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经皮腔内血管成形术(Percutaneous Translu-minal Angioplasty,PTA)是指通过股动脉穿刺导入球囊导管在病变血管处进行扩张成形以达到治疗目的。1964年,Dotter 和 Judkins 首次报道采用同轴导管行血管腔内扩张治疗动脉粥样硬化性狭窄,但由于其设计和材料的局限性,临床  相似文献   

经皮腔内血管成形术治疗肢体动脉狭窄性病变   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
笔者报告27例28支髂动脉、5支股动脉及1支锁骨下动脉狭窄性病变实行经皮穿刺血管腔内成形术,早期成功率为97%,远期血管开通率为91%。全组无重要并发症发生。对适应证的选择,操作技术,疗效及并发症等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

报告2例下肢动脉狭窄硬化性病变用经皮腔内旋磨切除血管成形的结果,旋磨是将旋磨器沿微导丝送至血管狭窄处,以190000r/min的高速转移,利用转孔器前的金钢砂将硬化病灶研碎而使血管形成光滑的内腔,恢复肢体组织的血供,我们使用了3mm旋磨器对6段狭窄成功地进行旋磨血管成形,近期疗效明确,此方法尤其对已钙化的狭窄病灶及球囊所不能达到的小动脉病灶具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

经皮腔内血管成形术治疗膝下动脉硬化闭塞症的临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨经皮腔内血管成形术(percutaneous transluminal angioplasty,PTA)对膝下动脉硬化闭塞症的治疗效果。方法回顾性分析我院从2006年10月-2009年2月采用PTA治疗膝下动脉硬化闭塞症的32例患者(42条肢体)的病史资料和术后随访资料。结果39条肢体获得影像学成功(残余狭窄率〈30%),技术成功率为92.9%(39/42),治疗后第1周踝/肱指数(ABI)由术前的0.44+0.12增至0.82+0.20,术后6、12个月肢体通畅率分别为为85.7%(36/42)和71.4%(30/42),术后12个月肢体保全率和存活率分别为92.9%(39/42)和93.8%(30/32)。结论PTA治疗膝下动脉硬化闭塞症的临床成功率高、并发症少、救肢率高,是安全有效的治疗膝下动脉硬化闭塞症的方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨采用经皮血管腔内成形术(PTA)治疗糖尿病膝下动脉病变的效果以及术后小剂量溶栓对膝下动脉血流的影响.方法 回顾性分析自2011年1月至2013年9月行介入治疗的糖尿病膝下动脉病变患者28例,共37条肢体(左下肢16条、右下肢21条),74支膝下动脉存在狭窄或闭塞,胫前动脉30支、胫后动脉22支、腓动脉22支,合并有髂股动脉病变肢体30条.根据术前CTA结果分别采用同侧顺行、经对侧股动脉入路、经肱动脉途径行PTA或支架治疗,测量介入治疗前后踝肱指数(ABI).介入治疗术后从留置导管鞘内持续经微量泵注入尿激酶(20~ 30)万U/24 h,共48 h进行溶栓,记录溶栓前后从胫骨平台到足踝处的图像帧数.术后随访3个月以上,测量ABI并行彩超或CTA检查,计量资料采用配对样本t检验.结果 32条肢体通过球囊扩张或支架得以开通,开通率为86.4%.37条肢体ABI术前为0.70±0.31,术后首日增加至0.90±0.21,差异有统计学意义(t=10.734,P<0.05).成功开通的32条肢体在小剂量溶栓后造影,从胫骨平台到足踝处的图像帧数由介入术后即刻的(6.3±1.6)帧降低到(4.7±1.4)帧,差异有统计学意义(t=12.136,P<0.05).6条有静息痛的肢体术后临床症状缓解明显.14条有溃疡和(或)坏疽的肢体,l例介入开通血管后从踝关节平面截肢、3例截趾,3例足趾坏疽的患者随访期间足趾自行离断而愈合,其余患者创面在1~3个月内愈合.术后随访3~ 24个月有3例患者3条肢体复发并再次行PTA治疗.结论 介入治疗糖尿病膝下动脉病变,近期疗效确切,安全性较高;介入术后小剂量溶栓治疗安全,有助于改善膝下动脉血流.  相似文献   

目的 评价经皮腔内血管成形术治疗糖尿病足的临床价值.资料与方法 回顾性分析糖尿病足患者资料28例,息肢32条,治疗使用专用球囊进行扩张,观察术中血管再通及治疗前后病情改善情况.结果 所有患者血管内治疗均获成功,肢体血供明显改善,有效促进糖尿病足溃疡愈合.结论 经皮腔内血管成形术治疗糖尿病足安全、有效,具有十分重要的临床价值,值得临床上广泛推广.  相似文献   

