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目的探讨非血缘脐带血移植(UCBT)治疗儿童复发难治性EB病毒相关噬血细胞综合征(EBV-HLH)的临床经验及疗效。方法回顾性分析2015年9月郑州大学第一附属医院儿科诊治的1例复发难治性EBV-HLH合并肠穿孔,最终接受UCBT治愈患儿的临床资料,并进行文献复习。结果患儿,男,1岁6个月,因"发热15 d,皮疹9 d"为主诉入院,主要表现为高热,肝、脾、淋巴结大,快速进展的全血细胞减少、肝功能损害,骨髓涂片可见吞噬血细胞,2015年9月确诊为EBV-HLH,按国际组织细胞协会制定的HLH-2004方案化疗,维持期间2次复发,给予挽救性二线方案"培门冬酰胺酶、阿霉素脂质体、依托泊苷、甲泼尼龙"(L-DEP方案)化疗,化疗后评估噬血细胞综合征指标完全缓解,突发肠穿孔,紧急外科手术行小肠造瘘术,病情稳定后,给予"氟达拉滨+白消安+环磷酰胺"方案(Flu+BU+CY方案)预处理后行UCBT,全程静脉营养支持,移植后第13天中性粒细胞植入,第35天血小板植入,嵌合率为100%,植入成功;移植后第15天出现肝小静脉闭塞征,移植后第22天出现真菌性肺炎,移植后第26天出现皮肤移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)Ⅱ度,给予相应治疗好转;移植后第49天行二期肠造瘘关瘘术;现随访至移植后70个月,患儿一般状况良好,病情持续缓解,无慢性GVHD及其他合并症。结论异基因造血干细胞移植可能是治疗儿童复发难治性EBV-HLH的唯一有效手段;无合适同胞或非血缘供者时,非血缘脐带血干细胞可作为移植物来源;肠穿孔术后肠造瘘不是移植禁忌。  相似文献   

正噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增多症(hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis,HLH)又称噬血细胞综合征,按发病原因分为两大类,分别为原发性HLH和继发性HLH,按不同遗传背景及后天致病因素等又分为不同亚型~([1])。不同病因、不同程度的HLH治疗手段不同。目前国际上推荐一线治疗方案为HLH-94或者HLH-04方案,旨在抑制过度的免疫反应、清除细胞因子风暴。而对于原发性HLH以及复发、难治性HLH,异基因造血干细胞移植(allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation,allo-HSCT)是治疗的最佳手段~([2])。移植的主要目的  相似文献   

目的探讨异基因造血干细胞移植后噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增生症(HLH)的临床特征、诊断及治疗。方法回顾性分析1例急性髓系白血病非血缘相关脐带血造血干细胞移植(AML-URD-UCBT)患儿术后并发HLH的临床特点并复习相关文献。结果患儿移植术后第6天(+6 d,下同)出现皮肤、肝脏、肠道急性移植物抗宿主病(aGVHD),先后给予糖皮质激素、环孢素A(CsA)、赛尼哌、霉酚酸酯(MMF)、他克莫司(FK506)等免疫抑制治疗后,aGVHD症状好转,但+26 d后出现活动性巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染合并HLH,给予静脉注射用丙种球蛋白、无环鸟苷、更昔洛韦抗CMV治疗,输红细胞、血小板、血浆、纤维蛋白原等支持治疗,参照HLH-2004方案予依托泊苷、糖皮质激素及CsA治疗后,+61 d检测血CMV早期/晚期基质蛋白(CMV-PP65)转阴,+55、+63 d骨髓象未见噬血细胞,呈HLH完全缓解骨髓象,临床症状及血常规等实验室指标好转;+83 d检测血CMV-PP65及CMV脱氧核糖核酸(CMV-DNA)转阳,+86 d因严重肺部感染、肺出血、消化道出血及多器官功能衰竭而死亡。结论异基因造血干细胞移植后aGVHD及抗aGVHD的免疫抑制治疗,是引起移植后CMV感染相关HLH的危险因素;HLH-2004方案未考虑到异基因造血干细胞移植后HLH的特殊性,需进一步研究有针对性的治疗方案,以提高疗效。  相似文献   

