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目的掌握脑性瘫痪(脑瘫)研究现状和发展水平,推断研究热点及预测学科发展趋向。方法采用Web of Science数据库检索2008年1月-2012年8月关于脑瘫研究的全部文献,共5 230篇,利用文献计量学方法对文献年代、国别、语种、作者、主要期刊及主题词词频分布等进行分析。结果通过分析发现近5 a关于脑瘫相关研究论文发表共涉及了50个国家或地区,发表论文最多的是美国(1 658篇),占全部文献量的31.70%;其次为加拿大(424篇),占全部文献量的8.11%;中国排在第12位,共发表论文131篇,占全部文献量的2.51%。以论著类文献为主,主要语种为英语;主要刊登期刊涵盖了国际上神经外科学领域、儿科学领域和康复学领域的10多种知名期刊。结论目前脑瘫仍是儿科神经领域研究的热点,特别是关于康复、粗大运动功能、治疗等方面的研究。我国相关研究与美国、英国等国家存在差距,我国儿科工作者应重视脑瘫的相关研究。  相似文献   

目的探讨新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)的研究趋势。方法利用共词分析法,在Pub Med中检索关于NEC的论著,将符合纳入标准的文献导入书目共现分析系统(BICOMB),通过BICOMB系统确定主题词的词频,生成高频主题词的词篇矩阵。将高频主题词的词篇矩阵导入SPSS软件进行系统聚类法以得到主题词聚类树图。最终对比不同时间区间的高频词和主题词聚类树图。结果通过Pub Med数据库进行检索后,共命中符合纳入标准的文献1 479篇。对比分析2008年以前和2009至2014年之间的高频主题词和共词聚类分析结果后发现,2个研究时间区间大部分的研究热点相同,但2008年以后部分研究热点消失并且出现新的热点。结论共词分析法能够实现对NEC相关研究的变化趋势的把握。  相似文献   

目的 介绍国际儿科临床期刊PEDIATRICS,供儿科学临床医务工作者参考.方法 检索Web of Science数据库2008年1月至2012年10月PEDIATRICS的全部文献,对文献年代、国别、语种、作者及主题词词频分布等进行分析.结果 近5年PEDIATRICS刊载的论文共涉及96个国家、地区,发表论文数量最多的是美国,共2687篇,占全部文献量的64.89%;其次为加拿大,共295篇,占7.12%.中国排在第9位,共发表论文73篇,占1.76%.以论著类文献为主,主要语种为英语.结论 流行病学、护理、管理、影响因素、诊断、病死率统计、治疗、哮喘、肥胖等为PEDIATRICS近5年来的报道热点内容.  相似文献   

采用文献计量学及引文分析的方法 ,以《实用儿科临床杂志》1998~ 2 0 0 1年共 4卷 2 4期所载全部文献为统计源 ,手工检索全部文献 ,逐一核对。应用EpiInfo 6.0版统计分析软件建立数据库 ,并录入相关内容 ,用分析模块进行分析 ,从而得出文献相关研究词频分析 ,文献的引文量、引文来源、引文语种 ,中文引文文献的高被引图书及论文 ,归纳出 4年来《实用儿科临床杂志》所发表文献的研究热点、现报告如下。一、儿科研究领域相关词频分布  4年来所载文献主题词 2 90 6频次 ,含 12 2 4个主题词。出现 15次以上的高频主题词分布 :见表 1。文献的…  相似文献   

目的 将共词分析引入儿童结核性脑膜炎的现状研究,比较近10年该研究领域国内外研究主题的异同,寻找中国该研究领域的优势和薄弱环节。方法 检索Pubmed、中国知网、维普、万方数据库并纳入符合研究标准的文献,利用Ucinet6.0及Netdraw绘制共现分析图,将高频关键词之间的共篇关系可视化。结果 共查得儿童结核性脑膜炎国外相关研究文献226篇,国内研究文献186篇,成功建立国内外儿童结核性脑膜炎研究论文高频关键词的共现分析图。国外相关研究较国内更为丰富与充分,其在耐药结核、结核与艾滋病、结核流行病学研究方面多于国内研究,关键词也更为规范;国内研究则更注重结核的预防接种、护理方面的研究。结论 国内外关于儿童结核性脑膜炎的研究总体方向基本相同,国外文献的网络图更为复杂,主题词的使用更为规范。中国儿童结核性脑膜炎学科发展处于良好状态,未来需在耐药结核、结核流行病学、结核与艾滋病的关系等方面进行更多的研究。  相似文献   