目的:探讨经留置导管持续动脉内抗凝溶栓联合PTA治疗糖尿病下肢严重缺血的临床价值。方法:回顾性分析21例糖尿病性下肢重症缺血患者的临床资料。根据受累血管的数目及程度考虑PTA前是否接受溶栓治疗,再对溶栓组15肢和未溶栓组13肢的PTA结果进行统计学分析。随访6~36个月,并做好随访记录。结果:21例28侧肢体膝下动脉受累77支,狭窄性病变32支(41.6%),完全闭塞性病变45支(58.4%)。溶栓组和未溶栓组,对于狭窄性病变的技术成功率分别为92.3%(12/13)、88.9%(16/18);对于闭塞性病变的技术成功率分别为75.9%(22/29)、31.2%(5/16),差异具有统计学意义。术中并发症5例,主要为小斑块脱落、血管痉挛及夹层等,未出现与手术相关的严重并发症。随访时间6。36个月。随访期间4例复发,复发率19.0%,3例接受二次介入治疗。结论:对于糖尿病性下肢严重缺血性病变,经留置导管动脉内长时间持续溶栓联合VIA对于闭塞性病变具有较高的成功率,近期疗效确切,具有很好的扩大应用潜力。  相似文献   

缺血性糖尿病下肢病变的膝下动脉成形术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的探讨膝下动脉的球囊成形术在治疗糖尿病缺血性下肢病变中的价值。方法对53例糖尿病合并缺血性下肢病变患者64侧缺血性下肢进行膝下动脉Deep球囊扩张成形术。对比患者手术前后临床症状的改变及足部溃疡的变化。结果53例患者共119支动脉分支接受PTA治疗,50例患者的101个分支成功地开通,技术成功率为84.9%,所有50例患者的临床症状均明显缓解,足部溃疡均变小,无需截肢。结论膝下动脉的球囊成形术是治疗缺血性糖尿病下肢病变安全有效的微创手段。  相似文献   

经皮腔内血管成形术后再狭窄与血管内皮细胞的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经皮腔内血管成形术(PTA)是治疗冠状动脉及周围动脉狭窄的有效手段,但约有25%~60%的病人术后发生再狭窄。金属内支架的应用降低了PTA术后急性闭塞的发生率,但并未能彻底解决再狭窄的问题。大量实验研究及临床观察表明再狭窄与血栓形成、内膜增厚和血管重构有关,内皮细胞的损伤、修复及功能改变在其中扮演重要角色。一、内皮损伤、血栓形成与再狭窄PTA可造成血管损伤,内皮的剥脱造成内皮下组织的暴露,血小板立即通过VonWillebrand因子(VWF)黏附于内皮下的基质,随后发生聚集并释放α颗粒成分,其释…  相似文献   

目的 回顾性分析使用长球囊经皮腔内血管成形术(PTA)治疗糖尿病严重下肢缺血的安全性和疗效.方法 从2007年4月到2008年3月,34例患者(53条下肢,119处血管病变)接受了长球囊膝下血管PTA.回顾性分析血管造影图像,根据病变长度和程度进行分类和分级.平均随访期(7.4±2.6)个月,随访期内每3个月进行1次下...  相似文献   

Acute lower limb ischemia secondary to Buerger's disease in a young patient responded to thrombolysis and subsequent popliteal and anterior artery angioplasty. The value of angioplasty in non-limb-threatening ischemia in Buerger's disease has not been established but this case illustrates a role for thrombolysis and angioplasty in acute ischemia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Elderly patients with extensive infrainguinal peripheral vascular disease and critical chronic limb ischemia (CCLI) are poor surgical candidates. Our purpose was to evaluate angiographic and clinical results of popliteal, infrapopliteal, and multi-level disease percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) in such patients. DESIGN: Retrospective study of angiographic and clinical files in selected group. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1996 and 2002, 38 elderly patients aged 80-94 years old (mean age 83.3) with critical leg ischemia were treated with PTA. All patients were at high surgical risk. 31/38 (81.5%) patients had chronic non-healing wounds, and 14/38 (37%) had multi-level disease of superficial femoral, popliteal and crural arteries. One hundred and two lesions were treated by angioplasty. Immediate angiographic and 1 year clinical results were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: The overall procedural success rate was 32/38 (84.2%). There were three major complications (7.9%), but no deaths, and three technical failures, all were of infrapopliteal lesions. After 1 year, 27 patients could be followed, five patients died during the first year of unrelated causes. Twenty-three patients (85.2%), were clinically re-occluded within 1 year, but complete and partial wound healing was achieved in 80% (16/20) and rest pain improvement in 57% (4/7), so that overall limb salvage was 74% (20/27). CONCLUSIONS: Elderly patients with multi-level CCLI have a short patency term following angioplasty of 14.8% after 1 year. Nevertheless, this temporary vascular patency enables wound healing or improvement in 74% of these patients, thus such endovascular interventions are recommended in this age group.  相似文献   



We aimed to evaluate the clinical usefulness and outcome of angiosome-oriented percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (IP-PTA) and its clinical outcome for isolated infrapopliteal lesions in diabetic critical limb ischemia.


