are well-recognized occurrences. Less frequently recognized, however, is the spontaneous occurrence of an encephalocele associated with cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea or rhinorrhea. This cerebral herniation into the middle ear and the mastoid cavity in adults is associated with a loss of both bony and dural support, and surgical management must deal with both the cerebrospinal fluid leak and herniation of the brain.  相似文献   

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