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目的 回顾性分析我科门诊及住院患者中顽固性良性阵发性位置性眩晕的患者,分析发病因素及治疗手段,为顽固性良性阵发性位置性眩晕的发病机理及治疗提供新思路.方法 收集2010年1月-2010年12月我科门诊诊断为顽固性良性阵发性位置性眩晕的患者16人,分析发病因素、治疗手段及预后.结果 16例患者经手法复位、体位训练及药物辅助治疗后,眩晕症状基本消失,随访半年未再发作.结论 顽固性良性阵发性位置性眩晕发病机制可能与内耳缺血、运动及活动减少有关,我们采用保守治疗的方法,疗效满意.  相似文献   



To check the value of home particle repositioning maneuver in the prevention of the recurrence of posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (pc-BPPV).


In this study, patients diagnosed as unilateral posterior canal BPPV were selected following an accurate evaluation using video goggle VNG system. All patients were managed by particle repositioning maneuver (PRM). Patients were instructed to do home PRM once weekly for five years. Then, they were divided into two groups (according to choice of patient to do PRM). The first group (control group) consisted of 144 patients who did not do home PRM; whereas the second group (study group) included 165 patients who performed home PRM. All patients (control & study groups) were followed up every four months for five years.


The study found out that the recurrence rate of pc-BPPV in control group was 33 patients in the first year (27.2%), 11 patients in second year (9%), 5 patients in third year (4%), 3 patients in fourth year (2.5%) and 3 patients in fifth year (2.5%). The recurrence of pc-BPPV in the treated side (study group) of patients was reported as 5 patients in the first year (3.5%), 3 patients in the second year (2%), 2 patients in the third year (1.4%), 2 patients in the fourth year (1.4%), and 1 patient in the fifth year (0.7%). There was statistically significant difference between the control and the study groups regarding the recurrence rates in the first year follow up which was the highest in first four months.


Home particle repositioning maneuver has the capacity to prevent the recurrence of pc-BPPV. It proved to be more successful and functional in minimizing the recurrence of the disease in the study than in the control group. Hence, home particle repositioning maneuver is highly recommended for one year at least in pc-BPPV.  相似文献   

红外视频眼震检查在良性阵发性位置性眩晕诊断的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨眼震视图(VNG)应用于诊断良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)的价值。方法对50例拟诊BPPV患者,在视频眼动观察记录下完成DIX_Hallpike变位及ROLL滚转试验,判别受累半规管并采取相应手法复位。结果 (1)依据眼震特点和方向判断受累半规管[1]:后半规管(PSC-BPPV)39例,占78%;水平半规管(HSC-BPPV)6例,占12%;前半规管(ASC-BPPV)1例,占2%;2个或2个以上半规管同时受累及4例,占8%;(2)以此为基础选择适当的手法进行复位治疗,1周后随访疗效:痊愈43例,有效6例,无效1例,总有效率98%。结论眼震视图对BPPV患者眼震情况的客观记录,提高了受累半规管的准确判别率,对于良性阵发性位置性眩晕诊断可以提供一种更为客观、精确的方法。  相似文献   

Background: Particle repositioning procedures give consistent results for the treatment of benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV). However, little consideration has been given to the possibilities of bilateral disease. Objective/Hypothesis: To report contralateral symptoms and signs suggestive of revealed or incipient BPPV as a complication of Epley maneuver. Study Design: A prospective cohort of 198 cases over a period of 11 years. Results: Ten (5.0%) developed contralateral symptoms and signs suggestive of revealed or incipient posterior canal BPPV within 2 weeks of treatment. Conclusion: This novel observation has not been previously described and may influence the strategy for future management of patients with BPPV. Particle repositioning maneuvers for the previously asymptomatic contralateral ear may need to be considered in a subset of patients with posterior canal BPPV who suffer contralateral symptoms after undergoing treatment for the original ear.  相似文献   