We retrospectively reviewed 70 patients (82 limbs) with diabetic critical limb ischemia who had localized disease at the level of the infrapopliteal artery. Patients underwent IP-PTA between January 2011 and December 2013 and were followed up for a mean of 13 months. The primary target arterial lesions were chosen according to the angiosome concept. We evaluated clinical findings, technical success, and patients’ clinical outcome. The angiographic outcome of IP-PTA was assessed using the angiosome score. We analyzed the relationship between the angiosome score and the amputation rate.


There were 69 anterior tibial artery (ATA) lesions, 70 posterior tibial artery (PTA) lesions, and 58 peroneal artery (PA) lesions. The primary target arteries were the ATA (n=43), PTA (n=26), PA (n=2), and ATA + PTA (n=11). We divided the treated limbs into target (n=63) and nontarget (n=19) groups. The overall initial technical success rate was 91.4%. Successful wound healing rates were 87.3% (55/63) and 47.3% (9/19) in the target and nontarget groups, respectively (P < 0.05).


Angiosome-oriented primary targeted IP-PTA shows a highly effective treatment outcome in diabetic critical limb ischemia. In cases with inadequate angioplastic results of the target artery, IP-PTA of the nontarget artery should be recommended to improve the limb salvage rates.Diabetic foot is defined as ulceration, infection, and/or destruction of the deep tissues of the foot in diabetic patients, associated with neurologic abnormalities and various degrees of peripheral vascular disease in the lower limb. The relationship between occurrence and healing of diabetic foot and peripheral vascular disease has been well investigated (1). The prevalence of diabetic foot has been reported to be between 2.8% and 10% of the diabetic population (1, 2). In Korea, 1.2% of diabetic patients have diabetic foot disease, and its prevalence has gradually increased to date (3). The risk of major amputation in patients with a diabetic foot ulcer is 8%–29%, and the mortality rate is 39%–80% in patients who have undergone major amputation (4).Critical limb ischemia is one of the most burdensome problems in the management of diabetic foot, and it is the leading cause of nontraumatic major amputations of the lower limbs. Infrapopliteal percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (IP-PTA) is a safe and effective treatment alternative to bypass surgery for diabetic critical limb ischemia (5). The angiosome concept was introduced by Ian Taylor in 1987 (6), and it has been considered a useful method for selecting the target artery that directly perfuses the diabetic foot wound. Several recent studies have reported that groups with angiosome-oriented target artery recanalization had better wound healing and limb salvage rates compared to groups with IP-PTA without the application of the angiosome concept (7, 8).The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of angiosome-oriented IP-PTA and its clinical outcome for pure isolated infrapopliteal lesions in patients with diabetic critical limb ischemia and determine the significant angioplastic factors of IP-PTA that precede more successful treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of infrapopliteal percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) as a primary treatment of chronic critical limb ischemia in a prospective trial. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Infrapopliteal PTA was performed on 72 limbs of 60 patients (mean age, 72 y; range, 38-92 y) and patients were followed for 12-24 months. RESULTS: The primary angiographic success rate for the stenoses was 84% (102 of 121) and that for the occlusions was 61% (41 of 67) with corresponding restenosis rates of 32% and 52% at follow-up angiography performed a mean of 10 months after primary PTA. The rate of major complications was 2.8% (access site pseudoaneurysms in two patients). The primary clinical success was 63% (45 of 72). A 48% cumulative primary patency rate, a 56% secondary patency rate, and a 80% cumulative limb salvage rate were registered at 18 months, as determined with use of Kaplan-Meier analysis. Lack of angiographic improvement at the site of the most severe ischemia and renal insufficiency (serum creatinine level > 130 micromol/L) were independent predictors of poorer long-term clinical results, as determined with use of Cox multiple regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Infrapopliteal PTA is a feasible primary treatment of chronic critical limb ischemia with moderate primary angiographic and clinical success, a low complication rate, and a cumulative limb salvage rate comparable with surgical techniques.  相似文献   

目的总结因椎动脉狭窄致后循环脑缺血的患者行支架成形手术的经验体会。 方法47例因椎动脉狭窄致缺血性脑卒中的患者,于我科行椎动脉支架成形术,共留置支架52枚,其中椎动脉V1段为46枚,V4段6枚。所有患者行全脑血管造影或CT血管造影随访,平均随访6.3月。分析动脉狭窄改善及其他并发症情况。 结果所有患者均成功行支架成形术。术后患者症状缓解率为85.1%(40/47);术前狭窄率(75.2±6.7)%,术后狭窄率为(7.6±6.1)%。发生支架内再狭窄(IRS)9处(17%),8处为椎动脉起始部,1处为V4段。 结论支架成形术是治疗缺血性椎动脉狭窄安全有效的方法,但应尽量避免IRS等术后并发症。  相似文献   



The purpose of our study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of multidetector computed tomography angiography (MDCTA) in comparison with digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in patients with long standing diabetes mellitus and chronic lower limb ischemia.