再生障碍性贫血(AA)是一种骨髓造血衰竭性疾病,主要表现为骨髓造血功能低下、全血细胞减少和贫血/出血/感染征候群。异基因造血干细胞移植是治疗重型AA的重要手段。移植相关并发症的发生及管理仍是临床一巨大挑战,其预防和治疗可直接影响移植的效果、患儿长期的生存及生活质量。文章对AA患儿造血干细胞移植过程中常见移植并发症的诊断、预防及治疗进展予以阐述,以期提高患儿移植成功率及生存率。  相似文献   

EB病毒相关噬血细胞综合征起病凶险,进展迅速,预后差,未经治疗者病死率高.其具体发病机制目前尚不完全清楚,可能与SH2D1A基因突变和EBV潜在膜蛋白1有关.诊断首先需符合噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增多症诊断标准,并存在EB病毒感染证据,同时排除原发性噬血.治疗上首选联合化疗,若化疗效果不佳,可行造血干细胞移植和单克隆抗体治疗.  相似文献   

EB病毒是人类于1964年发现的第一个致癌病毒。EB病毒感染在儿科较为常见,多无临床症状。当患儿免疫功能降低或缺乏时,EB病毒可能会引起传染性单核细胞增多症、慢性活动性EB病毒感染、噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增生症、移植后淋巴增生性疾病、X连锁淋巴组织增生综合征等一系列良性或恶性淋巴增殖性疾病。这些疾病大部分发病机制复杂、临床表现多样、预后不良、病死率高,唯一被证明有效的治疗方法是异基因造血干细胞移植。  相似文献   

异基因造血干细胞移植是治疗多种血液系统恶性疾病以及一些自身免疫性和遗传性疾病的有效手段,而移植物抗宿主病(graft-versus-host disease,GVHD)是异基因造血干细胞移植中最常见的并发症,由于GVHD的发生机制十分复杂,目前还没有完全可靠的治疗手段。近年来,间充质干细胞(mesenchymal st...  相似文献   

异基因造血干细胞移植是唯一可以治愈慢性髓系白血病(CML)的治疗方案.甲磺酸伊马替尼(IMA)治疗CML虽然疗效显著,但始终不能根除白血病干细胞,也无大宗病例报道表明IMA可以停药.异基因造血干细胞移植是CML加速期、急变期和T315I突变的一线治疗,也是第2代酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(TKI),如达沙替尼、尼罗替尼治疗失败的选择;对于经济落后的地区,儿童患者异基因造血干细胞移植可能是最为经济有效的治疗手段.移植前予IMA并不提高移植相关病死率和复发率,应将IMA靶向治疗药物与传统异基因造血干细胞移植相结合,针对每例患者选择最佳个体化治疗方案.  相似文献   

儿童异基因造血干细胞移植术后感染的实验观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解儿童异基因造血干细胞移植的感染率和特点。方法对上海儿童医学中心从2002年11月到2004年8月共18例异基因造血干细胞移植的血液肿瘤患儿,发生移植后感染的所有病例进行回顾性分析。结果18例异基因造血干细胞移植患儿,发生细菌、真菌感染的13例,感染率为72·2%;在28株分离菌中,革兰阳性菌14株,革兰阴性菌8株和真菌6株。主要细菌为凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌、肠球菌属、大肠埃希氏菌和克雷伯菌属,且大多数细菌耐药。实时定量PCR监测移植后人类巨细胞病毒(HCMV)感染发现:有16例患儿发生至少一次的HCMV感染,感染率为88·9%。结论感染是儿童异基因造血干细胞移植术后主要的并发症,临床早期诊断、定期监测、及时地合理治疗对降低移植术后感染和提高移植成功率至关重要。  相似文献   

正噬血细胞综合征(hemophagocytic syndrome,HPS)又称噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增生症(hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis,HLH),可分为原发性和继发性两类。原发性HLH(FHLH)发病是由于编码介导T淋巴细胞、NK细胞细胞毒作用的关键蛋白的相关基因突变,继发性HLH(SHLH)多在感染性疾病、风湿免疫性疾病、恶性肿瘤、造血干细胞移植  相似文献   