目的 通过多元统计和社会网络分析法中主题词共现的方式,研究儿童心血管学科知识发展、分布,研究学科知识聚类,并预测未来发展趋势。方法 于2012年12月以PubMed数据库心血管疾病Mesh主题树下全部主要主题词/副主题词,选取全部心血管专科杂志,影响因子>1的内科综合杂志和儿科学杂志检索文献,同时将研究分为1966至1980年、1981至1990年、1991至2000年和2001至2010年4个时间段,在每个时间段中分别使用书目共现分析系统及Endnote X6提取主要主题词/副主题词,建立共词矩阵。之后使用SPSS 22.0软件对共现矩阵进行转换、降维和聚类分析,并根据聚类分析结果绘制战略坐标图。最后使用Ucinet 6.0软件绘制可视化网络。结果 共提取文献50 200篇。成功建立儿童心血管学科知识发展可视化图谱,直观展示全球范围内儿童心血管学科知识发展。1966至1980年儿童心血管学科以心血管疾病的病理生理学及病因学研究为主,发展方向相对局限,所关注疾病种类较少。1981至1990年先天性心脏病逐步成为研究核心,聚类归纳较好,新兴研究领域发展稍显不足;同时通过超声心动图的广泛应用,在一定程度上推动整个学科发展。1991至2010年先天性心脏病整体治疗及保护性策略研究成为核心,并伴随多种治疗手段如导管治疗、心脏移植等的逐步应用,各个聚类间发展更为平衡,知识更新快速,学科研究所关注疾病种类进一步增多。结论 目前儿童心血管学科发展良好,研究热点与时代发展相联系。新型诊断技术及治疗手段对于学科发展推动力显著,儿童心血管学科知识网络逐渐完善,先天性心脏病已成为儿童心血管学科的核心问题。  相似文献   

目的 了解国家自然科学基金资助儿科学项目的完成情况和学科研究进展,客观公正地做好结题项目的绩效评估.方法 本文总结与分析了2002年至2006年度国家自然科学基金临床医学Ⅱ处资助儿科学各类项目结题完成情况,报道部分项目取得的重要研究成果和突出进展.结果 2002-2006年儿科学52项结题项目共发表文章420篇,平均8.1篇/项,科学引文索引(SCI)收录56篇,平均1.1篇/项,共培养博士后10人,博士102人,硕士109人;获省部级一等奖2项,二等奖2项;申请专利4项,获准专利1项.儿科学分支专业中的呼吸病学、肾脏病学、心血管病学等7个专业为结题项目主要涉及领域,取得了较大的研究进展.结论 2002-2006年儿科学52项结题项目在儿科学各专业、各资助项目类别间的分布及结题完成有一些差异;与其他的临床基础Ⅱ学科中某些学科相比还有一定的差距.结题项目总体完成情况较好,许多项目取得了研究成果,展示了国家自然科学基金在学科发展上的重要引领作用.  相似文献   

2004年全国小儿心血管疾病学术会议纪要   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2004年全国小儿心血管疾病学术会议于2004年10月8-10日在成都市举行。本次会议由中华医学会儿科学分会心血管学组及中华儿科杂志编辑委员会主办。来自全国28个省、市、自治区及香港、澳门特别行政区的225名临床工作者和研究人员参加了会议。大会共收到学术论文314篇,选出大会宣读73篇。此次大会以小儿心力衰竭(简称心衰)及病毒性心肌炎的诊治为主题,大会交流主要内容如下。  相似文献   

《中华儿科杂志》1996至2005年文献计量学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Li LP  Yang H  Zhou X 《中华儿科杂志》2007,45(10):773-778
目的依据文献计量学原理,探讨《中华儿科杂志》载文作者、机构及地区分布情况,了解儿科学科研跨学科和地区情况、作者合作类型及特点。确定核心作者、核心机构和核心地区,并分析署名通信作者的意义。同时还探讨了科研资助项目论文发表的情况,以及论文中儿科学临床、儿科学基础两大类研究的比重。方法对《中文生物医学期刊文献数据库》CMCC(Chinese Medical Current Content)收录该刊1996至2005年论文进行文献计量学分析。结果10年刊出论文3337篇,合作论文2951篇(88.43%),合作度4.12。独著论文386篇(11.57%)。北京地区968篇(29%)。核心作者234人,发文1031篇(30.90%)。医学院校附属医院发文2095篇(62.78%)。科研院所发文261篇(7.82%)。高产机构10个,发文1273篇(38.15%)。该刊科研基金资助项目论文比例,从1996年的7.44%增长到2005年的25.82%,显示出科研基金资助项目对论文的推动作用。论文内容分类:儿科临床研究2243篇,占67.22%;基础研究,1094篇,占32.78%。结论该刊作者分布范围广,论文合作率较高,拥有一支实力雄厚,对刊物影响较大、造诣较深的核心作者群。各地区在儿科学领域研究中科研力量分布不均衡,高等院校的附属医院在国内儿科学研究领域中居前列。该刊的办刊思想清楚、正确,载文客观地反映我国儿科科研力量的分布和研究成果,同时还有重点和引导。  相似文献   