Subjects and methods

One hundred patients with long standing DM and chronic limb ischemia underwent both CT angiography and DSA. The distal runoff of each lower limb was divided into 13 arterial segments. The status of each segment was graded as: 1, (normal or less than 10% stenosis); 2, (10–49% stenosis); 3, (50–99% stenosis); 4, occlusion. The effect of calcification on the diagnostic accuracy of CT angiography was evaluated. CTA findings were compared with DSA findings for each arterial segment. The sensitivity and specificity of CT angiography were determined using DSA as the gold standard.


A total of 100 patients were included (mean age, 58 years; 70% men). The sensitivity and specificity of CT angiography were significantly affected by the degree of vessel wall calcification, and increase the need for additional imaging.


Vessel wall calcifications decrease the diagnostic accuracy of CT angiography in patients with long standing DM and peripheral arterial disease.  相似文献   

目的临床观察球囊扩张联合动脉内灌注药物治疗慢性下肢缺血的近期疗效。方法慢性下肢缺血患者21例,采用经股或腋动脉入路,先用球囊扩张闭塞段血管,然后经导管向动脉内灌注尿激酶、前列腺素E1、银杏叶注射液。胫腓动脉闭塞的部分患者保留血管鞘,经鞘灌注上述药物,每日1次,共5~7 d。术后观察患肢缺血症状、皮肤溃疡和趾端坏疽的改善情况。结果21例中20例成功实现经皮经腔球囊扩张和动脉内灌注药物治疗,技术成功率95.2%。无严重并发症。其中5例患者术后保留血管鞘,灌注药物5~7 d后复查造影,显示经球囊扩张后血管腔保持通畅。术后20例患者均出现诸如患肢皮温升高、间歇性跛行消失、静息痛减轻或消失等临床症状改善情况;随访2~7个月,4例皮肤溃疡愈合,2例坏死足趾脱落,创面愈合,已坏疽的足趾均变干燥,坏死范围停止扩大,未出现需截肢现象。结论经皮腔内球囊扩张联合动脉内灌注尿激酶、前列腺素E1、银杏叶注射液治疗慢性下肢缺血安全有效,能够改善肢体缺血症状,促进溃疡愈合,阻止病变发展;保留血管鞘连续灌注药物有助于保持扩张后的血管通畅。  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of subintimal infrapopliteal angioplasty (SIA) as a method for recanalization of occluded tibial arteries in the treatment of critical limb ischaemia (CLI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between January 2002 and September 2003, 20 patients with CLI were submitted to SIA; of these, 16 had diabetes mellitus. All patients had foot ulceration or gangrene and ten had rest pain. All patients were treated with SIA of one or more vessels of the popliteal district. Overall, thirty-four arteries of the infrapopliteal district underwent revascularization; in 9 cases, SIA of superficial femoral artery occlusions was associated. Technical success was evaluated on angiography at the end of the procedure: revascularization of at least one of the 3 leg vessels with re-establishment of arterial flow to the foot was regarded as a technical success. Pain relief (when pain was present) and healing of foot ulceration, without above-the-ankle major amputation (limb salvage), were defined as clinically successful. During the follow-up (mean: 9 months; range: 6-21 months) all patients were checked 6 months after the procedure by clinical examination and colour-Doppler ultrasound. RESULTS: The technical success rate of SIA in the revascularization of the infrapopliteal vessels was 85%. In the 17 technically successful cases, pain had entirely resolved in 9/10 cases and trophic lesions of the foot healed in 14/17 cases. In this group, 9 patients underwent minor amputation; 2 underwent major above-the-ankle amputation; one underwent to surgery 20 days after the SIA and required a femoro-tibial by-pass. In the 3 cases of technical failure (15%), revascularization of the entire occluded tract could not be achieved. Of these, one patient subsequently underwent major amputation. Nine months after SIA, the cumulative limb salvage rate was 85% (17/20 clinically successful cases) and the survival rate was 90%. Colour-Doppler US at 6 months showed 70% primary patency. No major complication occurred during the procedure. Five minor complications in four patients were managed endovascularly or healed spontaneously. CONCLUSIONS: SIA is a feasible and effective technique for foot revascularization in patients with CLI. Long occlusions or diffusely calcified arteries are suitable indications. Technical failure does not preclude conventional surgery. In patients treated with SIA, the risk of major amputation is low and mortality rate is nil. Minor complications can be managed using endovascular techniques.  相似文献   

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