The authors report here sibling cases of familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL) type 3 that took fatal courses despite intensive treatment. The older brother achieved remission by immunochemotherapy, but a central nervous system lesion occurred before the introduction of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). The patient died on day +1 of allo-HSCT due to progression of the disease. The younger brother developed symptoms of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis mimicking neonatal hemochromatosis at birth. He died without a chance to receive allo-HSCT. Both siblings showed low natural killer cell (NK) activity and the compound heterozygous Munc13-4 gene mutations 1596+1 and 1723insA were identified postmortem in the younger brother. With recent progress in the molecular diagnosis of FHL, prompt and most appropriate therapeutic measures should be introduced to improve the prognosis of FHL patients.  相似文献   

Familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL) is an autosomal recessive disorder of immune regulation that leads to a hyperinflammatory syndrome responsible for fever, hepatosplenomegaly, cytopenia, and coagulopathy. Although presentation usually occurs in early infancy, antenatal presentation is extremely rare. To our knowledge, we are first to report genetically confirmed FHL in 2 consecutive siblings who presented with hydrops fetalis that led to spontaneous intrauterine death at 38 and 30 weeks of gestation. Because the diagnosis of FHL has important implications for genetic counseling, we suggest that FHL be considered in the differential diagnosis of nonimmune hydrops fetalis.  相似文献   

Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) describes a group of disorders with similar clinical features that are associated with a very high mortality rate. Patients with HLH, and particularly the infantile form referred to as familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL), are often treated with multiple courses of epipodophyllotoxins, such as etoposide, for prolonged periods of time. Because of the concern regarding the risk of epipodophyllotoxin-induced acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) we have explored the use of immunosuppression as maintenance therapy for patients with FHL while they await the only known definitive treatment, i.e., bone marrow transplantation (BMT). We report 2 infants with FHL who had significant central nervous system involvement at diagnosis. Both were initially treated with etoposide, methotrexate, and glucocorticosteroids. Once clinical improvement was achieved these patients were successfully maintained in clinical remission of FHL on daily cyclosporine A (CSA) and glucocorticosteroids along with intermittent intrathecal methotrexate for 5 months until appropriate unrelated donors could be identified for BMT.  相似文献   

Two cases o f reactive hemophagocytic syndrome (RHS) are reported, and the clinical and pathological features are compared with other histiocytic proliferative disorders, including familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL) and malignant histiocytosis. RHS can be associated with a variety o f infections, including viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic. RHS may also be familial as exemplified by our 2 cases in siblings. The isolation of an effective agent appears t o be the only criterion by which a diagnosis o f RHS can be made.  相似文献   

Severe sensorineural hearing loss (bilateral >80 dB) was diagnosed in a case of familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL). The female patient developed HLH at 3 months of age and underwent allogeneic cord blood transplantation at 11 months of age following 7 months of immuno-chemotherapy. The type 2 FHL patient had a homozygous perforin gene mutation of 1090-1091delCT, and was noted to have hearing loss at 3.5 years of age. Retrospective evaluation did not clarify the exact causes of hearing loss. Reports on Kawasaki disease, suggesting a correlation between severe inflammatory status in infancy and the development of sensorineural hearing loss, may shed some light on this rare complication in this case of FHL. Considering the markedly improved prognosis of FHL due to recent advances made in the molecular diagnosis and in the management including allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, auditor by screening might be warranted for surviving FHL patients.  相似文献   