目的 通过多元统计和社会网络分析法中主题词共现的方式,研究中国儿童保健学科知识发展和分布,研究学科知识聚类,预测未来发展趋势。方法 检索《中华儿科杂志》、《临床儿科杂志》、《中国实用儿科杂志》和《中国儿童保健杂志》,双人手工筛选儿童保健相关文献,按照文献数量和中国人均GDP水平分为1978至1994年、~2003年和~2011年3个阶段,使用Endnote X4软件提取主题词,建立共词矩阵;使用SPSS 17.0软件对共现矩阵进行转换、降维和聚类分析,并根据聚类分析结果绘制战略坐标图;使用Ucinet 6.0软件绘制可视化网络图形。结果 共提取文献5 771篇,成功建立并直观展示了中国儿童保健学科知识可视化图谱及发展趋势。1978至1994年17年儿童保健发文总量162篇(年均9.5篇),1995年后17年发文总量5 618篇(年均330篇),后者是前者发文总量的34 .8倍;1978年至累积发文近百篇历经了14年(1991年),累积发文超千篇又经过了7年(1998年),以后每3年约增加1 000篇。1978至1994年阶段中国儿童保健学科发展缓慢,方向零散,聚类归纳欠佳,佝偻病研究突出。~2003年阶段以儿童营养性疾病为研究核心,聚类归纳较好,构建了中国儿童保健学科基本框架,新兴研究领域发展稍显不足。~2011年阶段儿童社会心理行为研究成为核心,研究方法更加科学,各个聚类发展较之前平衡,知识更新迅速。结论 中国儿童保健学科研究起步于20世纪90年代初,新千年后有了长足的进步,知识网络是一个逐渐完善的过程,并与国家的重视和经济发展相吻合。儿童保健研究方法学和儿童心理和社会行为发育规律等8个聚类形成了目前中国儿童保健学科架构,其中儿童发育和流行病学为最核心主题词。  相似文献   

目的 对国家自然科学基金委员会立项资助的儿科研究课题进行回顾整理与数据分析,以了解学科重点支持领域和研究方向、热点的变化。方法 以中国国家自然科学基金数据库为基础,对2009~2018年儿科领域研究课题进行筛选,并对资助力度和研究方向变化进行分析。结果 2009~2018年国家自然科学基金委员会共资助1 017项儿科领域课题,其中面上项目485项(47.69%),青年基金426项(41.89%),地区项目73项(7.18%),重点项目16项(1.57%),优青项目6项(0.59%),海外项目7项(0.69%),其他项目4项(0.39%)。资助经费总额从2009年的842万元增加至2018年的6 625万元,增幅近7倍之多。以生殖系统/围产期医学/新生儿、神经系统和精神疾病、循环系统为一级学科代码申请立项的课题获资助力度最大。结论 近10年来国家自然科学基金委员会对儿科研究的资助力度持续增加,以面上项目和青年基金为主;研究获资助项目申请方向以新生儿、神经系统和精神、循环系统疾病为主。  相似文献   