The efficacy of the Epley's canalith-repositioning manoeuvre in the treatment of BPPV was assessed in this prospective study of 62 patients. Patients were selected based on symptoms of positional vertigo and positive Dix-Hallpike's positional test. Patients were divided into two groups; first group comprising 34 patients underwent Epley's manoeuvre alone where as the other group comprising 28 patients underwent Epley's manoeuvre along with mastoid oscillator. At the end of 1 month patients were assessed subjectively by visual analogue scale (VAS) and objectively by Dix-Hallpike's positional test. On VAS, 85.7% patients had complete resolution of symptoms of BPPV in both the groups. Objectively 88.2% did not have positional nysfagmus after 1 month in first group whereas in the second group 86% had complete response at the end of 1 month of therapy. Follow up of 6 months could be done in 38 patients, out of which 7 (18.4%) had recurrence of their symptom of vertigo and positive Dix-Hallpike's positional test, whereas one patient continued to have no relief by Epley's manoeuvre. There was no difference in subjective and objective parameters even when CRP was performed using mastoid vibrator.  相似文献   

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a syndrome characterized by short‐lived episodes of vertigo in association with rapid changes in head position. Current treatment approaches include rehabilitative exercises and physical manoeuvres including the Epley manouevre. Randomized clinical trials of the Epley manoeuvre were identified. Outcome measures that were considered include: frequency and severity of attacks of vertigo; proportion of patients improved by each intervention; and conversion of a ‘positive’ Dix–Hallpike test to a ‘negative’ Dix–Hallpike test. Patients who received the Epley manoeuvre were more likely to have complete resolution of their symptoms [odds ratio 4.92 (95% C.I. 1.84–13.16)], and more likely to convert from a positive to negative Dix–Hallpike test [odds ratio 5.67 (95% C.I. 2.21–14.56)]. There were no serious adverse effects of treatment. There is some evidence that the Epley manouevre is a safe effective treatment for posterior canal BPPV.  相似文献   

Conclusions: Patients with BPPV comorbid with hypertension (h-BPPV) tend to receive a delayed diagnosis of BPPV. Comorbidity with hypertension did not influence the efficacy of the repositioning maneuver; however, comorbidity with hypertension was associated with an increased recurrence rate of BPPV.

Objectives: To determine the clinical characteristics and outcomes of h-BPPV, as well as the clinical differences between h-BPPV and idiopathic BPPV (i-BPPV).

Methods: The authors reviewed the medical records of 41 consecutive patients with h-BPPV (the h-BPPV group) from March to December 2014 and 47 patients with i-BPPV (the i-BPPV group) during the same period.

Results: There were no significant differences in age, sex ratio, or the affected side between the h-BPPV and i-BPPV groups. The proportion of patients reporting an initial episode of positional vertigo was significantly lower in the h-BPPV group (51.22% vs 74.47%; p?=?.024). Patients in the h-BPPV group reported a longer median episode duration than did those in the i-BPPV group (60 days vs 15 days; p?=?.017). The results of treatment using repositioning maneuvers were similar between the two groups. At follow-up, 13 patients in the h-BPPV group were diagnosed with recurrent BPPV compared with six in the i-BPPV group (p?=?.031).  相似文献   

目的探讨良性阵发性位置性眩晕的临床特征。方法回顾160例确诊BPPV患者,分析其临床资料。结果BPPV发病年龄为7-82岁,好发年龄段均为50—70岁,男女比例为0.68:1。发生于后半规管的BPPV为113例(70.6%),水平半规管为21例(13.1%),有26例(16.3%)为同时发生于后半规管和外侧半规管。47例水平半规管BPPV中,33例(70.2%)为半规管耳石,14例(29.8%)为壶腹嵴顶耳石。确诊患者中,有98例(61.3%)为首次发作,有49例(30.6%)为复发,或者有明确的类似发作病史。13例(8.1%)曾有眩晕发作,但具体发病特征不明确。对P—BPPV以Epley复位,1周后复查有效率为81.4%(92/113)。半规管型H—BPPV以Lempert法复位,有效率为72.7%(24/33)。壶腹嵴顶型H—BPPV采用强迫体位(健侧卧位)治疗,1周后复查有38.5%(5/13)转为半规管型,以Lempert法复位奏效。随访1月有12例复发(9例P—BPPV和3例H—BPPV)。结论BPPv在各年龄段均有发作,通过患者的发病特征和详细的神经耳科学检查可以做出诊断。根据不同类型进行复位治疗可以取得较好的疗效。  相似文献   