The clinical features of Epstein-Barr virus-related hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (EBV-HLH) vary significantly, from mild to severe, at the time of the treatment decision. There are many reports of successful treatments, for example conservative treatment without etoposide, HLH-94/2004-type immunochemotherapy with etoposide, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. When considering the treatment of EBV-HLH, the most important factor is the finding that a survival benefit is obtained when etoposide-containing therapy is initiated within 4 weeks of diagnosis. This indicates that there may be a window for observation or conservative corticosteroid/cyclosporine A or intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment; however, once the disease is defined as "high risk" and/or refractory to such therapy, prompt introduction of etoposide (ideally within 4 wk) is recommended. In deciding whether the disease is "high-risk," evaluation of clinical staging, EBV genome copy numbers in the serum, cellular EBV tropism, chromosome analysis, and screening for hereditary immuno-deficient diseases such as familial HLH, are required.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Epstein-Barr virus-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (EBV-HLH), also known as EBV-associated hemophagocytic syndrome, develops mostly in children and young adults and may be fatal. Early etoposide treatment has been confirmed to be effective in children. However, it is unclear whether the same treatment is useful in adults. PROCEDURE: To assess whether etoposide is effective in treating young adult cases, we retrospectively studied the therapeutic measures taken and outcomes in 20 young adult cases of EBV-HLH. Eleven cases were registered in our HLH study center in Kyoto and nine derived from the literature. The patients were between 17 and 33 years old and eight were males. The influence of gender, cell lineage (T- or natural killer-), EBV serology pattern, jaundice and treatment on the outcome was assessed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Patients receiving etoposide within four weeks after diagnosis had a good prognosis as five of the seven patients survived compared to one of 13 not treated with etoposide or treated late (chi-square test for survival, P = 0.0095). The Kaplan-Meier analysis showed the 2.5-year survival of 85.7 +/- 13.2% in the early etoposide-treated patients, compared to 10.3 +/- 9.4% in the remaining patients (log-rank test, P = 0.0141). Thus, early etoposide treatment is effective in treating EBV-HLH in young adults as well as in children.  相似文献   

目的 分析儿童EB病毒相关性噬血细胞淋巴组织细胞增生症(EBV-HLH)的临床特征,探讨影响其预后的危险因素.方法 采用回顾性调查方法 ,对2003年5月至2008年9月收治的62例EBV-HLH患儿临床特征、血清学、病毒载量、病理改变、基因筛查及预后资料进行系统分析.根据随访的生存情况分为生存组和死亡组,采用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析影响预后的危险因素.结果 (1) 62例患儿中,男36例,女26例,发病年龄2个月~14岁,26例(41.9%)在婴幼儿期发病,38例(61.3%)发病是由于EBV感染再激活所致;(2) 所有患儿均有持续或间断发热,至少有外周血两系减低.伴有肝肿大52例,脾肿大45例,淋巴结病43例.58例患儿血清白蛋白降低,52例血清铁蛋白增高,大部分患儿伴有凝血功能异常和脂质代谢紊乱.48例诊断时骨髓中出现吞噬血细胞现象;31例EBV-HLH患儿中14例血清中EBV-DNA检测阳性,病毒载量拷贝数在5.12×10~2~7.69×10~7/ml之间(平均10~(3.9)/ml);(3) 在3例EBV-HLH的PRF1基因外显子编码区发现3个杂合错义突变,这3个突变均导致氨基酸改变(C102F,S108N和T450M),1例患儿为复合杂合错义突变(S108N和T450M),从遗传学上可明确诊断为家族性噬血细胞淋巴组织细胞增生症亚型2(FHL2);(4) 随访57例病例中35例(61.4%)死亡,其中21例经过HLH-94或04治疗方案.15例是在住院后2个月内死亡.死亡病例相比存活病例白蛋白降低和部分凝血激酶时间延长(P均<0.05).多因素Logistic回归分析显示病程大于1个月、未进行免疫化疗、白蛋白≤25 g/L和深部出血与EBV-HLH的预后呈显著相关性(P均<0.05).结论 EBV-HLH患儿病情严重,预后凶险,病死率高;多数病例由于EBV感染再激活所致;早期诊断并尽早开始化疗可以提高患儿的存活率;病程大于1个月、未进行化疗、白蛋白降低和深部出血是影响其预后的主要危险因素.  相似文献   

Familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL) is, without treatment, an invariably fatal disease of infancy and early childhood characterized by fever, hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, and a widespread accumulation of T-lymphocytes and macrophages. During recent years, the diagnosis and the survival as well as the understanding of the disease have improved dramatically. Recent studies suggest that FHL is caused by impaired lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity and defective triggering of apoptosis, and that the symptoms are mediated by a pro-inflammatory hypercytokinemia. Moreover, specific genetic alterations, mutations in the perforin gene, have been revealed in FHL patients. Perforin, which normally is secreted from cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cells upon conjugation between effector and target cells, is able to insert into the membrane of the target cell. It there polymerizes to form a cell death-inducing pore through which toxic granzymes may enter the cell and trigger apoptosis. The establishment of perforin deficiency as a cause of the rapidly fatal disease FHL has demonstrated the essential role of perforin in human immune homeostasis.  相似文献   

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