《Archives de pédiatrie》2020,27(4):196-201
AimThe literature includes few reports on the prehospital care of pediatric casualties of urban house fires. Here we aimed to describe the epidemiology of pediatric fire victims, focusing on their injuries, prehospital care, and survival.MethodsThis retrospective study included children under 15 years of age who were victims of urban house fires and who received care from prehospital medical teams. The variables analyzed included epidemiology, specific care provided by prehospital emergency services, the number of cardiac arrests, and survival rates.ResultsOver the 15-month study period, 365 house fires required the presence of at least one prehospital medical team. Casualties of these fires included 121 pediatric victims (median age, 4 years [interquartile range: 2–9 years]). All children were initially treated by a prehospital medical team that was not specialized in pediatrics. Six children (4.9%) received secondary treatment from a pediatric support team. Of the 121 children, 114 (94.2%) suffered from smoke inhalation and seven (5.8%) from burns. Two patients who were in cardiac arrest at their initial medical care did not survive.ConclusionPediatric fire casualties were initially managed by prehospital medical teams that were not specialized in pediatrics. As in adults, the main injuries were secondary to smoke inhalation, but this has increased toxicity in children. Prehospital teams not specialized in pediatrics can optimize their practice via the sharing of experiences, team training, and cognitive aid checklist for pediatric fire victims.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine factors motivating residents' career choices and to examine changes in these priorities over the last 12 years. During the last decade, surveys of pediatric training programs have shown trends toward residents choosing careers in general pediatrics rather than in subspecialties. Most recently, there is evidence of a shift back toward subspecialty careers. DESIGN: We surveyed past and present residents at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa, (training completion dates, 1991-2002) via an anonymous written questionnaire. RESULTS: The sample comprised 238 residents (mean +/- SD age, 30 +/- 3 years; 59% female, 41% male; 47% subspecialists, 53% generalists). Among the group as a whole, subject matter, role models, lifestyle issues, and teaching were the most important determinants for career choices. Less important were national trends, job openings, and research. When subspecialists and generalists were compared, both groups found subject matter to be their highest priority. Among residents interested in subspecialties, teaching, research, and technical skills were significant (P<.001), compared with generalists, who considered lifestyle and personal/financial issues more important (P<.001). Lifestyle issues were also more important to female residents, those 30 years of age or younger, and those completing training recently (P<.05). CONCLUSIONS: Career decisions for pediatric residents today are motivated by complex factors. For those choosing generalist careers, lifestyle and personal/financial considerations predominate, while teaching, research, and technical skills are key factors for subspecialists. Over the last decade, lifestyle issues have become a more dominant factor, particularly for women entering the pediatric workforce.  相似文献   

The origins, major events and the Italian and foreign literature on the history of pediatrics are summarized. The origins of the word 'pediatrics', the history of pediatric incunables and the first textbooks of pediatrics in Italian language are reviewed. Moreover, the foundation of the first pediatric hospital in Italy, the Italian history of academic schools in pediatrics, the first national congress and the formation of the national society of pediatrics are outlined. In 1998, on the occasion of the 100 years anniversary of the foundation of the national society of pediatrics, a special group on the history of pediatrics was formed. Finally, other topics for further studies are suggested.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe current educational imperatives and trends for curricular changes in the clinical education of medical students and to delineate the nature and extent of participation in these curricular trends by departments of pediatrics. METHODS: Site visits to 26 representative US medical schools and a review of detailed information from 12 additional schools. Evaluation of the core curriculum was developed by the Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics within the context of the major curricular trends observed. RESULTS: The major observed curricular trends emphasized community-based ambulatory experiences, continuity of care, integration, and population-based experiences. Supporting educational principles included student-directed learning and performance-based assessments. The 3 major curricular changes were early clinical experiences (longitudinal preceptorships), community-oriented/ population-based experiences, and multispecialty clerkships. The focus of the Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics objectives was the year 3 clerkship, and substantive participation by pediatric faculty in the overall curriculum was primarily related to the pediatric clerkship. CONCLUSIONS: Revising the clerkship-based Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics guidelines according to the new educational trends will extend clinical curricular opportunities for pediatrics beyond the traditional boundaries of the clerkship. The discipline of pediatrics will, as a consequence, be able to achieve enhanced partnership in the planning, conduct, and evaluation of a clinical curriculum for medical students that is relevant to child health issues and that extends across all 4 years.  相似文献   