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is probably the most common cause of vertigo. It is characterized by acute short-lived episodes of severe vertigo in association with change in the position of the head. This condition is benign, and after the repositioning procedure, the cure rate is between 70 to 80%. Numerous studies describe the association between vertigo and social handicap and emotional disturbance. In our study, we report for the first time the level of anxiety and social consequences, tested with the Hamilton anxiety scale and vertigo handicap questionnaire, in a group of patients who had suffered only from positional vertigo and were clinically cured when the questionnaires and test were administered. The important role played by psychological factors in maintaining or increasing the social consequences and perception of vertigo is revealed in this study.  相似文献   

ObjectiveUnilateral mimicking bilateral benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (umb-BPPV) was attributed to inappropriate head positioning during testing of the posterior canal. Despite its inclusion in the Diagnostic criteria for the classification of vestibular disorders of the Bárány Society, the clinical characteristics and treatment responsiveness of this BPPV subtype have not been intensively studied.MethodsRecords of patients with BPPV seen at a single outpatient dizziness clinic during the years 2000–2020 were reviewed. Eighty seven patients with umb-BPPV and 86 random patients with posterior canal BPPV (p-BPPV) were retrieved. Their demographics and BPPV characteristics were analyzed.ResultsPatients' and BPPV characteristics were similar in umb- and p-BPPV except for the prevalence of males in the umb-BPPV group. No differences were found between treatment responsiveness and recurrences in both groups. The recurrence rate of umb-BPPV was not influenced by age, gender, BPPV side, duration of symptoms or treatment responsiveness during the first attack.ConclusionsIn accordance with our hypothesis about mixed canalo- and cupulolithiasis as the underlying mechanism of umb-BPPV, patients did not differ in characteristics and treatment responsiveness from p-BPPV patients. Recognition of umb-BPPV is important since inappropriate treatment can cause an unnecessary delay in therapy success.  相似文献   

目的观察SRM-Ⅳ型良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV)诊疗系统对老年特发性BPPV的诊疗效果。方法对武警总医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科2012年10月至2013年10月期间238例特发性BPPV患者按年龄分成两组,年龄≥60岁为老年组(n1=118例),年龄<60岁为青中年组(n2=120例),每组按伴或不伴基础疾病(高血压、糖尿病、心脏病、脑梗塞等)分成两个亚组,对耳石复位疗效及其复发率进行比较(每组均评价伴或不伴基础疾病对疗效的影响)。结果所有患者均得到成功治愈。两组患者疗效相近,伴有基础疾病对其疗效无影响(P≥0.05)。分别进行1月、3月、6月、12月随访,老年组和青中年组BPPV复发率差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论通过该系统进行耳石复位治疗,老年组可达到青中年组同样的疗效,但相对青中年组,老年组BPPV患者具有更高的复发率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨电离辐射对内耳前庭的影响。方法:报道鼻咽癌(NPC)放疗致发作性位置性眩晕(BPPV)伴听力减退患者3例。采用耳石微粒复位法(PRM)治疗BPPV,针对听力减退给予丹参治疗。结果:3例BPPV,2例痊愈,1例显效,听力下降的4耳语音频率平均提高10dB。结论:BPPV可能与辐射所致的前庭损害有关,PRM是治疗BPPV是一种有效方法。  相似文献   

Canal switch is a complication following canalith repositioning procedure (CRP) for posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Instead of being returned to the utricle, the loose otoconia migrate into the superior or horizontal semicircular canal. Patients remain symptomatic, and treatment can be ineffective unless the switch is recognized and additional repositioning maneuvers directed toward the appropriate semicircular canal are performed. This report provides the first videographic documentation of canal switch involving conversion of unilateral posterior semicircular canal BPPV to geotropic horizontal canalithiasis. Laryngoscope, 2012.  相似文献   