ObjectiveBibliometric analyses are commonly used to measure the productivity of researchers or institutions but rarely used to assess the scientific contribution of national surveys/datasets. We applied bibliometric methods to quantify the contributions of the National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) and the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN) to the body of pediatric health-related research. We also examined dissemination to nonresearch audiences by analyzing media coverage of statistics and research produced from the surveys.MethodsWe conducted a search of the Web of Science database to identify peer-reviewed articles related to the NSCH and NS-CSHCN published between 2002 and 2019. We summarized information about citation counts, publishing journals, key research areas, and institutions using the surveys. We used the Lexis Advance database Nexis to assess media coverage.ResultsThe publication set included 716 NSCH/NS-CSHCN journal articles published between 2002 and June 2019. These publications have in turn been cited 22,449 times, including in 1614 review articles. Over 180 journals have published NSCH/NS-CSHCN articles, and the most commonly covered research areas are in pediatrics; public, environmental and occupational health; psychology; and health care sciences and services. Over 500 institutions have used NSCH/NS-CSHCN data to publish journal articles, and over 950 news media articles have cited statistics or research produced by the surveys.ConclusionsNSCH/NS-CSHCN data are widely used by government, academic, and media institutions. Bibliometric methods provide a systematic approach to quantify and describe the contributions to the scientific literature made possible with these data.  相似文献   


Need and Purpose of Review

Though cases of ‘growing pains’ are quite common in pediatric practice, very little attention has been given to it, even in the standard text books. The resultant confusion among practitioners regarding diagnosis and management of this condition needs to be addressed.

Methods used for locating, selecting, extracting and synthesizing data

PubMed search was performed using “growing pains “[All Fields] AND ((“child”[MeSH Terms] OR “child”[All Fields] OR “children”[All Fields]) AND (“pediatrics”[MeSH Terms] OR “pediatrics”[All Fields] OR “pediatric”[All Fields])). Types of articles included are Review articles, Systemic Reviews, Randomized Controlled Trials, Practice guidelines and Observational studies. Google Scholar was also searched using the term “Growing pains in children”. Relevant articles not included in the PubMed results were selected. Reference lists of selected studies were also screened to identify additional studies.

Main conclusions

A fairly accurate diagnosis of ‘growing pains’ can be made clinically, if the widely accepted diagnostic criteria are followed. A systematic approach, with due consideration of both inclusion as well as exclusion criteria, can avoid unnecessary (sometimes potentially harmful) investigations and medications. Reassurance remains the main stay in the management of ‘growing pains’.  相似文献   

Ten years of graduates evaluate a pediatric residency program   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ten years of graduates (1979 through 1988) from a pediatric residency program with a primary care track were surveyed for their perceived level of comfort gained in training for 28 different content/specialty areas of pediatrics and for their recommendations for increasing emphasis/time during residency for these areas. The response rate was 73%. The highest levels of comfort and fewest recommendations for increasing emphasis were for neonatal problems and health maintenance. The lowest perceived comfort levels and the most recommendations for increasing emphasis were for economics of pediatric practice and sports medicine/orthopedics. Graduates from the primary care track of the pediatric residency program expressed more comfort than did regular track graduates for some, but not all, areas of pediatrics emphasized in the primary care track program. Graduates of the first 5 years of study were not as comfortable with their training overall as were graduates from the most recent 5 years. This survey method and its results can provide useful information to medical educators faced with evaluation and revision of pediatric residency training programs.  相似文献   

Effectiveness research represents a number of methodologic challenges not shared with randomized, controlled clinical trials. This practice-based research attempts to translate clinical practices to a wide variety of different practice settings and situations and to diverse patient subgroups. However, because study designs most often used in the conduct of effectiveness research limit the ability to establish firm causal links between medical care and outcomes, it is important to address key methodologic features to generate sound, useable findings. Such features include selection of appropriate outcome measures (with a priori hypotheses linking care to the outcomes chosen), specification of appropriate primary sampling unit, specification of unit of analysis, establishment of appropriate comparison groups, and case-mix adjustment.Conduct of this type of research in pediatrics presents a number of unique methodologic concerns that either do not apply in adult medicine or are particularly acute in pediatrics. To alert policy makers and funders to the unique aspects of pediatric health services research and to provide guidance for the conduct and interpretation of pediatric effectiveness studies, we have organized and described the methodologic issues associated with the specific type of pediatric care under study (eg, specific disease-prevention, "bundled" care for chronic disease, care for problems with social etiologies, etc). We conclude with a summary of the methodologic steps that are critical to the conduct of sound effectiveness research in pediatrics.  相似文献   

Ethical issues in pediatric research have long been debated, and experimentation in pediatric surgery is under intense scrutiny. Extensive legislation and institutional systems that attempt to protect children while supporting necessary research are at times ineffective. Pediatric surgery has less funding and resources for innovation than fields with higher clinical volume. Not unlike pediatrics in general, innovation in pediatric surgery must be beyond criticism. And yet, for the sake of patients, innovation should not only be maintained, but must be encouraged.  相似文献   

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