The canalith repositioning maneuver (CRM), as defined by Epley, can be an effective treatment for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). The staff at Başkent University’s Ear Nose and Throat Clinic performed CRM on 68 cases of canalithiasis in 64 BPPV patients from June 1996 to August 1997. Symptoms resolved after the first session in 49 patients (72%) and after the second session in 11 cases (16.2%). It was necessary to repeat the maneuver three times in two cases (2.9%) and four times in one patient (1.5%). Discounting three patients who were lost to follow-up, only two patients in our study did not respond to CRM treatment. There was no co-existing pathology found in all but two of the patients studied. Our experience indicates that unless there is no response to CRM or there is suspicion of an incorrect diagnosis, it is not necessary to perform diagnostic studies routinely for differentiating other neuro-otologic disorders prior to using CRM in BPPV patients diagnosed by the Dix-Hallpike test. Received: 10 November 1998 / Accepted: 4 March 1999  相似文献   

良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV)指头部运动到特殊位置诱发的短暂性眩晕,是最常见的外周性眩晕.近年来国内外对BPPV研究不断深入,临床医务工作者对该病也越来越熟悉.本文将从病理基础、治疗方式、复位后相关问题及最新进展做一综述.  相似文献   

Vertical nystagmus occurs in patients with central vestibular system pathology. Lesions of the pons, medulla, and cerebellum lead to vertical nystagmus. Given this association, vertical nystagmus is considered pathognomonic in nature. We present a case of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) with positive Dix‐Hallpike bilaterally, but also with upbeat purely vertical nystagmus in the straight back head hanging position. Computed tomography imaging of the typically pathologic structures in vertical nystagmus (brainstem/posterior fossa) revealed normal anatomy. We propose this case as an instance of peripheral‐associated purely vertical nystagmus without central pathology, while building on our previous understanding of BPPV physiology. Laryngoscope, 2010  相似文献   

目的 探讨位置性眩晕的临床诊断、治疗的更佳方案。方法 回顾性研究分析233例表现为位置性眩晕患者的临床特点及治疗效果。结果 233例中226例良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV),中枢性眩晕6例(Arnold-Chiari 畸形1例、多发性硬化2例、小脑腔隙性梗塞2例、小脑出血1例),颈部寰枢椎脱位1例。后半规管BPPV 182例经复位法治疗,治愈129例(70.88%),改善39例(21.43%),无效14例(7.70%)。其他类型半规管BPPV 44例,治愈24例(54.54%),改善13例(29.55%),无效7例(15.91%)。Arnold-Chiari 畸形采用神经外科手术治疗治愈,寰枢椎脱位采用颈部牵引、多发性硬化和小脑腔隙性梗塞及小脑出血神经科保守治疗,症状缓解。结论 准确诊断和系统治疗是治疗位置性眩晕的关键。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: The objective was to determine whether the inclusion of vibration and additional treatment cycles has an effect on short- and long-term success rates in the treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo with the canalith repositioning maneuver. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective randomized study of patients treated at a tertiary vestibular rehabilitation center. METHODS: Variables identified for statistical analysis included patient age, gender, vibration used, and canalith repositioning cycles. Analysis using Student t test, chi2 test, Kaplan-Meier curves with log rank test, and Cox proportional hazards regression was performed. RESULTS: One hundred two patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo treated over a 1-year period (August 2001-August 2002) were randomly assigned to receive the canalith repositioning maneuver with or without vibration. Average duration of follow-up was 9.44 months. The single treatment success rate was 93.1%. To relieve symptoms, 29.4% of patients required more than one canalith repositioning cycle. The relapse rate was 30.5%. Thirty-nine patients were assigned to the canalith repositioning group with vibration, and 63 to the canalith repositioning group without vibration. There was no statistical difference in age, gender, initial success rates, or relapse rates between the canalith repositioning groups with and without vibration. On average, patients required 1.38 canalith repositioning cycles for successful treatment. Vibration did not affect the number of canalith repositioning cycles required to convert the Dix-Hallpike test result to normal. The need for additional canalith repositioning cycles had no statistical effect on initial treatment success or relapse rates. CONCLUSION: Vibration provided no additional benefit in initial treatment success or in reducing long-term relapse rates when included in the canalith repositioning maneuver. Many patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo require more than one canalith repositioning cycle at the time of initial treatment to relieve symptoms, but this does not indicate a higher likelihood for recurrence. No variable predicted a higher rate of recurrence.  相似文献   

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